Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Thom I hear what you are saying but i can see no where that a shot could have been fired from the front that would beof sufficient height to enter the neck at an angle to go downward into the chest lung area.I have never shot a person but I have in my days been quite the varmint hunter.I have never fired a shot into anything that would be comparable to the neck that did that kind of minimal damage.A small high velosity bullet would do very visable damage. a large bullet would pass completely through the neck andthe path of that bullet would have distroyed the back bone. large or small would have tthe effect of taking his head off.i think it looked like an entrane wound and the doctors had no reason to suspect otherwise.putting the trach in was just an effort in futility. they already knew there was nothing they could do.but did not want to be accused of not trying.As cool as doctors are I would imagine that beeing in that situation was very disturbing to them.They are human and are subject to reaction.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:Thom - If I want to go across the street, any street, I can go North, South, East, and West.The problem is that with three (3) of the directions out of four (4) I will have to go around the world to get "across the street."Talk about counterintuitive ?!?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Bruce wrote-"(Thom, no disrespect intended. I just think that this is such a complete total waste of time.)"I do think we agreed to disagree a little while back. I understand your points but I must say I could not disagree with you more regarding Dr. Perry's observations and conclusions. Mercury load or not, I think he was eminently qualified to distinguish the DIRECTION of the wound.As for the need for wax on the front of the president's face A) I don't believe that anyone at Parkland noted any such damage to the president's face, meaning B) if wax was indeed needed to repair damage to the president's face a strong case could be made that such damage was caused after Parkland when the body was altered and the bullets were removed.We better put a few shots of whiskey in those beers-Thom
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Thomhave you ever been to Dealey plaza?
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:Thom - If I want to go across the street, any street, I can go North, South, East, and West.The problem is that with three (3) of the directions out of four (4) I will have to go around the world to get "across the street."Talk about counterintuitive ?!?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Sometimes I teach kids how to juggle. Almost always their brains tell them that there are three objects and they have only two hands, therefore they must toss the objects very quickly, as soon as they catch them. 99.9% think this at first.But the opposite is true. If you hold objects in each hand, then there is only one in the air to worry about. A key to juggllng is to wait as long as possible before throwing an object into the air.The method for juggling is therefore, counterintuitive. Why is such a concept out of your range of understanding?(Maybe we should drink tequilla!)
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Dealey Joe wrote:Thomhave you ever been to Dealey plaza?No I haven't, Joe. But it's on my bucket list. Why do you ask?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

well I think a visit there would make your conclusions a bit different.why don't you plan to be there in November.You really do need to experiance it.Sure would be nice for a few of us to walk the place and discuss the possibilities.If you are lucky you could even meet Mr. Dunkle
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:Thom - The reason Joe asks if you have ever been to Dealey Plaza is extremely self evident.There is absolutely no angle from which JFK could have been shot in the throat from the front, before he clears the sign, that fits your fact pattern. Process of elimination. At least you were honest enough to admit it.Your argument totally fails.But I'll still buy the first round.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Joe wrote-"well I think a visit there would make your conclusions a bit different."Which ones? I'm assuming one is the downward trajectory? The other(s)?Would love to go, by the way, But not in an open car-
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:Thom - The reason Joe asks if you have ever been to Dealey Plaza is extremely self evident.There is absolutely no angle from which JFK could have been shot in the throat from the front, before he clears the sign, that fits your fact pattern. Process of elimination. At least you were honest enough to admit it.Your argument totally fails.But I'll still buy the first round.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Not so fast. First of all, the South knoll offers some shooting positions above the president. The overpass is above the president. And I'm not dismissing the possibiity of a flat trajectory- just look at the Gil Jesus video Ken is about to cue up.