History lesson about money

JFK Assassination
Moo Cow
Posts: 172
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Here's an Interesting Article about Nelson and JFK....

Post by Moo Cow »

>President Kennedy was assassinated for 3 reasons:
>1 In 1963, President Kennedy signed the nuclear test ban Treaty
>nuclear testing in the atmosphere, outer space and underwater.
>2 President Kennedy visited NASA just weeks before his
assassination and he was

>about to reveal the lunacy of NASA's moon landings.
>3 Immediately after the President's death, the 25th Amendment was
>which almost made Nelson Rockefeller President for life!!
>The Kennedy assassination had all the marks of the Rockefeller
Dynasty. They
>alone had the motive, political power, and money to carry out the

>and then their TOTAL control of the media enabled them to hide this
fact from
>the world!!
>When J. F. Kennedy decided to run for President in 1960, the Rock
Mob were
>incensed. Kennedy had good looks and brains which was totally
lacking in their

>mutant genes. The Rockefellers already owned Washington D.C.
through their ill

>gotten fortune which was acquired by bribery, kickbacks and
>The Kennedys were upstarts as far as they were concerned and they
were not
>to share their fief with any newcomers.
>The Rockefeller crown prince at that time was named Nelson. His
pollsters told

>him that NOBODY in their right mind would vote for him so he
decided to steal
>the Presidency without an election. Even in his home state of New
York he had
>spend at least 25 million dollars to be "elected" Governor.
>The deeply laid plot was to give Kennedy the election and then have
>assassinated. After his assassination, the Vice Presidency would be
vacant and

>Rockefeller planned to introduce an Amendment to give the President
the power
>APPOINT a Vice President. The 5 main conspirators were Nelson
>Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Henry Kissinger, General Alexander
Haig, Donald

>Rumsfeld. There were many, many more involved in the cover up but
these were
>6 core conspirators:
>The men behind the assassination of President J. F. Kennedy and
>Nelson Rockefeller
>President Nixon
>President Johnson.
>Henry Kissinger
>General Alexander Haig
>Donald Rumsfeld
>President Kennedy was setup by the above men in order to make
>Nelson Rockefeller King!
>President John F. Kennedy (President from 1961 to '63).
>Lyndon Johnson was Vice President under President Kennedy from '61
to '63.
>Very rare photograph of co-conspirators Johnson and Rockefeller
taken 2 months

>after the assassination of JFK's brother, Bobby, in June 1968.
>Rockefeller had Bobby Kennedy Assassinated too!!
>Robert F. Kennedy, assassinated on June 6, 1968.
> Bobby Kennedy, the brother of JFK, had a very good chance of
winning the
>Presidency in 1968. That is why Rockefeller, Nixon and Johnson gave
the order
>have him assassinated. Had he been elected President, Bobby would
try to avenge

>his murdered brother and kick the Rockefellers out of Washington
for good.
>Immediately after the assassination of President Kennedy, Johnson
was sworn in

>as President. Johnson was prohibited by the Constitution from
appointing a Vice

>President. That means that from Nov. '63 to Jan. '65 there was no
>of the United States. That was no problem however because in the
event of
>Johnson's death there was a clearly marked succession to the
Presidency. That
>order was:
>Number 1 Number 2 Number 3
>Speaker of the House of Representatives President pro tempore of
the Senate
>Secretary of State
>Unfortunately for President Kennedy, there was a multi-billionaire
whose lust
>for power was exceeded only by his lust for sex.... That man was
named Nelson
>Rockefeller. Rockefeller used this tragedy to ram through a
>Amendment and have the order of succession changed. He did it in
almost record

>time 20 months.
>Rockefeller knew that he would NEVER be elected President.....
Kennedy was no
>saint . . . but at least he didn't wear the PHONY mantle of piety
that the
>(Baptist!!) Rockefellers did. Kennedy was a Roman Catholic and NOT
a Jesuit.
>There is a world of difference. He received MILLIONS of votes . . .
>Rockefeller knew that even though he controlled both political
parties at the
>top of the pyramid, his support among the vast throng of middle
Americans was
>virtually nil.
>President Kennedy would NEVER give the Pentagon carte blanche to
start WW III
>and wage nuclear war on the Soviet Union. Nelson visited his boss
in Rome just
>months before the assassination:
>"Late in September (1963), unaccompanied by Happy, Rockefeller went
to Rome for

