Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by capt777737 »

Gitmo should NOT be closed.Where do we put the terrorists located there.Does Murtha want them in his house? He said he wanted them in his backyard, as they are no threat.He thinks that unless they kill him, then he don't think no moreI know the war on terror and the threat of us being nuked by Muslims is real.They were gonna attack apoartment buildings killing as many people as they can.All they have to is ring one apartment with explosives, and they detonate it, and it levels the whole complex killing everybody inside.This was going to happen in Seattle, and I know it for a fact.We were warned of it, by police and FBIBut the liberals/communists don't care, they want all us patriots dead.And it's time to fight back with whatever means we have.Our country has now been made more unsafe because of Obama saying close Gitmo, and releasing these creeps into society.My predictions, US Soil will be attacked, killing 10's of thousands of people hunderes of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans.All it takes is for one suitcase nuke bomb to go off killing a million people.And we have terrorists in the USA that are proved to have these, and they are only biding time.Once it happens, what do you think people are going to do with the terrorists.People wanted to lynch them for 9/11, Bush said no---we have to provide tolerance.When we get attacked again, expect to see it happen, cause the government won't be able to stop an angry people. There will be no tolerance.This war on terror is real, and the jihadists want to kill us all.It will last us the rest of our lives, period.If Obama lets it happen, which I truly think he will.He won't last but one term.The day he got "selected" by vote fraud by ACORN is the day our Constitution died.We have a tombstone hereUnited States of AmericaBorn July 4, 1776Died November 4, 2008SUICIDEThis rings true.I have no hope for this country, we're finished.And it was done by stupid people. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:saracarter766 wrote:i am so proud of barack obama and i am very proud to be an american we have have witnessed something spectacular in american history this is the one moment that i will never forget damn i love this country just wished my mother could've been alive to witness this great and wonderful moment in american history. just like the saying we shall over come and we truly have. God Bless AmericaI'll toast to that. Now where did I put my toast. My coffee is here...Hmmmm....I like the new policy Obama said yesterday about the freedom of information act (basically saying that the previous administration was not releasing a lot of information and that that privilege to keep a lot of inforation secret was being OVER-USED) and the limits and restrictions on lobbyists in the administration. That's just his FIRST DAY as president! Stay tuned!!!!! I'm lovin' it! Isn't he supposed to issue an order today that Guantanamo prison is to be closed within a year at the latest if not sooner? Stay tuned. He's just gettin' warmed up!
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by ChristophMessner »

capt777737 wrote: Gitmo should NOT be closed. They have to be closed as well as all the other illegal, inhumane, unchristian torture prisons in the world and to care for the victims is a minor, solvable problem compared to that. capt777737 wrote: I know the war on terror and the threat of us being nuked by Muslims is real. Think more about Russian, Chinese, Israeli, French nukes, because they have nukes on rockets and planes and a real working secret services, whereas the Muslims are a plenty of scattered groups with very different opinions. capt777737 wrote: They were gonna attack apoartment buildings killing as many people as they can. All they have to is ring one apartment with explosives, and they detonate it, and it levels the whole complex killing everybody inside. Fear is no good advisor. Mainstream media propaganda either. Make a journey to the Muslim states and talk to the people. They really have other concerns than wasting their lifetime with doing harm to anybody.capt777737 wrote:This was going to happen in Seattle, and I know it for a fact. Nobody of us is a prophet who knows the future. The Muslims are not that stupid to shoot an own goal like that. What should be their strategic advantage of doing such a nonsense deed? capt777737 wrote:We were warned of it, by police and FBI But the liberals/communists don't care, they want all us patriots dead. And it's time to fight back with whatever means we have. You fall for typical war propaganda. You believe in simplified enemy pictures. Making propaganda for using any means is stupid, against Geneva Convention, unjust and ineffective. Better redefine "patriot": is it making false flag attacks killing some 3000 own people to bring a war machine to other souvereign nations against the statues of UN to conquer them, kill a million children and women by fighting dishonorable by unequal means, stealing their ressources, violating their holy places, drugging the world to finance the warlords? Is that patriotism? What would you say, if Vietnamese people would define patriotism as spraying agent orange on American population??? capt777737 wrote: Our country has now been made more unsafe because of Obama saying close Gitmo, and releasing these creeps into society. "these creeps" ... Do you know them? Did you witness their deed they are accused of? How do you know they are guilty? Is it civilized to keep suspects in prisons, torture them and allow them no lawyer no