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Family of Secrets

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:58 pm
by Bob
As you know, I have read and have encouraged others here to read Family of Secrets by Russ Baker. I don't want to give away the contents of the book, but I also want to bring out a couple of interesting tidbits about the book. For one, there are quite a few interesting photos, including one where JFK and Prescott Bu$h were standing next to each other at Yale in 1962 getting their honorary degrees. Little did JFK know then. There is also a photo of the JFK motorcade going by a bus that advertised the bottlers' convention that brought over 8,000 outsiders to Dallas including Richard Nixon. That convention changed everything regarding JFK's trip to Dallas. JFK had to make his speech at the Trade Mart because of that convention, and of course the motorcade route then made it's way through Dealey Plaza because of that circumstance.Also, the lead car or pilot cat that led the motorcade, had military intelligence figures in the car that were directly linked to Poppy Bu$h. Speaking of Poppy, we have all heard about Poppy trying to give himself an alibi on the day of the assassination, by saying he was in Tyler, Texas when he called the FBI about a threat a man (James Parrott) made regarding JFK. Here is the memo that was disclosed by the FBI...TO: SAC, HOUSTON DATE: 11-22-63 FROM: SA GRAHAM W. KITCHEL SUBJECT: UNKNOWN SUBJECT; ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY At 1:45 p.m. Mr. GEORGE H. W. BUSH, President of the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished the following information to writer by long distance telephone call from Tyler, Texas. BUSH stated that he wanted to be kept confidential but wanted to furnish hearsay that he recalled hearing in recent weeks, the day and source unknown. He stated that one JAMES PARROTT has been talking of killing the President when he comes to Houston. BUSH stated that PARROTT is possibly a student at the University of Houston and is active in political matters in this area. He stated that he felt Mrs. FAWLEY, telephone number SU 2-5239, or ARLINE SMITH, telephone number JA 9-9194 of the Harris County Republican Party Headquarters would be able to furnish additional information regarding the identity of PARROTT. BUSH stated that he was proceeding to Dallas, Texas, would remain in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel and return to his residence on 11-23-63. His office telephone number is CA 2-0395. What is very interesting about all this, is that Parrott was a GOOD friend of Poppy's and he later worked for Bu$h's Presidential campaign. This was obviously an attempt to have an alibi and to not tie Poppy to the events in Dallas and Dealey Plaza that day. There is more interesting news about this. On November 20, 1963, the Dallas Morning News had an article that announced that Poppy would be the speaker for a meeting of the American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors on Thursday night November 21st, the night before the assassination. The speech was given at the same Sheraton-Dallas Hotel mentioned in the FBI memo above. Hmmm.Here is the info on Family of Secrets again... is lots of great information in the book, not just about Poppy, but about Prescott, Dumbya and all the Bu$h clan and how they made their way to power. By ANY means.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:40 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
I just received the book yesterday in the mail. I'm still reading the Expendable Elite.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:03 pm
by Bob
By the way, I went to my dad's house the other day, as he is still in the hospital, and guess what was in the mail? A signed Family of Secrets book via Russ Baker! I have started to re-read the book, and there are a LOT of interesting things that I sort of glossed over the first time. That's why is very important to keep checking back on books and other things, like the information on this site that Wim has accumulated. Sometimes you miss things and it's always nice to check back and refresh your memory. I know Tom Jeffers has also gotten the book. I would love to hear your (Pasquale) reaction to the book, as well as Tom's or anyone else. By the way, Expendable Elite by Dangerous Dan Marvin is a fantastic book.Also, please see this interview with Russ Baker on Alex Jones just the other day... ... re=related

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:42 pm
by Bob
Also, please see this email I received from Russ Baker yesterday...Bob--I very much appreciate your continuing to bring the book and its revelations to the attention of folks interested in the JFK assassination. Somehow, it seems to still not have penetrated this community very well—the vast majority seem utterly unaware of it and of the new information it reveals. There has been some discussion of it on Education Forum, but that has been rather limited, and even less on other JFK bulletin boards. The same is true for the abundant new work on Watergate. So any and all mentions are a great help in spreading the word.Russ

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:17 am
by turtleman
I just saw the interview Alex Jones did with Russ Baker. Well I thought I had my eyes open. Now I realize they were barely halfway open. I have to get that book. The MSM isn't going to touch that book with a 10 foot pole. RADIOACTIVE! I knew some of that stuff but not the broad scope he evidently lays out. I think Russ needs a bodyguard or two. Seriously.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:36 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
I just saw those interviews too. Wow! I mean, it's not too far from what the documentary JFK II (on the left side of this page in the list under the picture of JFK...for those of you who are new here) said, but I never made the Nixon connection as far as the power elite setting Nixon up with the Watergate thing because he wasn't playing ball. Like I said...WOW!