>an audience with the Pope, a most unusual circumstance and not
entirely free of

>public relations overtones. But the depressing situation (his
recent divorce
>remarriage) was not entirely changed (Rockefeller's Follies, p.
>After the secret passage of the 25th Amendment, Rockefeller was
able to force
>Vice President Spiro Agnew and President Nixon to resign. Then he
>President Ford to APPOINT him to the position of Vice President
only a
>heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States.
>President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline arrive in Dallas Love
Field Airport
>Nov. 22, 1963.
>Mrs. Kennedy is presented with a bouquet of RED Roses!!
>Mrs. Kennedy later said this about the bouquet of red roses:
>"Three times that day in Texas we were greeted with bouquets of the
>of Texas. Only in Dallas they gave me red roses. I remember
thinking: How funny

>--- red roses for me."
>Motorcade passes Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas.
>Mrs. Kennedy helps Secret Service agent Clint Hill climb into the
>President Kennedy is hit by at least two bullets, one through the
throat and
>another blows off the back of his head as his entourage casually
watches the
>cold-blooded murder. This public execution also served as a warning
to any
>future Presidents to co-operate . . . or face the same fate.
>The mortally wounded President is rushed to Parkland Hospital.

>President Kennedy entered the American Presidency at a momentous
time in world

>history. According to the INFALLIBLE chronology of the Bible, the
world entered

>its 6000 year in 1958, and Pope Pius XII died in that same year.
>This turning point in world history also marked the beginning of
the ecumenical

>movement and Rome's last great desperate attempt to take over the
>In Asia, the Vatican's beachhead was a small country named Vietnam.
A fanatical

>Catholic named Diem was installed as President and he was the
centerpiece of
>their entire Asia strategy. Soon after taking power he began to
implement his
>persecution of the Buddhist majority which comprised 85 percent of
>President Diem of South Vietnam
>President Diem initiated a reign of terror against the Buddhist
majority. This

>led to passive and non-violent resistance and suicides by fire in
the streets.

>Suicide by fire before the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saigon.
>President Kennedy (not wanting to be a one term President) ordered
Diem to let

>up on the persecutions . . . but he refused. World opinion forced
Kennedy to
>choose between his church and his political career and his decision
cost him
>Finally the order went forth for Diem's removal and Buddhist
Officers dragged
>him from the church and riddled him with bullets. This occurred on
Nov. 2,
>Assassination of President Diem and his brother Ngo, Nov. 2, 1963.
>Meanwhile, back in the U.S., the Catholic Hierarchy was horrified.
Diem was a
>favorite son, all their hopes of making Asia Catholic were pinned
on him. To
>insult to injury the order to get rid of him had gone forth from
the first
>Catholic President of the U.S. President Kennedy had been elected
>the help of the Hierarchy and had the effrontery to put his own
>ahead of his duty to Mother Church. He had double-crossed them and
now he would

>pay with his life.
>The fateful decision was made - Kennedy must be sacrificed. Better
for one man

>to die than that the Catholicization of Asia should perish. This
was carried
>3 weeks later on Nov. 22, 1963.
>Madam Nhu, sister in law to President Diem and wife of the head of
the dreaded

>secret police clearly blamed Kennedy for her husband's
assassination. She wrote

>from Rome to Mrs. Kennedy:
>"I do not know you, but you must understand now what a wife feels
when told
>her husband has been brutally done to death. What has come to you
is only one
>effect of the frightful injustice of which my husband was an
innocent victim .
>."(Italics added).
>Vice President Johnson with his hand on Roman missal. Notice now
calm Jackie
>Lyndon Johnson is sworn in as President by Judge Sarah T. Hughes
just hours
>after the assassination. Judge Hughes brought a small Bible for the
swearing in

>ceremony, but it was substituted for a Roman Missal (Mass book)
that was found

>on the plane. . . .This was a completely illegal act as the
President of the
>Unites States must take the oath of office with his hand on the
Bible before he

>is the lawful President. Mr. Lincoln kissed the Bible when he was
sworn in!!

>Dead men tell no tales. The lone assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is
>Mrs. Kennedy took charge of the funeral arrangements. She had a
copy of a book

>on the funeral of President Lincoln brought to her and she ordered
it to be
>followed exactly - even to the design of the catafalque in the
White House. . .

