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Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:26 pm
by Timothy Franzen
Hi Moo,Interesting material but I do take issue with Oswald being the personwho shot Officer Tippitt. As we've learned from JFK,Files doesn't believe that Oswald had anything to do with Tippitt's death.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:36 pm
by Moo Cow
Timothy Franzen wrote:Hi Moo,Interesting material but I do take issue with Oswald being the personwho shot Officer Tippitt. As we've learned from JFK,Files doesn't believe that Oswald had anything to do with Tippitt's death.

Please inform me with a brief summary of this part of the big jigsaw puzzle...I'm not up on Tippet ????

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:49 pm
by Timothy Franzen
Hi Moo,
Officer J.D. Tippit was the Dallas Police Officer allegedly shot by
LHO. This is the interview found here at the
website with Files

Q: Is there anything you can tell me about the death of Officer J.D. Tippit?

A: I do not wish to touch base on that. I have no comment on that.

Q: Do you know who killed him?

A: Yes, I do.(27)

Q: Is the man still alive?

A: The man that killed J.D. Tippit is still alive. He was alive as of three years ago. I haven't talked to him in the past three years. Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill J.D. Tippit.(28) Because the man that killed a police officer that afternoon had come by my motel and told me...he said that things got messed up today he said and I killed a cop...and my remarks to that was well you did what you had to do and he left shortly thereafter.

Q: So then there was one other person that was part of the team other than you, Nicoletti and Rosselli?

A: The person that I am referring to now was not a part of the team to assassinate far as I know his job would have been to kill Lee Harvey Oswald from what I understood without asking any direct questions because I did not want to know what anyone else was doing. All I wanted to know was what my assignment was, what I was to do, and the least I know about other people, the better off I am because I didn't want very many people knowing who I was or what I'm doing.

Q: Would you have known who would have given him orders to kill Officer Tippit?

A: No, I would not because that contract would have come from a different source.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:34 pm
by Moo Cow
Timothy Franzen wrote:Hi Moo,Officer J.D. Tippit was the Dallas Police Officer allegedly shot by LHO. This is the interview found here at the jfkmurdersolved.comwebsite with Files Q: Is there anything you can tell me about the death of Officer J.D. Tippit?A: I do not wish to touch base on that. I have no comment on that.Q: Do you know who killed him?A: Yes, I do.(27)Q: Is the man still alive?A: The man that killed J.D. Tippit is still alive. He was alive as of three years ago. I haven't talked to him in the past three years. Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill J.D. Tippit.(28) Because the man that killed a police officer that afternoon had come by my motel and told me...he said that things got messed up today he said and I killed a cop...and my remarks to that was well you did what you had to do and he left shortly thereafter.Q: So then there was one other person that was part of the team other than you, Nicoletti and Rosselli?A: The person that I am referring to now was not a part of the team to assassinate far as I know his job would have been to kill Lee Harvey Oswald from what I understood without asking any direct questions because I did not want to know what anyone else was doing. All I wanted to know was what my assignment was, what I was to do, and the least I know about other people, the better off I am because I didn't want very many people knowing who I was or what I'm doing.Q: Would you have known who would have given him orders to kill Officer Tippit?A: No, I would not because that contract would have come from a different source.

Still alive? Maybe it was RD Matthews who is about 85 now and lives in vegasss..he was in the news a few years back for a drive by shooting of Ted Binion's house.. (See Ted Binion murder trial)Of the other shooters, one wound up in jail and the other was found dead under mysterious circumstances..Old R.D. didn't get charged or arrested Thats the way the system goes in Sin City...

Russians during the American Civil War?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 2:29 am
by R Croxford
Did the Russians help protect our country during the civil war?
If they did? Why?
Lemme know really.

Re: Russians during the American Civil War?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:35 pm
by Moo Cow
R Croxford wrote:Did the Russians help protect our country during the civil war?If they did? Why?Lemme know really.

What does this have to do with this board? The Civil war involved the United States although there should have been an uprising in Niger and some other African communities if they knew what was going on...they proably weren't told I don't know now benny can you comment back on this one?


Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:37 am
by R Croxford
It falls in the same area of your statements about money?
And to why he was shot. Also how many people hung because of the murder of lincoln. Schools teach us that Booth and Mudd were the 2 main characters. When in fact it was a conspiracy. So many simularities in the two murders and yet one is always forgot. The russians did in fact guard our country at the request of lincoln. Now who was head of Russia at the time? And who were they protecting us from?
I like riddles bro sorry.

Re: re

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:57 pm
by Moo Cow
R Croxford wrote:It falls in the same area of your statements about money?And to why he was shot. Also how many people hung because of the murder of lincoln. Schools teach us that Booth and Mudd were the 2 main characters. When in fact it was a conspiracy. So many simularities in the two murders and yet one is always forgot. The russians did in fact guard our country at the request of lincoln. Now who was head of Russia at the time? And who were they protecting us from?PeaceI like riddles bro sorry.

Are you asking Moo or quizzing me? If you know so much why don't you answer your own questions
BTW how is Vegas this time of year? Is it getting hot yet?


Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:13 am
by R Croxford
Vegas wtf are you smoking bro
Cease fire man wrong person.
Wim knows me Tim knows me Bob knows me.
I am john doe bro.
Been here for quite awhile now and every thing you have said so far in this forum exept the binion angle has been said by me twice.
Cease fire bro I am on your side.

Re: re

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:30 pm
by Moo Cow
R Croxford wrote:Vegas wtf are you smoking broCease fire man wrong person.Wim knows me Tim knows me Bob knows me.I am john doe bro.Been here for quite awhile now and every thing you have said so far in this forum exept the binion angle has been said by me twice.Cease fire bro I am on your side.Peace

What does wtf mean?.First of all I thought you were my goofy boy friend he said no..then I thought you might be the enemys family member
who is the webbie on the lv board...Moo is being stalked internet wise
I had attachments were scanned by MimE De Fang web scanning services....
Lets smoke that peace pipe bro! Oh, btw I am woman!
What did you say about Rockefeller?