Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

JFK Assassination
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Happy Veterans Day

Post by kenmurray »

Yes Bob. Happy Veterans Day to all past and present.
Robert Wagner
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Re: Caution: slippery mandala

Post by Robert Wagner »

Phil Dragoo wrote:My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation.No sign of mental health issues there.
Phil Dragoo
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Happy Veterans Day

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Robert Wagner
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Robert Wagner »

Bob wrote:Robert, you sure have had a lifetime full of incredible experiences. By the way, to you and all other veterans today...I hope you all enjoy this day, as it's Veterans day. But everyday should be Veterans Day, because of all the sacrifices these men and women have made on behalf of their country in the name of freedom. Sarifices that sometimes includes death or devastating injuries from battle.]Veterans' sacrifices didn't work. Political freedom in the US is diminishing due to economic dynamics. Every election cycle we see spending records broken because races are decided by marketing money rather than issues. Every year, economic stratification between haves and have nots becomes greater. Property rights inevitably trump human rights. A good example is health care, which pits big money interests against citizens. As proof the system doesn't work, consider that the most exploited group, working class, has been fooled into siding with its oppressors. Bob wrote:Okay...let's look at some of your previous statements, and I would like some clarification about them...Poppy Bush was involved with Bay of Pigs.I was involved with Bay of Pigs. (We were in Cuba two days before the invasion.)Do you know Poppy? Tell us about your experience during the Bay of Pigs. Do you blame JFK for how the invasion turned out?We were doing a false flag attack on Guantanamo. It was thwarted by the Cuban militia. No, I don't blame JFK. The rule of engagement -- no US flag involvement -- was known to leaders and CIA planners two weeks before. They lied to troops about air support, then blamed JFK for reneging when it didn't appear. CIA deserved the punishment it got. Bob wrote:Poppy Bush lived in the Uptown section of Houston near Woodway.I lived in the Uptown section of Houston near you know Poppy?LHO lived in south Irving near Storey Lane.I lived in south Irving near Storey Lane.You sure get around. Did you know LHO or anyone associated with him?Poppy Bush ran a Texas oil company.I ran a Texas oil company. What oil company did you run?No, I didn't know them. Crone Oil out of Lubbock. Bob wrote:In 1976, I was shot at from a distance of five feet. In the trunk of my car was a book (World Almanac) containing the names of government officials. Poppy Bush was head of the CIA in 1976. Why and how did this event happen? Also, where? And who was the shooter?I was bicycling to work (13 miles) on Shady Grove at 7am when assassins pretending to be joyriding teens in a pickup pulled up next to me and the passenger took a shot. They also shot at houses and a little girl coming the other way. I sprinted after them to get their license plate id, called the cops from a pay phone. When I called that afternoon, no record of the report could be found. I attribute it either a) CIA coverup or b) bureaucratic ineptitude. Since I knew the assassins' identities (their cover names), I looked into suing under tort. My lawyer was on board until I mentioned their ages. "Juveniles?! You're wasting my time. You can't do anything to juveniles." I said, "I can't believe juveniles can drive down the street shooting and nothing can be done." He replied, "That's how the system works."
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Davyjones »

Mr Wagner I am warming to you.
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Re: Is this possible for 17 y.o. boy to be sent to Laos?

Post by Barney »

Uncle George as he was nicknamed by Jackie Bouvier(Kennedy) dated her mother after her divorce from Black Jack Bouvier. He also datedLee Radzawill's mother after her divorce. At one point in time, the French Radzawill family, were very important persons, wealthy, powerfulpolitically. Jeanne deMorenschild was George's fourth or fifth wife at the time of his death, ruled a suicide, how convenient.Jeanne deMorenschild once worked for Abraham Zapruder's custom made dress shop in the Dal-Tex building as a designer. I think she laterworked for Neiman Marcus department store in Dallas as a fashion designer and fashion buyer for the Murchison family who may have owned at least a partial interest in Neiman Marcus department store, for the rich and famous of Texas, the fashion and trend setters of the times.It is my belief, that Zapruder was a " sleeper agent" for the Israel Mossad all along, and was put into active status around 11-20-1963 tobe in a key location nearby his place of work, and to have a fairly new model Bell & Howell 8 mm motion picture camera, a DirectorsModel, the best make of that type at the time, which made pictures across the frames to the sprocket holes on each side. This camera alsohad either two or three zoom levels, that could be activated during filming. Even the film he used that day was a very special film, with onlythree to four film development companies in the USA with the equipment needed to make copies.It is alleged that Zapruder had at least 4-6 copies made. One for himself, one for H.L. Hunt, one for the Secret Service, and one sold to Time Life Magazine for around $100,000. Zapruder retained ownership of the publishing rights to the photos should a newspaper, magazineor other print media wish to use his film frames for a story they planned to publish.