Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

JFK Assassination
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Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

Post by MikeNarrett »

According to this guy, Salvatore Bonanno: says that John Roselli confessed while in jail with him that he fired a shot at Kennedy from a storm drain on Elm Street. Could this have been a possibility? Can somebody show me a map of Dealey Plaza and point out where the storm drain is?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

MikeNarrett wrote:According to this guy, Salvatore Bonanno: says that John Roselli confessed while in jail with him that he fired a shot at Kennedy from a storm drain on Elm Street. Could this have been a possibility? Can somebody show me a map of Dealey Plaza and point out where the storm drain is?Although I can't provide a mape right this minute, I'm sure someone here will.The drain they're referring to is on the side of the street that the knoll is. It would have been on the right side and ahead. I had this discussion with Wim at one point, and we can't see how a shooter could have had a clear shot of JFK. I could be wrong.
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Re: Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

Post by Jsnow915 »

that one never seemed to gel with me...besides,wouldn't there have been some smoke rising from it after the shot? i dont think anyone on Dealey Plaza ever mentioned a shot coming from there.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:that one never seemed to gel with me...besides,wouldn't there have been some smoke rising from it after the shot? i dont think anyone on Dealey Plaza ever mentioned a shot coming from there.Exactly.I just got a funny visual in my head of some "storm-drain" shooter smoking a cigarette or cigar in the storm drain and people seeing the smoke coming out! LMAO
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Re: Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

Post by Bob »

TMWKK had this theory in one of their later programs. But this theory has been debunked as far as I know.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Any evidence to support the storm drain theory?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:TMWKK had this theory in one of their later programs. But this theory has been debunked as far as I know.I was just commenting to a friend of mine that the man who did the photographic analysis and who concluded that the headshot came from the storm drain SEEMED sincere. What I want that man to do is to recalculate his analysis based on the Files' story about TWO headshots. It would be very interesting to see the results. The man who analyzed the video and picture, Tom Wilson, was the same man who said that he concluded beyond any doubt that the autopsy pictures (showing the back of JFK's head intact) were forgeries or fakes and that they actually were pictures of JFK's head that had been altered.Coincidentally, I believe he has passed away since appearing on TMWKK. What did he die of?