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Dark Legacy - George Bush and the Murder of JFK

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 3:50 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
I received an e-mail from John Hankey regarding this updated version of the JFK II documentary. I wanted to share the link with you guys. I highly recommend it. It's called "Dark Legacy - George Bush and the Murder of JFK"I also very, very highly recommend the documentary "9-11 Mysteries" regarding evidence that the towers came down in a CONTROLLED demolition. After seeing this documentary, I am now convinced that those towers were brought down that way. I'll put it like this, many people don't know that a THIRD building came down in exactly the same way later that afternoon at about 5:00pm. This was building 7, and it WAS NOT hit by a plane. Here are links to where you can get the documentaries.

Re: Dark Legacy - George Bush and the Murder of JFK

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:55 pm
by Brian White
I think most people know about Bldg. 7, Pasquale, but they might not know that the BBC reported live, on air, that it hadin fact collapsed when it was, in fact, clearly visible right overthe reporter's left shoulder, still standing intact. A few secondslater they conveniently lost their video feed. Oops! Got a littleahead of themselves in the script, apparently! The clip is, or was, viewable on Youtube. (They referred to it asthe Salomen (sp?) Brothers Bldg, by the way.)Reminds me of the "Christchurch Star" reporting that Lee Oswaldhad been arrested as the assassin (complete with nice studiophoto-ever wonder where they got it?) when it was way too earlyin the game- guess they got ahead of the script,too,huh?Brian.

Re: Dark Legacy - George Bush and the Murder of JFK

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:30 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Brian White wrote:I think most people know about Bldg. 7, Pasquale, but they might not know that the BBC reported live, on air, that it hadin fact collapsed when it was, in fact, clearly visible right overthe reporter's left shoulder, still standing intact. A few secondslater they conveniently lost their video feed. Oops! Got a littleahead of themselves in the script, apparently! The clip is, or was, viewable on Youtube. (They referred to it asthe Salomen (sp?) Brothers Bldg, by the way.)Reminds me of the "Christchurch Star" reporting that Lee Oswaldhad been arrested as the assassin (complete with nice studiophoto-ever wonder where they got it?) when it was way too earlyin the game- guess they got ahead of the script,too,huh?Brian.Yep!They show that BBC clip in the documentary "911 Mysteries." It's creepy. They have a live shot of a female reporter with the buildings behind her, and they're talking about how building 7 collapsed, and it's clearly still standing behind her.I completely agree. They got ahead of the script. People make mistakes. LOL

Re: Dark Legacy - George Bush and the Murder of JFK

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:17 pm
by Brian White
The last I heard, the Beeb refuses to comment on that report,and I think that the reporter is no longer working there! They also said they "misplaced" that video clip! What a shame, huh?

Re: Dark Legacy - George Bush and the Murder of JFK

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:44 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Brian White wrote:The last I heard, the Beeb refuses to comment on that report,and I think that the reporter is no longer working there! They also said they "misplaced" that video clip! What a shame, huh? Yeah. Woops! We just misplaced it! What a shame! That's okay because you can clearly see the video clip in the documentary "9/11 Mysteries."