VERY interesting Dallas police document

JFK Assassination
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by dankbaar »

I have never seen this document. Where does it come from an when was it discovered? If genuine, it is further proof that Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald knew each other. What about the officers named on the complaint? White and Hargis? Bobby Hargis the motorcycle cop that was splattered with JFk's blood and brains? Wim
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

From what I understand, the document was found by Jim Marrs, Jack White and John Armstrong at the TCU library that houses the collection of Marguerite Oswald. However, people like Dave Perry claim it is false. Please see this post from me in this thread if you haven't is the news from Joe. He and I talked this afternoon, plus he sent me some documents as well. Joe doesn't consider himself to be a researcher, but I wish there were 100 more like him that have his persistence and diligence. Joe went out of his way to get this information. But I think his effort was well worth it. First of all, Joe's journey took him to Dallas police headquarters and the records department, and then to the TCU library to check out Mrs. Marguerite Oswald's papers that she had collected over the years.Joe first went to the DPD record's office. He filled out a form to find out the validity of the Mary Bledsoe police report document that had mentioned a scuffle between Alek Hidel (Lee Harvey Oswald) and J.A. Rubenstein (Jack Ruby) in the report. The report also mentions a H.H. Grant being present. Joe was told it may be several weeks before he gets a response.Then Joe saw a police officer and what appeared to be a secretary talking. Joe was able to intercede in the conversation and he showed them both the police report that I had posted to start this thread. Both thought the report Joe showed them was very indicative of a standard police report of that period, with the errors that were in the report, that were common in a petty case of this nature.The secretary also said that the number across the top of the report was typed on a different typewriter, as there were indications of that because the dash shifted to the left on every number. However, the secretary also felt that report itself was genuine, and she was 100% certain of that. The police officer was 90% sure based on his study of the report. The secretary also thought that Joe would not get a favorable response from records, as the original report probably ended up with the FBI, CIA or a news organization.Bottom line, it appears that someone tampered with a copy of the report. More on that later.Joe then went to TCU. Mrs. Oswald's effects are in a special collections area of the library. Joe was helped by a very nice lady who was very helpful. The lady got Joe all the things he asked for. Incidentally, the lady asked Joe exactly what I was looking for, as he was only the third person to check out Mrs. Oswald's effects over the years.Joe told her that he was looking for the police report (the one mentioned above) that he had a copy of. The lady said that it wasn't in the files, as it would have been mentioned on Mrs. Oswald's index list. Then the lady thought awhile, and said, "Wait a minute...I recall something else." She then brought out another folder that had the general offense (police) report in the file. The numbers matched from the copy Joe had. This is the odd thing about the situation. One of the two people that had looked at Mrs. Oswald's effects before Joe had tried to slip this report into Mrs. Oswald's collection. However, the person was caught trying to do this, which is why it is not part of Mrs. Oswald's effects, but in a different file. Joe tried to get the name of the sleazeball that tried to slip this document in Mrs. Oswald's collection, but he could not get the name because it had personal information along with it. Joe then asked if the person was Dave Perry, and the lady smiled BROADLY and said that she couldn't share that information. Sometimes the eyes and facial features say more than words do folks.Now see this portion of a story done by the infamous Dave Perry himself regarding this document...Fort Worth researcher Gary Mack related to this writer he had a conversation with Jim Marrs shortly after the distribution of the information. Incredibly, Mack indicates Marrs claimed he discussed the discovery of the document with Cleburne, Texas, Warren Commission critic J. Gary Shaw. Shaw told Marrs that he had learned from Mary Ferrell that the document was a hoax. Sadly, Jim Marrs, by distributing this "release" to the press, has placed his imprimatur on the story. In the past, during his University of Texas at Arlington classes, Jim commented on his friendly relationship with Marguerite Oswald. He interviewed and spoke to