History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

JFK Assassination
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History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by saracarter766 »

anybody watch the new doc stealing lincolns body i did and it was one of the most intriguing and fascinating and outstanding doc i have ever seen on lincoln. so what are your thoughts on the new doc?
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Bob »

I saw that too. That was an amazing story, about how many times Lincoln's remains moved until his FINAL burial in 1901 I believe. Not to mention the actual attempted theft in 1876. Also, about the Secret Service was formed, not to protect the President, but to catch counterfeiters. That was followed by an Investigating History story on the History Channel on the JFK assassination hosted by Bill Kurtis. That special at least showed two sides to the story as folks like Dr. David Mantik and Dr. Cyril Wecht pretty much ascribed to the theory that some of us believe, that JFK was simultaneously hit by two head shots, one from behind and one from the knoll. However, the special also had the presence of our friend Gary Mack, who at least sounded somewhat plausible until the end when he said the three tramps were just that...tramps. Yeah right Gary! And he also saw no suspicion about the way key witnesses died years after the assassination, like when so many were killed just before the HSCA that investigated the murder. Back to the Lincoln special, that was great. By the way, Jimmy Files and others believe that the remains of JFK are NOT at Arlington, that he was buried at sea.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:I saw that too. That was an amazing story, about how many times Lincoln's remains moved until his FINAL burial in 1901 I believe. Not to mention the actual attempted theft in 1876. Also, about the Secret Service was formed, not to protect the President, but to catch counterfeiters. That was followed by an Investigating History story on the History Channel on the JFK assassination hosted by Bill Kurtis. That special at least showed two sides to the story as folks like Dr. David Mantik and Dr. Cyril Wecht pretty much ascribed to the theory that some of us believe, that JFK was simultaneously hit by two head shots, one from behind and one from the knoll. However, the special also had the presence of our friend Gary Mack, who at least sounded somewhat plausible until the end when he said the three tramps were just that...tramps. Yeah right Gary! And he also saw no suspicion about the way key witnesses died years after the assassination, like when so many were killed just before the HSCA that investigated the murder. Back to the Lincoln special, that was great. By the way, Jimmy Files and others believe that the remains of JFK are NOT at Arlington, that he was buried at sea.Speaking of Gary Mack, what I noticed about his comments is that taken separately, they can almost be written off as analytical to those who aren't well read on the subject. Taken in the context or in light of ALL of the information that we know is true (such as more bullet fragments taken out of Connaly's wrist than are missing from the Magic Bullet, testimony by a TSBD employee who saw Oswald on the second floor lunch room until just a few minutes before, etc., the Zapruder film showing JFK's head being thrown backward, the acoustics evidence, and witnesses who saw smoke or heard shooting from the knoll area, etc) how can people like Gary Mack possibly say that it is a theory that the Warren Report is wrong. That's an arrogant thing to say. The Warren Report's Magic Bullet theory is just that...a THEORY because they have NEVER been able to reproduce it, and they cannot point to any example of a bullet acting like that in the past and coming out looking pristine the way the Magic Bullet (Exhibit 399) did. The inescapable conclusion, for me anyway, is that Gary Mack is willfully lying or spreading disinformation about crucial evidence about the JFK assassination. Look at that documentary he was one of the stars of. Was it the "Target Car" one? It's the one where they had a sniper shoot at two fake human torsos. Anyway, they shoot a bullet through two human torsos and then don't even compare the bullet to the actual Magic Bullet or Commission Exhibit 399. Of course they didn't mention that at all. They showed the bullet, if I remember correctly, for a brief second in passing, and it looked NOTHING like the Magic Bullet. Also, of course, that was only HALF the job the actual Magic Bullet allegedly did. The Magic Bullet supposedly passed through two adult male torsos, through a wrist, then into the left thigh, then somehow fell out and was found on a stretcher in the hallway. Is Mack kidding? I hardly think so. He's participating in disinformation. He's doing just as much harm as the Warren Commission did. Shame on him.
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Bob »

Another thing about the "magic bullet" is that more bullet fragments were taken out of Connally's wrist than could have possibly come from the near pristine bullet. But nobody ever mentions that, including Specter or Mack. Back to the Lincoln special, another great fact about the whole Lincoln assassination, and that John Wilkes Booth was the assassin, was that a year before the murder, Edwin Booth, John's brother, saved Robert Lincoln's (Abe's son) life as he fell near a train track, and Edwin pulled him from the track before the train could hit Robert. Just an amazing story.
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by saracarter766 »

i did not watch investigating history about JFK for two reasons1.there always trying to cram that oswald theory down our throats.2. i don't even wanna look at that man gary mack whom i used to highly admire and highly respected it just makes me sick. that was genius what ss did was to catch the ones who attempted to steal lincoln's body.
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Bob »

What's good for the goose...is good for the gander...http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/1 ... 82.htmlI'm sure everyone thought is was almost sacrilegious when the thieves actually tried to steal Lincoln's body. What about when Prescott Bu$h stole the skull and other bones of Geronimo? To me, that is JUST as sacrilegious.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:What's good for the goose...is good for the gander...http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/1 ... 82.htmlI'm sure everyone thought is was almost sacrilegious when the thieves actually tried to steal Lincoln's body. What about when Prescott Bu$h stole the skull and other bones of Geronimo? To me, that is JUST as sacrilegious.I can't believe (well, I mean I CAN believe it) those idiot rich boys with their granfathered-in money would actually do something like that. Then again, they're the same kind of people who would be greedy enough to do what they do in the world...so I guess it's not so surprising.
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Bob »

Here is an earlier report from CNN about Prescott Bu$h and his buddies stealing Geronimo's skull and bones...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq5CP2iFmXkJust in case any family members of Geronimo are wondering...Prescott Bu$h is buried at Putnam Cemetery in Greenwich, Connecticut.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Just in case any family members of Geronimo are wondering...Prescott Bu$h is buried at Putnam Cemetery in Greenwich, Connecticut. Bahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
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Re: History Channel Doc Stealing Lincolns Body

Post by saracarter766 »

rofl bob i love it.