History lesson about money

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Moo Cow
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Rome, Rockefeller, the U.S. and Standard Oil

Post by Moo Cow »

Rome, Rockefeller, the U.S. and Standard Oil

The Monarchy of Money!!


Last updated on April 5, 2003.

The House of Rockefeller is, first and foremost, THE Invisible Government of the United States. Invisible Government is described as "predatory capital controlling the wheels of government behind a smoke screen." (Bealle, The House of Rockefeller, p. 69).

Rockefeller Presidential Power Grab Revealed at Last!!
From Russia with Love —GRAND Duke Alexander warns the U.S. about the Rockefeller Empire!!

Quick preview of this exposé— the BIG picture!!

Rockefeller Bribery!!

John D. Rockefeller: A Character Study by Ida Tarbell.

Colonel E. L. Drake drilled the first oil well in 1859.

Oil Creek, Pennsylvania.

The first U.S. oil discovery was in Clarion County, Pennsylvania, by Colonel Edwin L. Drake in the year 1859. Subsequently , oil was discovered in Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Colorado, Montana, California and the last great find was in Alaska. The industry grew rapidly until by 1900 it was one of the largest in the country. The invention of the automobile with the gasoline engine made oil the one indispensable commodity.

In 1870, the Standard Oil Company was incorporated in Ohio by John D. Rockefeller. It was illegal under Ohio law (and almost every other State) to control a company in another State. Rockefeller managed to secretly buy up and control the independent oil producers and refiners.

In 1883, he moved the seat of empire to the Empire State and set up headquarters in the Metropolis of Mammon at 26 Broadway in New York City. There he set up a TRUST or HOLDING company and began to ruthlessly devour all the independent oil producers and refiners both nationally and internationally:

No. 26 Broadway, former home of Standard Oil. Notice the step pyramid on top!!
"At the lower end of the greatest thoroughfare in the greatest city of the New World is a huge structure of plain gray stone. Solid as a prison, towering as a steeple, its cold and forbidding façade seems to rebuke the heedless levity of the passing crowds, and frown on the frivolity of the stray sunbeams which in the late afternoon play around its impressive cornices. Men point to its stern portals, glance quickly up at the rows of unwinking windows, nudge each other, and hurry onward, as the Spaniards used to do when going by the offices of the Inquisition. The building is No. 26 Broadway"(Lawson, Frenzied Finance, p. 5).

Rockefeller in 1888.
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937)

The world's first billionaire!!

Rockefeller in 1904.

When the Jesuits were expelled from every Catholic country in Europe, their only refuge was Russia, Great Britain and the United States. Thousands of them flocked to this country to carry on their war against the Reformation under the banner of American tolerance and freedom of religion for all. Among them were the Morgans, Roosevelts and German Roggenfelders. Roggenfelder was later changed to Rockefeller to make the name sound less German and more American!!

Roggenfelder Mill in Arinheller, Germany, operated by Johann Roggenfeder. Johann was the great-grandfather of Rockefeller and he came to America in 1722.

John D. Rockefeller's birthplace at Richford, New York, about 150 miles from New York City.

By this time the horrible 30 Years' War in Germany was over but the Jesuits were not about to give up. There next attach would be from within and would be aimed at political and financial penetration in order to destroy the Protestant and freedom-loving nations who had escaped Rome's grasp. The Rothschild Bank (founded 1742), which worked so closely with the Rockefellers in later years, was part of this conspiracy.

Rockefeller was 22 when the Civil War began. He refused to fight for the Union.
Rockefeller was 22 and already wealthy when the Civil War began. He refused to enlist when President Lincoln asked for 75,000 volunteers. Like J. P. Morgan and the father of Teddy Roosevelt, he paid for a substitute to fight for him. He even refused his younger brother the measly sum of $75.00 to meet enlistment expenses. The Rothschild controlled National City Bank of Cleveland gave him his first loan.

Rockefeller billions began with BOOZE!!

Rockefeller had a partner by the name of William M. Flagler. Flagler married the niece of a man named Stephen V. Harkness. Harkness owned a WHISKEY DISTILLERY. Rockefeller made a fortune by selling WHISKEY to the Union army:

"Rockefeller had been watching Flagler, his neighbor in the Case Block. He had shrewdly appraised the talents of that gentleman. But he had also perceived something else. Flagler had married the niece of a man who had lately made a great fortune. This man was Stephen V. Harkness. Harkness owned a distillery near Monroeville, Ohio. Toward the end of the war when the government was raking the land with a fine-tooth comb for values to tax, it fell naturally upon whiskey. John Sherman knew the government was going to put a heavy excise upon whiskey and he mentioned the fact to his friend, S. V. Harkness. Harkness needed nothing more than this tip. He proceeded to buy up with all the funds he could collect every barrel of whiskey he could lay hold of. When the tax was levied, Harkness found himself with an enormous amount of untaxed whiskeys which he could sell at the high prices exacted because of the tax. He promptly turned his investment into cash. This provided him with one of the amplest fortunes in Cleveland. Rockefeller knew of this adventure. And here was Flagler, Harkness' nephew by marriage, at Rockefeller's very door. Here was an entree to Harkness' treasure chest" (God's Gold, p, 134).
Rockefellers control U.S. oil industry

The first giant trusts or monopolies were formed by the Morgans and Rockefellers. The Rockefellers set about to created a huge oil monopoly which would completely dominate the industry. The invention of the automobile and the gasoline engine gave them a virtual stranglehold on the country. Instead of conserving oil and finding an alternative to the wasteful gasoline engine they encouraged waste and consumption of a non-renewable resource.

"As a member of the board of directors of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, William Rockefeller had long ago struck up a warm friendship with James Stillman, the president of the National City Bank. The latter, stirred at all he learned of the efficiency of the Standard Oil management, and of its hierarchic and centralized government, so much like that of the Roman Catholic Church, modeled his own bank after it. He bought Standard Oil stock and became one of the family. Sphinx like, autocratic, silent, he came closer always to the Rockefellers whom he so much resembled" (The Robber Barons, p. 399).
Rockefellers issue "U.S." Money!!

The U.S. governemnt does NOT issue the U.S. "paper" money. The Federal Reserve Notes are issued by the Rockefeller founded and controlled Federal Reserve Bank. It is a PRIVATE Bank and is not part of the U.S. government. The Federal Reserve Bank has the power to create money out of nothing and with access to unlimited credit has financed ALL the wars of the 20th century and will finance the coming aggression against Iraq.

Former home of William Rockefeller on Jekyll Island, Georgia, This was where the 3rd Bank was secretly chartered leading to the greatest theft of the people's money in all the long history of crime.

Federal Reserve Note. This is Rockefeller "money" even though it says "United States of America."

Article I, Section 10, U.S. Constitution:

No State shall coin Money, emit Bills of Credit, make any
Thing but gold and silver Coin as Tender in Payment of Debts.

Rockefellers control U.S. "medical" profession

Around the turn of the century, when the alien force was hijacking the American Government, the Rockefeller Institute also created a sinister monopoly of the American medical profession. It's director was Simon Flexner a German Jew/Jesuit "doctor."

Here is a quote from one of their propagandists named Abraham Flexner who was part of the Rockefeller Institute:

"...The curse of medical education is the excessive number of schools. The situation can improve only as weaker and superfluous schools are extinguished." (Abraham Flexner 1910).
There you have it . . . . too many medical schools producing too many doctors. In those days, medical students attended college for 2 years and then learned the healing arts from other doctors. To the monopolists however, this great system did not allow for 8 years of brainwashing in Jesuit controlled universities and colleges.

Rockefeller used the same tactics with the medical schools as he did with his business rivals: sell out or be forced to close. From about 160 medical schools the number was reduced by half.

Rockefeller buys Encyclopedia Britannica!!

Yes! the Rockefeller Syndicate owns the venerable old Encyclopedia Britannica that so many people consider the "final authority." In 1890, Rockefeller took over a Baptist Seminary called Morgan Park Theological Seminary and renamed it the University of Chicago.

In 1900 the Encyclopedia was bought from the publishers in Scotland. The University of Cambridge now did the editing for the new owners across the pond.

We don't know how much he paid as he always used proxies or front men . . . but you can be sure that it was the lowest possible price.....Roman Catholic editors were soon put to work expunging all derogatory references to Rome:

"The revision of the Encyclopedia Britannica was undertaken with a view to eliminate matter which was objectionable from a Catholic point of view and to insert what was accurate and unbiased. The whole of the 28 volumes were examined, objectionable parts noted, and the reasons for their deletion or amendment given. There is every reason to hope that the new edition of the Britannica will be found very much more accurate and impartial than its predecessors (Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica., p. 4)."

And they did exactly that....All the true history of the Papacy, the Jesuits, and the infernal Inquisition were removed along with all derogatory references to vaccination.

Rockefeller "buys" U.S. Government!!

Rockefeller and 1911.

On May 15, 1911, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Standard Oil Cartel was a menace to the Republic and ordered it to be broken up:

"For the safety of the Republic we (U.S. Supreme Court) now decree that the dangerous conspiracy must be ended by Nov. 15, 1911 "(John D. A Portrait in Oils, p. 154).
Rockefeller vowed revenge against the U.S. and used his vast fortune to BUY the U.S. government.

The breakup of the Standard Oil monolith resulted in about 37 new companies. Rockefeller still secretly controlled them all by owning a voting majority of stock in the new corporation. Thus Standard Oil would be known as Standard Oil New Jersey (Exxon), Standard Oil New York (Mobil), Standard Oil Indiana (Amoco), Standard Oil California (Chevron), Atlantic Refining (Arco) etc., etc. It was business as usual at 26 Broadway -- the headquarters of the giant.

3 years later they ordered the Kaiser to invade Belgium and start W. W. I. Their plan was to keep Germany and England fighting until the U. S. intervened. Herbert Hoover (another Standard Oil employee) was put in charge of the Belgium Relief Commission.

Rockefeller control U.S. "Education."

Rockefeller "Education" Board in 1915.
Trustees of the General Education Board, the first Rockefeller foundation, at a retreat in Rockland, Maine, in July 1915. Front row, from left: Edwin A. Alderman, Frederick T. Gates, Charles W. Eliot (former president of Harvard University), Harry Pratt Judson (president of University of Chicago), Wallace Buttrick (executive officer of the Board). Second row, from left: Wickliffe Rose (head of the Rockefeller public health programs), Hollis B. Frissell, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., E. C. Sage, Albert Shaw, Abraham Flexner. Third row, from left: George E. Vincent (president of the Rockefeller Foundation), Anson Phelps Stokes, Starr J. Murphy, Jerome D. Greene.

Rockefeller the "Christian."

"Baptist" Rockefeller with bodyguard marching in the Easter parade in 1907.
Rockefeller had the perfect disguise. He was a devout Baptist "Christian" and attended church regularly. He even led a Sunday school class in the Fifth Ave. Baptist church in New York City. However, by the turn of the century he was also the most hated man in America. His "handlers" recommended an image change. It was then that he started giving millions to charity. Now in the Bible that Rockefeller read there is a verse that says:

"Therefore when thou doest thine arms (charity), do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what they right hand is doing" (Matt. 5:2-3).

