i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

JFK Assassination
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i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by saracarter766 »

hi my name is sara i am 32 years old and i live in west virginia and have been interested in the JFK assassination for a long time i have other interests but my main interest is the JFK assassination.anyways this is my introduction and i do aopologize for not introducing myself before i started posting so i am sorry.hopefully all this drama will be water under the bridge hopefully. is this better mr bob franklin?i sure hope it is
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:hi my name is sara i am 32 years old and i live in west virginia and have been interested in the JFK assassination for a long time i have other interests but my main interest is the JFK assassination.anyways this is my introduction and i do aopologize for not introducing myself before i started posting so i am sorry.hopefully all this drama will be water under the bridge hopefully. is this better mr bob franklin?i sure hope it isGood one, Sara!!!!! I'll go next!!! I'm Pasquale DiFabrizio. I'm 39, and I live in Palmdale, CA. I've been researching the JFK assassination as a hobby for the past twenty years or so. I'm no expert on the subject, and I completely appreciate the open and welcome feeling I get from this forum.I also have a weakness lately for cheesy commercials...you know....the "Snuggie," "Slap Chop," "ShamWow," etc!!!! Okay, I'm done.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Jsnow915 »

next....my name is John Snow...I'm a JFK assassination hobbyist from LI,NY....I'm 46 years old and am a musician and songwriter for the Songs Of Love Foundation...I'm also a paranormal investigator...LOVE-Family Guy (got my money man!)Al Bundy,the Beatles ,Bread and Badfinger.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:next....my name is John Snow...I'm a JFK assassination hobbyist from LI,NY....I'm 46 years old and am a musician and songwriter for the Songs Of Love Foundation...I'm also a paranormal investigator...LOVE-Family Guy (got my money man!)Al Bundy,the Beatles ,Bread and Badfinger. Dude! I used to investigate ghosts too with the Southwest Ghost Hunters Association. You can still see pictures of me on a few of their investigations.More on my bio here! LOLI also forgot to add that I'm born and raised in Los Angeles, CA by Italian parents, so I speak it fluently. I've also played piano since I was six years old. Although I've been working as a private investigator for several years now, I'm finally only now getting my own business license. I'm a full-time salaried employee of a nation-wide investigation firm as a surveillance investigator and interviewer (which is like an interrogation but not as heavy).I'm also a serious James Bond and Clint Eastwood fan.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by ChristophMessner »

I'm Christoph Messner, 41, as you might have guessed, come from Dinkelscherben, Bavarian Swabonia, Germany, and I'm on this forum to mainly spread disinfo under the names "Dan", etc. .... ok, ok, just kidding!or do I? - I stumbled upon Wim's Website and James Files' confessions only one year ago and read a lot about the JFK-case since then only, but I have studied physics, material sciences, arts, philosophy, politics and pedagogy for a long time from the best professors in Germany and written a lot about the philosopher Karl Jaspers, after having developed the New German Clarinet (http://www.clarissono.de) together with Martin Schoettle for many years, which all lead to the result that I am as stupid and jazz-fan as ever, who workes overcover night and day to make the world a better place by supporting children in need in my neighborhood, corresponding with conspiracy-scientific authors, political prisoners and educators and writing on my future website "95 theses for a better constitution of man and mankind". My son and his mum are living in Pennsylvania whereas I cannot leave here right now, cause I have to bring my account from minus to plus. Painful. But always confident. I like to bike with recumbents, to hike in the alps, to play jazz on piano and clarinet, to make wood in the woods nearby and to contribute to a peaceful social-ecological future. But most of the time I'm lazy, selfish and useless.And ahh, I'm here to learn from Pasquale's torture interrogation techniques ...
John Beckham
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by John Beckham »

well, i'm John Beckham, 46, Cedar Hill, Texas. work in animal medicine, 3 cats, 2 dogs, fish. hobbies, gardening, history of music, JFK, 13th Floor Elevators...i have my own views on things, because i am myself. i don't watch tv, but read quite a bit. i don't watch American news, i get it elsewhere. i don't see the difference in a name, it's the words. but, it's not that way with everyone. i can't say i believe in disinformation agents, only people with different levels of knowledge. there are some that don't want what they believe to be untrue. some that follow blindly what other researchers say without looking into the matter themselves. and, it seems here, that if you take a stance other than the status quo, you're a disinfo agent? that's the real disinfo in my opinion.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by katisha »

I'm Katisha. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm 54; a widow with one son. I work in a boring job in a boring office I've been reading about the Kennedy assassination for a year or so; this and Mary Ferrell are my favourite sites for reading about it. I really want the theory that this site espouses to be true but, being a stubborn old git, I'll need to do a lot more reading before I can say I'm convinced.I can say I find the amount and quality of the information here very impressive, and congratulations to Wim and his team for keeping the highly suspect business in the public eye.Those autopsy photos! WTF? I'm old, but I ain't stupid Someone has been telling big fat lies about this for decades.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Bob »