>. Mrs. Lincoln almost died from grief on the death of her husband!!

>Funeral of President Kennedy
>Ignatius LIEola church on Park Avenue in New York City where Jackie
Kennedy was

>baptized and received her "Jesuit training."
>Mrs. Kennedy prays for the soul of her dead husband at the
>Rome teaches that one becomes a Christian by sprinkling with water,
and most
>people eventually end up in Heaven after an indefinite stay in
Purgatory. That

>is why murder is no big deal to her. . . . If this is how Rome
treats her
>friends . . . it's a lot safer being her enemy!!

>Allen, Gary, The Rockefeller File, '76 Press, Seal Beach
California, 1976.
>Nerin E. Gun, Red Roses from Texas, Frederick Muller Ltd., London,
>Manhattan, Avro, Vietnam . . . why did we go?, Chick Pub., Los
Angeles, 1984.
>Rogers, William, Rockefeller's Follies: An Unauthorized View of
Nelson A.
>Rockefeller, Stein & Day, New York, 1966.
>Red Roses from Texas is another very rare book on the
assassination. Mr. Gun
>devoted only a short paragraph to the Diem and Kennedy killings,
but he
>predicted that one day the truth about the interrelated murders
would come out.

>He interviewed Madam Nhu in Los Angeles and he said that she
clearly blamed
>Kennedy for the murder of her husband.
Moo Cow
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Moo's Copywright....

Post by Moo Cow »

Why Nelson Rockefeller Had Kennedy
>> Nelson Rockefeller Had Kennedy Killed....
>>>Subject: Question:Why Would Rockefeller want Kennedy Dead??

>>>Answer: Rockefeller wanted to be President in 1964..also
>>>President Kennedy signed Executive Order 1110 on June 4,
1963 placing
>>>the Federal Reserve in the hands of the government. This
Order was based on ...

>>>(1)The principles of Christian lending, not charging the
American people
>>>(2) Having actual gold and silver to back the credit
notes (paper money) and
>>>(3) Eliminating private Federal Reserve bankers control of
the Federal
BANKERS that was going

>>>to lose his position and be eliminated..
>>> Thomas Jefferson warned that if the private bankers
gained control of the
>>Federal Reserve, the American people would inevitably and
eventually suffer
>>poverty and homelessness.And this has happened since Kennedy's
>>(President Lincoln penned the same sentiments and ideals and
also was
>>> Kennedy was concerned for the welfare of the common
people, not in
>sentiment for and in conflict with the controlling wealthy .It is
obvious by
>the immense cover-up that someone who was at the top of the power
>executed this most heinous and blatant public execution that was
>'round ....
>>> This horrific crime in American history has produced four
>>>pages dedicated to the topic that have resulted in the
most part as
>>>shedding red herrings to the extreme, and produced a
conclusion to the mystery

>>which has come to naught.
>>> One reason for the success of the immense cover-up is
that Rockefeller had

>>the ways and means to do so by his monopoly and financial
influence over the
>>main media, that few others could attain...
>>> In a nutshell, I have gathered and created information
that Nelson
>>Rockefeller ordered the hit, and that another Federal Reserve
banker Alan
>>Dulles who was also head of the CIA, through Sam Giancana,
another CIA
>>directive, contracted with his acquaintance casino owner
Benny Binion who
>>owned the Horseshoe Club in Las Vegas to arrange the hit-
>>> Charles Harrelson , who is presently serving time for the
murder of Federal
>>Judge Woods,has confessed to being one of the men on the grassy
knoll. He has

>>been linked to R.D.Matthews, (who was deposed by the House
Select Committee on

>>Assassinations (Alex P. Gruber) in 1978 based on suspicions
resulting from a
>>phone call to his wife
>>from Ruby before the assassinaton), in turn Matthew is linked
to Benny
>>Binion, saying on the deposition that he first knew and worked
for Binion in
>>1971...Matthews did lie on this deposition, because Binion's
daughter Becky
>>Binion Behnen stated in an interview in 2000 that 'Matthews
was there when she

>>was born,'which was in Dallas, being well before 1950. Former
impeached Federal

>>Judge of the century Harry Claiborne, (who committed suicide
on January 19,
>>2004 a week after Federal agents closed the Horseshoe Club in
Las Vegas,) was
>>the defense attorney for Matthews for the deposition.
>> James File aka James Sutton, was arrested in Joliet,
Illinois in 2003 for an