By owning all the newspapers in the country he was able to sound the trumpet loud and clear about his charitable contributions. Rockefeller Junior even built a church in New York City called the Riverside Church. It was there that Dr. Martin Luther King gave his famous anti-war speech!!

Rockefeller did not let his left hand know what his right hand was doing!!

When Jesus told the people in His Sermon on the Mount not to let your left hand know what your right is doing, He was talking about giving to charity or doing good deeds. Ultra secretive Rockefeller took that verse and applied it to his business instead!!

A flyer that was distributed in the oil regions about the predatory practices of the South Improvement Co.

The South Improvement Co. was the forerunner of the Standard Oil Company. Everybody involved with the company was sworn to the strictest secrecy. Men were warned not even to tell their wives of their activities. J. P. Morgan and the Rothschild Bank already owned the railroads and they were giving illegal rebates to the S. I. Co. This had the effect of ruining the independent refiners and forcing them to sell out at a tremendous loss or face financial ruin!!

The South Improvement Company was the forerunner of Standard Oil. It was chartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and was a front for the counter-Reformation Rothschild Bank. It's sphere of activity was virtually limitless. (See History of the Standard Oil Co.,Vol. I, by Ida Tarbell, pages 56 and 75).

The Twin Towers were called David and Nelson Rockefeller!!

Governor Nelson Rockefeller (left) with Mayor John Lindsay inspect model of Twin Towers.

David and Nelson on Wall St. during Nelson's 1970 race for Governor of New York State.

David Rockefeller was Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank and provided the finances for the Twin Towers.

"The country, then, or New York State, therefore possesses two architectural monstrosities single-handedly produced by rivalrous Rockefeller brothers at taxpayers' expense. For at the end of the line the taxpayer in both these cases foots the bill, as he does for everything else financial politicos devise. The two structures therefore represent a double screwing.
The two oppressive structures stand, one in New York City, the other in Albany, like giant bookends of the gods, with Rockefellerland-on-the-Hudson stretching in between, the home domain. In the meantime, ordinary citizens crawl along in the overpowering structural shadows like bugs, reduced in physical proportion to their true spiritual proportions in the established scheme of things: nothings, serfs. Neither structure is anything the psyche can humanly absorb. Each repels" (The Rockefeller Syndrome by Ferdinand Lundberg, p. 24).
The Twin Towers were affectionately named David and Nelson Rockefeller because they were the driving force behind their construction. Immediately after their demolition on 9-11-01, the Rockefeller Syndicate controlled Pentagon invaded Afghanistan and set up bases by the Caspian sea. Caspian sea oil, controlled by Russia, was the main competition to Standard Oil since 1890!!

"Russian competition was the subject of many top-level conferences at the headquarters of the Trust at 26 Broadway in New York. One of the methods of meeting the threat was price-cutting" (The Rockefeller Billions, p.165).
Rockefeller's father was a con-man

William Rockefeller, father of John D. was also known as "devil Bill."

The tombstone of William Avery Rockefeller --a.k.a. Dr. William Levingston -- in Freeport, Illinois.

William Rockefeller, father of John D. was also known as "devil Bill."

William Avery Rockefeller was the father of John D. His neighbors called him "devil Bill." He was a horse thief, a rapist and a bigamist. He had 2 families and 2 wives at the SAME time. He was a medicine man and ran a traveling medical road show which dispensed cancer cures to the ladies. He was known in some towns as "Doc" Rockefeller and in other towns as "Doc" Levingson. It was from his father that the son got his interest in "medicine."

Rockefeller and the Russian Revolution

Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953). A Rockefeller Syndicate employee!!!
By 1880, the Vatican-Rockefeller-Standard Oil cartel completely dominated the domestic and foreign markets for kerosene. All competition was ruthlessly crushed by this juggernaut. Then a rival appeared in the form of Russian oil. A Swede named Robert Nobel built a refinery in BAKU on the Caspian sea. He began to produce cheaper and better oil but was shut out of European and world markets by Standard Oil.

Rapid growth in Russian oil production had been achieved despite political upheaval that had enveloped the country since the turn of the century, much of which had been centered in the country’s oil capital, BAKU. Strikes by oil workers had been a regular feature of the protests against the Tsar in 1903 and 1904, and were a major factor in the 1905 revolution, in which the former Josef Dzhugashvili played a significant, anti-Tsarist role. As a result of his revolutionary activity he fostered in BAKU at that time, Dzhugashvili was exiled to Siberia. Later, he would become better known as Josef Stalin.

Rockefeller and the U.N.

United Nations building in New York City.

John D. Rockefeller, III, (right) presents a check in the amount of $8,5000,000 to Trygve Lie, First Secretary General of the United Nations. The money is to purchase the land on Manhattan Island which will house the U.N. building.

Rockefeller the Tightwad

Rockefeller golfing in Florida.
"Moneybags" Rockefeller got "teed off" when he lost a golf ball in a water hole. He was such a tightwad, skinflint and miser even thought he was the world's first billionaire. He was an avid golfer and:

"Around water holes, Rockefeller insisted that they switch to old golf balls and marveled at profligate players who used new balls in these treacherous places. "They must be very rich!" he told Ames" (Titan: the Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., p. 611).


Vital Links

John D. Rockefeller: a character study by Ida M. Tarbell

Standard Oil and the Rise of Hitler

The Bush Family and the Rockefellers

Rockefellers massacred striking mine workers in Colorado.

Rockefeller and Standard Oil are the Founders of the State of "Israel."

Murder by Injection: the Rockefeller Syndicate, by Eustace Mullins.

From Russia with Love -- GRAND Duke Alexander warns Americans about the Rockefeller Empire!!

Abels, Jules, The Rockefeller Billions: The Story of the World's Most Stupendous Fortune, The Macmillan Co., New York, 1965.

Allen, William H., Rockefeller, Giant Dwarf Symbol, Institute for Public Service, New York, 1930.

Bealle, Morris A., The House of Rockefeller, All America House, Washington D.C., 1959.

Brown, Richard E., Rockefeller Medicine Men, University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1979.

Chernow, Ron, Titan: the Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Random House, New York, 1998.

Denny, Ludwell, We Fight for Oil, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1928.

Flynn, John T, God's Gold: The Story of Rockefeller and His Times, Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York, 1932.

Griffin, Edward E., World Without Cancer, American Media, Westlake Village, CA. (Exposes the Rockefeller Institute suppression of the cure for cancer).

Higham, Charles, Trading with the Enemy: An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949, Delacorte Press, New York, 1985. (Documents the fact that Standard Oil of New Jersey supplied Hitler with gasoline all during W W II).

Hoffman, William, David: Report on a Rockefeller, Lyle Stuart, New York, 1971.

Josephson, Emanuel M., The Truth About Rockefeller "Public Enemy #1" Studies in Criminal Psychopathy, Chedney Press, New York, 1964.

Josephson, Emanuel M., The Federal Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers: Their Gold Corner, Chedney Press, New York, 1968.

Josephson, Matthew, The Robber Barons, Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York, 1934.

Klein, Henry H., Standard Oil or The People, Published by the author at the Tribune Building, New York City, 1914.

Klein, Henry, H., Dynastic America and Those Who Own It., Published by the author in New York City, 1921. (Henry H. Klein was First Deputy Commissioner of Accounts of the City of New York).

Lawson, Thomas, W., Frenzied Finance, The Crime of Amalgamated, Ridgway-Thayer Co, Boston, 1905. Reprinted by Greenwood Press Publishers, New York, 1968.

Lionni, Paola, The Liepzig Connection: The Systematic Destruction of American Education, Delphian Press, Sheridan, Oregon, 1988. (Great expose of Rockefeller's destruction of our schools).

Lloyd, Henry Demarest, Wealth Against Commonwealth, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1894.

Lundberg, Ferdinand, The Rockefeller Syndrome, Lyle Stuart Inc., Secaucus, New Jersey, 1975.

Lundberg, Ferdinand, America's 60 Families. The Vanguard Press, New York, 1937.

Mc Cabe, Joseph, The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica: How Powerful and Shameless Clerical Forces Castrated a Famous Work of Reference, Borderland Sciences, Garberville, CA. (not dated).

Manchester, William, A Rockefeller Family Portrait, Little, Brown and Co., Boston, Toronto, 1959.

Nevins, Allan, John D. Rockefeller: The Heroic Age of American Enterprise, (in 2 volumes), Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1941.

Rogers, William, Rockefeller Follies, An Unauthorized View of Nelson A. Rockefeller, Stein & Day, New York, 1966.

Sinclair, Upton, King Coal, Bantam Books, New York, 1917. (This book is about the horrible massacre of striking mine workers in Colorado called The Ludlow Massacre).

Solberg, Carl, Oil Power: The Making of a Monopoly, Mason/Charter Publishing Co., New York, 1976.

Tarbell, Ida M., History of the Standard Oil Company, in 2 volumes, Mc Clure, Phillips & Co., New York, 1904.

Winkler, John K., John D. A Portrait in Oils, Vanguard Press, New York, 1929.


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Moo Cow
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Post by Moo Cow »

Things to think about;

SIX million innocent human beings dead in Nazi Germany's concentration camps from gas supplied by the Rockefellers' Standard Oil Company to IG Farber....

SIX million people homeless in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA due to Rockefellers' federal banking system / Rockefellers own BANK OF AMERICA....

Now that's 2 sixes... 66...
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
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Re: 66....

Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:Things to think about;SIX million innocent human beings dead in Nazi Germany's concentration camps from gas supplied by the Rockefellers' Standard Oil Company to IG Farber.... SIX million people homeless in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA due to Rockefellers' Federal reserve banking system / Rockefellers also own BANK OF AMERICA.... Now that's 2 sixes... 66...

How about 11 22 63=15, 1+5=6
Moo Cow
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The Time is Now....

Post by Moo Cow »

If a protest can be assembled, a good time for it would be in the coming spring months...does anyone know how many people were at the protest in Washington to end the Vietnam war???That is what ended the war, the protesters. Henry Kissinger said so, I believe...
These issues will go on and on unless people take a positive stance and start protesting positively and in remarkable numbers at a very visible place such as the White House.....

Moo Cow
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The Sheeple...

