JFK Assassination
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Post by Jsnow915 »

I have been reading alot of what Fletcher Prouty has to say....I am totally amazed about what he has to say about oil not coming from fossils...this is a mind blower to me and just what he has to say in general is totally amazing...if you go to,you can read some of his emails and his opinions on things ....even FDR being murdered...he seems to be an honest guy....I hope I'm right
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Post by Bob »

I have checked out the site as well John. I have immense respect for Fletcher Prouty. The FDR story was wild, but who I am to argue with someone like Prouty and what he thinks may have happened on April 12th, 1945. I also still have doubts about whether or not FDR knew about December 7th, 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. But in terms of the whole Black Ops and JFK assassination information, I have total confidence on what he has conveyed about those situations. In case some of you don't know, Mr X. (Donald Sutherland) in the movie JFK was based on Prouty.
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Post by ChristophMessner »

At the section about Prouty's Kennedy-plot-book your read: "From the Epilogue of Col. Prouty's bookWith these examples I believe we have taken a good look at the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy and the atmosphere in which such planning took place. You can easily visualize a businessman's club in downtown Washington, New York, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, or Toronto. A group of senior members have gathered after lunch for a third martini. One of them mentions that a director of his company had called that morning to say that Kennedy's denial of the TFX procurement contract to the Boeing Company had hit his company, a major subcontractor, very hard. This struck a nerve of one of the other members, who reported that Roz Gilpatric, who works with that "goddamn" McNamara, had been telling the banders things were going to change. They could no longer count on the practices that had feathered their nests for so many years.Another member took a quick sip of his martini and said "I had a call from one of our bankers in the City early this morning. He wanted to know how we were doing and was it true that Kennedy was going to take all Americans out of Vietnam. By God, we can't have that. We've just sold McNamara of that electronic battlefield. It will be worth about one and one-half billion to us. That'll go down the drain."An elderly member, who used to visit the Dulles family in their summer home on Henderson Bay, leaned over toward the center of that small group and almost in a whisper said that his boys had just completed a ten-year war in Vietnam. The total was in the thousands, and the cost ran into the billions of dollars. Then he looked around the group of old cronies and snarled, "That goddamn Kennedy bastard has been working all summer with some of Old Joe's Irish Mafia and his favorite generals and they are planning every which way to get us out of Vietnam. This can't happen. He's got to go. Right now he's a sure thing for reelection and then there is Bobby and after him Teddy. I tell you that Kennedy has got to go."On the perimeter of that intense group sat a younger man quietly attentive to every word and watching every move. Just then, as the speaker finished his words, he saw a wink in the eye of a senior member. He rose quietly and walked to a position behind his chair. That member turned and whispered a few words. They were all that he needed to hear, "In the fall, somewhere in the south. Find a way to get as many key people out of the city as possible. It's all up to you."There was the decision. It had been the result of a consensus of not that one meeting, but of many. This meeting was the climax. This man was a skilled professional. He knew the codes, how to use them and who to call. He knew exactly how to set the train of events into operation. He knew then that his biggest job would be to put a small cadre of the men in the world at work right away on the cover story and on the deception plan.He would handle the call to the agent for the "mechanics" who operated from a foreign country, and he would begin the moves that would result in the ever-normal selection of the site. He would have to speak to no more than three others, and they would not know him except by an exquisite code. It was his job to handle the Secret Service, the FBI, and the Pentagon. As required, he would be assisted at every step by the CIA. He would not report back to the "members." Should there be a change of plan, they could reach him. From that day until November 22, 1963, the plan ran smoothly. The game plan of the High Cabal never fails, because they are at the top. Even if it should fail, no one would ever be able to prosecute them or their allies.I said in the beginning that this was not intended to be simply a history. It is an analysis of the secret history of the United States since World War II.More importantly, I emphasized that I believe that God does not throw the dice. The affairs of man and nature are not determined at random or by mere chance. You have had the opportunity to travel back through those years with me and will recall that 1963 marked a major turning point in this century because the power elite moved that year to remove John F. Kennedy from the White House and to take the course of the Ship of State into their own hands.Furthermore, the year 1972 stands out as another one of those signal turning points. Recall the Nixon- era White House "Conference on the Industrial World Ahead" and the fact that those highly selected attendees had devoted three days to a discussion on the subject, "A Look at Business in 1990." That was February 1972, and as those sessions came to a close, Roy Ash, president of Litton Industries made his momentous closing statement that described events that would occur twenty and thirty years hence.His words have now become fact and cannot be changed. This is the way of the world as it approaches the year 2000. There are major plans, as David Rockerfeller notes, and when a Vietnam War, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, or the destruction of a Korean airliner are necessary, they will be caused to happen. They will not be left th chance or the bad aim of a lone gunman in a sixth-floor window in Dallas. This is the way things are. Successful men plan ahead. Brave men, such as Oliver Stone, make such films as JFK. The rest of us are the victims or the beneficiaries of all the rest." I marked the last sentence bold and want to say that I don't believe that we all would be only puppets of the power players on top of the pyramid of materialistic-power. The spiritual powers are as big as the materialistic powers and pyramid of spititual power is standing peak down and feet up and it is not only a boring pyramid, but can form any form. If David Rockefeller binds himself and others on plans, he binds himself to the stupidity level of this plan, too, while the spiritual powers are flexible enough to switch out. The major error of the top power players in the materialistic pyramid is their believe that it would need power at all. In contrary to that, all essential things on this world work by itself perfectly. Poor David Rockefeller! Poor Pope! Poor Zionist! Poor Party Chief! Poor Knights and Generals!Lucky Nobody who breeds tomatoes in his garden!
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Post by Jsnow915 »

