Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

JFK Assassination
Bob Jonas
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob Jonas »

And now you have mid-life crisis hipster Glenn Beck saying he'd stab Trump if he had the chance...https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_CFVPZIlbHwThis is beyond weird and is now entering the realm of being scary!
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

The more I see speeches by the Donald, the more I'm reminded of speeches by another political leader who stirred up his audiences to the point of violence. I'm speaking of Adolph Hitler. This vitriolic tone being used by Trump is nothing more than hate speech to incite his audience. One of these days, a protester at a Trump rally will be seriously injured or killed. This is one of the more embarrassing moments in United States political history.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

One aspect of the Democratic primaries which is very puzzling to me is the huge advantage Hillary has gotten so far with the older African-American voters. These are the same people who lived through the turbulent and tumultuous times of the 60s, when Bernie supported MLK and others, plus protested segregation, while Hillary worked for and supported Barry Goldwater, who wanted to overturn the Civil Rights act.It appears that the older voters (65 and older), the demographic which votes the most in elections, no matter their ethnicity, seem to believe all the propaganda that the MSM puts out there.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob, please describe Trump's hate speeches I don't know what you mean???He says we don't win anymore and we have the worst trade agreements in history! (All True) That's fact not hate! NFATA RUIN my industry and many others.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

In my time as a bouncer, I've encountered some people like Trump when I was on duty. Shit-talking rich kids that would pee on themselves in a real fight. When the rubber hit the road in the bar, they would be the first ones running for the door if a fight broke out after they started it. There's a reason why the Donald took five deferments like Dick Cheney did during the Vietnam war. But he'll tell you that his time in military school was just as important and difficult as going to Nam. Uh huh. Yeah right. In just the past few days, Trump has basically told the crowd at his speeches to just beat the shit out of the protesters. As in screaming, "Get him out of here! Get him out of here! Get him out of here!" Or, "Don't rough him up. But if you do, I'll take care your legal expenses."Listen, I agree with the Donald on a few issues. But the guy is like a pancake, as he's flipped on so many issues it's ridiculous. Just think of an issue and go to You Tube. You'll find two completely different versions of how Trump feels about that particular issue.If you really want to learn about the Donald, check out Russ Baker's 12-part series about who Trump really is on Who.What.Why.http://whowhatwhy.org/2016/01/19/the-do ... -suppress/
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by JDB4JFK »

IF Trump has five deferments from Vietnam than that's bad, if he demands other military guys to register mandatory like was demanded in those times! When he was in college he was un-draft able. Can't believe with on how the media hates him that wouldn't have been brought up!???He has never said beat the shit out of the protesters! He just said get them out of here!Bottom line is this: Bob in all your life time post JFK you have voted for politicians and they have let you down! Keep voting for them and hope for a change! I agree with a lot of Bernie Sanders problems with America but don't agree with his way to solve those problems!Trump is not Hitler and doesn't give hate speeches! He's the only candidate with hands on experience, that can gets this out of this mess! If he can't who can???
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

I know the Donald hasn't literally said to beat the hell out of the protesters at his rally, but he has inferred it a number of times. Trump had to answer a question about those episodes tonight as a matter of fact, as he and Ted Cruz split the four primaries.Now, about those deferments...http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/ ... ge-vietnam
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Hillary Clinton A Career Criminal:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kypl1MY ... S8Y6nSUYou won't get any arguments from me regarding this. That being said, just think about all the criminal activity that went on in the White House from 1981 through 2009, when there was either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House.Yes, I know that Ronny Reagan was the President from 1981-1989, but he was really just a mouth piece after he was almost assassinated. Poppy Bush really ran things after that. Things like the CIA drug-running out of Mena (the place where Bill Clinton and Poppy became joined at the hip), the Iran/Contra affair and the arming and funding of a couple of guys named Osama and Saddam. There were more indictments or convictions (138) in the Reagan administration than any other administration in U.S. history. Even more than the Richard Nixon administration. Most of this happened under the watch of Poppy.This all continued when Poppy, Slick Willie and Dumbya were running the White House from 1989-2009.