Post by Moo Cow »


It was not expressed to be in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, penned by our Founding Forefathers, to allow this country to be run (down) and ruled by 1% of the evil jerks such as the Rockefellers who are NOW Ruling the Roost...we are supposed to be One Nation Under God, Not Satan
The Fellers DO have a monopoly now on oil...
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
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Rockefeller and Nazi(Illumanati) Contol Methods

Post by Moo Cow »

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Appendix One The Programmers

Some of THE Illuminati's Companies
A. Introductory remarks Vril Society
B. Understanding the programmers Dr. Mengele Dr. Cameron Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino
C. Monarch Mind Control Programmers Country Music Industry The Temple of Set.
D. Dr. Green
E. Dr. White
F. The AntiChrist as a Master Programmer

May each & every person listed get right with YHWH God before they die. Short List of some addresses of abusers who are part of the Network, a.k.a. New World Order

Addresses may not be current but are my last address for them. This information may have mistakes, this is only to display to readers that the veil of secrecy is no longer holding up for the Mind Control Programmers.

AC/DC satanic Rock Band, 11 Leonminster Rd., Morden, Surrey SM4, England

Ade, Henry. CIA & drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 1663 County Rd. 13, Waterloo, IN 46793

Aga Khan IV, H.H.

Prince Karim. Satanist & leader of Ismaili Muslims, Aiglemont, 60270 Gouvieux. France

Alabama Country Music group, satanists and Monarch slave handlers, Box 529, Ft. Payne, AL 35967

Baily, John, slave abuser, 1525 Pine St., Office 10. Redding, CA 96001

Barnes, Don, slaveabuser & in co. sherriff office, 7309 Grove Rd., Frederick, MD 21701 301-694-2152; 1513 Cedarcrest Ln, Frederick, MD 21702301-663-8316

Benson, Ezra Taft, satanist/leader of LDS church. Church of Jesus Christ , Administration Bldg., 47 E. S. Temple. Salt Lake City , UT 84415

Bowers, Wilbur D., Ipsimus in Illum. & Monarch programmer & CIA drug dealer. 1735 NE 11th, Bend , OR 97701 ph. 503-EV2-5162 (EV for ‘evergreen’)

Brown, Edmund G. (Jerry). Jr., Illum. satanist & CA politician & slave abuser. 700 S. Flower St., #600 , Los Angeles , CA 90017 (phns 415-928-6346, 415-928-5073)

Brown, Charlie. Air Force Intell. & murderer & Monarch slave abuser, Box 8 . Greenbrier, TN Bundy, McGeorge, IlIum., 133 East 18th St. , NY , NY 10021 Bus. 212-371-3200

Byrd, Robert C.. Satanist and mind-control programmer & Sen. from W.VA, 311 Senate Hart Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20501

Clinton, Hillary. Illuminati witch & mind-control slave handler, (address besides White House) Rose Law Firm, 120 E. 4tn St. , Little Rock . Ark. 72201

Cochran, Hank CIA drug kingpin. Hendersonville . TN, 615-824-7011

Cox, Wayne, Satanic High Priest & Monarch handler & dangerous serial killer, Rt. l. Box 84, Chatham, LA 71226

Dante, Michael (Michael Vitti). Monarch slave abuser and porn maker, 3485 Canon Drive . Beverly Hills , CA 90212 218-858-9425; Orange , CA 92665 , 714637-0590

Day, Brad, slave abuser & coke pusher. 5300 Las Pablanos NW. Albuquerque, NM 87107 Drake, Jim (and son), slave abuser & porn/drug dist., 11173 N. Kendall Dr. #F105 , Miami , FL 33176

Fonda, Peter. RR #38, Livingston , MT 59047

Fonda, Jane, c/o Fonda Films, P.O. Box 1198 , Santa Monica , CA 90406

Gavoruhk, John, Police chief working for Illum. protects Monarch programmers/handlers. 121 Partridge Circle . Wintersprings , FL 32708 305-699-0618

Grace, J. Peter, business leader & illuminati. CCAGW, 1301 Connecticut Ave. , NW. #400, Washington , DC 20036

Grateful Dead satanic cult rock band and Illuminati cocaine distributors. P.O. Box 1566, Main Office St., Montclair, N.J. 07043

Greene, Jack, CIA & white slavery & Monarch slave abuser & country entertainer, Box 485A Goodlettsviiie, TN 615-859-3284

Haggard, Merle, slave abuser & country singer. P.O. Box 536 , Palo Cedro , CA 96073 Hestbeck, Vaughn. Monarch abuser & Danish cocaine distr., 515 Rhapsody Paquet Cruises. 1007 N. American Way, Miami, FL 33176

Hope, Bob, slave owner and slave handler w/ intelligence agencies, 3808 Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91505

Houston, Alex, satanist & Monarch programmer & CIA, 1155 Ridge Hill Rd., Goodlettsville, TN 37072 615-859-3543

Hummell, Ed, Monarch programmer, Cattleman’s Steak & Seafood Co., 10260 S.W. Nimbus Ave. Suite M-3, Tigard, OR 97223 503-620-7824 (also Las Vegas?)

Humperdink, Englebert, Castro Valley . CA 94546 510-733-6085

King Juan Carlos I, King of Spain and Illuminati, Palacio de la Zarzuela , Madrid . Spain

KISS satanic rock band, 6363 Sunset Blvd., #417, Los Angeles , CA 90028

Kissinger, Henry, Illuminat & P2 Freemason, 1800 K. St. , NW. #400. Washington . D.C. 20006

Kreskin, occultist, P.O. Box 1383, West Caldwell, NJ 07006

Lang, Velton, white slavery & drug running, 264 Bluegrass Dr., Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-824-6076 (also at Twitty City 615-822-3210)

Lewis, Jerry Lee, Monarch slave programmer & musician, P.O. Box 3864. Memphis , TN 37173 ; 3324 Lynchburg St. Memphis , TN 38134 901-388-1135

MacLaine, Shirley, actress/author/New Age occultist, 8899 Beverly Blvd. , Los Angeles . CA 90048 Madonna, satanist & monarch slave, 75 Rockefeler Plaza, New York, NY 10019

Manson, Charles, satanist & monarch slave and monarch slave handler, Corcoran Prison, 1002 Diary Ave., Corcoran, CA 93212

Martin, Diane, CIA drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 45-641 F. Apapane St., Keneoke, HA 96744 McKee, Lloyd, drug dealer & Monarch slave abuser, 6501 Meoqui, Albuquerque, NM, 87107; 3000 Colonnade Ct. NW. Albuquerqe, NM 87107 505-345-4194

McOuinn, Mike, slave handler & money launderer, Miami, FL 305-386-1512 & 305-251-5320 Meadows, Hal, dir. of the CIA near death mind-control programming center. Swiss Villa Ampetheater, Box 27, Lampe, MO 65681

Merritt, Jeff, CIA drug runner & slave abuser, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, 809-744-4000

Mitterrand, Francois

Maurice Marie, Illuminati & close friend to Rothschilds & Pres. of France, Palais de l‘Elysée. 55-57 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. 75008 Paris, France

Nelson, Willie, singer & monarch slave handler. P.O. Box 33280 , Austin . TX 78784 Nunn, Sam. IlIuminati, 303 Senate Dirksen Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20510

O’Brien, Earl. CIA Monarch abuser, 12614 Lakeshore, Grand Haven, Ml 49417 Overstreet, Tommy, CIA & white slavery. P.C. Box 41103 , Nashville , TN 37204

Parton, Dolly, satanist. Crockett Road , Rt. #1. Brentwood , TN 37027

Pope John Paul II (aka Karol Wojtyla), Illuminati & Freemason. Apostolic Palace, Vatican City

Pride, Charley, slave abuser & white slavery & country singer & CIA. c/o Chardon Inc., 3198 Royal Ln., #204, Dallas, TX 75229

Prophet, Ronnie, Satanist & Monarch slave runner, 1030 17th Ave. N., Nashville, TN 37208 615-321-0539

Queen Beatrix (Wilhelmina Armgard). Illuminati & Queen, of the Netherlands , Binnen Huf 19. The Hague 2513 AA. The Netherlands

Reynolds, Dr. Herbert H., Illuminati & Univ. CEO, Baylor Univ., Waco TX 76798; 336 Guittard Ave. Waco, TX 76706 817-753-4011

Riley, Ken, CIA & Neo-nazi & Loretta Lynn’s handler/road manager, Rt. 3, Rosebrook Ct., Gallatin, TN 37066

Rockefeller, Winthrop Illumnati kingpin & porn dealer. Winrock Farms, MorriIton, AR 72110 501-727-5481

Rorick, David (a.k.a. Dave Roe), satanist & white slavery, 1211 Mallard, Franklin, TN, 37064

Rose, Ivan, CIA & White slavery & Monarch abuser, RR 2, Mt. Pleasant Rd., Spartansburg, PA 16434 814-694-2496

Ryan, Dr. Michael N., one of Illum.’s coverup doctor who patches up slaves, 353 New Shackle Is. Rd., Hendersonville . TN 37075, 615-824-8475, 615-824-8496

Smith, Dan, car & drug dealer & slave abuser, P.O. Box 262 . New Martinsville, W. VA 26155

Stevens, Jim, Monarch slave abuser & drug runner, 1726 N. Magnolia, Ocala, FL 32670 904-622-1966 904-622-2139

Tanis, Bob, CIA & Air Force Intell., Monarch abuser & Mafia & pornographer, 7278 N. Lakeshore, West Olive. MI 49460

Train, Russell, Club of Rome, 1803 Kalorma Sq., Washington, D.C., 20008-4021 202-332-5800

Trump, Donald. Illuminati, 725 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10022

Vanderpool, Darcy, Monarch programmer, 2620 Regatta Dr. # - 116, Las Vegas, NV 891 702-242-4222

Walker, Jimmy, Monarch save abuser/pornographer, 904 Carswell Waycroos, GA 31501 912-285-5594

Warlock, Billy, actor, 9200 Sunset Blvd., #625, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Westberry, Kent, songwriter, satanist & white slavery. 359 Lee Road , CottonTown , TN 37048

*Some of THE Illuminati's Companies:

Air America , CIA front, works out of Tulsa ; Nederland , TX ; Berea , OH . & Jackson , MS . The Tulsa addresss is 1419 S. 135th East Ave. , Tulsa , OK 74108-4131 918-234-3041

Cargill, Inc., large grain cartell run by Illum. P.O. Box 9300, 15407 McGinty Rd, Minnetonka, MN 55440

Dungeon Master, Desmodus Inc., hard gay porn, s & m pubIisher, Box 11314. San Francisco, CA 94101

Eli Lilly & Co., Illuminati drug co., Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, IN 46285

Machinery International, Inc., CIA front, 302 Fall Cr Dr.. Richardson , TX 75080 214-234-2969

Rothschild Pediatric Group, 4770 S. I 10 Service Rd., Metairie, L.A 70001 504-887-1133

Rothschild Pedatric Group, 1970 Ormond Blvd., Destrehan, LA 70047 504-784-6036 Southern Air Transport, CIA front, 6400 N.W. 36th, Miami, FL 33166 Summit Aviation, CIA front, Summit Airport, Middletown, Delaware 19709 302-834-5400

Appendix One (continued)

a. Introductory remarks Vril Society
b. Understanding the programmers Dr. Mengele Dr. Cameron Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino
c. A list of known programmers Country Music Industry
d. Dr. Green
e. Dr. White
f. The AntiChrist as a Master Programmer

A. Introductory Remarks

For any recipe you need a cook. So who has been cooking up the RECIPE for making Monarch Slaves? The authors felt that after reading the recipe, that some readers would be interested in learning about the master chefs who make human robots using trauma-based mind-control. According to an ex-Programmer, the Programmers for decades have been treated like royalty whenever they step foot onto a military base, or enter a hospital that carries out mind control. They are always expected. Generally, the commanding general on a base would meet them and escort the programmer in a limo. If the base commander couldn’t make it, an important physician might take his place.