the more I read stuff like this....the more I look at our current situation..obviously planning ahead for the futures of their fortunes...another "lone nut" or"racist" may come into play...everybody better keep their noses clean or they could be the next Oswald....too bad these people dont have a conscience or beleive in karma.
Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

David Rockefeller told Aaron Russo that there would be an "incident" taking place soon,in the aftermath of which you wouldsee American servicemen rooting around in the mountains ofAfghanistan. He told him this in early 2001,months before 9/11.RIP Aaron Russo, an American patriot!
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Post by Jsnow915 »

I saw that also Brian...I also heard when Ford made the automobile,Rockefeller made Ford use gasoline instead of alchohol like he originally planned...while Ford was fighting it...what happened,prohibition.
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Post by ChristophMessner »

Brian White wrote:David Rockefeller told Aaron Russo ... It was not David, but Nick Rockefeller, but I'm sure David is one of the ignitors of the JFK-murder as well as 911. It's amazing that he is still alive. Weed does not perish.
John Zeroski
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Post by John Zeroski »

Christopher,You are the first person I have seen anywhere who has suggested that David Rockefeller and his colleagues and organization might have been behind the Kennedy assassination.When one remembers that both Allen Dulles and John J McCloy were both Rockefeller agents/employees while they were serving on the Warren commission, you can understand my amazement why the research community didn't follow up this fact at the very beginning.It wasn't until about forty years after the assassination that author Donald Gibson, in his The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up, that anyone reached a point where they realized it was possible that a secret cabal, located in the depths of the Council on foreign Relations, might have been responsible for Kennedy's death.And when it's generally understood that the Rockefeller organization wrested control of the CFR from the Morgan group in 1953, a full decade before the assassination, and furthermore, that a decade after the assassination David Rockefeller got his Trilateral Commission up and running, and that people from this organization are the current power behind the Obama regime, it's hard to understand why more people haven't jumped on this approach to an understanding of what happened on November 22 ,1963.I believe Kennedy was killed because he was an obstruction to the Rockefeller New world Order agenda. While I don't believe this idea will be taken seriously by other members of this forum, I am glad to find someone who has.
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

Both Paul and Bob have mentioned this link a few times. It seems like others had also pointed out the connection, but it didn't show up when I searched. Odd. I'm sure saw other examples.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

Bob wrote:I have checked out the site as well John. I have immense respect for Fletcher Prouty. The FDR story was wild, but who I am to argue with someone like Prouty and what he thinks may have happened on April 12th, 1945. I also still have doubts about whether or not FDR knew about December 7th, 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. But in terms of the whole Black Ops and JFK assassination information, I have total confidence on what he has conveyed about those situations. In case some of you don't know, Mr X. (Donald Sutherland) in the movie JFK was based on Prouty.that is what i like about you bob, you try to look at the goodness in people for i am too cynical to have hope that the PTB have only their agenda and nothing else.