Jesse Ventura new show

JFK Assassination
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show CONSPIRAHYPOCRISY

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:No mention of the episode (Global Warming) last night on Conspiracy Theory in the so called liberal web site The Huffington Post again today. NONE...ZIP...Nada. Just like last week with the 9/11 episode. No mention then either. Again, it doesn't matter if a site or network is left or right leaning...the focus is to subvert the truth from the masses. MSNBC (another left leaner) constantly has on Gerald Posner regarding just about anything (Michael Jackson &Tiger Woods) and treat him like he is an excellent investigative reporter, when he is nothing but a sham. I give a LOT of credit to TruTv and Ted Turner for allowing the truth to be heard in some fashion in the MSM.Yeah Thats true Bob but I saw his assemblage of 'researchers' and it was so cheesy and so pretentious I laughed and then realised I had better things to do.This isnt aimed at you Bobaroonie, but for anybody who will listen. As for Climate change. I believe it's a real happening and yes the earth does change cycles however we are accelerating it alarming rates. What about out Fresh Water Supplies over population and everything else. Okay though not directly related to global warming they are happening. Dont stick you head in the sands people all that does is allow the Corporates to shove it where the sun don't shine.Not to mention the big money behind Americas worst polluters who fund anti global warming stuff, the same people who have funded the Healthcare debate. Some people just dont get it. Yet these are the same dumb assholes that complain about the electric car being taken out of circulation.Seriously if you believe that global warming is a scam i suggest you go back to your gemstone files and grab a tin foil hat to prevent mind reading while you are at it. Of course people are gonna make money out of environmental stuff. Doh. And I suppose you think the United States is going to be usurped by the United Nations? Or did I just join an Alex Jones forum? I use a term and I think I will take credit for it. Its called 'CONSPIRAHYPOCRISY' and I see a lot of it out there. I would love to conclude to you all "That The Lord hath Spoken" But Thom will tell me my spellings crap lol. Ah the doubting Thomas he is. Merry Christmas. To you all its Christmas Eve here and I hope you guys enjoy the nixon post.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by Dealey Joe »

Seamus, I am not sure exactly what you are saying here butThe CONSPIRAHYPOCRISY here is to me the same as Jesse was saying.the big scam is to lay the blame on the human race. he did not deny Global warming.There always has been and always will be cycles, it is the root of all things.Where else is Jesse going to go to get facts? Who in the know is going to say anything?Do I think Jesse's show borders on sensationalism? yepBut it is the truth and might serve to wake some folks up.assuming anyone saw it.The earth goes thru all types of cycles, Electrical magnetic shifting.Sun Spot, Weather. These are not man made they were set in place by the creator.Does man polute his habitat? Hell yes.Does man have the power to destroy the universe? Hell noThe glaciers are going thru a melt down period.The only thing they don't tell you is that they have been in this cycle for over 200 years.What was man doing 200 years ago to cause global warming.There are only so many drops of water on the planet. no more, no less.Water is not used up it is merely displaced and then replaced.Al Gore is used to convince people they have a problem so big government can solve the problem for us at tremendous expense.All great scams are based on a little truth and them come to the wrong conclusions.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show CONSPIRAHYPOCRISY

Post by Bob »

SeamusCoogan wrote:Bob wrote:No mention of the episode (Global Warming) last night on Conspiracy Theory in the so called liberal web site The Huffington Post again today. NONE...ZIP...Nada. Just like last week with the 9/11 episode. No mention then either. Again, it doesn't matter if a site or network is left or right leaning...the focus is to subvert the truth from the masses. MSNBC (another left leaner) constantly has on Gerald Posner regarding just about anything (Michael Jackson &Tiger Woods) and treat him like he is an excellent investigative reporter, when he is nothing but a sham. I give a LOT of credit to TruTv and Ted Turner for allowing the truth to be heard in some fashion in the MSM.Yeah Thats true Bob but I saw his assemblage of 'researchers' and it was so cheesy and so pretentious I laughed and then realised I had better things to do.This isnt aimed at you Bobaroonie, but for anybody who will listen. As for Climate change. I believe it's a real happening and yes the earth does change cycles however we are accelerating it alarming rates. What about out Fresh Water Supplies over population and everything else. Okay though not directly related to global warming they are happening. Dont stick you head in the sands people all that does is allow the Corporates to shove it where the sun don't shine.Not to mention the big money behind Americas worst polluters who fund anti global warming stuff, the same people who have funded the Healthcare debate. Some people just dont get it. Yet these are the same dumb assholes that complain about the electric car being taken out of circulation.Seriously if you believe that global warming is a scam i suggest you go back to your gemstone files and grab a tin foil hat to prevent mind reading while you are at it. Of course people are gonna make money out of environmental stuff. Doh. And I suppose you think the United States is going to be usurped by the United Nations? Or did I just join an Alex Jones forum? I use a term and I think I will take credit for it. Its called 'CONSPIRAHYPOCRISY' and I see a lot of it out there. I would love to conclude to you all "That The Lord hath Spoken" But Thom will tell me my spellings crap lol. Ah the doubting Thomas he is. Merry Christmas. To you all its Christmas Eve here and I hope you guys enjoy the nixon post.Well my friend, we will have to agree to disagree...again. I was onboard with all you have said up until a year or ago, when a couple of friends of mine told me what was REALLY happening. Now as Joe says, there is global warming, and some of it IS man made without a doubt...but it is nowhere near the catastrophic stage. The same people that have given us "the war on terror" have given us this ruse. Again, who created al queda? The CIA. Who armed a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam in the 80's? Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bu$h with the blessing of the CIA and the MIC. People got rich then when they were "friends" and people are getting rich now when they are "enemies". The same thing happened with the Wall Street bailout. We had to give big banking $700 BILLION or else. And then we had to give more. What a crock. It's funny but the same people are getting rich in the global warming scam as well. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc. Seamus, I know you live in New Zealand, but if you lived in the States, you would know how corrupt and bought off the MSM is. The same goes with politics as you know. When an ethical and no nonsense politician like Jesse Ventura, who is also a decorated veteran as a Navy SEAL, puts his named behind a show like Conspiracy Theory...people like me take notice. Jesse's show is the most refreshing show I've seen in years on American TV. It sure the hell beats watching Larry "The Fable Guy" Dunkel (Gary Mack) spew his bullshit on Discovery.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Oh lads. Gary Mack on Climate Change. You should be more worried Bob about FOX news and John McAdams believing that it does not exist.I don't know whats scarier. The world that we wanna change, or the world you wanna replace it with.Lets just say that Conspirachypocrisy can get a hold on even the best of us.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by Bob »