The programmers have keys, and codes to get into special areas. After many thousands of Americans died in WW II fighting Nazism, our government’s intelligence agencies (incl. the military intelligence groups) in cooperation with the Illuminati and its people in the Vatican, smuggled 10,000 of the worst Nazi-fascist war criminals into this country. This is on public record now. Part of this was under Operation Paperclip. The DoD (Dept. of Defense) also worked at smuggling Nazi mind control programmers under Project 63. Every W.W. II veteran who fought ought to be angry that after putting his life on the line for "democracy" and freedom, and supposedly defeating the Nazis, our government brought in men like the S.S.’s infamous butcher Dr. Joseph Mengele to program American children with trauma-based mind-control like he had in the concentration camps. In fact, Fritz has worked with an Illuminati victim of Joseph Mengele, who was programmed in Germany in a concentration camp, and then smuggled to the U.S. via Canada by Jesuits working with the Illuminati.

Once in the U.S., this person continued to be programmed by Mengele, who went by many names including Dr. Green. He is described in detail in part d. of this Appendix. We must begin to get beyond the fronts and covers that the programmers have for the world. Jewish professor Ernst Bergmann, of the infamous Leipzig University , is also surprisingly a strong advocate of Nazism. His main book is A National Socialist Philosophy of Culture. He writes, "A new type of mankind is being developed." He is mentioned here so that people stop looking at labels, and start looking at what is really going on. One of the principle goals of Nazism was to remake mankind. The Ahnerbe of the Nazis was set up to do genetic research and experiments. And one element of that was to be able to create the prefect obedient mind-controlled slave.

A first glance at the lies told us by our press will give one the impression Nazism was anti-communist, nationalistic, & Christian. However, a close look at Hitler and today’s Nazi leadership, will reveal that Nazism is Socialism (or Marxism, exactly what communism is about) and that Nazism is not nationalistic, but international in its view. Further, it is Satanic and based on the Nordic mystery beliefs (Odin, Thor, etc.). It is not based on Christianity.

The Vril Society was the mother of the Nazi party. "Vril" means the Light Force. What Light force? Lucifer the light bearer’s light force. The true nature of Nazism is being concealed. When Hitler came to plan, he was placed into power in accordance with the Illuminati plan which was spelled out in writing. This plan said, "Nowadays if any state raise a protest against us it is only pro forma (provided in advance) at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren."

Illuminati international bankers brought Hitler to power, and Illuminati kingpins like Rockefeller, Onassis and the King of Sweden traded with the Nazis. Spain stayed neutral during the war to serve as a conduit of supplies to keep Hitler’s war going. Hitler was a participant in rituals where human sacrifices were carried out. He himself killed a number of men by pulling their hearts out of their bodies while they were alive. One Monarch slave remembers his father, who was powerful in the Illuminati, describing how Hitler killed a man in front of him by pulling his heart out. Some of Hitler’s key advisors and key men were in the Illuminati.

There are also lots of tie ins with the OTO, the Vril Society, the Thule Society, the Society of Green Men. The head of the Tibetan Monks that Hitler imported to help him lead Germany was known as The Man with the Green Glove. The monks were posted in Berlin, Munich, and Nuremberg.

By the way, the NWO is still using Tibetan Monks. Have you ever watched how much travel the Dalai Lama gets in? And did you notice that Tibetan Monks were imported in the Bakaa Valley Colorado by a U.N. leader? The Mishpuka (Jewish Mafia) leader Pritzker who lives in seclusion on Haulon Rd., Libertyville, IL 60048 on a 1300 acre piece of expensive real estate, had the Dalai Lama consecrate a shrine for him. Haulon Rd. has two access points, a northern and a southern. (The road was bought by Pritzker and is guarded. Pritzker has been active in Chicago for the Mishpuka. He is reported to have spent millions renovating his house, where for some reason, dead bodies keep showing up on its estate grounds.)

Our political leaders have been aware that Nazi Mind-control experts were imported after the war. For instance, some of the Nazi war criminals smuggled in became some of Richard Nixon’s personal friends. Even the Mossad were fully aware that thousands upon thousands of the worst monsters that the world has known were smuggled into the U.S. for the Illuminati by the Vatican, the Intelligence Agencies, and other groups.

The Rothschilds and Nelson Rockefeller forced the Jewish Zionist leadership in Israel to keep silent about the Nazis who were smuggled into the U.S. after W.W. II. In return for Israel’s silence and the Mossad’s silence about the thousands of high level satanic Nazis who were brought into the U.S., the nation of Israel was allowed. They made a deal, according to high level insiders.

Nelson Rockefeller had enormous power in South America. In June 1945, when the U.N. was being set up at San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller attended. While Nelson Rockefeller was there, he busied himself with directing the South American delegates. Rockefeller’s bloc of 19 Latin American countries had more U.N. votes than Europe’s nine members. Rockefeller was a key person, if the Zionist’s wanted the U.N. to vote so that the nation of Israel could be established. The Zionist leadership used what they thought was blackmail, if you don’t let Israel be established we will expose how you are smuggling Nazi war criminals into the U.S.

Of course, the Illuminati wanted Israel to be created--so those in the Zionist leadership who knew the bigger plans of the Illuminati, knew that the Illuminati-run CIA wasn’t giving up anything. If anyone asks why the Mossad didn’t expose MI-6 and the CIA’s extensive hiring of Nazi war criminals, they say today that they were using it for blackmail to get Israel what it needed. Those in the know, realize that is just an excuse. The Mossad has hired its own share of Nazi criminals, and at some point learned mind-control programming from the CIA, perhaps even from Mengele (Dr. Green). The Nazis used Croats and White Russians to carry out some of their genocide policies. Not all of the monsters of W.W. II were German, many were White Russian collaborators.

Essentially every White Russian War Criminal from W.W. II that survived the war was placed on one NATO payroll or another. The U.S. intelligence even hired German SS administrators. Why? Because U.S. intelligence is controlled by the Illuminati. The White Russian Nazis were settled in the NY-NJ area, especially in South River, NJ. One of the worst monsters was Stankievich who ended up living in Richmond Hills and working for the CIA. He got a job working for Radio Liberty in NY! Isn’t that ironic that "Radio Liberty" has hired such monsters. Does our government put out propaganda or is it really the champion of freedom that it portrays itself to be?

The Nazi mayor of Minsk was brought over by the CIA and given a job at the N.Y. Library of running the Slavic desk. One of the chief White Russian war criminals, the Vor Kommando Moskau chief recruiter was made head over a NY county medical society.

John Foster Dulles, brother of the director of the CIA, was trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation was a participant in Nazi mind control research done by Mengele and others for the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin. After the war, John Foster Dulles helped smuggle Nazis into this country, including those who were Illuminati Mind-control experts.

Bill Casey, later director of the CIA, was also busy helping bring in Nazi war criminals after the war. He served on the International Rescue Committee in NY which he used to bring Nazis into New York. Prior to the war Jewish German scientists were smuggled into New York through the Arnold & Constable Store, which housed the ADL on the top floor.

The South American countries, especially Argentina, ruled by the Perons, was connected to both the Illuminati in Germany and the Illuminati in the states. Many Germans went to Argentina, and they simply continued doing what they had done in the past. Satanism working under the veil of Nazism was very strong in Argentina where many of the German Illuminati leaders moved after the war.

Another place that the Germans loved to move to was Oregon, especially Portland, OR. The head of Hitler’s intelligence was the brilliant Reinhard Gehlen who worked for the CIA after the war. He is Illuminati. His brother was Doe Winters who lived in Pullach after the war.

Mengele, (the Dr. Black of Monarch Programming, who was an Illuminati Grand Master himself) would occasionally visit Doe Winter’s Pullach residence. To renovate the image of Nazi criminals, they became Anti-communist crusaders. A group of fascists from Asia and Europe were taken by U.S. Intelligence and moulded into the WACL (World Anti-Communist League). And we of the sheppel (sheep) were given more Hegalian dialectics. Those of us who still care about humanity’s freedom, and that human spirit not to be broken by the elite’s total mind control, have got to get beyond labels, and the media’s propaganda, and the false fronts.

B. Understanding The Programmers

Many men have contributed to the research of trauma-based mind control. The men who learned how to torture during the ancient Babylonian days, during the Roman days and during the Medieval days passed their secrets to the rulers of the secret Mystery Religions. Some of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines trace their history back to the ancient times of Babylon. Because the programmers are driven by the spirit-world, they are very jealous and competitive towards each other. It is a dog-eat-dog world amongst them. The demonic forces within in them are in competition too. Yes, the programmers have had their friction, their jealousies & power struggles with each other. Some of these inner battles have been fought with and over their mind-controlled slaves. When two programmers work on a single slave, they might both put in their own secret back doors to insure that the slave remains loyal to himself rather than other programmer.

There has also been ongoing tension between the half-blooded & full blooded Illuminati programmers. Because each of the various programming centers specializes in perhaps a dozen types of programming, programmers go to different programming centers. The props for the scripts are often kept at the programming centers. The programmers will dress according to the script they are giving the victims, which might mean they may be dressed as the Wizard of Oz, a Nazi, a doctor in a white coat, a white rabbit costume, a corrigan sweater as Mr. Rogers, or in the nude.

One of the most cruelest evil geniuses in recent times was Dr. Mengele. Dr. Mengele used 3,000 twins during the time of 1943-1944 for research. Most of these twins died. The twins were chosen out of the vast numbers of people who were brought in to the German concentration camps. By the time W.W. II ended, Mengele knew a great deal about how to torture children in order to get them to bond totally with him. Even today some of the survivors of his horrible experiments believe that Mengele loved children. They love him as their father. Mengele also developed the ability to create artificial twinning between two people. Mengele carried his violin with him when he came onto military bases. His violin hid his color bands and probes for color programming.

Other men worked with Dr. Mengele and soon became programmers in their own right. Dr. Cameron of Canada became a Monarch mind-controlled slave programmer known as Dr. White.

Another programmer who was not a full blooded generational Satanist was Gog known as Dr. Blue. Heinrich Mueller is known as Dr. Blue. Dr. Blue lived in the northwest area and has two sons--their programming and cult nicknames are Teddy Bear (Theodore) and Robin Hood (Michael).

