Remembering RFK

JFK Assassination
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by kenmurray »

Thane Eugene Cesar and other good info on RFK assassination:
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

Michael Calder wrote:Bob, Yes, I believe I do know who the second shooter is. I'm waiting for some doucuments and after I read them I'll at least be able to eliminate my suspect or be more certain. The guy in the photo is Juan Romero, a bus boy. He worked with the second gun man in the kitchen in the week or so leading up to the murder. I don't think Thane Cesar is innocent. His job may have been to hold Kennedy still while the shooters approached the senator. Kennedy having grabbed Cesar's tie really bothers me. I't as though Kennedy is pointing to the person who is killing him. wwwjfkcia.comPlease keep us posted. Yes...there is no doubt Cesar was involved. But your theory definitely interests me. We know the CIA was using MK-Ultra (I also believe that technique was used in the John Lennon murder and the attempted assassinations of George Wallace and Ronald Reagan). We know the CIA were using doubles for their patsies- see Lee Harvey Oswald. We know what David Morales said..."I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." The CIA were complicit in the events of June 5th, 1968...there is NO doubt about that. Finally, I also think that Ted Charach is similar to Mark Lane and Jim Garrison in terms of their excellent work in figuring out who was involved in the JFK assassination. Did they have everything correct? No...but they gave us some excellent pieces to the puzzle, as did Charach in the RFK assassination. It's up to the researchers nowadays to complete the puzzles, with absolutely no help from the bought off MSM.
Michael Calder
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob,When I saw film of the person shooting Gov Wallace I freaked out. He has the same "sick" smile that Vince di Pierro says was on Sirhan's face as he appproached and shot at RFK. Vince says the polka dot dress girl also had the same "sick" smile. I bet part of mkultra is to have a smile while you are shooting so as to disarm anyone who might interfere with the shoting. Can't have the shooter scowling before he shoots. Also, when I did my thesis so long ago I read the Select Committee's report on the Secret Service. The SFPD intelligence unit tipped the Secret Service that Sara Jane Moore was going to try and assassinate President Ford. An agent was sent to interview her and this agent told the committee his determination was she was not a threat to the president. He did take a gun she had though. I think it was the next day she was in the crowd shooting away. Here is what Sara Jane Moore said upon her recent release. Vic Lee interview with Sara Jane Moore ABC-7 television, San Francisco April 27, 2009On Sept 22, 1975, Moore went to the St Francis Hotel in San Francisco where President Ford was giving a speech. Moore says she felt like she was in a trance.Moore: " I think I was almost at automatic control, almost like someone had written the script and I am now following it." When CIA goes after a president it isn't about conservative or liberal but control. I think David Rockefeller was trying to get his brother in the White House with Ford's attempt and the economic elite wanted Bush to be president all along so they convinced Reagan's people to put Bush in as vice president all the while plotting Reagan's death. Can we get anymore evil. Nice reward for Gerald Ford for covering upthe Warren Commission.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

I just happened to find this story about RFK written almost a year ago. But it really gives the essence of the man. ... edy.htmlBy the way, we are only a couple of weeks away from the 42nd anniversary of RFK's assassination.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by kenmurray »

Great article Bob.
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The Girl In The Polka Dot Dress

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

Exactly 42 years ago today, California had it's primary election, which of course RFK won, steering the way towards the Democratic nomination as President in 1968. Unfortunately, we all know what happened in the early hours of June 5th at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Thanks to Michael Calder, we are finding out even more.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by ThomZajac »

This is particularly good-