you are being seriously mislead

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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you are being seriously mislead

Post by John Beckham »

and i say this out of compassion to you. join the the jfkassassinationforum and step outside this bias world. learn some facts and truth. open your minds and heart. discuss and discover what you want to know. if the actual truth with proof is valid to you...if you are serious about truth, you'd look and learn. following this paranoid thread, what facts has it brought you? seriously! what real investigations has it brought you? nothing but talk. is that good enough for you? john (i mean, dan)
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

John Beckham wrote:and i say this out of compassion to you. join the the jfkassassinationforum and step outside this bias world. learn some facts and truth. open your minds and heart. discuss and discover what you want to know. if the actual truth with proof is valid to you...if you are serious about truth, you'd look and learn. following this paranoid thread, what facts has it brought you? seriously! what real investigations has it brought you? nothing but talk. is that good enough for you? john (i mean, dan)I'm not going to poo-poo the jfkassassinationforum. What I will say is that I've been reading and researching the JFK assassination as a hobby for, oh, the last couple of decades. I found this site not even a year ago, and it certainly does describe events the way I always perceived them. There is no question that there was at least one shooter shooting from the front and that there were at least two shooters from the rear (I'm basing this on all the wounds caused by the magic bullet. )This is how much reading and research I've done on it. I'm 39 now, and when I was in the 4th grade or so I helped my older brother with one of his high school projects which was a presentation of the JFK assassination complete with a scale model and lights indicating where witnesses said that the headshot came from (the knoll, of course). My brother even tried calling Mr. Zapruder only to find out that he was deceased. (My brother actually called again because he thought Zapruder's wife said that he was "asleep." The only real difference that I know of between other legit JFK assassination forums and this one is that we think Files was one of the shooters and others may or may not.Besides the Files issue, what is the difference between that forum and this one? Seriously. Besides the Files issue, how are we being misled?
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by saracarter766 »

yeah like pasquale asked how are we being mislead.
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Bob »

John Beckham wrote:and i say this out of compassion to you. join the the jfkassassinationforum and step outside this bias world. learn some facts and truth. open your minds and heart. discuss and discover what you want to know. if the actual truth with proof is valid to you...if you are serious about truth, you'd look and learn. following this paranoid thread, what facts has it brought you? seriously! what real investigations has it brought you? nothing but talk. is that good enough for you? john (i mean, dan)That is your opinion John. I agree with everything Pasquale said. Even if you don't agree with the Files scenario, Wim has accumulated an awesome amount of information about the assassination on this site. Now John, you say WE are being seriously misled...yet I have never heard anyone speak more defensively about Gary Mack in my life like you do. You think Mack is credible...I don't...and neither do real JFK assassination experts like Jim Marrs and Robert Groden.
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by dankbaar »

Who is "mislead"? On what issues? And by whom? What is meant by "this paranoid thread"? What does John Beckham believe is the "nonparanoid thread" to follow? Wim
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by saracarter766 »

i think the world of robert groden and he is one of my hero's and i would really love to meet him and shake his hand also.i never really heard of this files person until i came onto wims wonderful website since then i have learned so much thanks to the wonderful wim i was like a kid at a candy store when i saw all the stuff i could read on JFK when i came here.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

We're still waiting for your response with the reasons why we are being misled. I can almost hear crickets chirping. The silence is deafening! LOL Seriously...can't you tell us? It shouldn't be that difficult. It's not cool to just say something like that without at least stating the reasons why you're saying it. I'm also not looking to come down on you either, although I will admit to joking a little. I couldn't resist. Honestly, what are your specific reasons for saying what you said. Inquiring minds want to know. If you chose not to explain why you said that, it will be, as you stated above, "nothing but talk." So...enlighten us, please.
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by ChristophMessner »

John, thanks for your compassion. You maybe right that some of the forum members miss to read this and that on other forums, but I think everybody here is pretty able to think for him/herself and decide in which way he/she is lead, mislead or the leader him/herself. I was here pretty often, because I see many truths coming out in the confessions of James Files and on Wim's website and I liked to discuss it here. It is not true that everybody here would think the same and just follow an opinion leader as it is not true either that you would have eaten the truth and the truth only. Please substanciate your allegations! Chris
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by saracarter766 »

this is just like the energizer bunny we keep waiting and waiting and waiting. as always christopher well said.
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by ChristophMessner »

Sara, your green smile makes me blush in complementary red .I like green politics by the way ...