Two programmers known successively as Dr. Black are L.W. and W.B. A protege of L. W. is Ed Hummel who works in states such as Texas and Oregon. Ed was originally from Texas, and W. and B. were originally from Oklahoma before they began working in the Northwest.

Two of the most ruthless programmers on the West coast are Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino. These two men are as cold blooded as they come, ranking right beside Mengele in their ability to torture. Michael Aquino (DOB 10/16/46, 2430 Leavenworth St., San Francisco, plus other addresses), because he was in military intelligence, was in a position to pass on his diabolical programming abilities to dozens of military officers. His wife works with him, and her name is Lilith Sinclair (DOB 4/21/42). Michael Aquino has travelled all over the U.S. doing programming. Michael Aquino used Cathy O’Brien as the star victim in his training video which teaches military officers how to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves.

One of the old time programmers (early 1950s-80’s) who worked as a psychiatrist in southern California went by the programming name of Sid. The principle Illuminati programmers were known as Dr. Black, Dr. White, Dr. Green, and Dr. Blue. They oversaw the training of thousands of part-time programmers. The better programmers are able to get into the mind of the victim much like Colombo (Peter Falk), who is, by the way, in his personal life is part of this all.

The reader needs to understand that a victim who is given the Monarch mind-control may have a number of programmers, but the slave will be trained to only respond to the voices of a limited number of users. If someone tries to use a slave and has the wrong voice, it could trigger suicide programming. A human robot may have alters which can rescue the body from a suicide alter, but the message will be clear to the mind-controlled slave that it should stay away from non-approved users or face possible suicide. We have now entered an era where second and third generation robotic mind controlled slaves are programming. The programmed are now doing much if not most of the programming. This means many of the programmers are men with MPD.

Some programmers are hard-core military men who see any type of "discipline" or "training" as good if the end product produces better obeying soldiers. These hard-core military men have lost any proper boundaries on what is O.K. for training. This explains why the whole apparatus to create mind-controlled slaves is turning out new slaves at an alarming rate. The small number of victims who are painstakingly saved by de-programming and therapy is slight compared to the number of new slaves being created. Over two million Americans have been programmed by trauma-based mind control since 1947, & the CIA admitted its Mind Control publicly in 1970, and yet the existence of the mind-control is still secret to the general public.

Doctors such as Dr. Gaefsky, at the Bethesada Naval Hospital and Dr. Beecher at Harvard, under the auspices of the CIA worked to perfect the use of drugs to mind-control people.

Dr. Jensen, was the CIA programmer who programmed Candy Jones (birth name Jessica Wilcox, and CIA alias Arlene Grant), the famous sex object of males during W.W. II. Candy Jones was a Monarch carrier pigeon (courier) for the CIA. Candy Jones received some of her programming at The Farm which is the CIA’s Camp Peary.

Dr. William Jennings Bryan also helped the CIA in programming. Naval Psychologist Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut contributed his ideas on how to develop mind-controlled assassins. Some of the assembly-line Delta assassination teams are using programming techniques based on Narut’s programming research.

A Dr. James Monroe also worked for the CIA in Mind Control programming.

READERS ARE ASKED TO REMEMBER THAT SOMETIMES SEVERAL PEOPLE MAY HAVE THE SAME NAME. Disclaimer: The readers are asked to check these people/names out for themselves before drawing any final conclusions, maybe the leopard has changed his spots.

C. Monarch Mind Control Programmers

Morse Allen

Lt. Col. John Alexander
Richard Dabney Anderson
Michael Aquino (program cover name Malcolm, also known to some children as Mickey, Betty Ford is his mother, Illum, bloodline, married to Lilith Sinclair)
Bill Bennett
Wilbur Bowers (program cover name Billy Boy, a Rothschild)
Dr. William Jennings
Bryan Burcham Burnell-Hightower
Sen. Robert C. Byrd
Dr D Ewen Cameron (program cover name Dr White)
Sue Carper
Joe Circo
Mark Circo
Wayne Cox
Dr. Bernard Diamond
Michael Delaney (prog. covr name Robin Hood)
Russell G. Frazier
Gaston Beth George (a Rothschild)
Clair George
Dr Sydney Gottlieb
Col. Wilson Green
John Gunter (program cover name Little John)
Haggin Harrick in Denver, Co.
Col. Height (sp.?)
Lawrence Hinkle
Alex Houston
Ed Hummel
Dr. Harris Isbell
Dr. Jensen Johnson
Steve Kilgore
Kris Kristopherson
Helga LaRouche
Hank Levine
Jerry Lee Lewis
Dr. John Lilly
Col. Manassah
Irby Mandrell
Hal Meadows
Dr. Meiers (program cover name The Jolly Green Giant)
Seward Prosser Mellon (program cover name Governor)
Dr. Josef Mengele (program cover name Dr. Green)
Dr. Joseph A. Meyer
Ted V. Mikels
Dr. James Monroe
Heinrich Mueller (program cover name Dr. Blue)
Theodore son of Heinrich Mueller (program cover name Teddy Bear)
Nathan Lt. Comdr.
Thomas Narut
Dr. Martin T. Orange
Col. Tom Parker
Pete Peterson
Ken Riley
David Long Rothschild
Guy de Rothschild
Alden Sears
Dr. Star Maj.
Col. Taylor
Leo Taylor
Darcy Vanderpool
Weir Kent
Leo Wheeler (program cover name Dr. Black, a Collins)
Robert Whitlow
Harold Wolff

SOURCES: Fritz Springmeier’s Newsletters Oct. 15, 1993; Dec. 1, ‘93; Feb, ‘94; Jan., 1995; March-April, 1995; "Perpetrators" (Monograph), 1993 by Cathy O’Brien, Fritz Springmeier’s own list of people from Survivors, In Search For the Manchurian Candidate

Country Music Industry

Perpetrators Involved and knowledgeable of Monarch Mind Control (Most are involved with the CIA’s drug running network.)

Henry Ade
Alabama band
Atlanta Bandana
Lynn Anderson
Jerry Barlow
Boxcar Willie
Ray Burdette
Glen Campbell
Ace Canon
Dee Clark
Roy Clark
David Allen Coe
Pat Corn
Helen Cornelious
Wayne Cox
Dave DeBolt
Penny Dehaven
Charlie Dick T
he Drifters
Roy Drusky
Narvel Felts
The Four Guys
Randy and Rudy Gatlin
Jim Glaser
Vern Gosdin
Jack Greene
Merle Haggard
Alex Houston (and Elmer)
Englebert Humperdink
Waylon Jennings
George Jones
The Judds
Merle Kilgore
Buddy Killen
Velton Lang
Hank Levine
Jerry Lee Lewis
Ernest Ray Lynn
Ronnie Lutric
Jack MacFadden
Reggie Maclaughlin
Brent Magor
Marty Martell
George Moffet
Lorrie Morgan
Bonnie Nelson
Willie Nelson
Oakridge Boys
Merril Osmund
Tommy Overstreet
Jerry and Arlene Petty
Ray Pillow
Charlie Pride
Ronnie Prophet
Jeannie Pruett
Giles Reeves
Dave Roe (Rorick)
Dave Roland (and Sugar)
TG Sheppard
Hank Snow
Ronnie Stoneman
Jimmy Sturr
Jimmy Swaggart
Mel Tillis
Buck Trent
Leroy VanDyke
Jim Vest
Mack Vickory
Billy Walker
Charlie Walker
Jim Webb
Dottie West
Shelly West
Kent Westberry
Bobby Whitton

Michael McArthur, a recent convert from Satanism who helped abduct children provided first hand testimony that the following are involved in abductions of children:

"Chucky" (aka ,,Mike," aka "Peters"’) --FBI hit man in Div. 5 of FBI, involved also with Inslaw Case

Nichol Harrah -FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice

Linda Krieg-Satanist working for FBI

Ken Lanning-FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice while claiming SRA doesn’t exist

Nick O’Hara--FBI hit man, satanist, who has covered FBI child kidnapping by murdering witnesses

Kepe Richardson--CIA agent who abducts children for sacrifice

In addition to all this, the following are a few of the CIA people who are both Slave Handlers and drug dealers, who haven’t gotten their names mentioned yet:

Pat Bowlin
George Bush & son
Sue Carper (not known if she deals drugs). She does dir. CIA operations and the Norwegian Caribbean Lines.
Hank Cochran, a drug overlord
Alan Dulles
Diane Martin of Hawaii
Irby Mandrell who controls other family members who are slaves such as Barbara, Louise, & Iriene.
Jim Maynard, CIA covert ops Belize Jeff Meritt, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Is.
Carl Misel
Jim Mitchell
Earl O’Brien
Linda Scale
Bob Tannis w/ Air Force Intell. in Ml

The Temple of Set.

The Temple of Set (The Temple of Power) is built upon mind control. Since most of the members are either victims of mind control or perpetrators or both, it would be productive to give the membership of this organization.

Dr. Flowers, the Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid, may well be a programmer. In the least he is a slave handler. Some Total Mind-controlled slaves will have Order of the Trapezoid things internally. If they do, the therapist should recognize that this is Temple of Set (Power) programming. The membership of the Church of Set has been a closely guarded secret. Here it is.

A few words of explanation are in order. Most of the names in the list are the actual names of people, but some people joined the Temple of Set under aliases. For instance Eddie W. Hands is an alias for Edward Wayne Cox of Chatham, Louisiana. E. Wayne Cox may have chosen this alias because he runs an international business of selling left hands taken from victims of human sacrifice. The left hand is called by these Satanists "the hand of glory."

Although Senator Robert C. Byrd’s name doesn’t appear on the Temple of Set’s formal membership, he properly should be included in any membership list, because it was his legal expertise that helped Aquino set up the Temple of Set so that it would be legally protected by the Constitution. Behind this legal Satanic organization is a large amount of illegal Satanic activity, including sacrifice, slavery, mind control, porn and drugs. Senator Byrd is an example of how evil men can pervert the use of the Constitution for evil.

Another name which is not on the formal membership roster is Jerry Lee Lewis, but Jerry Lee Lewis works so closely with the Monarch slaves of the Temple of Set that he is an integral part of the Temple of Set system. This secret membership list follows this pattern NAME OF PERSON-POSITION IN THE TEMPLE OF SET (i.e. rank), PLACE OF RESIDENCE, OTHER OCCULT OR SECULAR FACTS ABOUT THE PERSON. Roman numerals are used to identify Setian ranks, I have taken the liberty to abbreviate these roman numerals into our everyday numbers, such as VI° = 6°.

Here is the PAST AND RECENT SECRET MEMBERSHIP IN THE TEMPLE OF SET (a spin-off of the Church of Satan, and recently reconstructed as the Temple of Power.):

Alex, Frank R.--Setian 1°, Illinois Alleé,
John D.-Adept 2°, Mass., editor of satanic newsletter Brimstone.
Frank Sinatra fan.
Anderson, Yolanda--Adept 2°, Calif. Adept at Black Magic. Satanic priestess.
Aquino, Lilith Sinclair--Magistra Templi 40 Treasurer, she founded the Lilith Groto which was the largest and longest-functioning Grotto of the LaVey’s Church of Satan. On the T of S’s Council of nine, Of the Sinclair bloodline.

