A good friend...

JFK Assassination
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A good friend...

Post by Paul »

Dear Mr. Bruce Patrick Brychek,

May I ask you why you put so much effort to come with as much proof and evidence against your best friend Files that he was the murderer of JFK?
I know the reasons why Wim is doing all this and I have lots of respect in all the work he has done and all the money he has invested in investigations.
I also bought Wim's book and both the dvd's and visited and supported him a lot!
But you, what is your drive? Shouldn't you protect your best friend? You know what the consequence could be that Files was indeed the shooter? Normally when it is proven that he was indeed the shooter he will get the deathpenalty, but that won't happen I'm sure, because this is all too big!
But do you think that Files will ever come out of prison now if you are (as his best friend and in daily contact with him) always around overhere on this forum?
Please tell me what is your goal, what is the reason that you are overhere posting?
Why is it that your name (as best friend of Files) is nowhere in Wim's book, not in the letters etc.

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Post by dankbaar »

(2) John R. Stockwell published his critique of the James Files Story on 23rd January, 1997.

A colorful part of his story is how he fired one shot with his Fireball, took the cartridge out, bit down on it, and then left it on the fence railing. There are several unresolved problems with this. First, John Rademacher found 2 Fireball cartridges, not just one. Second, Files did apparently own a Fireball.... but the serial numbers clearly indicated that it's manufacture substantially post-dated the assassination. And finally, Joe West was conferring closely with Rademacher a year before he discovered and met Files. He and I had talked about the practicality of using a Fireball for a shot from the fence (first postulated by Josiah Thompson). Joe had photographs of the dented cartridge when he went to visit Files in prison.



Let's say I say you are a child molestor......... You know it's a lie. I know it's a lie. But what does it do with you? First of all you won't like the accusation, secondly you will feel an urge to debunk and disprove the accusation. Thirdly, that will put you in defense mode. And whatever you will say, it will be difficult to disprove it. Some people may even believe that smoke originates from fire. You see? That's how disinformation works!

It is a shame that no matter what lies someone puts out, some of the mud will stick and you'll find yourself wasting time on debunking the lies.

Joe West never brought pictures of the shell casings to James Files. It's a lie. But even if Joe did, it does not change anything because nobody knew there was a human teethmark on one of them.... until James Files said so. The teethmark was confirmed to be a teethmark AFTER Files said so.

Secondly, I have BOTH the shell casings and they do NOT have serial numbers on them. Another lie.

Thirdly, there is NO problem with the fact that TWO shell casings were found on Dealey Plaza. Jimmy does simply not have an explanation for the other one. Only for HIS one. Which in fact makes his veracity stronger, for if he were a hoax he would have "concocted" an explanation for TWO casings, not one.

Fourthly, Josiah Thompson never mentioned a Remington Fireball XP-100. He theorised that the grassy knoll shot may have come from a "long barreled pistol". This was in 1967 in a Time article !!

CIA assets like Stockwell and Epstein want to allege a conspiracy in the "creation" of the Files story, bigger than the JFK conspiracy itself, with numerous people involved (West, Rademacher, Vernon, Shelton, Dankbaar, etc).

Fifthly, they are never available for comments. Stockwell has dissapeared and Epstein was called just 2 months ago by the people making the Dutch program on James Files. After all, they are good journalists adhering to the principle to investigate the "other side". So Epstein was given an opportunity to spew his comments. I had been so helpful to give them Epstein's telephone number. The conversation was very short: "Is this about Files? I don't want to talk about it." Click - beep beep.

Why does the James Files story produce such an emotional non-response from Epstein? Why, if in fact he "disproved" the Files confession? Why does he avoid comments if it were so easy to prove his claims? Or is he afraid his lies will be exposed?

Let me tell you something else about the honorable professor. Not only was he the last man to interview George Demohrenschildt one day before George committed "suicide", and one day before Demohrenschildt was located by the House Select Comittee for questioning. How did Epstein know this? With no visible connection to the HSCA?

Not only was he the man who killed the NBC program on James Files in 1995, but also was he the reporter (whose name was redacted) in the 1977 letter of Billy Joe Lord to president Jimmy Carter.