>>attempted murder of a police officer.. he ALSO made a
CONFESSION to being on
>>grassy knoll and taking the final shot that killed Kennedy (See

>>com.) He refused to name one party to the hit but did name
some people
>>that are dead.
>> Co-incidence?; Jack Binion lost his Horseshoe Riverboat
Casino in Joliet,
>>Illinois in 2003, because of suspect and innapropriate
>>A picture says a thousand words...
>>>>> Rockefeller's Horseshoe......
>>>www.vintagephotos.com/ Image_417_Nelson_Rockef...
>>> More than a co-incidence????
>>>In 1963, a golf course in Williamsburg, Virginia was opened
by Trent
>>>Jones and named the 'Golden Horseshoe Club .' Rockefeller
owns the land around

>>this resort.
>> The clues to the crime are here...I have both Rockefeller
>>Binion's Horseshoe in Las Vegas linked as prime suspectand
confessed parties

>>repectively to the Kennedy assassination...
>>>>>information created copyright 2005,2006
Moo Cow
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Giancana and Binion...

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Even though they denied knowing each other..(shades of Ruby and Binion) I found a series of articles on Giancana which included some information linking him to Benny Binion concerning a hit on millionaire gambler (Ryan?) Will retrieve it as soon as I can find it...Mooooo!
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More Tidbits...

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Top of the Hill, Benny Binion, Jack Ruby, & LBJ

Posted By: Gerald Harris <geraldharris@attbi.com>
Date: Friday, 6 June 2003, at 2:40 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Top O'Hill Terrace + B&C (Linda)

Jim Gatewood's 2002 book on Benny Binion contains a chapter about the Top of The Hill Club/Casino/Speakeasy as the grandfather of Las Vegas. The whole book and Gatewood's book about Bill Decker are worth reading for anyone interested in Dallas during the period.

Especially interesting is on page 235 & 236 about Benny Binion, Jack Ruby, and Meyer Lansky organizing a mafia meeting at the Top of the Hill Club with congressman LBJ to fund his run for the Senate that produced his "Landslide Lyndon" victory over Coke Stevenson in '48 with the infamous George Parr and Duval County's Box 13.

Anyone know of any serious investigation that has ever been done of LBJ, Jack Ruby, and their contacts at or after this meeting, if it did in fact happen?

In the front of the book is the statement that Jim Gatewood is a "Dallas Historian and sought-after public speaker (972-278-5763). He is available for your church, book club, service club, civic organizations, or retired alumni associations.

Would anyone want to listen to and talk with this man at the next Message Board Meeting at the Hall of State? If yes, speak up. Might be a very interesting guest speaker.

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Moo Cow
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Some More...

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Biography of Sherriff Bill Decker of Dallas County - Benny Binion, Dallas Gambler & Mob Boss - Captain Will Fritz & the Dallas Mafia


Dallas County Assassination Review Board
Tired of the bureaucratic doctrine that you don't need to know until 2023? A group of Dallas historians founded the Dallas County Assassination Review Board on October 10th 2003.

November 22nd, 1963

- JFK Assassination a Mafia hit -

The Chicago Mafia, a powerful, nationwide, crime syndicate.

The back door to Dallas gambling swings wide open when Benny Binion leaves Dallas.

Sam Giancana sends Jack Ruby, a member of the Jewish Mafia family Me Chia, to Dallas.

Joe Kennedy, head of the Irish Mafia, asks Sam Giancana's help in the 1960 presidential election.

The Kennedy's covenant with the Mafia is broken when Bobby Kennedy is appointed attorney general.

Kennedy betrays the Cuban Freedom Fighters when he cancels the air support for the Bay of Pigs. Both the CIA and the Mafia consider Kennedy their most dangerous enemy.


At no other time in our history did the president of the United States have more deadly enemies than the Mafia or the CIA. On November 23rd, 1963 not one American knew what happened, and it had guaranteed the Mafia's future. Sam Giancana, the Chicago Mafia boss, stated with chilling authority, " The United States had a coup de ta, it's that simple."

In the fall of 1959, Sam Giancana head of the Chicago Mafia, Joe Kennedy head of the Irish Mafia, Chicago Mayor Daily, and Jack Kennedy met at the Ambassador East Hotel in Chicago. Joe Kennedy asked Giancana for Mafia support in the coming 1960 presidential election against Richard Nixon. Giancana refused to support Kennedy because Bobby Kennedy, Jack's younger brother, was head of the McAllen Crime busting Committee.

