Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

JFK Assassination
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Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Frenchy »

If Oswald was a lone nut and had no confederates with him on the sixth floor who done this?Indeed, the Committee's photographic panel eventually came to the following conclusion: "There is an apparent rearranging of boxes within 2 minutes after the last shot was fired at President Kennedy" (6 HSCA 109). The photographic panel went into more detail in its report:Examination of both the Dillard and Powell photographs of the sixth floor windows shows an open window with deep shadows in the region behind it. The deep shadows indicate the film was underexposed in these regions; that is, too little light reached the film or a clear recording of any details in the room behind the window.A number of enhancement processes were applied to the photographs in order to bring out any details obscured within the underexposed regions. They were as follows:(1) Photographic enhancement (using photo-optical and photochemical techniques) of the underexposed regions of the Dillard photograph undertaken at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).(2) Autoradiographic enhancement of the underexposed regions of the Dillard photograph at Stanford Research Institute, Inc. (SRI).(3) Computer enhancement of the underexposed regions of the Powell photograph at the University of Southern California and the Aerospace Corp. In addition, the Dillard photographs were scanned and digitized for possible computer enhancement. Nevertheless, no such enhancement was performed because the Panel decided that the autoradiographic technique had more potential for success.The photographic and computer processes made visible details that had been obscured in the underexposed regions of the photographs. Both the photographic enhancement by RIT and the autoradiographic enhancement by SRI revealed a feature in the fifth floor window immediately beneath the sixth floor window. Figure IV-1 (JFK exhibit F-153) shows one of the. original Dillard photographs, and figure IV-2 is an autoradiographic enhancement. The detail revealed by the processing appears to be a circular light fixture hanging from the ceiling of the fifth floor room, with a light bulb in the center of the fixture.In the enhanced Powell photograph additional details became visible on the boxes in the windows. (See figure IV-3, JFK exhibit F157.) Nevertheless in neither photograph did the processing operations reveal any sign of a human face or form in the open sixth floor or adjoining windows.The Panel concluded that the light fixture revealed in the fifth window served as a "benchmark" against which the sixth floor enhancement could be judged. . . .Although human faces or forms were not visible in the enhanced photographs, inspection of figures IV-2 and IV-3 reveals a difference in the boxes visible through the sixth floor widow. in the Dillard photograph, only two boxes are immediately visible, one each to the left and right of the window frame. Nevertheless, the Powell photograph shows several additional boxes. There are two possible explanations for this difference:(1) The Powell photograph may reflect only an apparent change in the boxes; the different angle from which Powell viewed the depository may have caused a different set of boxes within the room to be framed within the window;(2) The boxes were moved during the time that elapsed between the Dillard and Powell photographs. Since the precise positions of Dillard and Powell at the time of the photographs were unknown, it was not possible to calculate precisely the region within the sixth floor room that would have been visible to each photographer. In the Dillard photograph, the two to the left and right of the window frame appear to be in the full light of the Sun, with no shadows cast on them by the frame of the partially opened window. In the Powell photograph, it also appears that the boxes are in full sunlight, with no shadow cast on them by the window frame.A simple trigonometric calculation shows that the two boxes at the left and right lie approximately 6 inches from the plane of the window (see appendix A). If full sunlight is falling on the additional boxes in question in the Powell photograph, they must also lie close to the plane of the window. For this reason, THE PANEL CONCLUDED THAT THE ADDITIONAL BOXES VISIBLE IN THE POWELL PHOTOGRAPH WERE MOVED DURING THE INTERVAL BETWEEN THE DILLARD AND POWELL PHOTOGRAPHS. (6 HSCA 110-115, emphasis added)WC defenders cite the claims of Dale Myers, a private researcher who asserts that the apparent movement of boxes is in effect an optical illusion. But the photographic panel considered the argument on which Myers makes this claim--and rejected it. Oswald could not have been the one moving the boxes because he was seen on the second floor by Baker and Truly less than 90 seconds after the shots were fired (5:53). So, who was moving the boxes around less than two minutes after the shooting? Who was the man seen in the sniper's nest by the law clerk from a nearby building just a few minutes after the shots were fired? Whoever it was, it could not have been Oswald.Any thoughts.........
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Bob »

