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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:02 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Kathy Becket wrote:Thom and Katisha,Thank you so much for your comments.A forum is, or should be, a vehicle for the free exchange of ideas. Since I put my Gary Mack opinion here, I have been told that my opinions are strawmen, and that I am more or less, a victim of Lancer disinformation, that I am spreading it , and told to cram things "where the sun don't shine". Seriously, how is this conducive to any research?For these reasons, I am not real excited about further posting any views I have because, I assume, the same will continue. Would YOU continue? I don't think I want to. KathyYou probably have people upset over here because you're apologizing for Gary Mack without anything to say except that he's a nice guy and that there are people out there who respect him. You seem to have no regard for the reasons why we don't like him now. You can't even address the issue of Mack saying there is no hard evidence of a conspiracy. Then you brought up how the Lancer forum or the Education Forum have "higher" standards. That's an arrogant thing to say. What makes them better? I would venture to say that this is one of the best forums regarding JFK that there is. We have very open minds over here. What we WON'T put up with silently is Gary Mack bulls*#t and bogus documentaries like Inside the Target Car. Then you wonder why Sara told you to stick it? LOL Okay.I'll say this about other forums. If they're actually taking documentaries like Inside The Target Car seriously, then they're not for real. If they refuse to see Gary Mack for what he is, they're not for real either, and if you're listening to them, you're being duped. Anyway, you're free to argue your points about James Files. Like I said, we will either clarify it for you or we won't.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:06 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:oswald would have to drink 40 maybe 50 red bull energy drinks to run up to the sixth floor and then after that get 3 shots off and go back down to the 2 floor and remain my fellow JFK buffs just being a smartass there haha. Hey Sara! Well, I see no hard evidence....oh, never mind! LMAO Sorry, I had another Mack-the-Sack attack!

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:03 pm
by Bob
Bob wrote:Kathy, things can get volatile and emotional on ALL forums. I have dropped in on a few other JFK forums just to peruse and I would rate this forum as being the most friendly. Gary Mack is a sore subject around here, but let's just put that aside for now. I would be interested as Thom says, to get your opinion about how the assassination happened. Who were the assassins or the assassin? Who were the conspirators...if any?I still would like Kathy to answer the questions I posted above. Let's leave Mack and Discovery out of this for now. I will say this though...Pasquale is a VERY passionate AND knowledgable researcher. Unlike myself, he has been a member of other forums where he has been treated with mucho disrespect, and has seen his opinion get deleted or ganged up upon. We try to make this type of occurence rare here, but sometimes the subject matter gets very heated. Let me say this as well, I have been a researcher about the JFK and RFK assassination since I was in college, and I have learned a lot of information that I was not aware of in just the past 5 years. My overall take on things have also changed. I try to keep an open mind. I try to see the big picture. I also learned some very relevant things just in the past couple of months that I did not know about regarding the JFK assassination and Watergate by reading Family of Secrets by Russ Baker. Finally, before I came upon this site, I had never heard of James Files and I thought the Bu$hes were a patriotic family. I did not take Wim at just his word and his excellent site information, instead I researched that information on my own, as I was not a believer. I now concur on both of those matters after my own research, and so do a lot of people in this forum. Jim Marrs (Jim helped interview Files) and Robert Groden (Groden has this site as a link on his website) ALSO concur by the way. Jimmy Files also has two excellent referrals as well in Zack Shelton and Dangerous Dan Marvin. I would be thrilled to have references like that myself.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:05 pm
by saracarter766
kathy hun be thankful that all i said was shove it where the sun cause it could've been alot worse but i have so much respect for Bob and Wim that i won't disrespect them there two of finest people on the if it offended you then i do apologize but i won't apologize for standing my ground and sticking to my guns i'm sorry but that is the way it is with me. just be thankful that was a PG rated comment kathy.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:37 pm
by Bob
Thanks for keeping it tame Sara. I have been around colorful language for years, especially playing sports and when I was a bouncer. One time, I was working at a place that at night could bring some bikers in from time to time. I seemed to get along fine with them. One night, the place ended up with guys from two different gangs going at it. I was able to get the combatants outside and I was trying to keep things civil. The language I heard in that exchange made even me blush. Then the manager of the bar came out and tried to stick his two cents in. One of the bikers yelled to him that he was going to torch the bar and use him as a match! That got the manager inside in a hurry. Anyway, to make a long story short, I was able to keep the peace. Similar to my duties here. I realize that passions can run high here at times, but we all need to let everyone have their say, no matter how vehemently we might disagree. Debate is all walks of life.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:41 pm
by saracarter766
your welcome you've been very nice to me and you have been a good friend so it would'nt be fair if i was disrespectful to you or wim.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:41 am
by ChristophMessner
Kathy Becket wrote: I have Inside the Target Car DVR'd, and wrote in my post that Gary puts a person at the fence, in the same place you put Files. So why does Gary Mack still promote the LN-single bullet-theory while he believes in a second person behind the fence? Why does he not promote a big bronze statue of a shooter behind the fence with a big plate on it: "This is were many witnesses say at least one shot came from, what proves the WC's theory of LN wrong." ? Why don't you American people do that by yourself and unload a truck of missing JFK books at the TSBD museum???

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:50 am
by ChristophMessner
Bob wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Who is paying Gary Mack?The disinformation machine. And part of that money comes from the Bu$h crime family. You know the people who give us assassinations, phony wars, drug running, money laundering, war profiteering, oil price gauging, big banking bullshit and LOTS of death. Money and threats go a long way in making people go to the dark side.I believe so, too, Bob, but in this concrete case of the TSBDM a decent research and knowledge about those who finance this American-soul-clean-wash-institute is highly necessary. I mean, who really is it and from which pot do they pay how much? Gary Mack has a public obligation here to report openly to everybody.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:52 am
by ChristophMessner
saracarter766 wrote:Bob i love how you tell it straight up. I like your way of telling straight up, too, Sara, whether you believe it or not.

Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:29 am
by dankbaar
If James Files were as good a hoaxer as Gary Mack, Kathy would believe Files. Problem is that not everything that Files says is plausible in the mind of Kathy. Like being asked 2 hours before the assassination to be Nicoletti's backup, like biting his shell casing, like spending time with Lee Oswald the week prior. If Files would have deviated from the truth as he knows it, Kathy would probably have less of a problem. That's because lots of people have been groomed by folks like Gary Mack to accept what is plausible or not regarding the assassination. Therefore they reject evidence outside Gary's fabricated box. WimByt the way, Gary Mack doesn't put anyone on the knoll. Inside the target car is a propaganda piece attempting to debunk the fact there was a shot from the grassy knoll. His position is still that the single bullet theory is possible, has never been debunked and remains the most likely option. This is a deliberate lie, willfully told. For Gary Mack knows about the Ironclad evidence that no bullet traversed through JFK's upper torso.