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Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:08 pm
by Pennyworth
When I first started posting on this forum , I had no idea that I would get the views and responses that my threads are getting... I am truely surprised...frankly before I discovered this board (along with some other boards and articles) I thought there was little or next to no interest concerning this case judging from the lack of replies which were non received by me for one Senator who wrote me back...the letter consisted of 2 sentences ;...'Thank you for your letter> We are watching this case.'Here's an article on a diehard JFK assassination buff.. ... -3dqg.html


Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:19 pm
by Pennyworth


Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:45 pm
by Pennyworth
I wish that the 18 million sheeple who voted for Hillary were looking at this board to obtain alternate imformation on what is really going on in politics of our country and of the world for that matter....Concerning JFK, this thread is of utmost importance and should be getting more views especially from JFK historians and scholars...maybe some of the 12 faithful here could e-mail some of the die-hard dissidents and steer them this way...


Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:48 pm
by Pennyworth


Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:02 pm
by Pennyworth
Paul Pennyworth wrote:Chagra Dead.... ... ge-63/Some more on Chagra... ... 3DNLooking at this article can induce some thought and moral provoking harmful is the war on drugs?Is the 'war' on drugs worth people (innocent or otherwise) getting murdered over? People are going to have their cravings no matter what....I know ...I am alcohol dependent at times (wino) whether I choose to be or not...I never took any other drugs but I understand the dependency on and cravings for...If God put these non lethal plants on earth , and some of the people want them and will pay money for the goods, and others are winding up dying for procurement and possession of them then why can't governments overtly come up with a viable solution and legalize ? (IMHO)


Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:05 am
by Pennyworth
El Paso Times reports: Note the date of execution for Federal Judge James Woods....

Harrelson at the Horseshoe with Chagra....

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:02 am
by Pennyworth ... nu102_2But on the morning the trial was to begin, the judge was gunned down outside his home. Chagra and his family were charged with the only assassination of a federal judge in U.S. history. The FBI alleged that Chagra had hired Charles Harrelson, a reputed hitman whom he'd met at Binion's Horseshoe."Harrelson sat down next to him, struck up a conversation and handed him a card that read Charles Harrelson Professional Hitman. Are you kidding? Then he asked around," said Sheehan.Harrelson was the real deal, and later became even more famous as the father of actor Woody Harrelson. He was convicted in the Wood murder along with Chagra's wife Liz and brother Joe, but the alleged mastermind was acquitted -- thanks to his lawyer, Oscar Goodman."It was second only to the JFK investigation in terms of money spent. It was a big win," said Goodman.Chagra was sentenced to life on other charges. When asked about the judge, he was cagey.


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:14 pm
by Pennyworth
Just a thought...I don't even want to bother logging in at JFK Lancer,, but someone should direct some of the misguided and lost in the wilderness sheeple that post there over to this website to take a view of the REAL STORY backed by testimony and facts....


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:22 pm
by Pennyworth
Hello Wim ,Is this your language???? ... lsons.html


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:57 pm
by Pennyworth
More On Chagra And Harrelson....Friday, August 1, 2008 Neal Rubin Las Vegas drug dealer was toast of the town Jimmy Chagra was a drug dealer. Nobody seemed to mind. When I met him in the late 1970s, he was the toast of Las Vegas, a flamboyant high roller who might win or blow $1 million in a week. Either was fine with the casinos; put the money in play, they figured, and the numbers would eventually catch up with him, the same way the feds did. He'd show up at Caesars Palace with footlockers full of cash. In the early hours at Binion's Horseshoe, I once watched him bet $100,000 on a single hand of blackjack. He was loud and profane and funny, the life of a perpetual party. And back in El Paso, Texas, his able assistants were bringing cocaine and marijuana to America in tramp steamers, airplanes and, for all I know, the Goodyear blimp. He lived back then for free in the most luxurious mega-suite Caesars had to offer. When he died last Friday in Mesa, Ariz., he was living in a trailer park. Though his sister denies it, there's strong evidence to suggest he was in the Federal Witness Protection Program. But the marshals couldn't hide him from cancer. His money was welcomed I was always astonished at how cavalier everyone was about his occupation. No one even pretended that he'd been, say, an unusually successful rare book dealer. He was spending drug money with both hands, and the city welcomed it. Sydney Pollack, the movie director, liked him so much he gave him a small role in "The Electric Horseman," which filmed in Las Vegas in '78. Then Chagra was indicted for conspiring to kill a U.S. District judge, and Pollack snipped out his scenes. Befriending the CEO of a drug conglomerate was one thing. Potential bad publicity was quite another. The judge, John Wood Jr., was known as Maximum John for the sentences he dispensed to drug dealers. He was scheduled to preside over Chagra's trial when one Charles Harrelson shot him in the back with a rifle. Harrelson, the father of actor Woody Harrelson, said Chagra had followed him into a Las Vegas men's room and offered him $250,000 to pull the trigger. He died in prison. Chagra was convicted only of obstructing justice in that case, but he later drew 30 years for drug dealing and a life sentence for arranging the attempted assassination of an assistant U.S. Attorney. His parole came through in 2003. Placing a bet In the heady days in Las Vegas -- his heady days; I was making $240 a week -- he won upwards of $500,000 one night shooting craps at Binion's, then decided he wanted to lay down $100,000 on a single hand of blackjack. The casino prided itself on never refusing a challenge, and manager Jack Binion rolled out of bed and came downtown to supervise. In lieu of $100,000 worth of chips, Chagra placed a single silver dollar on the table. The dealer was showing a face card. It's been nearly three decades; I can't recall which one. Chagra held a queen and a deuce, for a total of 12. He signaled for a hit ... and the dealer slid him a nine. For $100,000, Chagra had totaled 21. The dealer's down card was another nine, for a 19. It was riveting theater, and I've wondered over the years how often Chagra told the story. I bet the guys he bunked with loved it. I bet they didn't even care that he was a drug dealer -- but then, on the cell block, I wouldn't expect them to. Reach Neal Rubin at (313) 222-1874 or Article Tools: Print Email Comment