Letters to Obama

JFK Assassination
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Letters to Obama

Post by dankbaar »

The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20500Unites States of America April 7, 2009Dear Barack, I address you by your first name, because I view you as a no-bullshit people's President. My name is Wim Dankbaar, I am from The Netherlands, 47, married two kids. If I were an American citizen, I would have voted for you. I would like to propose that you meet with James E. Files, an inmate at Joliet Stateville penitentiary. He has been saying since 1993 that he was the grassy knoll gunman who fired the shot at JFK from the grassy knoll. James won't be around much longer as he is 67 and has cancer, but if JFK was one of your idols, and I believe he is, then I urge you to let me arrange a meeting between him and you. Of course he knows nothing about this message, and I don't know if he will agree, although I am confident he would. I would like to have you hear his story from his own mouth before he dies. I have grown fatalistic about getting the truth known, but you have rattled that cage for me. In case you suspect I am a crank, do not hestitate to contact me or take a look at my website http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com.With thanks in advance for your attention and best wishes for restoring the USA. Wim Dankbaar dank@xs4all.nlRuysdaelweg 142051 EM OverveenNetherlandsTel: +31-23-5268730*************************************Dear President Obama, April 25, 2009My name is Janet M. Schoder and I've lived in Schaumburg, Illinois for the past 39 years. You cannot believe how happy I am - and millions of others - that you are now our President!!! I recently had an associate of mine, Mr. Wim Dankbaar - from Holland, write to you asking you to meet with James E. Files. He claims to have been the Grassy Knoll shooter on Nov. 22, 1963 in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I have been extremely interested in the assassination since the day it happened. I was a 20 year old WAF in the Air Force at Westover A.F.B. in Mass. and still remember vividly practically every minute of that dark weekend. So I was completely amazed at Wim Dankbaar's website - JFKmurdersolved.com -when I accidentally came across it in Jan. 2008. He has spent extensive time, money and effort to prove there WAS a conspiracy to kill JFK that day in Dallas. That James E. Files, who was from Melrose Park, Ill. was a part of that conspiracy. He has been in Stateville Prison in Joliet, Ill. for the past 19 years and will probably never get out because he has cancer.You are our President of CHANGE and TRUTH!! It's about time the truth comes out about what really happened that day in Dallas 45 years ago. You are the ONLY one that can do it. The time has come. You can rewrite history with the TRUE story. John F. Kennedy deserves no less!! Thank you, Janet M. Schoder
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, better send this letter with some hundreds of signatures as a petition or as an open public letter to many adresses at once. To the White House bureau directly by a single person that might be blocked before it ever reaches Obama's eyes. And does it serve for Jimmy's health and freedom this way? Maybe you rate public interest higher than private interest. What's your real purpose with that letter? Did you send it already? And only to the White House? Nevertheless I think it's great that at least one is undertaking some initiative in this direction. Chris
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by Bob »

Nice letter Wim. I DID vote for President Obama, and I was hoping that the message he brought during his campaign would translate into his actions as President. I have seen a LOT of excellent things in his first 100 days. Things like restoring the good name of the U.S. throughout the world. Things like putting out the memos that have exposed the Bu$h administration in regard to torture and other evil deeds. I also think overall that Obama will help the economy move forward. However, I have seen other things that have disappointed me. Things like making Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State. Hillary and Barck had CLEAR differences in their campaign in foreign policy. Why then would Obama make Clinton the Sec. of State? Speaking of that, I was very disappointed that Obama met with Hillary at the 2008 Bilderbergers meeting. That is NOT a good sign. I did not also like the fact that Obama made Tim Geithner the head of the treasury. Geithner hangs with the same people that Henry Paulson ran with when Paulson was Dumbya Bu$h's guy at the treasury. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. That is like letting the fox run the hen house. I'm also not real happy about the way Obama is hesitating in trying to bring Bu$h, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others to justice for the illegal and evil activity during their tenure. I hope I am wrong about some of my assertions. But it looks like Obama is answering to a higher power and I'm not talking about God. It's still way too early to get too upset, but if Obama is getting his strings pulled, I would not expect an answer to your letter Wim, or any visit to Jimmy from Obama.
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by Pennyworth »

ChristophMessner wrote:Wim, better send this letter with some hundreds of signatures as a petition or as an open public letter to many adresses at once. To the White House bureau directly by a single person that might be blocked before it ever reaches Obama's eyes. And does it serve for Jimmy's health and freedom this way? Maybe you rate public interest higher than private interest. What's your real purpose with that letter? Did you send it already? And only to the White House? Nevertheless I think it's great that at least one is undertaking some initiative in this direction. ChrisWim should amend the letter asking for President Obama to re-open the JFK murder case.The letter to be sent needs to be notarized, along with a confirmation of sending and return receipt; certified.A copy of the letter should be personally served on/to the President, with the local sherriff's office delivering, or professional process of service retained to deliver the copies.
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by saracarter766 »

ChristophMessner wrote:Wim, better send this letter with some hundreds of signatures as a petition or as an open public letter to many adresses at once. To the White House bureau directly by a single person that might be blocked before it ever reaches Obama's eyes. And does it serve for Jimmy's health and freedom this way? Maybe you rate public interest higher than private interest. What's your real purpose with that letter? Did you send it already? And only to the White House? Nevertheless I think it's great that at least one is undertaking some initiative in this direction. Christhat's a good idea chris i like your thinking.
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by ChristophMessner »

saracarter766 wrote: that's a good idea chris i like your thinking. And I like your smile.
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by nephew23 »

