missed chance...

JFK Assassination
Posts: 78
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

missed chance...

Post by Paul »

After seeing the documentary last Tuesday made by Peter R. de Vries I have the opinion that Peter missed a big chance:

The hardest evidence that Files was indeed the shooter must be the bitten shellcasing. But there are also a lot of criticals who say that all this couldn't have happened...
Then in my eyes it was a pitty and a missed chance that Peter didn't make an investigation or a reconstruction of what Files said he has done: the moves and the timeline after the shot could easily replayed by someone else to check if it could have been done.
Also he must have testfired a Remington Fireball XP-100 and show the public that it has no recoil and that the casing immediately after the shot isn't warm at all and show that in front of the camera by putting it in the mouth...
Also he could have shown that when you bite a shellcasing the dents are exactly the same as the found casing by Rademacher back in 1987...
So in my eyes all this is a missed chance and once and for all could have silenced all those critics all around the world! Now it hasn't.
Also Plumlee wasn't in the documentary, which in my eyes was also a pitty and they solved that by saying that Holt placed both Nicoletti and Roselli in Dealy Plaza that day, which was not true off course.

Gr. Paul.