Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

JFK Assassination
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bob »

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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Davyjones »

I just spent a week in hospital with a major internal loss of blood from the lower bowels. No flowers or kind words,just treatment from a top consultant. I got out in one piece with an all clear.I thought at one point I was in big,big trouble. I just showed my national insurance number and got my taxi home. The hospital ward was basic and the nurses just got on with job but the bill was £0. Any comments from you guys in the US?
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bob »

Good for you my friend! I'm glad you came out of it okay.The health system in Great Britain is SO much better than it is here in the United States. Why is the situation so bad in the States, where healthcare premiums continue to rise? Lobbyists. They are EVERYWHERE. Lobbyists from big insurance. Lobbyists from big pharma. That is why Obama sold out his base in the healthcare bill, that he made sure had no single payer or public option in it. Things that he vowed he would push for in his campaign for President. He lied to the American people and his base about that. Just like he lied about NEVER extending the Bu$h tax cuts to the top 2% in this country. Guess what? He now is for it. Barry says it's a compromise with Republicans. My ass. Why? Lobbyists again. Lobbyists from big banking. Lobbyists from the power elite. Obama also escalated the war in Afghanistan and is keeping 50,000 troops in Iraq. Do you think the the lobbyists from the defense industry are happy (see the CIA)? Hell yes. In addition, there are more private contractors than troops on the ground in both Iraq and Afghanistan. War profiteers like those at Halliburton and Blackwater are smiling like pigs in shit. Obama has also stopped any investigations of the CIA's use of torture in the Bu$h administration. Obama has sold his base down the river. Why? He IS a CIA operative. He is beholden to his master. He is a puppet, just like Dumbya Bu$h was. His words are BS. His actions speak a HELL of a lot louder.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.29.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.20.2010 - I Posted this Headline, and a tremendous amount of information and discussion developed about this subject matter.Now that President Barack Hussein Obama has been re-elected, what are your thoughts now ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bob »

In the 2012 Presidential election, I favored Barry over Mitt. Why? The lesser of two evils. Yes...I know Barry is a CIA operative. I've mentioned that several times. In fact, I believe the last four Presidents, have ALL been CIA operatives. Poppy Bush for obvious reasons, Bill Cinton (Mena), Dumbya Bush (ran Arbusto, an oil company that was a CIA front and had the bin Laden family as investors) and now Barry.That being said, I also believe that Romney is also a CIA operative. As does our friend John Hankey. Do some research. Or check out John's latest video... line, just like in 1992, when Slick Willie and Poppy faced each other in the Presidential election, I believe we had two CIA operatives running against each other this year.It came down to who would do us less harm. That is why I went with Barry, although I understand why some people voted for Mitt.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.05.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.20.2010 - I Posted this inquisitive Headline. A powerful, and tremendousdiscussion developed by some of the Very Best JFK Murder Solved Forum Members.Think Syria - NOW - TODAY !Obama Won the Nobel Prize for Peace before he did anything.Carefully read, or re-read the discussion contained herein.Analyze, follow, and study Obama's Pattern over his Presidency.Then seriously analyze and study what he has said, and is saying aboutSyria."They" may have "illegally" killed people."We" need to legally kill "them" to Save Global Face ?Only War will work. WE need WAR - War - War - NOW !But we'll only be there 90 days. Promise.Remember that Viet Nam was a Police Action, to be short lived.How did that work out ? Did you know that it was never declareda War ?Over 58,000 + Americans killed.Over 450,000 + Americans wounded, crippled, disabled.Ask them, or their families if it was a WAR ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent:

Post by kenmurray »

The Great Deception: Obama And The Coming War.
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Re: Barack Obama, former CIA agent

Post by kenmurray »

Psychopaths want to attack Syria and start World War3: ... ld-war-iii