My name is Bob. I only use my first name for a couple of reasons. One, I work for a Fortune 500 company that probably does not appreciate my political leanings with all of the support that they have given to certain political parties and figures, not to mention the corporate actions they have taken over the years. Secondly, I am a freelance writer, who writes mostly a lot of sports stories, and I don't want my political views to influence the readers of my other stories. I majored in mass communication/journalism in college and my two minors were history and political science. I have studied the JFK and the RFK assassination for decades now. I was born and raised in the midwest, but I now live in Florida with my family.
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by saracarter766 »

Jsnow915 you got taste in music i to am a huge fan of the beatles.everybody here has great interests.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: i should've done this in the first place so sorry everybody

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:well, i'm John Beckham, 46, Cedar Hill, Texas. work in animal medicine, 3 cats, 2 dogs, fish. hobbies, gardening, history of music, JFK, 13th Floor Elevators...i have my own views on things, because i am myself. i don't watch tv, but read quite a bit. i don't watch American news, i get it elsewhere. i don't see the difference in a name, it's the words. but, it's not that way with everyone. i can't say i believe in disinformation agents, only people with different levels of knowledge. there are some that don't want what they believe to be untrue. some that follow blindly what other researchers say without looking into the matter themselves. and, it seems here, that if you take a stance other than the status quo, you're a disinfo agent? that's the real disinfo in my opinion.John,I'll try and explain to you what a disinformation person is. A disinformation "agent" is someone who puts out status-quo information (such as the Warren Report and it's conclusions) using arguments and reasoning that omits crucial information and makes false statements in furtherance of it...in order so that the not-so-well-read person will somehow read it and believe it. Those of us who ARE well read on it immediately know these people almost based on their conclusions alone; however, since there people out there who actually honestly believe that Oswald did it alone, they're not ALL disinformation agents. They're usually just not well-read on the subject and soon change their tune when they are presented with ALL of the information. A disinformation agent is someone who spreads untrue conclusions for the purpose of confusing the no-so-well-read JFK reader. This forum and others like it are viewed by the public all the time, so they have their work cut out for them. A disinformation person is NOT someone who disagrees with our "status quo" or the "status quo" here. A disinformation person is someone who knowingly or consistently uses deception to make their points and passes their conclusions off as legitemate in order to confuse people and perpetuate the lone-assassin myth. The problem with disinformation people is that they DO exist. They come onto forums such as this one, for example, in the hopes that what they are saying will be read and believed by the not-so-well-read reader. For example, In the documentary, JFK II, that you can watch for free on this site, the narrator shows us how a reputable news man (I believe it's Peter Jennings) made the statement that the rearward motion of JFK's head "in no way" indicates a shot from the front. That, for example, is a false statement. It DOES give a clear indication that the shot most-likely or probably came from the front. Anyone can just Google that one, or they can just ask a medical examiner. Here's another example of a disinformation agent. Dale Myers basically said, in one of those documentaries that were recently aired, that the motorcycle cop who accidentally made the audio recording of the shots could not have been in the spot where the House Select Committee On Assassinations said he was and that therefore their acoustic tests were wrong, etc. He said that the cop was coming up Houston Street and wasn't on Elm Street yet. Assuming that he's right, which I don't think he is, but let's assume he's right about the cop's position, what he FAILS to state is that that cop STILL recorded WAY more shots than Oswald could have possibly Fired...like at least TWICE as many, which, therefore means CONSPIRACY. He doesn't address this fact at all. He instead tries to blast the HSCA's conclusions that a shot came from the knoll by making an issue of the location of the cop. THAT's a disinformation agent. A disinformation agent's primary purpose is to spread their garbage out to as many people who are not well read on the subject so as to affect their conclusions. I, and others here, have come to the point where we can recognize them for who they are ALMOST based on their conclusions alone. Someone can come here and say that Oswald did it and did it alone. That's fine, and one can say that it's their opinion, but it's not that easy on forums like this. There's these nasty things called "discussions" where people have to kind of say WHY they're saying something. When those people can't back up what they're saying at all, that's okay too, because then they're forced to say that they believe that Oswald did it alone just because they believe it. What they're saying is less credible at that point. Disinformation people also try and make "bad blood" on sites like this and create division and bad feelings by picking fights and creating a negative atmosphere. The whole goal is to disrupt honest knowledge sharing and debate. Disinformation agents certainly ARE out there. Just look at what they're STILL saying about the JFK assassination now. They're still making outright FALSE statements. Here's another example of a disinformation agent. Look at Joe the Plumber. He's like some right wing "working man's" icon or something. He's full of crap. He tried to create an issue with Obama during the election about Obama's tax plan, when the truth was that his "small business" that he claimed he wanted to buy would BENEFIT under Obama's tax plan. He didn't mention that little crucial fact, or if he did mention it, he didn't mention it enough because I never heard about it. He also, I believe, called Obama a socialist. I guess Clinton was a socialist too because he had virtually the same tax plan. I'm a political science major, and Joe the Plumber, and other replubicans were distorting the definition of socialism to scare people. That's disinformation in action.