Who knows Frenchy, as the crime scene up there was certainly compromised. How about Mac Wallace? His fingerprints were found near the snipers nest. Plus, there is also the confusion of the rifle supposedly used from the 6th floor. First they said it was a Mauser, and then later changed it to a Carcano. The infamous Roger Craig was there when they found the rifle, and it was apparent to him that the rifle they were displaying was a Mauser.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Like any other investigation I do, there are facts and circumstances (circumstantial evidence) that point to exactly what Oswald said happened. Roger Craig, a Dallas Police detective said that a Mauser was found on the 6th Floor and not the Carcano. His exact words were that stamped on the barrel of the rifle that was found was "7.65 Mauser." A police officer and the building manager found Oswald on the 2nd Floor lunch room within 90 seconds of the shooting. Oswald was not sweating or out of breath and gave no reason for the police officer to believe that he had just committed a violent act. Fact: Oswald said repeatedly that he was being framed when he said "I'm just a patsy."Photographic evidence shows that the boxes in the window of the "sniper's nest" were rearranged AFTER the shooting and when Oswald could not have been there. The Zapruder Film shows JFK reacting from a shot from the front as per the motion of his head at the time of the headshot...back and to the left.No fingerprints of Oswald were found in the sniper's next at all, and the FBI didn't find any of Oswald's prints on the rifle at all. It was only after the FBI sent the rifle back that someone in the Dallas PD found a palm print on it. This palm print was found after Oswald was shot and killed by Ruby. Roger Craig said that the shell casings were arranged in a strange manner. He said that the three shell casings were laying on the floor not more than an inch apart and all pointing in the same direction.This means that whoever was up there was planting the evidence and, as per the Mauser references, were probably shooting at the President as well.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Gentlemen, help me out here.Wasn't there a photograph of one of the windows on the 6th Floor of the TSBD taken after the shooting and showing a Caucasian man's face along with one of the light fixtures behind him? I'm trying to find it in a link to post here, but it's well known.
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Frenchy »

Isnt it funny they only found a palm print of Oswalds on the rifle and on one of the boxes, but no finger prints.There was a woman witness who saw someone moving boxes in the snipers nest a few minutes after the shooting. Probably planting shells and cleaning the carcano as well.
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Frenchy »

Law clerk Lillian Mooneyham, looking at the sixth-floor window from a nearby building, saw a man in the window three to five minutes after the assassination. Although Mrs. Mooneyham reported this to the FBI, she was not called as a witness by the Warren Commission.
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Frenchy »

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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by ChristophMessner »

Probably we should not forget the Weaver photo, too. That was made, when the limo turned from Main to Houston and it showes the TSBD. By the way, did the third elevator which was close to the sniper's nest, work for persons on that day? Or could the stairs there have been uses by snipers? Could the person in the window, Mrs. Mooneyham observed, have been Mr. Marrion Baker already? Why did Oswald not go outside to the other spectators at 12:25?
tom jeffers
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by tom jeffers »

regarding the palm print, there is testimony by a employee of the funeral home that processed oswalds body that says the fbi brought in the rifle the night oswalds body was there. he says that is how the print got on the gun. up to that point, the palm print was not revealed as being on the rifle.why would oswald buy a piece of shit rifle by mail order leaving a paper trail when he could have easily walked into any sporting goods store and walked out with a good used hunting rifle without any paperwork? the laws in texas at that time required no id or paper work. last week, my son who is in the army at fort campbell kentucky was being transferred to california to live on base with his family. he could not take his ak47 with him so he went to the post office to ship it to me for safe keeping. he asked them if he could ship the gun and they actually helped him package it to mail. friday i get a call from a postal worker in indianapolis asking me if i was expecting a package and i said yes. she asked me if i knew what it was and i said yes. she asked what it was and i said it was a rifle. at that point, i had not talked to my son and did not know anything about the laws of shipping a gun. she said that the package had opened a little so she could tell what it was. (bullsh@t) she said it was illegal to ship a gun by mail. i asked her if icould send ups up there to pick it up, and she said she would call me back. she called back and said that she wanted my permission to open up the package more and examine it thoroughly. i told her i thought this all sounded fishy and that i felt that if i did not given her permission that i would get in a battle that would last forever and not get the weapon back. i had also told her the story of the weapon and that i had a lifetime personal protection firearm permit and did not understand the big deal. my son was a 2 time iraqi war veteran. i reluctantly faxed her permission if she promissed to wrap it back up so that i could have another carrier pick it up when it was released. she agreed. she also said that she didn't really need my permission at that point but she wanted it any way.i then get another call from her that said that in order to release it, i needed a federal dealers permit, i questioned her and wondered if i came there to pick it up in person if they would release it to me. she called back and gave me her personal cell phone and told me to call her the night before and she would have it available for me to pick up the next day at the counter. i thn talked to my son and found out that the USPS gave him permission and helped package it for him. he also got insurance of $800 on it. he doubts that it could have come open with all the tape. since i am a tax preparer and am really busy, i did not have a chance to look deeper or research the problem. yesterday i found the code section that said that rifles were allowed to be shipped by USPS. i faxed her a letter to be received on monday saying that if i did not hear from her by tuesday that it was being sent to me by mail and that they were in fact making me take a day off of work when i need to make my yearly wages in a 3 month period of time and have to take handicap transportation to indianapolis to pick up this correctly mailed package, then i was contacting the ACLU along with my congressman and 2 state senators stating that my 2nd amendment rights and civil rights were being violated.they are trying to pull some sh#t here.Namaste'
Martin Hinrichs
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Re: Who moved the boxes in the so called snipers nest

Post by Martin Hinrichs »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:Gentlemen, help me out here.Wasn't there a photograph of one of the windows on the 6th Floor of the TSBD taken after the shooting and showing a Caucasian man's face along with one of the light fixtures behind him? I'm trying to find it in a link to post here, but it's well known.This Dillard photograph Pasquale?Martin