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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:33 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Bob wrote:j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Gary Mack "Colonel Of The Urinal." Here is Garry in a good video: ... 93960J.J.C., I normally do not care for Fox news and their depiction of events (they are basically a propaganda machine for the right wing), but at least they talked about many unanswered questions and the way the JFK assassination investigation was botched. Mack sounded like he was open to a continuing investigation, but that is as far as he goes. In TMWKK days, he was DEFINITELY someone in the conspiracy theorist's camp. That all changed when he became curator of the 6th floor museum at the TSBD. In other specials, especially those on Discovery, Mack goes out of his way to support the theory that Oswald acted alone. Plus, the museum that he runs, refuses to allow ANY conspiracy theory books or vids. That behavior does not look like open thinking to me about the JFK assassination, as Mack tries to project in the MSM.I am not a Garry Mack supporter Bob,i also think he is now part of the dealto talk bullshit,but he has a nice (180.000 dollar) job ............... i only place the video on the forum that i found today.Gr.J.J.C.

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:58 pm
by saracarter766
kenmurray wrote:In that Fox News Video, Mack just had to say his TWO favorite words in the English language, "hard evidence. Those TWO words had to be the first ever to come out of his mouth when he was a baby! kenmurray that had me roffl that was absolutely funny dude.

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:14 pm
by kenmurray
Thanks Sara.

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:18 pm
by saracarter766
your welcome.

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:12 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:kenmurray wrote:In that Fox News Video, Mack just had to say his TWO favorite words in the English language, "hard evidence. Those TWO words had to be the first ever to come out of his mouth when he was a baby! kenmurray that had me roffl that was absolutely funny dude. Can you imagine? Two 1950s looking parents looking at a baby in a crib. The baby babbles something, and the parents say:Did he say mama? Dadda?Wait! "no hard evidence?" Hey Gary Mack! There's no "hard evidence" that you're NOT a stooge either! Next he'll probably be the curator of a 9/11 museum. You know..."There's no HARD EVIDENCE that a 100-story tall building doesn't normally totally collapse in 10 seconds or at virtually free-fall speed." Or..."There's no hard evidence that WTC building 7 would NOT have completely collapsed like an accordian in 6.5 seconds, hours later, even if it wasn't hit by a plane!" LOLMack totally hangs off the fat sack! LMAO (That kind of rhymes, doesn't it?) Mack...sack! Wait!!!! I just came up with a new nick-name for him! Mack the sack!!!! LMAO

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:39 am
by saracarter766

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:19 am
by kenmurray
Remember guys "One's opinion does not necessarily mean hard evidence"

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:03 pm
by Bob
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:saracarter766 wrote:kenmurray wrote:In that Fox News Video, Mack just had to say his TWO favorite words in the English language, "hard evidence. Those TWO words had to be the first ever to come out of his mouth when he was a baby! kenmurray that had me roffl that was absolutely funny dude. Can you imagine? Two 1950s looking parents looking at a baby in a crib. The baby babbles something, and the parents say:Did he say mama? Dadda?Wait! "no hard evidence?" Hey Gary Mack! There's no "hard evidence" that you're NOT a stooge either! Next he'll probably be the curator of a 9/11 museum. You know..."There's no HARD EVIDENCE that a 100-story tall building doesn't normally totally collapse in 10 seconds or at virtually free-fall speed." Or..."There's no hard evidence that WTC building 7 would NOT have completely collapsed like an accordian in 6.5 seconds, hours later, even if it wasn't hit by a plane!" LOLMack totally hangs off the fat sack! LMAO (That kind of rhymes, doesn't it?) Mack...sack! Wait!!!! I just came up with a new nick-name for him! Mack the sack!!!! LMAO Look out, ole Mack the sack is back.

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:16 pm
by kenmurray
Bobby Darin. Omg too funny

Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:12 pm
by saracarter766