He was the reporter who harrassed and urged Lord, former shipmate of Lee Harvey Oswald, to tell him what he knew about Oswald. And if Lord would not, then pressure of higher people, like George Bush junior, would be applied! That reporter was J. Edward Epstein, and it led to an official FBI complaint from Lord against Epstein. Again, Epstein's name is redacted out in that complaint. This information is virtually unknown among JFK researchers.

What does Epstein have to do with people that knew Lee Harvey Oswald at the exact same time that the HSCA is trying to find them? How does Epstein know this? And how is he able to beat the HSCA in locating them?

The implication is clear: Epstein is CIA, disinfo and damage control.


PS: The letter of Lord can be found here:





George W. Bush does not want to talk about the issues set out in the next few paragraphs. Why he was working with Lee Harvey Oswald's roommate Billy Joe Lord at the same company. Lord was threaten by Edward Jay Epstein and his writers said that if he didn't cooperate they would go to his boss George W. Bush, Epstein was the last person to interview de Mohrenschildt before he committed suicide. Bush's cousins, the Walker's have been one of the largest Wall Street securities firms since the beginning of the 1900s. Which gives new meaning to the T.V. series Texas Walker Ranger.

GEORGE BUSH JR. indirectly in 1976 employed Billy Joe Lord, who was Lee Harvey Oswald's roommate on the ship in 1959 when Oswald defected to the Soviet Union. Lord filed an affidavit with the FBI against Edward Jay Epstein the last person to interview de Mohrenschildt. Epstein's writers threaten Lord to go to his employer, George Bush Jr. hinting that his father was CIA Director. Epstein's good friend is Bill Clinton's personal adviser, Sidney Bluemthal. (See Astrix * for more on Billy Joe Lord).

For FBI document filed March 15,1977, two weeks before Readers Digest's writer Edward Jay Epstein visited George de Mohrenschildt. This document ties both George W. Bush and his father to de Mohrenschildt's suicide and ties Jr. to Oswald's 1959 roommate Billy Joe Lord when Oswald defected to Soviet Union. Click here for FBI complaint against Edward Jay Epstein, page one.

Click here for FBI complaint against Edward Jay Epstein, page two last person to meet with de Mohrenschildt.

Click here for FBI complaint by Billy Joe Lord against Edward Jay Epstein and Henry Hurt, page three last person to meet with de Mohrenschildt.

Source: http://ciajfk.com/home4.html

PS2: Paul, Bruce is mentioned in the introduction of my book, and I have many letters were James Files writes about Bruce, wherein he confirms that Bruce is his best living friend. They are just not in the book. Jimmy and Bruce know each other since 1968 from Martial Arts school. I am sure Bruce is going to comment further to you, but Bruce is convinced as Jimmy, that the government will never put him on trial for JFK, for all their own involvement would come out. Epstein's interference should already give you that hint.
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Post by Paul »

dankbaar wrote:(2) John R. Stockwell published his critique of the is? PS2: Paul, Bruce is mentioned in the introduction of my book, and I have many letters were James Files writes about Bruce, wherein he confirms that Bruce is his best living friend. They are just not in the book. Jimmy and Bruce know each other since 1968 from Martial Arts school. I am sure Bruce is going to comment further to you, but Bruce is convinced as Jimmy, that the government will never put him on trial for JFK, for all their own involvement would come out. Epstein's interference should already give you that hint.

Wim, pitty Bruce wasn't the 1st one to react on this!
Also pitty that Bruce wasn't mentioned in the book and/or the many letters.
I know of their relationship and how they have met, I heard the interview with you and him on the radio!
My question was more like "why the hell would he do that to his best friend"? What exactly Bruce is after right now, what is his goal etc.?

Gr. Paul.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Paul,

I have just reviewed your response.

Why is it a pity that I didn't rush to prove you wrong ?

As Wim states, I am in his Introduction, and also later in the book. When I read your comments, I already knew that you were wrong, had not carefully read the book, and obviously did not know what you were talking about. Besides being too busy to bother rubbing your nose in it, frankly I did not care. On my priority list, you did not even register.

As to your other point, Jimmy had decided to proceed with Joe West. I will not go into the totality of reasons, as what is not in Wim's DVD is Highly Confidential. Jimmy clearly explains his thoughts on Joe. Then Joe "died."