fair trial? capt777737 wrote: My predictions, US Soil will be attacked, killing 10's of thousands of people hunderes of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans. All it takes is for one suitcase nuke bomb to go off killing a million people. Like American's killed millions before abroad ... Well I don't think any power group abroad will ever do such a stupid own goal looking to the counterstrike capability of the US and Israeli and their usual unchristian habit to answer a crime with a crime ten times as big. capt777737 wrote: And we have terrorists in the USA that are proved to have these, and they are only biding time. Just inform yourself a bit better about who is really handling nuclear material in the armies of the world and how they are doing it. Google "SIPRI". And think a little deeper about the strategic consequences of any nuking of civilians. It only will increase unfavourable authoritarian power structures in emergency situations, unfavourable to every nation. capt777737 wrote:Once it happens, what do you think people are going to do with the terrorists. First: there will be a big wave of solidarity with the US. Then: nobody will really know who these terrorists were. Did you ever see any unfaked confession from anybody that he was responsible for 911? 911 is a symbol for a strategic change in world security policy. From balance of terror to unilateral terror control. capt777737 wrote: People wanted to lynch them for 9/11, Bush said no---we have to provide tolerance. When we get attacked again, expect to see it happen, cause the government won't be able to stop an angry people. There will be no tolerance. It's all tricky power play, can't you see? Like Goering (number 2 under Hitler) said 1946: "It's so easy to switch a democracy into a dictatorship: just make the people fear some power from abroad and they will follow the leader."capt777737 wrote: This war on terror is real, ... 100% correct, but terror can't be fought by more terror. capt777737 wrote: ... and the jihadists want to kill us all. 100% incorrect. They want to defend themselves from the insurgent, who attacks their children and woman from planes 15 km high fighting dishonorable. You really should learn a little Arabic, Syric, Usbekic, Agyptian, Turkish, ... and follow the sermons of the priests in a mosk to be able to understand that Islam is a peaceful religion and that in every country you have a tiny minority of stupids who can't farm their land and have to do nonsense actions abroad to make easy money. Don't fall for the SS-controlled mainstream media propaganda like some Germans did in 1933 (Hitler never got the majority by the way). capt777737 wrote: It will last us the rest of our lives, period. Nonsense. As soon as the US is rejoining the other nations in helping building up the infrastructure, educations system and environment in evey developement country, they will be respected again. capt777737 wrote: If Obama lets it happen, which I truly think he will. He won't last but one term. Don't focus so much in leaders like in stone age. Obama, Osama, ... their are marionettes of the money aristocrats. In modern and ancient times it always were and are groups who make the decisions and plans. capt777737 wrote: The day he got "selected" by vote fraud by ACORN is the day our Constitution died. It's always about what kind of consciousness about justice and consitution the world should live the people have in MIND. This cannot die as long as people want to live together and not against each other. capt777737 wrote: We have a tombstone hereUnited States of AmericaBorn July 4, 1776Died November 4, 2008SUICIDELet's rather say, that the US is a very young nation in puberty, growing adult gradually. capt777737 wrote: This rings true. I have no hope for this country, we're finished. As long as people live there is hope. Not the US is finished, but the idea of unlimited freedom to money printing and militarism and unquestioned feelings of moral superiority. capt777737 wrote: And it was done by stupid people. The stupid ones are always in the hands of the smart ones. Chris
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

I HAVE to reply to the captain. First of all, Gitmo puts us in the class of the Nazis with no habeas corpus rights at all. Add that together with torture and secret prisons, and you see the tactics that the U.S put people to death for after WWII. We keep hearing about the "terrorists", like the ones we supposedly fought in Iraq. That is a CROCK of shit. First off, there was never any WMDs. There was never a threat of a mushroom cloud either. Iraq was not connected to 9/11, even if you believe the "official" version of that story. Al queda never was connected to Iraq either. But Dumbya, Darth Cheney and Rummy had the U.S. attack Iraq anyway, using 9/11 as the reason, just like Hitler used the Reichstag fire to fortify his power in 1933. 9/11 was also very similar to Operation Northwoods in 1962, when Lemnitzer, Dulles and Prescott & Poppy Bu$h all wanted JFK to undertake that plan to start a war with Cuba. ... s.htmlThis is from Dynasty of Death by Schuyler Ebbets...On March 13, 1962, the Northwoods document was brought to Kennedy's attention. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Allen Dulles had drawn up a plan to launch a series of terrorist attacks within the United States, combined with a media blitz blaming Cuba for the attacks. They believed this would frighten the American public into overwhelmingly supporting a second invasion of Cuba. The Northwoods plan called for Pentagon and CIA paramilitary forces to sink ships, hijack airliners and bomb buildings. When Kennedy heard of their plan, he was furious. The corrupt military industrial power structure within the American government knew no bounds, not even the lives of their own countrymen mattered in their quest for power and profit. Kennedy removed CIA director Allen Dulles, deputy director Richard Bissell and General Lyman Lemnitzer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for their parts in the plan. Within weeks Prescott Bush who had close dealings with these individuals, chose to retire prematurely from politics for supposed health reasons.Sound familiar? But again, if you only believe the "official" version of 9/11, there was NO reason to attack Iraq. The attack happened for two reasons...war profiteering and oil. PERIOD. Don't believe me? How about hearing from these lefty leaning liberals...Several prominent members of the military and national security communities, particularly those who favor a more realist approach to international relations, have been critical of both the decision to invade Iraq and the prosecution of the War. On July 28, 2002, eight months before the invasion of Iraq, the Washington Post reported that “many senior U.S. military officers” including members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff opposed an invasion on the grounds that the policy of containment was working. A few days later, Gen. Joseph P. Hoar (Ret.) warned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the invasion was risky and perhaps unnecessary. Morton Halperin, a foreign policy expert with the Council on Foreign Relations and Center for American Progress warned that an invasion would increase the terrorist threat. In a 2002 book, Scott Ritter, a Nuclear Weapons Inspector in Iraq from 1991-98, argued against an invasion and expressed doubts about the Bush Administration’s claims that Saddam Hussein had a WMD capability. Brent Scowcroft, who served as National Security Adviser to President George H.W. Bush was an early critic. He wrote an August 15, 2002 editorial in The Wall Street Journal entitled "Don't attack Saddam," arguing that the war would distract from the broader fight against terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which should be the U.S.'s highest priority in the Middle East. The next month, Gen. Hugh Shelton, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, agreed that war in Iraq would distract from the War on Terrorism. Retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, former head of Central Command for U.S. forces in the Middle East and State Department's envoy to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, echoed many of Scowcroft's concerns in an October 2002 speech at the Middle East Institute. In a follow-up interview with Salon, Zinni said he was "not convinced we need to do this now," arguing that deposing Saddam Hussein was only the sixth or seventh top priority in the Middle East, behind the Middle East peace process, reforming Iran, our commitments in Afghanistan, and several others. By January 19, 2003, TIME Magazine reported that “as many as 1 in 3 senior officers questions the wisdom of a preemptive war with Iraq.”On February 13, 2003 Ambassador Joseph Wilson, former charge d'affaires in Baghdad, resigned from the Foreign Service and publicly questioned the need for another war in Iraq. After the War started, he wrote an editorial in the New York Times titled What I Didn't Find in Africa that claimed to discredit a Bush Administration claim that Iraq had attempted to procure uranium from Niger. John Brady Kiesling, another career diplomat with similar reservations, resigned in a public letter in the New York Times on February 27. He was followed on March 10 by John H. Brown, a career diplomat with 22 years of service, and on March 19 by Mary Ann Wright, a diplomat with 15 years of service in the State Department following a military career of 29 years. The war started the next day. Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski (Ret.) was political/military desk officer at the Defense Department’s office for Near East South Asia (NESA) in the months before the war. In December 2003 she began to write an anonymous column that described the disrupting influence of the Office of Special Plans on the analysis that led to the decision to go to war. On June 16, 2004 twenty seven former senior U.S. diplomats and military commanders called Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change issued a statement against the war. The group included: William J. Crowe, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Ronald Reagan Joseph Hoar, former Commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East H. Allen Holmes, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Donald McHenry, former Ambassador to the United Nations Merrill McPeak, former Air Force Chief of Staff Jack F. Matlock, Jr., a member of the National Security Council under Reagan and former Ambassador to the Soviet Union John Reinhardt, former Director of the United States Information Agency Ronald I. Spiers, Under Secretary General of the United Nations for Political Affairs and a former Ambassador Stansfield Turner, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Richard Clarke, former chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council for both the latter part of the Clinton Administration and early part of the George W. Bush Administration, criticized the Iraq war along similar lines in his 2004 book Against All Enemies and during his testimony before the 9/11 Commission. In addition to diverting funds from the fight against