Barack Hussein Obama

JFK Assassination
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Re: Barack Hussein Obama

Post by capt777737 »

Actually I just checked that out, he couldn't have been, but I'm strongly convinced he knew who was and who is.And Obama won't do a damn thing about it.Elect me as president, I will.BTW JFK II which I'm just finishing watching mentions JFKmurdersolved as a very reliable source.Good work Wim.We need to keep digging on the movie's sources as to determine who was actually involved, and they do recommend watching JFK the movie to find out more of the assassination.I'm not sure Nixon was actually involved, but questions still linger.Hunt definately was.I won't rule any of it out.
Phil Dragoo
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A Life of Reinvention

Post by Phil Dragoo »

All the evidence of Barack Hussein Obama the Kenyan as father and Stanley Ann Dunham as mother producing a child born in Hawaii is false, forged, fabricated.The 6'2" president resembles most the 6'3" Muslim activist and the woman from the region MX visited in 1959.She had family in the Seattle area MX visited in 1960 to establish NOI Temple 67.The child was sent to Indonesia for safety and indoctrination under Sukarno who admired MX, and whom MX trusted.
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Re: Barack Hussein Obama

Post by Bob »

I'm sorry to say people, but the United States Presidential election has become voting between the lesser of two evils. No matter what though, the CIA always seems to get their guy in office. As most of you know, I believe the CIA has had an operative in office ever since Poppy Bush became Prez in 1988. The same holds true today with Barry, just like it was with Dumbya Bush and Slick Willie.I'll do you one even better. I believe that Mitt's past puts him in the crosshairs of being a CIA operative as well. Again...the CIA doesn't lose either way this election. Just like when Poppy ran against Slick Willie in 1992. They were both joined at the CIA hip during the events of Mena when Bill was the Governor of Arkansas and Poppy was VP.
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Re: Barack Hussein Obama

Post by kenmurray »

Jesse Ventura's new book says it all about both political parties: ... enturaHere is Jesse talking about his book: