Jesse Ventura new show

JFK Assassination
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Re: Jesse Ventura On Howard Stern

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Jesse Ventura On Howard Stern

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:From Dec 2, 2009: ... elatedNice job again Link Murraydale.
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Re: Jesse Ventura Slams 9/11 Conspiracy Debunkers

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Andries, and Ken Murray:Andries - I read, and enjoy all of your Posts. What country are your from, if you don't mind me asking ? I am totally impressed by the foreigners on the JFK Forum starting with Wim Dankbaar, Christoph Hans Messner, and of course you, Andries. If there are others that I have forgotten, as I write, I do apologize.Andries - I have little or no hope for the American peoples, our way of life, our government, The U.S.A. Global Military Industrial Complex, the Government Controlled, Regulated Main Stream Media, Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve System, our phony allegedly Democratic Two (2) Party System, which Thom Zajac correctly pointed out weeks ago, Operation Northwoods, the CIA, the NSA, JFK, MLK, RFK, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Watergate, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, 09.11.2001, et. al., when it comes to THE TRUTH. I know that I will never see it in my lifetime.I have learned much from you, "my trusted and respected foreigners" on the JFK Forum. With life, work, family, hobbies, etc., I doubt that "we Americans" can see beyond our own lives, and country, let alone to other distant shores, and peoples. But the JFK Forum gives me something to hold onto as my Trusted Friend Bob correctly pointed out here before.My closest living friend, James Earl Sutton/Files is fond of reminding me, "Bruce, they will never change the history books, get that through your head."So I do not ignore the "distant wisdom of our friendly foreigners" who I think have more class, and a better perspective than we Americans who can't see the forest from the trees. How do some of Americans seek to totally support THE TRUTH with foreigners, when 80 % or more of ALL AMERICANS just don't give a damn. Look at out current elections. On average who votes here in America - maybe 20 % - 30% in major elections ? In Illinois after all that has gone on in the last few years, Governor George H. Ryan in prison, his successor Governor Rod Blagojevich indicted, going to trial soon, and probably then to prison, and we just voted in as a Lieutenant Governor a man with a criminal record for domestic abuse of women with a knife, and drug related problems, a self-admitted steroid user/abuser, with a violent record. NOBODY CHECKED HIM OUT UNTIL HE SPENT OVER 2 MILLION DOLLARS, WON, AND NOW HAS TO RESIGN. We as a people are so apathetic it is insane. Carrying THE TRUTH forward, to where ? And for what end ? Certainly American History books will never tell the truth in my lifetime. Hell, I still don't think that we went to the moon fifty (50) years ago. If we did, why haven't we been able to repeat it in fifty (50) years, and now we blow up more flights, or have more problems with NASA than we did when we "easily went to the moon" without today's types of problems fifty (50) years ago ? Sorry, I just don't believe the Americans in power yesterday, today, and probably tomorrow. I actually believed Obama was going to bring our soldiers back by last Christmas, as promised, before the election. Obama gets elected, and then orders 30,000 more American soldiers to the never ending war. I agree with My Highly Trusted, and Respected Friend Tom Jeffers. The New President is taken to a basement and shown an uncut, unaltered version of The Zapruder Film. When it's over, he's asked, Any Questions ? Look at what happened to Jesse Ventura when elected Governor of a minimally important state like Minnesota, taken to the basement and surrounded by 20 + CIA Agents, asking him questions. According to The Rule Of Law, the CIA has no domestic authority. Right ?!?Andries - I don't know if I really answered you, perhaps I rambled more. I enjoy your wisdom, as I do that of Christoph Hans Messner.Ken Murray - You just keep plugging away, providing outstanding material. I for one appreciate you, applaud you, and apologize for not responding to your fine work even more. You and others convince me that we are RE-WRITING THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD AS PER THE JFK FORUM. Let we few know that we made some effort. For that little, I am proud to be a part of Wim Dankbaar's JFK Forum.I still think that we all should promote the sales and distribution of Wim Dankbaar's material. If we believe in anything that we are doing here, we need to help Wim so that we can maintain this JFK Forum.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by tom jeffers »

jesse ventura is investigating the jfk assassination for his show coming in october of this year. he was on alex jones tellinh everyone how the us army tried to keep him filming him at the flame at arlington cemetary. seems that the show is not finished yet the government representative said that they would not allow him to film because he is going to broadcast that the government was behind the assassination. he claims that the show is not even finished yet, how do they know what we are going to say? Every tv station in DC has filmed by the flame, it belongs to us all. how ccan our army start dictating who can film there. He also says he talked to marina oswald and that she would not go on camera but she said that nobody cares about the assassination anymore. Jesse told her that this is the cornerstone of corruption. if the government can kill a president then they can do anything. She then asked jesse if he would sacrifice his children to find the truth and he said no and she said "neither will I"
tom jeffers
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by tom jeffers »

here he is saying he believes there were 3 shooters. he makes a good point about the missing shot coming from the 2nd floor of the dal-tec building. ... ssination/
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by kenmurray »

I bet if Gary Quack or Vincent Baloney were filming at the flame all the major networks would have it on and praising what a fine job they were doing promoting the lone nut theory. Jesse's a fighter and he will keep digging.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by tom jeffers »

i just watched the first show of the 2nd season of jesse's conspiracy theory. it was about plum island. it appears he is going to have a show on jfk but he is using the hunt deathbed confession as his main source of information. although i am not entirely sure that hunt was coming clean with his son st john, i am greatful that jesse is opening this can of worms and getting some attention to it. it doesn't surprise me that he went that way since he has used alex jones as one of his contributors this season. regardless of what you think of alex, i think jesse is a stand up guy and trying to do what is right.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by dankbaar »

Although the late Howard Hunt’s revelations are extremely interesting, the reader should separate what Howard Hunt said from what his son says. See my email to him below. And if Saint John claims his father wrote “French Gunman” on the grassy knoll, on a piece of paper depicting Dealey Plaza, I would like to see that piece of paper! The next question that arises : Why did he not put a name to it? And what would have been his source for the information? Howard Hunt has always denied he was the tramp in the hat, and he certainly did not admit it to his son. Howard Hunt was still lying to his son on deathbed, denying his own role in the assassination. For Howard Hunt, as well as Frank Sturgis were in Dallas that day, except not dressed up as tramps. One might wanna look up the testimony of Marita Lorenz and the libel suit of Hunt against magazine “The Spotlight”. I guess the acclaimed “patriot” could not bear to be remembered as a participant in high treason. But think again, in his deathbed “confession” he acknowledges being aware of the plans. What is the difference anyway? By the way, James Files remembers Hunt well. Specifically how he enjoyed taking part in torture sessions. Wim—– Original Message —–From: Wim DankbaarTo: saint@saintjohnhunt.comSent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 10:31 AMSubject: Stop speculating pleaseJohn, Although I value your information a lot, it corroborates the facts to a good extent. I think you are paying yourself and the truth a disservice if you keep saying that you believe Sturgis and your father were two of the three tramps. First, it is your own subjective opinion, your father didn’t tell you this. It’s just lip-service to a popular myth from the JFK research community. Second, it is in direct contradiction with your father’s story. He claimed no direct involvement, only advance knowledge. So how could he end up in Dealey Plaza dressed up as a tramp? Are you then saying he was lying to you ? Third, you offer no candidate for the third tramp. Finally, the tramps were Chauncey Marvin Holt, Charles Rogers, and Charles Harrelson. ... is1.htmThe name of Cord Meyer is very interesting. Chauncey Holt mentioned him too. See attached document from the Who was who, compiled by Chauncey Holt. Best regards,Wim DankbaarHere’s my answer to someone seeking my opinion on “Badgeman” and the French/Corsican connection: No need to reconcile, as Badgeman is complete hogwash thanks to Gary Mack and Jack White. If you outline the so called figures in the complete Moorman picture, you will see that they are much to small to be human beings, unless they were toddlers. No matter how much you “enhance” or colorize them. That’s why they always show the blowup. Also a normal height person only has his head sticking above the picket fence. Jack White explains this away by saying they were standing on a car bumper, but that doesn’t explain their size. Sure I have heard the name of Sarti, and also his alleged accomplices Bocognani and Pironti, who proved they were not there, which was eventually admitted by Nigel Turner and Steve Rivele. Nevertheless, the myth is very persistent. French speaking foreign assassins in Dallas? Think again. WimThe only thing that can be verified is that french OAS assassin Jean Soutre was in Dallas and extradited within 48 hours. * A CIA document released in 1977 states that Jean Soutre, a French assassin and member of the violent anti-Kennedy group called the OAS, was in Dallas on the day of the assassination. The document also says Soutre was picked up by U.S. authorities in Texas and deported within forty-eight hours of the shooting. (It is likely that the person was actually Michel Mertz using Soutre’s name, as explained in Brad O’Leary and Ed Lee, THE DEATHS OF THE COLD WAR KINGS, Baltimore: Cemetery Dance Publications, 2000, pp. 93-171. Mertz, too, was an assassin and was a ranking figure in the French Mafia.) So I am not saying that there was no French/Corsican whatsoever. What I believe is this: The Corsican mafia was informed of the hit on Kennedy through the Trafficante connection. Maybe they were even asked to supply gunmen, but none of this materialized. How do I know they had advance knowledge? Because of this recently declassified letter that was sent to James Files in prison, asking if he was the author. The mafia figure that is described is Dominique Venturi, who took over the Corsican crime family in Marseille with Marcel Francisco from the Guerini brothers when they were killed in 1967. The “certain branch of organized crime” is the Corsican mob, and the number 4 at the time (now number 2) is Venturi.
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Re: Jesse Ventura new show

Post by ChristophMessner »

One of the tramps was not Charles Rogers, but David Christ. Identical ears, nose, everything. CIA photo of David Christ does not show David Christ though. Of course Sturgis or Hunt were no tramps on Dealey Plaza, but Chauncey Holt and Charles Harrelson were. There were far more than only three "tramps" in the train as one policeman reported, though.