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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:29 am
by Davyjones
Great post Bruce. I think it looks like being a bun fight between the Power Elite and the CTers,on the ground which of course does little to progress the truth. I am an optimist though.This time I think we will see a reawakening of interest in JFK in the public which MIGHT lead to progress.Those ,like you that understand what happened in Dealey 63 are of course less prepared to go along with this,as its 50 years of BS to overcome.I suggest you and others recharge yourselves up and keep up tellig it as it happened, you may get a suprise.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:16 pm
by Dealey Joe
JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:The 51st Anniversary of the JFK Assassination is upon us.The 50th Anniversary, The Really Big One, was a ReallyBig Bust according to most serious JFK Researchers.Hocus Pocus, Smoke and Mirrors, a few events, a fewknowledgeable speakers, and poof it was controlled andover and gone last year in the blink of a Media Eye.This year there is less than 10 % interest than the low levelof last year's Big Event.Nothing really accomplished, nothing learned except for those living like ostrich's with their head in the sand.What should be our goal ?What should we seek to accomplish ?More speeches, elections, and wars, and Time Marches On."History" has been written, is not accurate, is not honest,will never be changed, and those that sincerely seek to bringforth the truth are labeled Conspiracy Nuts and worse.The truth does not really set you free it seems. Sorry CIA.What is wrong about researching the history and politics ofone's one country ?Why is that criticized, ignored, painted as wrong, and buried by the Main Stream Media ?The JFKMS Forum has some of the finest JFK ResearchMinds and Writings ever, anywhere. I am proud to be here.What are your goals, reasons, and thoughts ?Some equate this JFK Nonsense with just another hobbylike fishing, hunting, gardening, painting, riding motorcycles,etc.Do the masses just realize that there is no hope to reallyaccomplish anything ? Is ignorance bliss ?Has reality T.V., sports, and situation comedy become theNew Opiate of the people ?Reality T.V. today began promoting a man wearing a SnakeProof Suit, who will be eaten alive by a huge Anaconda.What are the interests and thought processes there ?Certainly millions will watch.Thomas Jefferson said that countries need revolutions aboutevery 200 years.Have gadgets like cell phones, computers, etc., replaced deepthinking and analysis ?What are your thoughts as we approach November 22, 2014 ?

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:45 am
by Davyjones
Joe has set the picture out real well.As we all get older and die off then we take our outrage with us to the grave.This is understood and is the basis of the policy to change the perspective that has always been in the majority in the past,that Oswald ,alone unaided,did not shoot JFK.What is being done is the truth is ignored and prevented from being exposed to the American people along with regular doses of indoctrination that the WC was correct,despite all the evidence to the contrary.Eventually the majority opinion will be that Oswald alone ,unaided, did it and the conspiracy supporters have lost. At that point it will be considered a subject that gets no publicity of any kind and even worse those that still clammer for vindication and justice will be the subject of open retribution. That cannot happen until the WC supporters are in the majority,but its getting closer every year.There is no cohesive argument supported by all the CT community.There is splintering and personal animosity. We have no real financial muscle or access to mainstream media. Frankly too many people are making claims that although they may well be essentially true are not corroborated and depend on the words "believe me" rather than evidence that would satisfy a court of law.Also I am sure we either have too many cranks and troublemakers calling themselves CTers who are intent on divide and conquer.I was in my previous post here optimistic about the future of JFK assassination research and after the 50th ended in "whitewash " I see that event as a failure for the truth.Its not looking good folks and we are all to blame.I intend to fight the good fight,keep flexible in my thinking and seek out any fresh evidence that may unlock a means of getting back to a better place.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:27 pm
by Dealey Joe
Great Post Davie, you said it best.


Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:09 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
10.24.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - I originally Posted this Very Sincere Headline, long ago, and far away, in a much less Cynical State of Mind on my part. Reading the Posts above displays some of the evolving understanding of myself and perhaps others, and exemplifies The Evolution of Frustrations herein. My Opinion. Blame me for any perceived Negativity.The excellent discussion that followed above included some of the Best and Brightest JFKMS Forum Members, as many of us evolved together herein. For over a decade here on the JFKMS Forum alone, many Members brought decades of previous Interest, Research, Study, and Writing about JFK Subject Matter's and incorporated their thoughts and works.MY ADMIRATION AND RESPECT TO ALL SINCERELY FOCUSED JFK RESEARCHER'S, STUDENT'S, AND WRITER'S EVERYWHERE,BUT ESPECIALLY HERE ON WIM's JFKMS FORUM. Wim deserves continued Appreciation, Credit, and Recognition for ALLTHAT HE HAS DONE. HE IS UNIQUE IN MANY WAYS TO AMERICAN's, AND HE IS NOT EVEN AMERICAN.I appreciate everybody's contributions, even the Subject Matter's that I have less interest in. We all focus in differentdirections, and that is good and positive. A properly balanced front wheel on my Harley Davidson requires aligned, andbalanced spokes all pulling from the center both in and out, in all directions. That provides balance and strength as Igo down the highway at 65 m.p.h. down The Road Of Life. We Are All Correct In Our Own Way. My Opinion.I have come to believe that many of the Arm Chair Research JFK Groupies, that I have Zero Respect for, create a Great Deal of Harm and Negative Publicity to the Sincere JFK, MLK, RFK, Oklahoma Bombing, 09.11.2001, and Related Subject Matter's Researcher's, Student's, and Writer's. The In Fighting over the years has been destructive and harmful beyond measure.Certainly disinformation and misinformation is also intentionally provided.The Big 50th Anniversary Of The Removal of JFK was a Big Bust, in Dallas, Texas, and in most of the U.S. My Opinion, shared by many.11.22.2015 is the 52nd Anniversary Of The Removal of JFK that promises to be of less focus, and less value than ever before.It is 29 days and counting down to the 52nd Anniversary of Our Country and "We the people.." losing TOTAL CONTROL OVERANY REMAINING SEMBLENCE OF DEMOCRACY.IF THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED WAS THE AIRPLANE CRASH KILLING BUDDY HOLLY, RICHIE VALENS, AND THE BIG BOPPER, THEN THEDAY THAT DEMOCRACY DIED IN AMERICA WAS 11.22.1963. NOTHING HAS BEEN THE SAME SINCE, AND HAS ONLY PROGRESSIVELYGOTTEN WORSE, FOR WHAT IS ON PAPER, AND WAS IN REALITY, WAS POSSIBLY THE GREATEST NATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.As I hum WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE, LONG TIME PASSING, I think of Joe Hall, myself, and other's who say WHEREHAVE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, AND THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS GONE, LONG TIME PASSING.Thomas Jefferson in his writings for JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY stated that Democracies need Revolution about every 200years. My analysis indicates that the destruction and implosion comes from Uncoltrolled Human Nature. POWER CORRUPTSAND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY. (Alexis de Tocqueville, 1805 - 1859).11.22.2065 will probably be The Next Major JFK Removal Anniversary, just like the Abraham Lincoln Cycles. My Opinion.Today we have Bush, Clinton, Trump, and the remaining others all alleging that they alone can Improve, Restore, and Save the U.S.A., and "We the people…" We've heard that before, time and again for decades, no less.I can turn my Harley Davidson around in about a 10 - 12 foot cirlce.I can turn my car around in about a 20 - 40 foot circle.And Air Craft Carrier needs many miles to turn around.WHAT IS HONESTLY REQUIRED TO TURN THE U.S. AROUND ?Yesterday a Delta Force Master Sergeant American Service Man was the First American Service Man Killed In Iraq in Four (4) Years. HERE WE GO AGAIN.We have a real Witch's Brew of Afghanistan, Al Quaeda, Communism, Iran, Iraq, ISIS, Pakistan, Syria, Russia, Terrorism, Wars, etc., escalating. AND WHO IS REALLY STIRRING THE POT ? Think about this very carefully.IS IT WAR FOR THE SAKE OF WAR ?IS IT NATION BUILDING ?OR IS IT MUCH, MUCH MORE ?I argue that this is all a DIRECT TRANCENDENCE OF THE JFK REMOVAL. "We the people…" LOST CONTROL TOTALLY,AND I WONDER IF WE REALLY HAVE ANY CHANCE OF REGAINING CONTROL GOING FORWARD WITH THE U.S.A. What do you recommend ? How ? Why ? What should be the procedures, processes, or steps in your Mind's Eye ?"We the people…" were forced to take a Fork In The Road for the Benefit of The Few, and The Harm of The Many on11.22.1963.* CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.* GENOCIDE.* POPULATION CONTROL.I am now going to Proceed On A Different Direction and Level on The JFK Removal for my own efforts of Research, Study,and Writing. IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT.How do "We the people…" accomplish beneficial, lasting, meaningful change and improvement in the U.S.A. ? Can we ?NONE OF THIS IS MEANT AS AN ATTACK, OR IN ANY WAY DISRESPECTFUL TO ANY JFKMS FORUM MEMBERS. I sincerelyseek your advice, comments, input, and suggestions for the Benefit Of Us All.What is your purpose and goals both here, and with the JFK Subject Matter's ?If you only want to be a Historian and write books, that is Goal Directed, Healthy, and Positive for you.What do you hope to accomplsh ? When ? Where ? How ? Why ?What does it Mean To Study Who Killed JFK ? What is The Beginning Game, The Middle Game, The EndGame ?Who Killed JFK ? What does that really mean to you ? Who drove the car ? Who pulled the trigger ? Whomade the bullets ? Who orchestrated it before, during, and after successfully for 52 years ?When will the Removal of JFK BE SOLVED IN YOUR MIND'S EYE ? Can it ? How ? What would you like tosee accomplished in your life time ?Since the late 1960's I have known with 100 % conviction in my mind, and those connected to me, who shot JFK, what weapon was used, what amunition was used, and who was involved both there directly that day, and behind the scenes, etc. SO WHAT TODAY ?BUT THE JFK REMOVAL GOES FAR BEYOND THAT DAY and who fired the bullet, who made the bullet, and who drove the car. Who had the power to order it, arrange it, accomplish it, immediately bury it, and bury it better and betterfor 52 straight years. And if you sincerely research, study, and write about this you are viewed by many/mostas a Tin Foil Hat Wearing Conspiracy Nut Case. Here I should share many insults that I have received for decades,but why bother.WHO BENEFITTED AND CONTINUES TO BENEFIT FROM THE JFK REMOVAL ? That has overall become my focus.I no longer consider most of what I find to be mundane of any interest or value to me going forward.THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE THE HISTORY BOOKS. Think about that seriously.This week when Trump attacked George W. Bush and Company about 09.11.2001 Jeb responded that GeorgeW. kept us safe. Trum replied "Safe from what, 09.11.2001 happened on George W.'s watch. Jeb added Trump will probably challenge Pearl Harbor next. Hello. The History Books have not been changed, but Researcher's and Scholar's have Changed and Revised The Pearl Harbor Story Line Substantially.Of course I suggest the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, the Federal Reserve, the High Cabal, Majestic 12,and Limited Other Groups and Individuals have been, and will continue to increase their strangle hold on all of "We the people…" Democracy Is A Placebo People. It is has always been a dream. Prove to me that we have Democracy ? Then prove to me God talks to you. I'll believe the later more readily.For some, JFK Research Membership somewhere is a Social Event, or a hobby like collecting antiques, coins, comics, stamps, etc. And that is O.K. for those so self-directed. For them it's a sincere hobby.Others seek to write articles and books. I plead guilty to a decreasing degree of that self indulgence that onceconsumed me and other friends.I have tried to analyze, critique, stimulate, and suggest to Promote Healthy Academic Discussion herein. Obviously only JFKMS Members can Respond.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspectof this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not beas well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:56 am
by Dealey Joe