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:04 am
by Bob
Yes, the whole Watergate scenario is VERY revealing. It adds to my low opinion about the Bu$h family, that is for sure. Based on what Russ has written, Nixon was set up as a patsy, almost like Oswald was. But unlike Oswald and JFK, at least Nixon wasn't murdered, although his Presidency died.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:24 am
by Jsnow915
I think Nixon thought he could finally run the country his way,he probably thought being President he could be top dog...then the Bushes way...then boom....set up with Watergate

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:45 pm
by Bob
Just think about this. Prescott Bu$h wanted Nixon to name Poppy as his VP in 1968. When Poppy wasn't named, Precott and Poppy were very pissed off. However, Nixon tried to heal that wound by naming Poppy to a couple of other posts, like Ambassador to the UN, and also as head of the RNC. Then Nixon has to replace Agnew as VP, and who does he name as his replacement? Gerald Ford, another Prescott Bu$h political protege, who just happened to be on the Warren Commission. Then Nixon is set up in Watergate. Ford becomes President and names Dick Cheney as his Chief of Staff and Donald Rumsfeld as his Secretary of Defense. Ford also names Poppy as his CIA director, right when the HSCA is investigating the JFK assassination. Poppy stopped any and ALL CIA cooperation with the HSCA, and a lot of key witnesses died around that time. Witnesses like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Chuck Nicoletti, George DeMohrenshildt and Roger Craig. Ford than loses to Jimmy Carter in 1976 for the Presidency. Carter is then defeated by Ronald Reagan, after Reagan named Poppy as his VP, after defeating Poppy for the Republican nomination. The election was won partly because of a back door deal Poppy and others had with Iran to release the hostages, which also led to Iran/Contra. Reagan is almost assassinated just a couple of months after his inauguration by a family friend of the Bu$hes. Reagan than becomes a puppet, as Poppy really ran the Presidency as we had events like Iran/Contra and the selling of arms to people like Saddam Hussein in his fight against Iran and also Osama bin Laden in his fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Poppy then wins the 1988 Presidential election after his campaign unleashes the gutter-like Willie Horton ad, which causes Michael Dukakis to lose a fairly large lead. Poppy than takes the U.S. into the Gulf war and he and his friends get filthy rich. Also, while Poppy was head of the RNC, he helped Dumbya get an honorable discharge from the Texas Air National Guard, even though Dumbya was AWOL for almost two years. As President, Poppy helped stop a SEC investigation of Dumbya at Harkin Oil, where Dumbya was accused of insider trading and made millions. Dumbya then takes over the Presidency in 2000, thanks to the Supreme Court, which stopped a recount in Florida, where it seemed certain that Al Gore would have won the popular vote there in the recount, just like he had won the popular vote in the U.S. by over 500,000 votes. Two of the leading advocates on the Supreme Court that handed down the ruling were Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Scalia had TWO sons working for the Bu$h legal team. Thomas' wife was on the Bu$h transition team. Both SHOULD have recused themselves from any judgement regarding this case. Dumbya was also helped by Karl Rove, a REAL snake that hid all of Dumbya's dirty secrets and used a counter offensive against Gore in 2000 and also one vs. Kerry in 2004 with the slimy Swiftboat ads. Dumbya than brought on neocons like Cheney as VP and Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense and we all know how that nightmare went from 2000-2008 with events such as 9/11, which suspiciously looks a LOT like Operation Northwoods from March of 1962, a plan which neocons like Lemnitzer, Dulles and Prescott Bu$h endorsed. Luckily, JFK refused to use Operation Northwoods. Then we also had the mountain of lies that led us to the war in Iraq, which once again was all because of war profiteering and oil. Add to all all of that, we now are dealing with the biggest economic disaster since the great depression as Wall Street was allowed to be unregulated and get even more filthy rich in screwing the REAL people. The main staples of the modus operandi of the Bu$h family are Wall Street, war profiteering and oil. Guess what industries thrived under Dumbya Bu$h? And still do.

Re: Family of Secrets

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:52 pm
by turtleman
You really lined it out there Bob. After listening to the interview it is apparent that Obama isn't going to affect any kind of real change in this country. He is up against forces that we cannot fathom. I am sure he is finding out how limited he is in what he can do. If he doesn't play ball he will fall like a house of cards. The whole thing leaves little to be optimistic about. I am picking up my copy of Family of Secrets this afternoon. After looking at the lengthy list of (Bushy Knoll) folks who knew too much that met untimely ends I would hire protection. That list is too long to resemble any kind of coincidence. Like I said before, the right wing doesn't play nice.