The three tramps

JFK Assassination
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bob wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Actually a Mr. Christ is more simliar to the tramp who some claim to be Charles Rogers. Identical ears, nose, headform, just everything! anybody know more about this man?Chris, tell me more about this man Christ. No...not that one. I mean the man in the photo.Bob, I don't know, but these "familiar faces on Dealey Plaza" from INTERPEN had strange names sometimes, Gerry P. Hemming said one time that Frank Fiorini aka Sturgis sounded like spittin out fish, and in my ears Danny Arce sound like Danny Ass. So probably this alibi name christ is like making fun about the unholyness of this guy in the rebel fighting group. Probably one dark complected marksman of the INTERPEN was the 6th floor east window shooter and they placed the 3 dark-complected in the 5th floor, just for the case something would come out, so that they had some fall guys one floor deeper. Also recently I considered, whether Oswald could have known, whether JFK was actually hit, while he was in the lunchroom. Why did he stay inside at all? Probably Oswald was surprised that something on the 6th floor did not arrive as expected, when he left the 6th floor to get down to the 2nd. Chris
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

So were the tramps (and there were far more than the 3 on photo according to a policeman) a backing for the fence shooters for the case anything would go wrong?
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:So were the tramps (and there were far more than the 3 on photo according to a policeman) a backing for the fence shooters for the case anything would go wrong?Remember the explosives in the railcar that Chauncey Holt, Charles Harrelson and Charles Rogers were in.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

I remember the explosives very well, but still I can't make a rhyme on them.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The three tramps

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Bob Fox, and Christoph Hans Messner:Bob - Brilliant as per your usual.It is no coincidence that there was a boxcar there filled at least half way with probably tons of explosives.It certainly was planned.Christoph - You're the expect at thinking "Outside of the Box." What do you think ? Give me your top 5 thoughts, please.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

sorry double
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Re: The three tramps

Post by ChristophMessner »

Ok, nothing easier than that, haha, ... no it's really difficult to filter some top thoughts, maybe these: 1) Global machinality is forcing the humans to change fundamentaly in many respects. More danger or more benefit? 2) The more you stay with the truth and defend it even under disadvantageous circumstances, the more you get the anticipation of the great secret behind it all.3) People probably don't want to know who shot JFK in the first place. Even if you would bring the "true truth" out in a book or film finally now, people are more interested in debating it controversially and they want to get admission of their viewpoints rather than stay silent, draw a line and listening to the absolute right. So the reflection on the characters, motivs and soul-touching-associations of those who participated in the JFK assassination will outdo the actual solving-process in importance. Any reproducable information is swallowed by the big machine nowadays and no matter how spectacular and true the message on film or text is, nobody is existentially touched by it anymore, because the information flow is infinite and even-more important stories are always waiting. Probably in the future almost nobody will care for those news anymore we think nowadays are most important. 4) Who knows what the strange people in the railbox cars on Dealey Plaza really had with them, which weapons, which orders, which knowledge? Maybe they were there in case something would go wrong with the shooters or the shooters won't come in time or the motorcade would come to a halt and JFK still be ok, and ss trying to cover him. Where and how would they use explosives at all? To blow themselves up? To blow the limo up? To blow the trainboxcar up to divert everybody from next kllling attempts? Isn't it strange to gather several people who hardly knew each other in a boxcar and make them know each other? Probably the whole INTERPEN just trained there for other planned assassinations elsewhere and learned how mob guys can be used.