Seamus...we can debate about global warming after Christmas. By the way, I DO believe it exists, as I know about the water rising in the oceans, massive corporate pollution, weird temperature anomalies, etc. I just don't think it's at the stage that some say it's at. Anyway, Merry Christmas my friend.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Seamus...we can debate about global warming after Christmas. By the way, I DO believe it exists, as I know about the water rising in the oceans, massive corporate pollution, weird temperature anomalies, etc. I just don't think it's at the stage that some say it's at. Anyway, Merry Christmas my friend. Nor do I think you and Joe are hypocrites chief. I think what confuses people about it all is that we forget that assholes will make money out of pollution and environmental issues. Very much like how corporates have infiltrated the Democrats and Republicans and same in NZ to the point there is no genuine representative voice ie good old fashioned conservatism that gives a shit and good old fashioned left issues like food, Jobs n housing.Now its Neo Con Scum on one side and pussy sell outs on the other.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

We'll accumulate a foot by Saturday. Ice knocked out the power last night. I repaired my four-wheel-drive because the snow this year is about what it was last year.The weasels at the Climate Fake-atory in Canada have a Bunsen burner under the data.I place them on the same plane of execrableness as Walter Duranty who was so careful to avoid reporting on Stalin's repression.Global warming is the control-agenda of totalitarians.It's the only way a butthead like Al Gore could increase his personal wealth from a couple million to a hundred million.I know I shouldn't speak so disrespectfully of him while on HIS internet.I think he should sit on an ice core. Spanked first.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:I admit that prior to Jesse Ventura's New Cable T.V. Show, Conspiracy Theories, I knew 1 % about Jesse Ventura. I knew that he became Governor of Minnesota after being a pro-wrestler. If I heard that he had been a Navy Seal, ( I had workout partners in Martial Arts who were Navy Seals, and I have tremendous respect for them, they are all for real), I can't recall.The subject matters, and what Jesse has been able to accomplish, and present in forty (40) minutes have been impressive, subject to his need for compressed, Cliff Notes types, presentations. Since there is approximately twenty (20) of commercials, each show must have a structured Introduction, Beginning, Middle, and Conclusion, all "smoothly fitting" within the forty (40) minute time frame.Volume # 4, Big Brother was powerful.WHAT BLEW ME OFF OF MY CHAIR MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE WAS:JESSE VENTURA STATED THAT AFTER BEING ELECTED GOVERNOR, HE WAS TAKEN TO THE BASEMENT OF THE CAPITAL, BROUGHT INTO A ROOM, AND QUESTIONED BY TWENTY (20) CIA AGENTS. SOME IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES AS SUCH. OTHERS REFUSED TOTAL IDENTIFICATION.I believe him.That said, and that having been done to Jesse Ventura upon becoming Governor of Minnesota, WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE TO BARACK OBAMA UPON BECOMING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ?Could there be any logic to this being at least a partial reason why Obama, who was elected on the pretext of "ending the war" is sending 30,000 more Americans to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan by 12.01.2009 ?Recall my previous quote of General Douglas MacArthur while arguing about the Presidency when he said:"Who are these temporary occupants of the White House that think they run this country ?"Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by kenmurray »

On tonight's show Jesse will be discussing "secret societies" at 10 pm est. The Bilderberg Group. Here's a little clip about them:
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK ForumMembers:Please review my Headline of 08.28.2007 about author Daniel Estulin's book released in September, 2007, The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group.Also, pay special attention to Tom Jeffers Post of 08.30.2007 under that Headline.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.