Bob wrote:Nice letter Wim. I DID vote for President Obama, and I was hoping that the message he brought during his campaign would translate into his actions as President. I have seen a LOT of excellent things in his first 100 days. Things like restoring the good name of the U.S. throughout the world. Things like putting out the memos that have exposed the Bu$h administration in regard to torture and other evil deeds. I also think overall that Obama will help the economy move forward. However, I have seen other things that have disappointed me. Things like making Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State. Hillary and Barck had CLEAR differences in their campaign in foreign policy. Why then would Obama make Clinton the Sec. of State? Speaking of that, I was very disappointed that Obama met with Hillary at the 2008 Bilderbergers meeting. That is NOT a good sign. I did not also like the fact that Obama made Tim Geithner the head of the treasury. Geithner hangs with the same people that Henry Paulson ran with when Paulson was Dumbya Bu$h's guy at the treasury. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. That is like letting the fox run the hen house. I'm also not real happy about the way Obama is hesitating in trying to bring Bu$h, Cheney, Rumsfeld and others to justice for the illegal and evil activity during their tenure. I hope I am wrong about some of my assertions. But it looks like Obama is answering to a higher power and I'm not talking about God. It's still way too early to get too upset, but if Obama is getting his strings pulled, I would not expect an answer to your letter Wim, or any visit to Jimmy from Obama.Can't help myself Bob! When you said restoring the good name of America, do you realize he was trashing us? Shaking hands and chatting with and accepting gifts from Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers! I don't see how that is restoring our good name. Also, the memos mean nothing! Princess Pelosi KNEW we were waterboarding! Which, by the way, saved another 9/11 in Los Angeles. Any wonder why she dropped out of site? I assure you, nothing with come of those memos and not a single person will be charged with a crime. Furthermore, just last night on his 100-day prime time press conference, PBO accidentally-on-purpose said, and I quote, "I will do ANYTHING to protect the American people." This in response to a direct question on enhanced interrogations.While I appreciate Wim's efforts, this president and no other will ever, ever, ever allow the truth to be heard. Period. They can't, and even if they wanted to they would not be allowed. That is why Wim's efforts are so important ... because it is only people like him who will eventually get the truth out. Did you happen to see PBO standing next to, the now Democratic, Senator Arlen Specter? Anybody remember who he is? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by Bob »

Nephew, I have to comment on your take. Hopefully you saw some that I am somewhat cynical about BOTH political parties in the U.S. with my previous post. However, I believe 9/11 was an inside job. There are too many facts that point that way, plus the resemblance of those events to the plan of Operation Northwoods hits too close. Operation Northwoods was a plan supported by the neocons of the early 1960's, including Prescott and Poppy Bu$h. JFK was furious when he saw the plan and refused to let the plan take place. I'm sure that decision also led to 11/22/1963. The story about a similar attack in LA was ALL bullshit. First off, the torturing that took place does NOT match up with the dates that the attack supposedly would take place. Bu$h, Cheney and Rumsfeld first used torture not to ensure any safety for American citizens, but to help add yet another lie to the reasons that they attacked Iraq. Torture is torture. Hitler used torture. So did the Japanese. So did Charlie (North Vietnamese). So did the Soviets. So did Dumbya Bu$h. Bu$h will ALWAYS be rated similar with those regimes because of that tactic among other things he did. The United States has always avoided using torture and was the leader in efforts for the Geneva Convention. I hope and pray that the Justice department in the U.S. gets some nads and prosecutes Bu$h, Cheney and the others for their use of torture and other unconstitutional activity like illegal wire tapping. The U.S. will look pretty embarrassed if Spain and other countries in the world will attempt to bring those criminals to justice and WE don't. Finally, I have said that Obama has his faults, although he is CLEARLY much better than Dumbya. Obama is MUCH smarter, more articulate, better spoken and has a much broader view of the world. I mentioned the things I am dismayed with regarding the appointments of people like Hillary and Geithner. You mentioned Chavez and the Castro brothers and Obama. I guess you don't remember when Nixon gave a cadillac to Brezhnev of the Soviet Union in the heart of the cold war. Or when Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bu$h gave arms and tons of money to a couple of guys named Saddam and Osama in the 1980's.
bob franklin
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Re: Letters to Obama

Post by bob franklin »

speaking of giving:http://wcco.com/topstories/Citgo.Chippe ... oil.com/It would be awesome if decades of hawkish backwoods hillbilly ignorance toward Venezuela & Cuba on the part of the US could be somehow overcome.
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Re: Letter to Obama

Post by Pennyworth »

[/quote]nephew 23While I appreciate Wim's efforts, this president and no other will ever, ever, ever allow the truth to be heard. Period. They can't, and even if they wanted to they would not be allowed. That is why Wim's efforts are so important ... because it is only people like him who will eventually get the truth out. Did you happen to see PBO standing next to, the now Democratic, Senator Arlen Specter? Anybody remember who he is? NEVER GONNA HAPPEN![/quote]Tell me nephew is President Obama or the illumanti billionaires blocking our board of and to world communication? The truth is being heard anyway right here for all who want to read and listen .Why say never?. Why are you being so adamant about this and for what purpose? You are so dis-illusioned... why did my previous posts go off the board?