Aquino, Michael-The vain Ipsissimus 6° of the Temple of Set, Missouri, Lt. Col. U.S. Army with high level security clearance, in Military Intelligence and army’s Psychic warfare battalion, Green Beret, member ACLU, Defense Intelligence College, and prominent teacher of how to create Monarch slaves.

Austen, David--Priest of Set 3°, London, England, Black Magician who studies Crowley

Barrett, Ronald L., Jr.--Priest of Set 3°, Colorado, ex-Airborne Ranger, interested in alchemistry
Bennett, Clifton B.--Setian 1°, Colorado, studies Crowley, medieval Satanism and Kenneth Anger
Berkey, C. Joseph, 3rd--Adept 2°, Virginia, does occult art and practices Enochian Magic
Blood, Linda--Wrote a book about her time with Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set
Blount, Larry D.--Setian 1°, Texas, studies Friedrich Nietzche and black magic
Bozeman, Clayton C.--Adept 2°, Oregon,
Bradley, Curtis A.-Setian 1°, Colorado, Freemason, reads everything on vampires
Browning, Willie--USAR officer in Ml
Buckman, Samuel-Setian 1°, Accra, Ghana, West Africa, wants to spread black magic in West Africa
Butch, William T.--Priest of Set 3°, Penn., Lt Commander of Navy SEALs, studies ancient Egyptian Satanism
Campbell, Adam N-Adept 2°, Melbourne, Victoria, Aust., satanist interested in politics
Chandler, Kendal T.--Setian 1°, Penn.. a musician into heavy metal music
Clark. Julian R.-Priest of Set 3°. England, practicing hypnotherapist in London, has snakes for pets
Cruse, Roger D. 2nd-Setian 1° , Georgia, interested has studied Clinical Psychology
DeCecco. R. Amn-Magistrer Templi 4°, Maine, on T of S’s Council of Nine
DiCicco. Carman J., Jr.-Setian 1°. New Jersey. studies Bruce Lee, Machiavelli, and Anton LaVey, likes Black Sabbath/Ozzy

DuNard-Phillips, Carolyne--Adept 2°, Missouri, Egyptian &Enochian Magic, heads an Egyptian magic Lodge
Egen, Shane M.-Setian 1°, Wellington, New Zealand, interested in Heavy Metal music, martial arts and mind control Engels, Georges-Setian 1°, Belgium, practices Black Magic
Evans, Larry--Priest of Set 3°, Oklahoma, Sentinel of the Gates of Hell Pylon
Farnsler, William E.-Adept 2°, Texas,
Felczak, John J.--Adept 2°, Calif., has stuied a wide variety of occult systems
Ferguson, Rick A.--Setian 1°, Ohio, Flowers.
Nancy K.-Magistra Templi 4°, Texas, Editor of the Scroll of Set, part of the Bull of Ombos Pylon in Austin, TX.
Flowers, Dr. Stephen E.-Magister Templi 4°, Texas, Grand Master of Order of the Trapezoid, expert of Runes and Germanic occultism

Fox, D. Pete-Setian 1°, Illinois, interested in Nazism’s occultism
Friedel. Peter--Priest of Set 3°, West Ger. member of the Ordo Satuni (holds a high degree), 30° in the Scottish Rite, member of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of London, generational satanist of the Illuminati, promotes Satanism’s growth in Europe.

Gallo. Walter J.-Setian 1°, New York, former painter. interested in Crowley and Nazism
Gibbs, Cynthia K.--Setian 1°, Calif.,
Goff, Joseph A-Adept 2°, Mich,
Grady. James S-Virginia Gregoire, Raymond A-Priest of Set 3°. Wash, state
Grisé, Kevin M.-Setian 1°, hypnotherapist & rehab counselor
Guliaeff, Nickolai N., Jr-Adept 2°, Calif.
Gyori. John G., Jr.--Adept 2°, Texas Hand,
Eddie W.--Setian 1°. Louisiana (See previous art, in Oct. 15 newsletter on Wayne Cox within the list of witch covens,) Hardee, Bryan C.-Setian 1°, Wyoming, was part of a guild of magicians called the G.T.P,
Hardy, Patty A--Priestess of Set 3°, Maine, likes to read Robert Anton Wilson
Haywood, Michael T.--Setian 1°, Illinois, (now perhaps in Pittsburg PA)
Hearty, Marie L.--Setian 1°, Ontario, Can.,
Hinson, Eulit M.-Adept 2°, Black Magician who studies Crowley, Aquino, the Golden Dawn, Nietzsche, vampirism, etc.
Jantschik, Walter-Adept 2°, West Germany. Black Magician who studies vampirism, demonology, fraternal orders Johnson, James R., Jr.--Adept 2°, Nevada.
Johnson, Lynn (later married W.T. Butch)--high Setian who left to form the Temple of Nepthys
Joyner, James C-Sec, of the Order of Leviathan, Baxley. GA
Kalivoda, Kurt-Setian 1°, Illinois, studied OTO black magic
Keil, Jeffrey J.-Setian 1°, mmbr Rune-Gild, King, Stephen P.--Setian 1°, So. Carolina,
Knowles, James L., Jr.--Setian 1°, Minn., has studied Enochian Magic. (The Knowles family is somewhat prominent.)
Laakso, Petri-Setian 1°, Finland. joined T of S as a young man going into the Finish armed forces
Lance, Rebecca C-Priestess of Set 3°, Calif., member of The Children which is a Satanic band
Lee, John--Setian 1°, Queensland, Aust., interested in Nazism and SS rituals
Lewis, .James--ipsissimus 6°, Council of Nine, Baxley, Georgia, was formerly with the Church of Satan
Lilly, James H., Jr --Setian 1°,
Lima, Peter J.--Setian 1°
Lynch, Scott C.-Setian 1°, Halifax, Nova Scotia, interested in Neo-Nazism and the KKK
Mahoney, Michael--Setian 1°, Mass.
Mann, Dennis K-Priest of Set 3°, Order of the Trapezoid, and Order of the Vampire, New York, USAR in Ml. propaganda expert and an attorney

Matthews, Lee J.-Adept 2°, Conn., studies the Yezidee Satanists McGranahan,
Timothy L.--Adept 2°, Illinois
Mensohel, Robert--Magister Templi 4°, Calif., Member of Mensa, computer whiz kid, editor Ruby Tablet
Moffatt, Robert H.--Magister Templi 4°, Calif., co-fdr of T of S Council of 9, editor SCROLL, operated Set-Amentet Pylon in LA. Moore,

Patrick R.--Setian 1°, FL
Neilly. Robert W.-Magister Templi 4°, Ontario, Canada, co-fdr T of 5, Chrmn Council of Nine, ESP research
Nielsen, Ruth A.--Adept 2°, WI, ex-Catholic nun, into magic, incl. hermetic magic and computers
Nourse, Andrew--Setian 1°, MA, amateur radio, computer programmer, into massage magic,
Osbourne, Amanda--Adept 2°, CA, likes Stephen King Novels and Star Trek, and love horror films
Page. Richard E.-Setian 1°, Ml, into runic and Enochian magic
Parkin, Antony--Adept 2°, Lancashire, Eng.. likes Nazi SS things
Pridgen, William D.--Adept 20, So. Cara., likes the works of Crowley, Lovecraft, Grant, R.A. Wilson, John wheeler and others.

Radtke, Walter--Adept 2°, CA. experimental artist, interested in Da Vinci, Tesla, Velikovsky
Reichensperger, Peter--Setian 1°, mathematician. Esoteric Order of Dagon. works with computers
Reynolds, Linda--Magistra Templi 4°, Tenn, co-leader of Seshen Pylon, San Francisco
Rietze, Perry A.-Setian 1°, FL, Satanist interested in Satanic Bible, ritual magic, Egyptology, and demonology
Rigby. Michael S.-Adept 2°, TX Rivera, Peter N--Adept 2°, Calif., interested in the magical effects of drums and music
Robinson, Robert W.-Priest of Set 3°, UT. interested in snakes, studying the Illuminati, built ritual sites in Death Valley, explores Aztec ruins.

Rowlett, Curtis A--Adept 2°, GA, interested in Aleister Crowley/Thelema
Rush, Jennifer--Adept 2°, N.S.W. Australia, uses Tarot cards as a hobby
Russell, Diane--Setian 1°, FL, practices Black Magic Sandling.
Frances S.--Adept 2°, Dorset, Eng.. interested in John Dee (Enochian Magic). Crowley & LaVey. Does Black Magic rituals.

Sass, James D.--Setian 1°, P.O. Box 666, Daytona Beach, FL 32115, Hard core black magician.
Saunders, Richard--Adept 2°, England. interested in Black Magic and Chaos Magic
Schumacher, Jeurgen-Setian 1°, Germany, works Hatha Yoga, likes Odinism, studies hypno-therapy
Scott, Eardley W.--Setian 1°, NJ, a drummer with a rock/jazz fusion, like Enochian magic & its conversion to Setian symbolism

Shull, Robert W.-Adept 2°, VA, Snow, Heather L.--Adept 2°, NM, artist
Sobolewski, R. Douglas--Setian 1°, PA, Rosicrucian (AMORO) 8°, amateur astronomer
Spriet. Patrick--Adept 2°, Belgium, interested in Nazism and Egypt, multilingual in 5 languages
Stout, Julie-Adept 2°, TX, Taylor, Lucifer E.--Setian 1°, MA, Exec, Sec. of Brimstone, a journal of the Anc. Brotherhd of Satan, 231 Kennedy Dr #130, Maiden, MA 02148
Thompson, Elana-Setian 1°, OR, interested in the occult, science fiction and anthropology esp. the Middle East
Van Patten, William P.-Setian 1°, NY, likes Heavy Metal music like Ozzy/Black Sabbath, reads Stephen King. studies Nazism

Watson, Amoid R.-Setian 1°, TX, interested in Egyptology, the Yezidi Satanists, Enochian Magic, and other things.
Webb, Don-Adept 2°, TX, Weirich, Richard J.-Setian 1°,
Wendall, Margaret A.-Magistra Templi 4°, CA, was a prominent mmbr of Ch. of Satan, founded the Scroll of Set & has been its editor

Whitaker, Colleen G.-Honorary Setian, OH, artist, interested in the Tarot, Councillor & Ex, Dir, for Ch of Satan
Whitaker, Roger L.-Honorary Setian, OH, a film maker, likes horror films
Winkhart, Roland-Priest of Set 3°, Germany, helps Peter Friedel operate the Black Diamond Pylon in Germany for the T of S

Zajkowski, Marie M,--Priestess of Set 3°, CA. Zimmer,
Brian E.-Adept 2°, OH.

