
JFK Assassination
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

This subject is one of the things that will likely be a fork in the road to us conspiracy folks. And I am righteous about it, I admit it, but I also am enlightened enough to realize that in so doing I give others permission to be equally righteous from the other side. So no hard feeling here, and my apologies if I've caused any.Joe, I was just calling on the fact that you misrepresented Jack White's argument. You're a good guy, we all know that, but that's not what Jack said and I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone misrepresenting anything you've said. But back to Zapruder, if you don't think the film was altered, then you've got to believe that fatal head wound as depicted in the film- and NO ONE AT PARKLAND SAW ANYTHING VAGUELY SIMILAR TO SUCH A WOUND. I simply don't understand how anyone can reconcile this: surely the 40 or so medical witnesses at Parkland couldn't have collectively missed such a massive wound. Just how do you explain this very significant contradiction?
Phil Dragoo
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Blakey, Ebersole

Post by Phil Dragoo »

ThomBlakely said no Bethesda personnel saw an occipital wound--then sealed their depositions for fifty years. We know now that all two dozen at Bethesda (except the Stooges) saw the wound attested to by some sixteen at Parkland.Yet the Z film shows a Day-Glo air bag on JFK's side of head and on certain frames blackening of the back of head--one frame displaying a jet black trapezoid with remarkably sharp edges.The limo magically appears out of nothing at Z132-3.Got to get back to Toy Story 3. Next, in 4, Tom Hanks will show us we should relax and accept everything we've been told by a benevolent government.Zapruder was part of the Byrd-Murchison clique. C.D. Jackson was Ike's psy op chief. NPIC Event I & II with Brugioni & McMahon. Two sets of briefing boards produced November 24-5.Nothing to see here. Still time to get popcorn.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well Thom I may have misunderstood Mr White.There are no hard feelings on my part.I will go back and watch this for the 4th timeI still think White says all his calculation hinged on Moorman standing in the road.I was not saying that the Zapruder had not been altered.I just was trying to say I have not yet seen proof of it.White is out in left field as far as I am concernedEverything he says there is disprovable, In his own way he is doing exactly what he is accusing Zapruder of doingI don't know if the film is altered?I have always thought the head shot did not look right.White and Horne may be right but proof me a picture of Moorman in the me the photo evidence of alteration, I would love to see it.I don't think that is too much to ask?
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Re: Zapruder

Post by ThomZajac »

Proof, as we know, is very often subjective.Proof of alteration for me is the gap in the film that Zapruder says didn't happen.Proof of alteration for me is the limo not coming to a stop (or virtual stop) when dozens of witnesses said this occurred (look at the Connollys slamming forward as if the breaks had been suddenly applied).Proof for me is that no motorcycle is shown proceeding to the lead car as was the case in reality (according to the motorcycle cop).Proof for me is that the spectators are not looking at the limo as it drives by.Proof for me is that Moorman's shoes are of a different color than what she was wearing that day.Proof for me is that several people in the film (including Greer) make faster movements than are humanly possible.Proof for me is that over 30 witnesses at Parkland described a massive blowout to the back of JFK's head and no such wound is shown in the Zapruder film.(Etc. Etc. Etc.)By the way Joe, do you believe the body too was not altered? Those were the two best pieces of evidence, and in my opinion, the conspirators planned from the beginning to alter them, knowing the American public would simply not consider these things to have been possible.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

Thom you must forgive my lack of being able to say what I actually mean.I am not saying that the film is not a hoax or maybe a total fake.There are some things you mention that I cannot accept as fact without visual.What I am saying is Jack white is using manufactured information to prove a fact.Sorry as much as I would like, I cannot accept that as evidence.Did the Limo stop? I am probably the only one who thinks it is very unlikely that it did.not because of the Zapruder film but just using common sense, logic and a little knowledge of human I think people who say it stopped are lying? no they are just mistaken. Yes the Limo hit the brakes so theSS guy, who was not on the rear of the limo, running as hard as he could to catch up, could get aboard the limo.Do I know for sure? No. Why did several say the limo stopped. Think about what happens when something traumatic happens.You stop breathing, the world stops turning, you brain goes blank. For some it takes longer to recover than others, from a few seconds to a few minutes. I say the Limo did not completely stop, the world did for a second or two.Look at the picture I posted of Moorman and Hill sitting stunned on the ground.Besides when they claim the limo stopped, JFK was already dead.Don't forget the film quality and possibility for jumpy action, color changes, lens distortions ect. probable in 1963,The cameras were spring wound and not well regulated frame speed wise.Don't be suckered in by what you think you see in these old movies, take the confusion of the vehicles over on Commercein the background, vehicles change locations shapes ect, Why? because they were, traffic was moving up the hill and there wasa car or two that was not moving. If you think about it a minuet it gets clearer.I guess this is something that is not going to go away soon.
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Bob »

Joe, as Phil and I have mentioned before, PLEASE get Inside the Assassinations Record Review Board-Volume IV by Doug Horne. Pages 1185-1377 are all about an examination of the Zapruder film. I was on the fence about the Zapruder film until I read that.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob and Phil.Where is the proof.Show me the proof.but in honor of you two guys I will look it over.Does everyone agree with Horne?I am not disagreeing that the Zapruder was a total fake?All i am saying is that Jack White is full of "Ratzass" (his word)his method of provenance is wrong. two wrongs don't make a right?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

This is an interesting photographic analysis of Zapruder.This is one of Hornes recomended studies. ... index.html
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:12.08.2009 - I Posted under this Headline of yours.07.16.2010 - Joe, You Posted your Bulletproof Vest Headline.04.14.2006 - I Posted the Headline: JFK Injures His Back With Girlfriend Before Death.Joe read, and study the above referenced material. Determine if this helps you reconcile your recent query. Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Zapruder

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have purchased the three famous original Life Magazines from 1963November 29, December 6th and 13th issues.In the November issue, the first issue after the assassination there are about 30 black and white poor quality frames of the Zapruder film with no mention of Zapruder that I have seen yet.The head shot is 3 frames and looks like they have the wound blacked out.I am going to try to copy them and post here and maybe a few other things if anyone is interested?