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JFK Assassination
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Post by Dan »

I used to be called insane because I saw through Bill Clinton in 1992 and switched to the Republican Party. Now, 16 years later, the rest of the USA is beginning to see through the Clintons - I guess we're all insane - at least that is what the Clintons would tell you!

You may be insane Paul (I know you are at least a spammer), but I do catch most of your little inside jokes that others seem to miss. If I can understand you - then I must be insane (but I don't wear the tin-foil hat)!
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Re: I Took Your Test and I'm not Cappy!

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Dan wrote:Morey Mansion, Redlands, CADid I pass?genius can ride alongside insanity

I meant to say "theres a fine line between genius and insanity.' (I couldn't remember the expression because of my dose of allergy meds) but now it just came to me...
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Re: I Took Your Test and I'm not Cappy!

Post by Pennyworth »

Dan wrote:Morey Mansion, Redlands, CADid I pass?

You did did you do it?

BTW I am not a spammer....someone created the assination best guess it was you...
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Post by Dan »

I have assignments in California at times. I like to get out and about to explore the areas my job takes me to.

Switch to Seldane...oops - No! the government is looking out for your interests and has made Seldane illegal - damn demonrats!!!!!
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

That was a fun tour.
not only do they need lambasted in this forum but they need a good physical pounding!Anytime you think you can pound me, come to florida and look me up. I would love it. Fits the rest of your crap dan. Talk shit about fighting on a forum. Fly your ass down here I will meet you with a fkin smile on. Our young are brainwashed into thinking it's a sin to be White and American. The media has taught them to hate themselves and be ashamed of our history.
Cappy I really don't give a sht what you think personally but I am with Bob on this. You sound like you sit on the right side of the planet, I guess you attacked me because I picked on your boyfriend. Long winded but still a little white sided. Big white proud american huh? Conservative because why? They hate blacks? What is it cappy. Not republican but conservative? OK. I have not had the pleasure of debating you or even noticing you truthfully. But just because you write a book when you post. Am I supposed to be impressed? No need to attack me Cappy. None! Dan gets his ass in trouble on his own. No need to help him. Patriotic? LMAO Yeah ok crappy I am not patriotic. I get off on pissing and moaning about the country and the shit that these useless ass politicians have got us into. For Fun. So I would love you and the other genuis to explain to the rest of us what you think is useful and credible information to be placed on Wim's forum. No No. Do not let The owner and person who created the forum tell us. You and Dan please tell us what YOU think we should post in this forum, Please. I think it should be information that someone else has already obtained or gone over a million times. Like Dan said we copy and paste things everyone else already knows, unlike Dan who gives us fresh never before seen stuff that will surley lead to the prosucution of Files. Because Dan and Cappy are from what I see the worlds leading experts on JFK. I don't hear Wim's name on the history channel I hear Dan and Cappy. Man cappy it looks like you can type. Thats alot a shit paragraphs and all. You must be smrt huh? I have disliked politicians ever since I started to read. They suck. But when someone says some stupid shit like Bush is great Clinton sucks.
Well thats just a little retarded. Eh?
I will say it all again so you know cappy. I am a soldier I fought, I served And everything I do and say is for the LOVE of my country. To critisize my government is not Unpatriotic. It is the Exact opposit. Patriotism is the love of my country forcing me to call my government crooked ass liars and corrupt money whores. The country founded my my forefathers has been overthrown by rich stupid ass white men and people who think we are too stupid to run it ourselves. Use big words and talk all the crappy you want bro, No need to come at me. I do sit in the middle and watch the country THINK they have a voice in an election when they do not. Think the media is being truthful when they are not. I do not believe I have ever attacked you crappy. As far as my peace symbol, sometimes in order to achieve peace, you must layeth the smacketh down. See after I beat the sht out of Dan, I will offer him medical attention and see if he is interested in peace. lol
Dan, Florida
Come on down fkr!
P E A C E !
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Post by Dan »

To criticize your country with false propaganda is not patriotic!
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Re: Patriots

Post by Bob »

Dan wrote:To criticize your country with false propaganda is not patriotic!

You are SO full of shit Dan. This will be the LAST time I ask you. I want to hear your opinion of the Bush family. Specifically, Samuel, Prescott, Poppy and George W. Remember, I have your so-called answers from awhile back. You better hope they match. Maybe your profiler friend can do a profile on you. Nah. I save him the money. You are a right wing extremist that hates liberalism, or anything belief from the left side of the aisle. In fact, you hate ALL dissension. You believe in a form of fascism. You love the Bush family, while hating the Kennedy family. You are among the 30% (if that many) that still support Bush. You try to fly under the radar with your core beliefs, but you are forced to reveal your TRUE colors when you become emotional or unnerved.
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Post by Dan »

You are ranting Bob!

I don't hate any belief from the wrong side - I hate disinformation - why do you post false propaganda?
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Post by Bob »

Is this false propaganda? Samuel Bush sold arms to the Germans in WWI, while the U.S. was in the war? Yes or no? Prescott Bush was involved in an attempted coup plan of replacing FDR, and then later invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine? Bush was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942? Yes or no?
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Post by Dan »

It is greatly distorted propaganda!