D. Dr. Green (Dr. Joseph Mengele)

The most significant programmer, perhaps one could give him the title of the father of Monarch Programming was Joseph Mengele, an ex-Nazi Concentration Camp doctor. Thousands of Monarch mind-controlled slaves in the U.S. had "Dr. Green" as their chief programmer. Physically the doctor was 5’8", dark-brown hair, greenish brown eyes, and gracefully handsome. He was a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde character who disarmed people by his kindness. He was gentle and quiet and intelligent, while still having a very sadistic brutal side to him. Joseph Mengele was born into a wealthy Satanic bloodline, and became one of the most powerful Satanists in the world. He was an expert on demonology and the Cabala. He was at least a Grand Master in the Illuminati, but how high he went up the hierarchy ladder is unknown to this author.

Because he was part of the Illuminati and their bodies are not to have visible scars, Joseph Mengele did not take the SS tatoo on his body when he joined the Nazi SS. Mengele became the camp doctor at the famous Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Joseph Mengele was in a very key position as the camp doctor at Auschwitz. He was able to use countless thousands of people as guinea pigs for experiments. One of the chief items that had to be charted in detail was how much torture various humans could take. The charts were worked up so that the Illuminati would know exactly how much torture and how much nurturing to carry out in creating trauma-based mind-controlled slaves.

After Joseph grew up in Gunzberg with a family noted for their secrecy, and an abusive mother, he studied at Frankfurt-am-Main which is a satanic stronghold in Germany. He interned at Leipzig, a town known for being the site of modern learning theories. Later he joined the SA and then later the SS. At the end of W.W. II the United States army took custody of Mengele, and the secret satanists of the satanic brotherhood, got Mengele quietly smuggled into the U.S.

Mengele was given a higher profile in South America to lead people to think that he spent his time in South America. Actually Mengele spent a great deal of time travelling worldwide especially to places like Tavistock and China Lake’s Naval Intelligence base where Monarch slaves were created from innocent children. Although Mengele did indeed live in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay a great deal of misinformation and disinformation has been dumped on the world by the CIA and other groups working for the Illuminati.

Mengele continued to love music and dancing throughout his life. He became a human puppet master who used music to program with. He liked both the violin and the piano. He did lots of musical key-tones programming. Some of his protégés also used music to program with. This bent toward using music then contributed to the fact that the American country western industry is an outgrowth of the Monarch program. The country western industry is a cover for the drug running done via Monarch slaves.

Another bent of Mengele’s also contributed to a direction that the Monarch program took. Mengele was fascinated by twins and twinning. Mengele experimented on thousands of twins, most of who died from the torture of the experiments. Science experiments need two groups, one of which is a control group. Twins make research easy. Mengele used them extensively. He was developing, along with some German and Italian researchers, the capability to trauma bond people to their abuser to such an extent that the victim would be totally loyal to their abuser. During episodes in the camps when Mengele saved people from execution by the S.S., some of those people remained loyal to him to this day in spite of an awareness of how many people he cruelly tortured to death.

Monarch slaves are programmed to think they have a twin somewhere. Many of them have been twinned into 2 person and 4 person teams also. Mengele was known by people in the camps by his victims as the Angel of Death, Vater (father), Vaterchen (daddy) and Schoner Joseph (beautiful Joseph). Monarch mind-controlled slave victims who were programmed by him know him by names such as Doctor Green, Papa, David and Fairchild. Monarch slaves remember the cadence of his shiny black boots as he marched back and forth while programming them.

Whether programming in a lab, or experimenting on humans Dr. Mengele enjoyed reducing people to the level of animals. However, many times his victims were restrained from crying tears. Mengele is well-known by his Monarch victims for his daisy game programming. He would pull off a daisy and say I love you." Then he would pull of one and say, I love you not." When the last daisy petal came out I love you not," he would then kill a small child in front of the child he was programming.

Mengele was in Dallas during the killing of JFK, which was achieved by trained Monarch slaves. (In fact, the Beaumont, TX Enterprise on Mon. April 10, ’94 in the Metro Sect. B, on page B cont. to 4b reports that a sworn affidavit exists where a man connects Joseph Mengele with Kennedy’s death and to have seen Mengele at the Texas Book Depository.) Luis Angel Castillo was just one of the Monarch mind-controlled slaves sent to kill JFK on Nov. 22, ’63. A woman from Germany named Mrs. Krebs, along with a host of other programmers, worked with Mengele on the Kennedy assassination.

In 1956, as part of the ongoing deception (and also showing the audacity of the Illuminati) Joseph Mengele applied and got an Argentinean foreign resident permit under his own name. He even travelled to Europe to various countries in 1956 using his own name.

E. Dr. White (Dr. D. Ewen Cameron)

Dr. White was the cover name for D. Ewen Cameron (b. Dec. 24, 1901 - Sept. 8, 1967). He was born in Scotland, was tall, imposing, & blue eyed, liked whiskey, and wore custom-made suits. He called women "Lassie." His favourite book growing up was Frankenstein, it is said that Frankenstein inspired him to go into psychiatry.

Cameron was president of the powerful American Psychiatric Association, and later the president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and then later the first president of the World Association of Psychiatrists. He was chairman of the Canadian Scientific Planning Committee.

Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, of Montreal, Canada was Dr. White when carrying out Monarch programming. Cameron tried to continue some of Mengele’s eye color research in Canada. Mengele was trying to discover for the Nazi’s how to make brown eyes blue. Cameron received funding from the Illuminati. Cameron also got funding from the CIA. The Rockefeller Foundation gave him $40,000 in 1943 to create the Allen Memorial Institute for psychiatry, an Illuminati front. He began doing programming early in the 1950s. Cameron had served on the gruesome western front in W.W.I.

As an Illuminati kingpin and programmer, Cameron (Dr. White) was very sadistic and cold blooded. He visited other programmers on the West Coast periodically. One leading Canadian doctor said that Cameron "was not possessed of the necessary sense of humanity to be regarded as a good doctor." The man was able to instill fear into people by looking at them. He met frequently with Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA. He travelled frequently including making stops in Washington. Many of the Monarch slaves on the east coast were victims of Cameron. He worked long hours at his mind-control work like a driven man.

In 1961, just one of Cameron’s institutions administered under his supervision 60,000 electrical shocks to patients. This is just what was recorded at one institution for one year. Who knows how many victims got electrical shocks and programming by this man? He worked with the Jesuit part of the NWO in Canada. Leonard Rubenstein was one of his trusted assistants. Cameron encouraged dissension among his staff in divide and Conquer tactics to maintain his power. Cameron had a big ego that allowed him to steal other people’s work and give himself credit for it, in his publications.

F. The Anti-Christ Chief handler/programmer

(1) The AntiChrist will have both public and private lives. The two will not be the same. Deep in the heart of the AntiChrist he will want to rob, kill, and destroy.

(2) He will be a man of war, but his public image will be that he is a man of peace.

(3) He will be a winner. The public always likes a winner. This will be a man with a hardened heart, but a man of charisma.

(4) Charisma has been noted to develop when a person is a foreigner (novel) and has some feature that causes people to feel sorry for the person --some wound or physical defect (like Gorbachev's red splotch on his head). The AntiChrist will have the public appearance of being a genius, not only a wizard of words, but a commercial genius, a military genius, a diplomat of the highest order, a leader, and an intelligent good looking man.

(5) However, this is the public image. Some of this will be created by Madison avenue techniques. He will be fearless,

(6) a skilled negotiator, a poker face who is capable of crafty deception. In fact deception characterizes the man. He is Satan in human flesh,

(7) who will use religion for evil. He will use good for evil.

(8) His lineage is from several directions. He may have Hittite blood,

(9) blood from the Tribe of Dan,

(10) and blood from Assyria .

(11) He may also claim to have Egyptian royal blood.

(12) He will be proclaimed the returning messiah for the Buddhists, the Islamic religion, the New Agers, the Christians, etc. Inman Mahdi, the Messiah. etc.

(13) However, the group of people who he will be most connected to, will be the Jews.

(14) His sphere of influence will not just be jews, but he will reinstitute blood sacrifices in the Temple in Jerusalem .

(15) This may well be the abomination of desolation that the Word of God warns about.

(16) The AntiChrist will arise on the scene like a thief in the night (17) and will surprise people by his rise to fame. He will come from obscurity --

(18) but he will have all the correct credentials

(19), and bloodlines.

(20) All the correct occult signs will occur around this individual.

(21) Because of historical precedence, we know that chaos and confusion will set the stage for the grand entrance of this man onto the stage of public attention.

(22)Problems will be created, so that this great man can pull mankind out of the worst disasters. The world will be trauma-bonded with him.

(23) He will be a savior saving mankind from extinction and death.

(24) However, while he promises and provides a new life for humankind, he is actually a merchant of spiritual death.

(24) The eternal fate of individuals is determined by how they respond to him.

(25) A remnant of true believers will endure to the end

(26), but many will succumb to the deception.

(27) The AntiChrist will not have to face a hostile church--the church will be in apostasy and will accept him.

(28) The AntiChrist will have to face a few John the Baptist types, who he will use his guillotines on.

(29) In other words, the AntiChrist will not be antagonistic toward the church--but he will subtly destroy it and cause it to serve only him. He will disregard the true law of God

(30)--the spirit of the law, but he will be a legalist, who wants law and order

(31). He will have both a False Prophet and another close friend the Beast.

(32) The daily blood sacrifices will become the global correct view, and Christians who oppose these sacrifices will be in trouble.

(33) All the trappings of Rabbinic and Talmudic and Cabalistic Judaism will be revived and flourish.

(34) He will pretend to be like Christ--he will be compared to Christ in the media--but he will also be opposed in reality to everything Christ stands for. As so many Satanic cult leaders do, and as is standard within Illuminati rituals--the AntiChrist will be killed and brought back to life.

(35) This simulated death will be done in front of the public, and this will give him the appearance of superhuman strength and divine favor--for being able to receive a deadly wound and then to heal and revive so quickly. Jerusalem will be the religious capital of the New World Order (36)--but there is reason to believe that there will also be both a political and an economic capital, and a computer and a police center. (37) There will probably be 3 public capitals and many other centers

(38) Just as during the Roman Empire there were many religious centers, such as Ephesus was the spiritual center for Diana worship being one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient world. Mt. Olympus in Greece was a sacred mountain in ancient times, with sites for consultations with the Oracles. In modern AntiChrist times, Glastonbury, UK and Mt. Shasta, CA may serve as spiritual centers. The New Age pilgrimages to Mt. Shasta which are covers for the mind control done there may well continue to serve that same function in the AntiChrist's reign.

(39) Rome or London could become political capitals. An economic capital could be established almost anywhere. The computers are already being centered in Europe. Once he has taken power, he can enter into Jerusalem like a hero, triumphantly.

(40) He will command universal worship via the technological advances that have been made in communication. All the spirits of evil will collect themselves in this one person of evil. He will be shrewd, and will be able to understand dark evil things. He will do things according to his own will. At least some outside of the inner circle will know that he is homosexual, (and bi-sexual).

