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Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:47 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Davyjones wrote:Seems to me every suspect who is fingered on this forum have to come from somewhere. Am I anti American if I say Oswald or the oil barons killed JFK? Hope not. Let the evidence be tested and let that be deciding factor. Sorry, if the bad folk are Israeli,American,Cuban.Italian!! or even Welsh like me then let them take the heat. If you dont believe Pasquale then prove him wrong or sit on your hands.Very well said, Davyjones. Thank you for that. This has happened a couple of times now (the last time with Mr. Wagner) where they pull out the "racist" card or the "anti-Semite" card without even looking at the information or what I'm saying.If those people think about it, they have no problem discussing CIA or Italian mafia, but they have an issue when I talk about real evidence of Israeli involvement. It's not just an attitude, but it's a righteous attitude as if discussing Israeli entities (be they companies or criminal elements) is taboo.Anyway, I very much appreciate what you said.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:46 pm
by SLogan

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:12 pm
by kenmurray
SLogan wrote:Things that make you go hmmmm. ... aterThings that make you not believe in the "official story". Good links you provided.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:12 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
SLogan wrote:Things that make you go hmmmm. ... craterGood stuff SLogan.So, as per CNN television news, there was a SECOND debris field found miles away from the well-publicized "crash site" in Shanksville? LOLI guess this is the kind of "crap" that j.j.c. "SHALOM" bruinsma was referring to, eh? So, what happened to create that second debris field? Did pieces of flight 93 bounce from one site to another? This question is also for my buddy, j.j.c. "SHALOM" bruinsma, who is familiar with what "crap" is.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:57 am
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: "crap" it shows definite evidence of the Israelis having had a hand in the JFK assassination. I've been coming across evidence that the Israelis (more specifically the Israeli Mossad) were also behind the 9/11 attacks.YOU ARE COMPLETE MADShalom.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:16 pm
by Dealey Joe
Well let me get in on the S**T Stoppin' here"The Vatican is behind it all ""

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:44 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Dealey Joe wrote:Well let me get in on the S**T Stoppin' here"The Vatican is behind it all ""No, ALIENS are behind all the bullshit......... Shalom.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:25 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: "crap" it shows definite evidence of the Israelis having had a hand in the JFK assassination. I've been coming across evidence that the Israelis (more specifically the Israeli Mossad) were also behind the 9/11 attacks.YOU ARE COMPLETE MADShalom.How do you come to that conclusion? I'm also not the only one who came to the same conclusion about 9/11. Did it occur to you that you might be insulting other people here who happen to agree with me? Also, using a word like "Shalom" seems like you're trying to say something. What's the point of using that word? What are you trying to say? You're making yourself look bad because you're not actually addressing or discussing any of the information that leads me to my conclusions or suspicions. You're beginning to look like an agitator.For the rest of you here, take a good look at j.j.c.bruinsma and his agenda. He uses insults like "crap" and "mad," but he WON'T discuss the information. Then, in a deceptive way, he is making the information on this topic and my other 9/11 topic a racist or anti-Semite issue. It never has been a racist or anti-Semite issue, but he is making it so. It's a common deception tactic. Why would j.j.c."SHALOM" bruinsma turn a perfectly normal topic into a racist or anti-Semitic issue? We know that he hasn't actually addressed or discussed any of the information, besides showing a video clip about flight 93 that is backed by information from CNN. Other than that, there are pages and pages of information here and on my other topic about Israeli involvement in 9/11 that he won't discuss. I don't think he is avoiding the discussion because he's not able to. I think he's purposely avoiding discussing the information because he can't. Instead, he uses insults. j.j.c.bruinsma, it appears that you are trying to use inflammatory words to throw the point of the discussion off and turn it into a racist or anti-Semite issue. It's not going to work.You need to try harder than that.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:50 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:it shows definite evidence of the Israelis having had a hand in the JFK assassination. I've been coming across evidence that the Israelis (more specifically the Israeli Mossad) were also behind the 9/11 attacks.In the years 30/40 a sick fuck blame the Jews for all the bullshit in the worldsee what the did too the poor people.......NEVER AGAIN PLEASE.I rest my case.

Re: Strong Evidence Of Fake Planes And A Media Hoax On 9/11

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:51 pm
by kenmurray
9/11 Fake: The Incredible Moving Verrazzano Bridge: ... latedKevin McPadden 9/11 First Responder: ... elated9/11 Survivors Report Explosions In Twin Towers: ... re=related