As for me, I am tired of talking about the hole in the windshield and the throat, where's the brain? ect.Hos can we get past this to the most important aspects or the Day that destroyed The United States of America.WE no longer have a country nor does the people have input to those who govern us. We work for them, they do not work for us.Watching the Debates is almost comical, especially the Democrats. I, like Jimmy Files is getting up in age, I was 22 when JFK was murdered, he was the first and last person I have voted for in the Presidential elections. It took me a long time to understand what had happened. I think most Americans still don't realize what it meant. We wanted so much for the killer to be a lone nut.How do we get across to Americans what really happened on 11/22/1963.I watch the facebook forums and it is easy to see they don't have a clue, and as any forum you get sucked into conversations that immediately get misdirected, Such as JFK was a womanizer and other thing, one said he was held hostage by knowledge that LBJ and Hoover had and problems in his administration, on and on.How do we re direct our energy to what is really important, can we get our country back?So easy yet so hard, I was always told to put the train back on the track where it went off? sounded simple?Very few understand the Constitution, I mean the original one. Someone help me here to understand where to turn?

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:28 pm
by Ed Teach
As an old Chinese saying win a war one must be absolutely unscrupulous.I am afraid that is the only way to get our country back sir...fat chance we have.

JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:40 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
03.22.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - I originally Posted this Sincere, Serious Headline seeking to generate Interest,and a Team of Do'ers, and not a Team of Arm Chair Researcher's, or a Team of Talkers.This was eleven (11) years ago.Nothing serious ever gained traction.Ideas like Disney Land, Disney World, and Las Vegas came in back then. This disgusted, andfrustrated us.We were apparently not taken seriously.We are still serious.Since then we have received tremendous support outside of the JFKMS Forum from Bob Fox, Phil Dragoo, and Ken Murray. They have been intellectually honest, and relentless in theirProfessional Assistance to us. They have earned our Sincere Confidence, Respect, and Trust.Eleven (11) years later we have thrown our own pebbles into the water, and are creating ourown ripples.As we proceed with our own Independent Projects, we continue to wish everyone on the JFKMSForum the Very Best in all of your endeavors.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:20 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.01.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.27.2006 - I originally Posted this Extremely Well Intentioned, Very Sincere Headline, and Supporting Material, Seeking Assistance, Input, and Support.This was Over 11 Years Ago.At that Point In Time, We were as Sincere, and Thought Out As WE Possibly Could Be.After years of Effort, and Suggestion, WE gave up and decided to proceed in another direction with Our Own Advisory Committee, in Our Own Direction, Following Our Own Goals.Silly ideas like going to Disney Land, Disney World, Las Vegas, and even much sillier Private Emails that WE received for decades made US abandon any thoughts like this whatsoever.People were afraid, and/or Totally Not Interested in coming to Chicago, Illinois to REVIEW OUR TREASURE TROVE OF FACTS, INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE, AND PROOF.These simply put, are The Facts On the Table, CARDS ON THE TABLE FACE UP FOR THE BOARD TO READ.Bob Fox, Phil Dragoo, and Ken Murray over the past decade or more have exchanged over 10,000 Emails, and/or Private Phone Calls, of Intense, Intelligent Assistance, Effort, Friendship, Support, and Thoughtful Analysis.Slav, and others, after THIS TOTALLY FAILED EFFORT, WE TOOK A TURN IN THE ROAD FOR OUR BEST INTERESTS. (12.01.2017, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:40 pm
Count me in just let me know when and where I'll be there!!!Hey, maybe we can get Jack Lawrence to come??? He was in Dealey plaza that day!!!I always thought if you could have got all the great researchers together to compare notes it would help put together more of the pieces of the pie that are still missing. For instance, Jim Marrs comparing his notes with Robert Armstrong. Jim knew the imposter Oswald's mother, Armstrong didn't and so on.