her on many occasions yet she never mentioned the report -- a document that would verify a relationship between Oswald and Ruby prior to the assassination. There seem to be only two alternatives. Marguerite did suppress the report from everyone including Marrs because, in her view, it was proof of a conspiracy involving her son and Ruby or the document is a hoax planted in the TCU archive after her death in early 1982. I conclude the "Bledsoe report" is a fabrication. The record is full of errors, omissions and inconsistencies. Of course some will claim that the document is real and the supporting evidence and witnesses testimony altered as part of a massive coverup. If true the following names should be added to the list of conspirators: First on the list is Marguerite Oswald IF she buried the document in the TCU archives. She is followed by Mary Bledsoe, Mary Bledsoe's son, Al Chapman, Randy Chapman, Bertha Cheek, the Dallas Police Department, Mary Ferrell, H.H. Grant, Officer B.W. Hargis, Carroll Jarnagin, Arthur and Gladys Johnson, Ronald Magid, Shirley Mauldin and Officer J.C. White. It is my hope the authors will reply publicly, showing where my details or logic are inaccurate. As was expected, after seven years not one has. Perry claims that Mrs. Oswald may have tried to plant this report, when actaully it was probably Perry himself, after first doctoring the document to make it appear phony. By the way, Perry's buddy...Larry "The Fable Guy" Dunkel (Gary Mack) was once in television news in the Dallas area. Gary Mack was his on air name. Remember what the police secretary said...she thought the FBI, CIA or a news organization had the original police report based on her knowledge. Perry has clear CIA connections, and Mack was once in a news organization. Okay...that is a bit of a bombshell, but nothing compared to what Joe found next. Joe found this about H.H. Grant, who was listed in the Mary Bledsoe police report involving the skirmish between Hidel (LHO) and Rubenstein (Ruby)...Grant was in the FBI folks. We know LHO was a FBI informant (as well as a CIA operative). Ruby was also a FBI informant. This report makes a lot of sense. Grant was there to get information. LHO and Ruby got into it for one reason or the other. I'm sure the emotions were pretty raw just 6 weeks before the assassination took place. So...let's discuss this new information folks. Joe did a FANTASTIC job here.Here is the H.H. Grant story again, in case you can't read the one above...Dallas, Nov. 21-UPI--A DALLAS BUILDER TODAY DENIED TODAY THAT HE HAD BEEN ARRESTED IN 1963 WITH LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND JACK RUBY IN AN OAK CLIFF ROOMING HOUSE--AFTER A REPORTED ALTERCATION.H.H. GRANT, 35, SAID HE WAS TAKEN TO THE DALLAS POLICE STATION "SOMETIME IN OCTOBER" OF THAT YEAR FOR QUESTIONING. BUT THAT HE AND TWO OTHER MEN ALSO QUESTIONED WERE RELEASED "WHEN IT BECAME OBVIOUS THAT THE REPORT WAS A MISTAKEN ONE."DALLAS POLICE CHIEF CHARLES BATCHELOR SAID DALLAS POLICE RECORDS SHOWED NO RECORD OF SUCH AN ARREST.GRANT'S STORY CAME TO LIGHT RECENTLY WHEN SEVERAL DALLAS NEWS-MEN GOT WIND OF THE POSSIBILITY THAT RUBY AND OSWALD MIGHT HAVE BEEN SEEN TOGETHER AT THE DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT. THE WARREN COMMISSION, REACHING THE CONCLUSION THAT BOTH APPARENTLY ACTED ALONE IN THEIR NOVEMBER, 1963 ACTIONS, INDICATED THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE THAT LINKED OSWALD TO THE FORMER NIGHTCLUB OWNER.GRANT, FORMERLY OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION IN DALLAS, DETROIT AND OTHER CITIES, NOW OPERATES A BUILDING FIRM IN DALLAS.IT IS REPORTED THAT GRANT HAS RECENTLY VISITED NEW ORLEANS FOR QUESTIONING BY DIST. ATTY. JIM GARRISON, WHO IS CURRENTLY INVESTIGATING PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY'S ASSASSINATION, ALONG WITH RELATED EVENTS THAT WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE OCCURED IN THE LOUSIANA CITY IN MID-1963. GRANT DENIED THAT HE HAD EVER MET GARRISON AND THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY WAS NOT AVAILABLE FOR COMMENT.GRANT DENIED HE HAD EVER MET RUBY, BUT SAID HIS WIFE..."Bottom line, this has become a VERY interesting story. Jim DiEugenio was very skeptical about the original Mary Bledsoe police report, but based on this new information, he has asked me to do a story on his website... The Grant UPI story is a huge piece to the puzzle regarding this document. Especially knowing the Grant was in the FBI. Plus, the DPD secretary thinks the original document was altered (see Dave Perry) and someone attempted (see Dave Perry) to put this altered document in Mrs. Oswald's collection, but was caught. We need to research this further, but Joe found some very interesting pieces to this puzzle.
tom jeffers
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by tom jeffers »