al-Qaeda, Clarke argued that the invasion of Iraq would actually bolster the efforts of Osama bin Laden and other Islamic radicals, who had long predicted that the U.S. planned to invade an oil-rich Middle Eastern country. Similar arguments were made in a May 2004 interview and an August 2005 article by Lt. Gen. William Odom, former Director of the National Security Agency.In April 2006, six prominent retired generals publicly criticized Secretary of Defense Donald handling of the war, and called for his resignation. The group included two generals who commanded troops in Iraq: Maj. Gen. Charles H. Swannack, Jr. (Ret.) and Maj. Gen. John Batiste (Ret.). One of the generals, Lieut. Gen. Greg Newbold (Ret.), who served as the Pentagon's top operations officer during the months leading up to the invasion, also published an article that month in Time Magazine entitled "Why Iraq Was a Mistake." On September 12, 2007, two retired U.S. Army generals, Lt. Gen. Robert Gard and Brig. Gen. John Johns, joined former Sen. Gary Hart in publishing a statement calling for withdrawal from Iraq. Robert Gard is the Senior Military Fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, John Johns is on the board of directors for the Council for a Livable World, and Gary Hart is the Council's chairman. In October 2007, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, former commander of coalition forces in Iraq, called the 2007 "surge" a "flawed strategy", and suggested that the political leadership in the US would have been court martialed for their actions, had they been military personnel.Bottom line, al queda was never in Iraq before the war. And even in the height of the war, the military estimates that al queda was less than 5% of the insurgent forces that were killing U.S. troops. The war in Iraq is simply a civil war now between Sunnis and Shiites. A civil war that has cost the U.S. over 4,100 lives and over 30,000 wounded. We have some troops in their 3rd, 4th and 5th tours now in Iraq. Put there by an AWOL President and a VP who took out 5 deferments to get out of serving in Nam. People also talk about the "surge". Do you know what the surge was really about??? All the U.S. did in the surge was PAY OFF one insurgent group to stop killing us, and to ONLY kill their religious enemies. I mean why should Halliburton, The Carlyle Group and Blackwater get all the profits. This war has also cost almost a TRILLION dollars. Do you think that cost has had any effect on the economy now?Coincidentally, before they took office, Bu$h and Cheney were in the war profiteering and oil business. That is precisely why they attacked Iraq. Oh by the way, some estimates put the Iraqi dead at over 1,000,000 due to this war. I certainly hope that the Obama administration will show some balls and use the justice department to try Bu$h, Cheney and Rumsfeld on war crimes charges. They all authorized torture. They all authorized illegal wiretapping. They all shit on the constitution. They all LIED us into a war. This isn't about patriotism. This is about TREASON.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Jsnow915 »

Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

capt777737 wrote:Gitmo should NOT be closed.Where do we put the terrorists located there.Um...we put them on trial instead of just detaining them. Do you really want to advocate just locking people up without them going in front of a judge or anything? That's VERY unAmerican...seriously. Oh, and by the way, Obama hasn't let any terrorists out yet. The terrorists that have been freed to rejoin their collegues, as they claim, were let out by the BUSH administration. Right? capt777737 wrote:Does Murtha want them in his house? He said he wanted them in his backyard, as they are no threat.He thinks that unless they kill him, then he don't think no moreThey need to be brought before a judge or we as a country will be advocating locking people up without even being tried. Look up the constitutional concept of Habeas Corpus. It's fundamental to our American Constitution.capt777737 wrote:I know the war on terror and the threat of us being nuked by Muslims is real.They were gonna attack apoartment buildings killing as many people as they can.All they have to is ring one apartment with explosives, and they detonate it, and it levels the whole complex killing everybody inside.This was going to happen in Seattle, and I know it for a fact.We were warned of it, by police and FBIBut the liberals/communists don't care, they want all us patriots dead.And it's time to fight back with whatever means we have.Are those terrorists that were going to blow up apartment buildings that you mentioned in GITMO? OR...were they arrested and brought in front of a judge? I also beg to differ with you on Communists and liberals. Actually, I'm not a Communist, so I can't speak for them, but as for your comment on liberals, that's not true. I don't even consider myself a liberal. I OPPOSE gun control, for example, but I will defend the right of any "liberal" to speak his or her mind. Liberals are just as much Americans as anybody else. This IS America where we're supposed to be tolerant of other peoples political views. If you're not tolerant, then try living in a country where there's a dictator and no tolerance at all. That's where they'll TELL you what to do. capt777737 wrote:Our country has now been made more unsafe because of Obama saying close Gitmo, and releasing these creeps into society. Wrong. Obama hasn't released anybody yet. Those terrorists who were let free were released by the BUSH administration. As for our country being