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What is interesting about this postcard?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:30 pm
by dankbaar

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:48 pm
by mike wazovsky
1) NO missed shot that hit the curb and made fragments hit James Tague.
2) NO speaking of a "Magic Bullet", but 2 seperate shots who hit JFK in the back and the other that made all the wounds at Governor Conally...
Where did you find that postcard?


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:51 pm
by dankbaar
It actually hangs in the hall of the 6th floor museum.

What does this card tell you? What does it confirm?


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 1:49 am
by mike wazovsky
dankbaar wrote:It actually hangs in the hall of the 6th floor museum.What does this card tell you? What does it confirm?Wim

That there was more than one shooter because of at least 4 shots.



Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:17 am
by R Croxford
magic bullet theory is crap?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:36 am
by dankbaar
How could the Warren Commision conclude that the bullet penetrated Kennedy's neck?

The postcard shows they concluded that LATER , 6 months later to be exact. Before that, the "theory" was simply 3 shots 3 hits. But they could no longer ignore and surpress James Tague's testimony any longer, so they were stuck with one miss and suddenly needed to explain all the wounds with two bullets. In a desperate attempt to cling to their lone gunmen lie, they invented the fairy tale of the single bullet theory, along with the HOAX that the magic bullet had penetrated JFK's neck. A conclusion with no scientific basis whatsoever, only wishfull thinking.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 12:25 am
by Faas
Just a minor detail but this card also shows the shots comming from the fifth floor instead of the sixth.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 2:38 am
by Pennyworth
To me it shows all shots coming from the Texas Depository Building. It gives no hint of any shots coming from the grassy knoll???

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:35 pm
by Paul van Beek
Faas wrote:Just a minor detail but this card also shows the shots comming from the fifth floor instead of the sixth. True...

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:10 pm
by dankbaar
Yes, but the crux is that the official scenario has long been 3 shots, 3 hits. This postcard shows that. It was 6 months later that they had to invent the single bullet theory, because they could no longer surpress the evidence that one shot had missed (the one that hit a curb and wounded bystander James Tague).

Now they needed to explain all the wounds of two men with one shot less. Thus they invented the hoax that one bullet went through both men. But few people know this was done much later.