I went on the internet to find out when Batchelor took over as chief and didn't find anything. I called the dallas police department and they bounced me around 5 times to a voicemail. I explained that I was researching when chief batchelor became chief. She never called me back. I was hoping to get a more precise date on it. It appears to be around the time garrison was investigating. Batchelor joined the force in 1936 and was asst chief in 1960. he was an old dog by then.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by dankbaar »

Indeed a very interesting document. The best evidence that it is a REAL document, is the fact that Dave Perry must try so franticly to say that it is not! Why must he try so hard on a document that even I did not know about? Until now. Good old Dave Perry. How transparent he is!It seems indeed that Dave himself had a role in making this document appear to be a "fake". You would have to ask yourself: Who had the motive and the means to put a fake document like this into the Dallas Police Archives? That makes no sense for nobody except a classical "conspiracy nut". Would such a nut have had access to the DPD archives 40 years ago, when Jim Garrison was in full swing investigating the case? Thanks Joe and Bob! Wim
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Great work there Bob. I'm sure Larry the Fable Guy will say it's a forgery or a fake. I thought Larry "DUNG"kel (Gary Mack) was a forgery and a fake. ;p LOL
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

dankbaar wrote:Indeed a very interesting document. The best evidence that it is a REAL document, is the fact that Dave Perry must try so franticly to say that it is not! Why must he try so hard on a document that even I did not know about? Until now. Good old Dave Perry. How transparent he is!It seems indeed that Dave himself had a role in making this document appear to be a "fake". You would have to ask yourself: Who had the motive and the means to put a fake document like this into the Dallas Police Archives? That makes no sense for nobody except a classical "conspiracy nut". Would such a nut have had access to the DPD archives 40 years ago, when Jim Garrison was in full swing investigating the case? Thanks Joe and Bob! WimDidn't I start a thread on this forum specifically on Dave Perry and showing that he's a liar? LOLWhat he and others like him cannot deal with is the mountain of evidence that Ruby did know Oswald and even stalked him at the police station before he shot him. Ruby was at the televised press conference with Oswald and even corrected one of the reporters who got the name of the "Fair Play For Cuba Committee" wrong. Wasn't it also shown that Ruby worked for congressman Nixon in the late 1940s? Also, didn't people at Jack Ruby's nightclub say that they met or saw Oswald there WITH Ruby? Then, of course, we have Files placing Ruby at the coffee shop handing fake Secret Service credentials and a map to Roselli on the morning of the JFK assassination. On top of this, wasn't Jack Ruby also seen at Parkalnd hospital by reporter Seth Cantor (sp?). It seems that this is all stuff that guys like Perry can't logically deal with.
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

tom jeffers wrote:I went on the internet to find out when Batchelor took over as chief and didn't find anything. I called the dallas police department and they bounced me around 5 times to a voicemail. I explained that I was researching when chief batchelor became chief. She never called me back. I was hoping to get a more precise date on it. It appears to be around the time garrison was investigating. Batchelor joined the force in 1936 and was asst chief in 1960. he was an old dog by then.Ken, Batchelor was never what we call chief of police, he was assistant cheif and in dallas they were also called Chief.I can't recal where I found it but he definatly was Dallas Asst. Chief of Police in the 60'sJFK Database More on this pageBOX FOLDER ITEM DOC_TYPE DOC_DATE PRIMAUTH QUALITY ABSTRACT PAGES OBJECT_ID 01 01 001 Inventory date unknown an unknown author Original Inventory created by Dallas Police Department/Records Division of documents maintained by the Records Division prior to transfer to the Dallas Municipal Archives and Records Center (DMARC) 1 00000418Go to the pageInventory created by Dallas Police Department ... L. C. Graves: Original: Report concerning ... Charles Batchelor: Carbon Copy: Memorandum from Chief Charles Batchlor to Deputy Chief · Cached page
tom jeffers
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by tom jeffers »

joe,i saw where they called him chief even when he was asst chief in the early 60's in newspaper articles and internal documents. probably out of respect since the guy had been in the department before ww2. i wonder who's undershorts were crustier, his or j edgar. lol
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

Hard to tell Tom I an not sure but I think each different division had it's own Asst. Chief
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:joe,i saw where they called him chief even when he was asst chief in the early 60's in newspaper articles and internal documents. probably out of respect since the guy had been in the department before ww2. i wonder who's undershorts were crustier, his or j edgar. lolHoover wore panties most of the time.