made unsafe, what are your thoughts about Bush being handed a report basically titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Within The United States" or something like that. Bush was handed this report well BEFORE the 911 attacks, and he did...nothing. Zero. If he was so concerned about protecting America, why did we ivade Iraq? Bin Laden was in AFGHANISTAN. capt777737 wrote:My predictions, US Soil will be attacked, killing 10's of thousands of people hunderes of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans.All it takes is for one suitcase nuke bomb to go off killing a million people. No comment on your prediction except for I hope they're stopped. On another note, are you referring to GITMO detainees having these suitcases? It seems like the terrorists you're referring to are NOT in GITMO. Remember, the GITMO detainees who WERE released so far were released by the BUSH administration. Isn't that funny? They talk about how certain detainees were released and went to join or rejoin their fellow-terrorists, but they don't point out that BUSH people released them. Hmmmmm.... LOL capt777737 wrote:And we have terrorists in the USA that are proved to have these, and they are only biding time.Once it happens, what do you think people are going to do with the terrorists.People wanted to lynch them for 9/11, Bush said no---we have to provide tolerance. Bush said no? Tolerance? Invading Iraq under false pretenses is tolerance? Where were those WMDs? Here's Bin Laden in Afghanistan, and he invades Iraq? Gee whiz! Do you think it had anything to with OIL? capt777737 wrote:When we get attacked again, expect to see it happen, cause the government won't be able to stop an angry people. There will be no tolerance. If there is no tolerance, there's no America. I've met people who preach intolerance. It's been my experience that they are some of the most UNAMERICAN people because...they are INTOLERANT. capt777737 wrote:This war on terror is real, and the jihadists want to kill us all.It will last us the rest of our lives, period.If Obama lets it happen, which I truly think he will.He won't last but one term.The day he got "selected" by vote fraud by ACORN is the day our Constitution died.We have a tombstone hereUnited States of AmericaBorn July 4, 1776Died November 4, 2008SUICIDEThis rings true.I have no hope for this country, we're finished.And it was done by stupid people.Acorn had nothing to do with Obama's election, and McCain supported Acorn too. There was no fraud there that affected Obama's election, it was some workers who were registering people who didn't exist or who were deceased. It's not like those people went to vote. Even if those non-existent people DID go vote, Obama won by a LANDSLIDE. It wasn't anywhere near a close election, and you know it. It was a real ass-whippin' at the poles. Speaking of fixing elections, what about the problem in Florida when Bush stole that election. Oh, yeah...that's right, his brother was governer there, and a mainly Bush-appointed Supreme Court decided that one, eh? Talk about a fix! You're wrong. Sorry, but you're wrong on that point. Also, you can chose to give up hope. I'm an American through and through, so I'll NEVER give up. I'll NEVER loose hope, and I'll never stop fighting because I'm an American. You can write America off all you want. I never will because I AM an American. Speaking of being an American, why was Bush giving tax breaks and such to companies that were OUTSOURCING jobs to other countries? Why does Obama want to give them tax penalties for outsourcing jobs and incentives for keeping those jobs here in America? Talk about who's looking out for America. Bush W. was probably the worst president we ever had. Not for nothin', but how about you Google his approval ratings. I believe they were worse than even Nixon's. Now THAT's funny!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

capt777737 wrote:Actually birth papers do count. If Obama is proven not to be a natural born citizen of the USA under our constitution, he automatically has to be removed as President, thus Joe Biden is our president.This issue is not over. 18 states have filed suit to have Obama produce his original (not a copy) birth certificate.McCain offered his up.State of Hawaii says Obama's original birth certificate (not a certificate of birth)has not been released, because nobody has asked for it.The "birth certificate" on Obama's campaign site is a forgery, probably photoshopped which is easy to do.So if he's proven not born here, that automatically makes any law, executive order he signs null and void.Which means we citizens do not have to obey has all the facts.Let me tell you some more facts. Our state has had at least a 200% run on the gun shops, because people are afraid Obama is gonna take away our gun rights, which we will NOT comply.Nationwide 45%We do not have to comply with unconstitutional laws.America is a country of free people, we escaped England to be a free people, and our freedoms will not be given up.We also execute murderers, as we should.As for the website, it looks like a mainly right-wing garbage dump to me. No offense. I just clicked on it, and the lead story title is Communist: Obama workingto nationalize U.S. economy . By the way, if you read your "facts," the Bush administration already "nationalized" companies (like banks) before Obama even got into office. Look it up. As for Obama's citizenship, he's already had a very thorough background check done. That rumor about his citizenship is a bunch of right-wing propaganda...just like people calling him a socialist and communist.