(41) He will have the full force of the world's system behind him, trying to make him look better. He may be born in the Middle East --perhaps in Pakistan like Lord Maitreya (Rahmat Ahmad).

(42) Historically, Satan's AntiChrist spirit has captured a number of men.

(43) For instance, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Caligula, Nero, Ghulam Alimad and Hitler.

However, these have been only partial manifestations. Satan working through secret Satanists such as Karl Marx set up Communism. In Russia, Marx, Engels and Lenin were made into a Father, Son and Holy Spirit triad. The picture of the 3 was prominently displayed all over Russia. Lenin was created into a Christ like figure. (The extent of how much communism substituted these men for the trinity hasn't been covered by the controlled Western media.)

The men of this false godhood were given the attributes in Russia of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by state propaganda. I mention all these things, because again this was a partial manifestation of the AntiChrist spirit along with the Beast and the False Prophet. Those who would understand how the AntiChrist will act in public, need to study Machiavelli, Hitler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Lenin, and the many other partial manifestations of the AntiChrist spirit, such as the Popes.

Most Reformation reformers and early American puritan leaders regarded the Pope as the AntiChrist. He certainly has often been a good example. The private life of the AntiChrist will be very identical to other Illuminati kingpins. He will participate in Illuminati rituals. He has already been presented to Illuminati councils for approval. All the Mothers of Darkness will serve him as brides, as well as an inner body guard. Like Faust, and everyone else in the Illuminati, the AntiChrist has made many covenants, oaths, and vows to Satan himself. He has been taught that he is a god man. In public, he will proclaim himself divine. In private, he will consider Satan to be his own god.

He will strive to do the best job for Satan possible, because he has been taught that he will rule with Satan in hell, and his position in hell will be determined by how good he does his job now. He will be totally turned over to Satan, the Father of all lies. He will feast on the blood of sacrificed individuals, and may well be addicted to drinking blood, like Vice-Pres. Al Gore is.

(44) Those who do not have a love for the truth, will come under the spell of the AntiChrist's deception which will be flooded over the television screens, and through the controlled media.

(45) He will push all the correct buttons verbally when he speaks, and he will even flatter people. (46) He will be the world's tyrannical but much loved dictator, a father figure.

(47) The AntiChrist will be working on creating supermen , the genetic wonder man that Hitler was working to create. Instead of using God's approach to perfection, the AntiChrist will have the most superior genetic approach so far. In other words, to the public with their warped thinking, he will look like he is improving the human race genetically, and in every other way too.

The Illuminati are planning to install him as Lord over the earth around the year 2000. Occultists (incl. known Satanic leaders) have been prophesying his coming. Hollywood under the direction and financing of the Illuminati have given us the Damien series and other films on the AntiChrist. David Bauer, a psychic adviser and Baptist minister, has prophesied that the AntiChrist will come in the year 2000. Jean Dixon, who has connections to the Illuminati has prophesied this too. So has the English astrologer Edwin Lyndoe. They declare that this leader will be a savior of mankind. Jeanne Dixon went so far as to say that the AntiChrist was born on Feb. 5, 1962. (See Dixon, J. My Life and Prophecies. Fred. Miller, 1971.) The witch Sybil Leek even pointed to a son of a Jerusalem dentist. David Morris as being the man. (Leek. S. Reincarnation: the Second Chance. NY: Stein & Day, 1974).

All kinds of people are pointing at the year 2000. Occult prophecies about the year 2000 come from Irene Hughes, Alan Vaughn, Edgar Cayce, Kenneth Odhar and many others. De Sabrato an occult prophet believes Christ will return in 2003 in the form of an ET Christ. However, if plans fall apart there are indications that the AntiChrist could arrive later in the 21st century. Henry Kissinger said, "We are going to have a New World Order, if not in this generation, then in the next."

One of the men who worked high up in the New World Order. and who had inside information felt that the AntiChrist wouldn't rule until 2047 and that he would be born in New York City and have blond hair and blue eyes. From what the Lord has shown this author, and taking into account the vulnerabilities of the Illuminati's plans, this author would state that the AntiChrist may not arrive until quite a few years from now. On the other hand, there are already candidates who have been presented before the Illuminati councils who are candidates to become the AntiChrist.

The primary candidate for the position of AntiChrist is being kept in a heavily guarded small town near London. Only those who are summoned by him enter into the room where he is located. Individuals who come into his presence immediately want to worship him. He is a Rothschild.

The mother of either the NWO's John position or the Christ position was S. E. D. [name may be available on request from Fritz Springmeier] and his name is Alexander Rothschild, Jr. The name Alexander is very important to the Illuminati. Baron Rothschild passed on his spiritual power when he was ritually murdered in 1976. This Rothschild AntiChrist is known as the Son of Apollo.

(48) From a reliable source close to Lord Maitreya. he is Jewish. The Illuminati have a Mary position, also known as the Madonna position, which are women that are closely connected to the AntiChrist. Within the last few years, all the Madonna-position systems united in ritual in London, Frankfurt, Austria, and Switzerland. The name Queen of Heaven (Seriramis) is also applied to high level women close to the AntiChrist.

Programmed multiples, who rise above the Grande Dame level, enter levels designated by a. b, c & d. Guinevere, the name of King Arthur's wife & Lancelot's mistress, designates one of the positions of the 4-female Illuminati teams around the AntiChrist. It is written Gennifer for English speaking systems.

(49) Prior to the AntiChrist 2 witnesses are to come to which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. REV 11:8. In the past, God has sent his 2 witnesses (Moses/Aaron), (the two to Sodom, see GEN 18:16+) on Nisan 1 (Passover). The orthodox Jews expect the return witness of Elijah on Passover. The real 2 witnesses/& or the Satanic 2 false witnesses may appear around the Passover time. (cf. REV 11:1-3, 7:1-17, 14:1-5, JOEL 2:30-32, & ACTS 2:19-21.) These witnesses and the Illuminati's John the Baptist? position are some of the prominent people who are slated to die in the end time drama being prepared by the Illuminati who are trying to copy scripture, and by God Almighty who is directing things on a higher level. Readers must bear in mind that Satan knows the Scriptures too, and is a great imitator.


1. This is a universal trait of men with the AntiChrist spirit. While Christ is truth, Satan is deception. Having a facade,
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Excerpt from above post......

Post by Moo Cow »

The Rothschilds and Nelson Rockefeller forced the Jewish Zionist leadership in Israel to keep silent about the Nazis who were smuggled into the U.S. after W.W. II. In return for Israel’s silence and the Mossad’s silence about the thousands of high level satanic Nazis who were brought into the U.S., the nation of Israel was allowed. They made a deal, according to high level insiders.

Nelson Rockefeller had enormous power in South America. In June 1945, when the U.N. was being set up at San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller attended. While Nelson Rockefeller was there, he busied himself with directing the South American delegates. Rockefeller’s bloc of 19 Latin American countries had more U.N. votes than Europe’s nine members. Rockefeller was a key person, if the Zionist’s wanted the U.N. to vote so that the nation of Israel could be established. The Zionist leadership used what they thought was blackmail, if you don’t let Israel be established we will expose how you are smuggling Nazi war criminals into the U.S.

Of course, the Illuminati wanted Israel to be created--so those in the Zionist leadership who knew the bigger plans of the Illuminati, knew that the Illuminati-run CIA wasn’t giving up anything. If anyone asks why the Mossad didn’t expose MI-6 and the CIA’s extensive hiring of Nazi war criminals, they say today that they were using it for blackmail to get Israel what it needed. Those in the know, realize that is just an excuse. The Mossad has hired its own share of Nazi criminals, and at some point learned mind-control programming from the CIA, perhaps even from Mengele (Dr. Green). The Nazis used Croats and White Russians to carry out some of their genocide policies. Not all of the monsters of W.W. II were German, many were White Russian collaborators.
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Excerpt from above post......

Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:The Rothschilds and Nelson Rockefeller forced the Jewish Zionist leadership in Israel to keep silent about the Nazis who were smuggled into the U.S. after W.W. II. In return for Israel’s silence and the Mossad’s silence about the thousands of high level satanic Nazis who were brought into the U.S., the nation of Israel was allowed. They made a deal, according to high level insiders. Nelson Rockefeller had enormous power in South America. In June 1945, when the U.N. was being set up at San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller attended. While Nelson Rockefeller was there, he busied himself with directing the South American delegates. Rockefeller’s bloc of 19 Latin American countries had more U.N. votes than Europe’s nine members. Rockefeller was a key person, if the Zionist’s wanted the U.N. to vote so that the nation of Israel could be established. The Zionist leadership used what they thought was blackmail, if you don’t let Israel be established we will expose how you are smuggling Nazi war criminals into the U.S. Of course, the Illuminati wanted Israel to be created--so those in the Zionist leadership who knew the bigger plans of the Illuminati, knew that the Illuminati-run CIA wasn’t giving up anything. If anyone asks why the Mossad didn’t expose MI-6 and the CIA’s extensive hiring of Nazi war criminals, they say today that they were using it for blackmail to get Israel what it needed. Those in the know, realize that is just an excuse. The Mossad has hired its own share of Nazi criminals, and at some point learned mind-control programming from the CIA, perhaps even from Mengele (Dr. Green). The Nazis used Croats and White Russians to carry out some of their genocide policies. Not all of the monsters of W.W. II were German, many were White Russian collaborators.

Add this excerpt from the post to this above excerpt...

Mengele was in Dallas during the killing of JFK, which was achieved by trained Monarch slaves. (In fact, the Beaumont, TX Enterprise on Mon. April 10, ’94 in the Metro Sect. B, on page B cont. to 4b reports that a sworn affidavit exists where a man connects Joseph Mengele with Kennedy’s death and to have seen Mengele at the Texas Book Depository.) Luis Angel Castillo was just one of the Monarch mind-controlled slaves sent to kill JFK on Nov. 22, ’63. A woman from Germany named Mrs. Krebs, along with a host of other programmers, worked with Mengele on the Kennedy assassination.
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Discussion on above posts....

Post by Moo Cow »

The above posts have Rockefeller linked to the Nazis and Nazi Mengele linked to the Kennedy assassination??

I have Rockefeller linked to the Binions through Dulles to CIA man Giancana, (maybe some other way?)and two confessers from the grassy knoll, James Files (Sutton) linked to Binions through the Sutton Rodeo, and Charles Harrelson linked to Binion through R.D. Matthews who worked for Binion's Horseshoe as a casino manager......

A picture says a thousand words...why would Rocky be posing with a Horseshoe and a golf course that he owns land on be named the Golden Horseshoe? The Horseshoe shaped sign in Vegas was made of golden lights....
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Moo Cow »

Charles hARRELSON ALREADY MADE A CONFESSION YEARS AGO when he was convicted for the slaying of Judge Woods, , THEN WITHDREW IT SAYING HE WAS ON COCAINE