Jimmy decided to proceed with Wim, in part for the benefit of Joe West's family. And also because Wim brought Jim Marrs into the mix. Jim Marrs was somebody that Jimmy had admired, and was willing to work with, along with Wim. Again, the rest of the reasoning beyond that, is Very Highly Confidential.

I met Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and over time grew to admire, and like him Very Much. His Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, and Friendship to both Jimmy and myself was both Sincere, and Refreshing.

Further, Wim lives half way around the world, and obviously English is not his native language. Yet I became fascinated with the absolute brillance of this "foreigner" who was so well read, well spoken, and sincerely researching the JFK Assassination, and The Cover-Up, which I think is even more of a crime, and leads to the real issues that I am interested in finding more about.

Wim and I communicated by email, and phone almost daily. Further, Wim came to Chicago, Illinois on 2 separate occasions, and we met several times. Our first meeting alone lasted over 12 hours, literally non-stop. Everything that I thought about Wim was correct, in my opinion.

Here is this "foreigner" who, again, in my opinion, belongs in the list with Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone, Joe West, Jim Marrs, and John Groden, who is getting all of this done from half-way around the world, and I like him, and he has become my sincere friend. So if, and when, as some people have, questioned my "blind loyalty" to Wim, rest assured, it is not blind, but there is very well founded loyalty.

And if the foregoing were not enough, Wim has always supported my friendship with Jimmy, and never compromised that friendship. And to our mix, we add Lieutenant Colonel Dangerous Dan Marvin who has also become our truly great friend, and supporter.

I have never broken any of Jimmy's confidences.

I have never broken any of Wim's confidences.

Wim has never broken any of Jimmy' confidences, nor mine.

Perhaps few will ever understand the bond that has developed betweem Jimmy, myself, and Wim. Rest assured as my projects unfold, Wim will be involved.

In addition, I have been involved in several projects with Wim, and we have more coming.

Since Jimmy did his 2 Interviews, Wim has done his absolute best to maintain the integrity of Jimmy's interviews. My goal is to help Wim maintain the integrity of Jimmy's interviews, to the best of our abilities.

In my opinion, the JFK Assassination and Cover-Up lead to the larger issues about war, our government, the CIA, etc., etc.

In my opinion the JFK Assassination is only the tip of the ice-berg.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Post by Pennyworth »


Thirdly, there is NO problem with the fact that TWO shell casings were found on Dealey Plaza. Jimmy does simply not have an explanation for the other one. Only for HIS one. Which in fact makes his veracity stronger, for if he were a hoax he would have "concocted" an explanation for TWO casings, not one.



Where exactly was the other casing found? Was it by the grassy knoll?
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Post by Paul »

Dear Mr. Bruce Patrick Brychek,

"I will not go into the totality of reasons, as what is not in Wim's DVD is Highly Confidential"

That is exactly what I mean: why not?
Why are you telling all this about Files, claiming he did this and that and will not give us the hardest proof/evidence that you suposedly have?
You know who the Tippit-killer was, you know his name, you know probably where Nicoletti's diary is and more interesting stuff...Why hiding all that information and give us not all the proof/evidence there is?
Don't you want us also to believe all Files told? We want to be convinced and if you don't care if we believe it or not, I see no reason that you keep posting overhere to convince us all!

Gr. Paul.
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Post by dankbaar »


The wanted information that you mention, is considered harmful to former associates of Jimmy at this time. I think this has been explained abundantly before, a.o. by Jimmy himself

Bruce and I believe that the information given is sufficient to be convincing. If not, tough luck. There will always be a few horses that refuse to drink when you lead them to the water. To make those horses drink anyway, is less of priority to Bruce than keeping Jimmy's confidence. Much less.