tom jeffers
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by tom jeffers »

I am sorry to disagree with you but obama has not had a thorough background check. his certificate of birth was deemed to be original by which is an organization that is funded by another organization that obama has ties to. if he is about setting the record straight, why don't they release his school records? my inside sources say that he received financial aid as a foreign student. it seems obama is from whatever country that is beneficial to him at that time. his own grandmother is taped while she said she was present at his birth in kenya. it is on the web, just look for it.namaste'
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tom jeffers wrote:I am sorry to disagree with you but obama has not had a thorough background check. his certificate of birth was deemed to be original by which is an organization that is funded by another organization that obama has ties to. if he is about setting the record straight, why don't they release his school records? my inside sources say that he received financial aid as a foreign student. it seems obama is from whatever country that is beneficial to him at that time. his own grandmother is taped while she said she was present at his birth in kenya. it is on the web, just look for it.namaste'I'm not about to argue about Obama's birth certificate because I haven't read up on it. I'm assuming that as a U.S. Senator and such, his birth records were already checked. As for an original birth certificate, I personally don't know where mine is. I have it. I just misplaced it. I get certified copies of it if I need one on that really nice paper that feels like paper money. LOLWhile we're on the subject of Obama, besides this dispute over his birth certificate, I'm curious as to your views on everything else we're talking Bob's post here just a couple of posts above this one...or my post here which is also above?
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:... But Dumbya, Darth Cheney and Rummy had the U.S. attack Iraq anyway, using 9/11 as the reason, just like Hitler used the Reichstag fire to fortify his power in 1933. 9/11 was also very similar to Operation Northwoods in 1962, when Lemnitzer, Dulles and Prescott & Poppy Bu$h all wanted JFK to undertake that plan to start a war with Cuba.Correct. Well-observed. Bob wrote:... there was NO reason to attack Iraq. Well, the christian plan to conquer former babylon was a longtime plan. Bob wrote: ... Bottom line, al queda was never in Iraq before the war. And even in the height of the war, the military estimates that al queda was less than 5% of the insurgent forces that were killing U.S. troops. "Al Quaida" does not even exist as a pan-arabian terror group. In the near and middle east you have 200 different groups, peoples and languages, and only few of them are have parts who do covert operations and those did not unite and mainly fight local oppressors and war lords, to defend their homeland, family, tribe. "Al Quaida" is a media invention for people who know the world mainly through TV. Bob wrote: ... This war has also cost almost a TRILLION dollars. And these trillion dollars were withdrawn from the accounts of certain people and landed on the acoounts of certain people ... Bob wrote: ... They all shit on the constitution. They all LIED us into a war. This isn't about patriotism. This is about TREASON. And it is a deliberate treason which hopefully will lead to an improved constitution, which forbids money laundering, an exorbitant high military etat, a centralized concentration of power above executive, legislation and jurisdiction in the hands of some superriches, private central banks, violations of Geneva Convention, a. s. o. a. s. on. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:... just locking people up without them going in front of a judge or anything? That's VERY unAmerican...seriously. Correct. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:capt777737 wrote:My predictions, US Soil will be attacked, killing 10's of thousands of people hunderes of thousands or maybe even millions of Americans.All it takes is for one suitcase nuke bomb to go off killing a million people. No comment on your prediction except for I hope they're stopped. The people in Russia and China etc. are also hoping that the US suitcase bombs are stopped. In the last only the reckognition that their use will not bring any strategic advantage to ANYBODY will make them stop. Chris
tom jeffers
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by tom jeffers »

I say that I pretty much agree with bob and chris above however the suitcase bomb would not come from a terrorist but from the PTB that frame terrorists to exploit their population control agenda. Read the "iron mountain report", "georgia guidestones", etc.