The Kennedy's agreed to remove Bobby to gain the Mafia's support. The Kennedy family won the closest race in presidential history, then they double crossed their Mafia supporters by appointing Bobby Kennedy Attorney General of the United States. The new Attorney General now had an army of FBI at his disposal and the Kennedy's crime busting inquisition not only continued, it was now more powerful than ever. The very men who had helped finance the presidential campaign were being put in jail. The entire Mafia Empire all across the United States seethed with anger and hatred for the Kennedy's.

The CIA was stunned on April 14, 1961 when the nefarious Bay of Pigs history was written. Word came down that Jack Kennedy had ordered the United States air support canceled; The betrayal of the CIA and the Cuban Freedom Fighters by the President, plus the President's threat to dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency caused bitterness and dismay. It was at this time in our history that the Mafia and the CIA shared a common enemy, the President of the United States.

Dallas' author and historian, Jim Gatewood, has written some of the best books for Dallas history lessons. Do you have a speaker for your Dallas book club meeting or special event? Book Jim Gatewood to speak at your special events and book club meetings. Fill out the speaker request form to get information on Jim Gatewood's book reviews.


Captain Will Fritz and the Dallas Mafia

A Dallas " Super Cop" who solved the Kennedy assassination.

Gatewood's book names the Dallas Mafia families that helped put Kennedy on the spot.

The Kennedy assassination was a Mafia hit. Kennedy was to be hit if he went to Chicago, Miami, New Orleans, Los Angeles, or Dallas. The Dallas number came up first.

Will Fritz, a Dallas " Super Cop" had the Kennedy assassination solved three hours after Oswald's shot was fired. Gatewood's book names the Dallas Mafia families and the Dallas Bank where the Mafia laundered their money.

$49.51 with tax and FREE shipping!!!

Dallas Texas History Books

Benny Binion, Dallas Gambler & Mob Boss

Benny Binion was a soldier of fortune at the turn of the century in Texas. His fearless determination to control his fate, first boot- legging then gambling, left an indelible imprint on Dallas history and the world of gambling. He was capable of activating his charm or his ferocious rage as implements of choice, just as he could either a pencil or the sawed- off shotgun in the trunk of his car as a lethal weapon to destroy an adversary. His legend takes place in a time splattered with conspiracy, treachery, and blood.

Behind those cold blue eyes was an ingenious mind capable of adapting to any environment. Fate would one day dictate that he would dominate the Mafia hierarchy and the tough, streetwise punks of the streets of Dallas.

Founder of Binion's Horseshoe Casino in Las Vegas.

$48.51 with tax and FREE shipping!

A biography of Sheriff Bill Decker of Dallas County


Speak softly and carry a Thompson Sub-Machinegun.

While Elliot Ness and his " Untouchables" were fighting Al Capone in Chicago, Bill Decker was fighting crime in the city of Dallas. He ( unlike Ness) had no federal funds or shotgun squads to back him up.

Sheriff Bill Decker was a " Modern Knight", alone without any armor in a dangerous land. He was armed only with his ironclad morals, courage, determination, and his favorite weapon: the Thompson Sub-machinegun.

Despite the smug, pious, self- righteous image that Dallas has courted for the last century, there has always been a lascivious twinkle in the old girl's eye. Dallas was a wide- open town with its secrets a story that needed to be told.

$48.51 with tax and FREE shipping!!!

Please send an email to the author jimgatewood@dcarb.com if you would like to purchase a book or DVD and he will respond to you quickly or you can fill out the form on the information page if you have any questions or want to specify detailed shipping instructions. Thank you very much from the Dallas County Assassination Review Board!

Please send email to Dallas Historian jimgatewood@dcarb.com and he will respond to you quickly. All credited information will be added to the website in the time lined order that the actual events took place. Thank you.

This site is dedicated to solving the JFK Assassination. John F Kennedy, President Kennedy, shots fired, Dallas, Benny Binion, Captain Will Fritz, Bill Decker, Jack Ruby, Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK Conspiracy, Jim Gatwood, Author Jim Gatewood, Jim Gatewood Dallas Historian, Book Club Speaker, Dallas History, Dallas, Texas History, Dallas County Assassination Review Board.

Readers Digest - March 2005 issue - Confirms four shots fired during Kennedy assassination.
Dallas County Assassination Review Board had previously reported four shots fired in JFK murder case.

March 2005

James Barger, an audio scientist, has been able to reproduce " acoustic fingerprints of the alleged gunshots" with his new scientific equipment which proves a second gunman whose name and location was given in the Dallas County Assassination Review Board's report dated October 10th 2003.

Dallas History

JFK Assassination Documentary DVD (Not a theory)

......................... $32.50

Captain Will Fritz and the Dallas Mafia

.......................... $49.51

The Legend of Benny Binion, Dallas Gambler & Mob Boss

.......................... $48.51

Decker, A Biography of Sheriff Bill Decker of Dallas County 1898-1970

............................ $49.51

Legends in Poker


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Moo Cow
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And more ...

Post by Moo Cow »

Scott, Peter Dale; Hoch, Paul L.; and Stetler, Russell. The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond -- A Guide to Cover-ups and Investigations. New York: Vintage Books, 1976. 556 pages.
This collection of 40 essays includes many of the major writers on assassinations. Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, James Lesar, David Lifton, Cyril H. Wecht, William Turner, and David W. Belin cover various aspects of the JFK assassination, from the physical evidence to eyewitnesses, and from the murder of Tippet to the Garrison investigation. Peter Dale Scott contributes a 40-page study of Kennedy's intention to pull out of Vietnam, as well as another essay on the connections between Dallas and Watergate. George O'Toole and Bernard Fensterwald look at the "second Oswald" with an eye on the CIA and ONI, while Paul L. Hoch monitors the CIA's relationship with the Warren Commission.
Wayne Chastain and Harold Weisberg weigh in on the Martin Luther King assassination, and Robert Blair Kaiser, Betsy Langman, and Alexander Cockburn discuss Robert Kennedy and Sirhan's gun. Gore Vidal is suspicious of the attempt against George Wallace.

A final section reprints the chapter from the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report that treated and dismissed some of the CIA connections with the JFK assassination. This is followed by criticisms from Paul Hoch.
ISBN 0-394-71650-7
Moo Cow
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Re: And more ...

Post by Moo Cow »

A final section reprints the chapter from the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report that treated and dismissed some of the CIA connections with the JFK assassination. This is followed by criticisms from Paul Hoch.

Look here. some Rockefeller based denials...
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Important find!!!!

Post by Moo Cow »

PDF] CITY OF ALLEN NEWS – Release week of October 24, 2005 (Activities ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... of three colorful Dallas men including Benny Binion, the infamous gambling ... He argues that Mafia boss Sam Giancana stated that “The United ...
www.cityofallen.org/pio/ news_releases/tipsheet10_24_05.pdf - Similar pages
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Re: Important find!!!!

Post by Moo Cow »

Moo Cow wrote:PDF] CITY OF ALLEN NEWS – Release week of October 24, 2005 (Activities ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML... of three colorful Dallas men including Benny Binion, the infamous gambling ... He argues that Mafia boss Sam Giancana stated that “The United ...www.cityofallen.org/pio/ news_releases/tipsheet10_24_05.pdf - Similar pages

I couldn't get it on here...what the page said in a nutshell is that Sam Giancana ordered Ruby to kill Oswald before he says anything...

Here's some more info;

Dallas History Message Board

Dallas Mafia

Posted By: Jim Gatewood <jgat14321@ev1.net>
Date: Friday, 16 July 2004, at 8:51 a.m.

Remember the film L. A. Confidential, when Mickey Cohen Was killed, the power struggle to control the mob in L.A?The same thing happened in Dallas when Benny Binion left Dallas. Sam Giancana, Chicago Mafia boss sent Jack Ruby to Dallas, to establish a beach head for a Mafia invasion.
Come to Gatewood's review and hear the rest of the story.

You are invited to eat out and hear Jim Gatewood reviewHis book The Legend of Benny Binion Dallas GamblerAnd Mob Boss

Wednesday July 21 at 5:30 p.m. at the Methodist
Church on the SMU Campus. If you wish to
eat you need to call (214) 523 2240 for reservations.The meal is $8.00 a plate. If you would like to just Walk in the Great Hall the review starts at 7:00

Jim Gatewood
(972) 278 5763

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Da Boys....

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