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Post by Pennyworth »

dankbaar wrote:Paul,The wanted information that you mention, is considered harmful to former associates of Jimmy at this time. I think this has been explained abundantly before, a.o. by Jimmy himselfBruce and I believe that the information given is sufficient to be convincing. If not, tough luck. There will always be a few horses that refuse to drink when you lead them to the water. To make those horses drink anyway, is less of priority to Bruce than keeping Jimmy's confidence. Much less. Wim
Amen! Very well stated. Jesus foretold that 'all things hidden will be revealed'..maybe he foresaw the internet.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Paul, I have just reviewed your response.Why is it a pity that I didn't rush to prove you wrong ?As Wim states, I am in his Introduction, and also later in the book. When I read your comments, I already knew that you were wrong, had not carefully read the book, and obviously did not know what you were talking about. Besides being too busy to bother rubbing your nose in it, frankly I did not care. On my priority list, you did not even register.As to your other point, Jimmy had decided to proceed with Joe West. I will not go into the totality of reasons, as what is not in Wim's DVD is Highly Confidential. Jimmy clearly explains his thoughts on Joe. Then Joe "died."Jimmy decided to proceed with Wim, in part for the benefit of Joe West's family. And also because Wim brought Jim Marrs into the mix. Jim Marrs was somebody that Jimmy had admired, and was willing to work with, along with Wim. Again, the rest of the reasoning beyond that, is Very Highly Confidential.I met Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and over time grew to admire, and like him Very Much. His Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, and Friendship to both Jimmy and myself was both Sincere, and Refreshing.Further, Wim lives half way around the world, and obviously English is not his native language. Yet I became fascinated with the absolute brillance of this "foreigner" who was so well read, well spoken, and sincerely researching the JFK Assassination, and The Cover-Up, which I think is even more of a crime, and leads to the real issues that I am interested in finding more about.Wim and I communicated by email, and phone almost daily. Further, Wim came to Chicago, Illinois on 2 separate occasions, and we met several times. Our first meeting alone lasted over 12 hours, literally non-stop. Everything that I thought about Wim was correct, in my opinion.Here is this "foreigner" who, again, in my opinion, belongs in the list with Jim Garrison, Oliver Stone, Joe West, Jim Marrs, and John Groden, who is getting all of this done from half-way around the world, and I like him, and he has become my sincere friend. So if, and when, as some people have, questioned my "blind loyalty" to Wim, rest assured, it is not blind, but there is very well founded loyalty.And if the foregoing were not enough, Wim has always supported my friendship with Jimmy, and never compromised that friendship. And to our mix, we add Lieutenant Colonel Dangerous Dan Marvin who has also become our truly great friend, and supporter.I have never broken any of Jimmy's confidences.I have never broken any of Wim's confidences.Wim has never broken any of Jimmy' confidences, nor mine.Perhaps few will ever understand the bond that has developed betweem Jimmy, myself, and Wim. Rest assured as my projects unfold, Wim will be involved.In addition, I have been involved in several projects with Wim, and we have more coming.Since Jimmy did his 2 Interviews, Wim has done his absolute best to maintain the integrity of Jimmy's interviews. My goal is to help Wim maintain the integrity of Jimmy's interviews, to the best of our abilities.In my opinion, the JFK Assassination and Cover-Up lead to the larger issues about war, our government, the CIA, etc., etc. In my opinion the JFK Assassination is only the tip of the ice-berg.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Very interesting Bruce. I am curious as to what exactly sparked Wim Dankbaar's interest in this case? Is he interested in other murder mysteries and assassinations? I wonder if there is any connection with the Kennedy assassinations and Martin Luther King's assassination.
I haven't investigated MLK to any length at all, but hypothesize that it might be a Southern hate connection.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, and Paul Pennyworth,

I have just reviewed your emails.

While Paul was busy chiding me, besides work, I was busy having two (2)
lengthy lunch meetings with Jimmy.

As of 04.28.2006, Jimmy Files stands on his DVD Interview with Mr. Wim
Dankbaar, and Mr. Jim Marrs, 100 %.

I fully inform Jimmy on many things. As to Wim Dankbaar, and all of his efforts, Jimmy personally thanks Wim for his professionalism, and his effort to maintain the integrity of his interview with Wim, in the face of so many obstacles.

Further, Jimmy fully feels that Wim has made the finest ongoing effort humanly possible to pick-up and go forward after Joe West "died."

Wim, "Thank You for everything," from Jimmy. His prayers, and Best Wishes are sent to you, and your beautiful family, today.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.