Remington Shell Casings Issue

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I was recently confronted with "information" or disinformation that the shell casings found by Rademacher could not have been made prior to 1970. (It has to do with the marking on the back of the shell casing and the type of "dash" between the letters R and P.) They posted a link to this website below..My conclusion, after reading all that stuff, is that they cannot confirm their notion that the shell casings were NOT made prior to 1970.The website (see below) says it. The author said that he contacted Remington (the maker of the shell casings) and asked them to verify the information. The reply from Remington, according to the website, was that they only provide such information to law enforcement agencies. So, Remington didn't confirm their notion about the shell casings. The author then relies on information from people who collect shell casings and a "drawing" that was "...salvaged from trash by a former Remington employee..." of Remington. WTF???? The author then seems to take us on a round about journey about how he contacted experts, etc. All of the people he contacted had apparently been collecting shell casings for YEARS. Anyway, the bottom line that I could see is that there is NO conclusive proof to the notion that the shell casings found by Rademacher were NOT made before 1970. do you guys think?
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by saracarter766 »

i think something smells rotten in denmark and it damn sure is'nt the limburger cheese. i wonder if they were paid to say all that?
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by Bob »

I think you are correct in your analysis Pasquale. You want to know the REAL irony here? Samuel Bu$h, who was the great grandfather of Dumbya, was in the arms business and he was connected to Remington. Also, as you probably know, Samuel Bu$h not only sold arms to the U.S. in WWI, he also sold arms to Germany in that same war, while the U.S. was IN the war. That was the beginning of the treasonous and war profiteering modus operandi of the Bu$h family that has gone on for 4 generations now.
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by Jsnow915 »

another point here is...If Wolfman supplied the ammo...where was he getting it?...CIA?...local gunshop?...also I watched a Mark Lane interview with Sam Holland yesterday and Holland said he looked around for shell casings when they went over to the fence area...that doesn't mean by that time it was trampled on...just a point,no revelation here.
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by dankbaar »

It was Bob Vernon who always vehemently assured the world that the cartridge was manucfactured before 1971. Since that that statement has become under dispute by Eaglesham (of course immediately supported by Vernon now), and it cannot be proven with certainty, I have removed it from the website. However, it is interesting to note that Eaglesham permits himself to conclude that Files is a liar and hoax, if it would be certain that the dented cartridge found in Dealey Plaza would not be the one he claims to have used to shoot at Kennedy from the grassy knoll. It should also be noticed that Files never said such a thing. He was even send a picture of the cartridge by Vernon in prison with the question if that was his cartridge. Files replied that he could not be sure. He basically said that it could be, but he has no way of knowing. But let's for argument's sake assume that the cartridge is manufactured after 1971, what would that mean? And why would it mean that Files is a hoax? Who was the perpetrator of this hoax? Files? Joe West? John Rademacher who found the shell (or actually two) in 1987? Bob Vernon? Or were they all in it together? Wim
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by dankbaar »

Eaglessham jumps in through private email: “But let's for argument's sake assume that the cartridge is manufactured after 1971, what would that mean?”It would mean that – if Jimmy Files were telling the truth – there were *two* dented .222 R-P REM cartridge cases on the grassy knoll, one that was used to shoot JFK and other that just happened to be there.How likely is that? The chance is infinitesimally small, and the implication is clear. Files was very probably told by West about the dented .222 casing found by Rademacher, and the rest is history. Vernon bought it – for a while – then you bought it and you are still, to your shame, selling it to the likes of DiFabrizio. Allan Eaglesham
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Selling it to "likes of DiFabrizio" eh? LOL I'd like to point out to Mr. Eaglesham that I do actually research the information as opposed to being spoon-fed. I actually read the critiques, and in doing so I can see the path of their arguments. They're usually weak and have the signs of disinformation.I read that article about the shell casings, and it looks like a bunch of disinformation to me. I mean, honestly, they make a conclusion about those shell casings with no conclusive proof. Remington won't confirm the information for them. The only place they're getting their information is from people who collect shell casings, some of which have written books on it. Good for them. I'm not poo-pooing them. I'm just saying that THAT's where their information comes from...collecting shell casings. They're certainly not getting it from the maker (Remington). For the record, if Remington was producing weapons for the government or for whoever, like the Fireball PRIOR to them being sold to the public (that HAS been proven, right?), doesn't Mr. Eaglesham think they'd make a bunch of ammo for that weapon to go with it? OR, does Mr. Eaglesham actually think that Remington would sell prototypes or give prototypes to "the likes of" the CIA without any bullets to go with it so they could use it as a paperweight or a club! So, the "experts" on shell casings might be experts as far as ammo they've collected, but are they "experts" on ammo and weapons that Remington apparently gave or sold to the CIA prior to them being sold to the public? Nope! Not even Remington will confirm that one. (That's probably one of the precise reasons they WON'T confirm it.) They can not conclusively proove anything about those Rademacher shell casings. Don't let them get to you, Wim. Whenever I hear stories that involve "the likes of" mysterious former employees of a company who find proof regarding the JFK assassination in trash cans, I smell a rat and disinformation.
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by dankbaar »

From: Wim Dankbaar [] Sent: Saturday, 28 March 2009 10:36 PMTo: Wayne SmeatonSubject: Re: John McAdamsRight, you start to see how the game is played. Look at what people like Posner, McAdams and Dave Perry try to discredit andignore. As a rule of thumb that is probably the truth. The other way around,what they promote, is definitely not the truth. WimI forgot to include Gary Mack and Allan Eaglessham in that list. Now, let's see: Eaglessham supports the theory that Joe West told Files about the dented shell casing. After or before Files told Joe West that he had nothing to tell to Joe? Why is there nothing discussed about the find of Rademacher of the dented casing in the correspondence between Joe en James? Or did Bob Vernon hold back that letter? Maybe he could still produce it for his new found friend Allan? I bet Eaglessham supports the theory that Joe West died of natural causes and James Files opened up with a scam story after that, to make a name and profit (what profit?) from it. After all, James Files didn't really like Joe West and his case to re-open the JFK investigation in court. Why not drive that home with this clown Vernon that came as Joe's successor? Wim
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Exactly, Wim!Here's another question. Does Eaglesham think there was a conspiracy to kill JFK at all?Here's another question too. Is Eaglesham just following what people like Vernon told him, or is he purposely putting out disinformation to as much of the public as possible? What does Eaglesham think of Gary Mack's view that it's a THEORY that the Warren Commission is wrong? Don't hold your breath waiting for those answers.
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Re: Remington Shell Casings Issue

Post by saracarter766 »

hi ya wim glad to see you on board i've missed reading your posts and as always you never cease to amze me with what you post.