Off Topic ... but Spooky

JFK Assassination
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Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by JDThomas » ... ODIES.html Barry Seal crops up again!At this rate it could appear that JFK was killed because he didn't delve in drug dealing.
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Re: Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by Bob »

Barry Seal sure was an intersting character JD. He basically died because he knew too much. Too much about the JFK assassination, the LCAP, CIA drug dealing, Mena, and dirt on the Bu$h's (Poppy, Dumbya and Jeb) and Slick Willie Clinton.It looks like the Bu$h family isn't the only family with a large body count. The Bu$h/Clinton connection all started in Mena.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

So, Vince Foster had ANOTHER gunshot wound to his neck, eh? And they still call it a suicide, eh? Why doesn't that surprise me!I've noticed a pattern with these people. They get away with things like murdering witnesses and 9/11 because most people out there TRUST what they are being told when all they have to do is just scratch the surface...just investigate a FEW of the see that there's something VERY wrong going on. This is why I still have hope. Most people out there DO want to know the truth, and the truth IS on our side. That is why I love spreading knowledge and awareness wherever I can.
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Re: Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by turtleman »

The apathy and ignorance of the average U.S. citizen will always favor those with concealed agendas. We are a nation of idiots more concerned with American Idol than the death spiral we are in as a nation. I wish I shared your optimism Pasquale but deep within I know we are unlikely to succeed in taking our country back. The sand has shifted too far and time is running out. I sincerely hope I am wrong. It is one thing to not be in the know. We sure have plenty of that. We also have those that simply do not care. What do you do with that?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

turtleman wrote:The apathy and ignorance of the average U.S. citizen will always favor those with concealed agendas. We are a nation of idiots more concerned with American Idol than the death spiral we are in as a nation. I wish I shared your optimism Pasquale but deep within I know we are unlikely to succeed in taking our country back. The sand has shifted too far and time is running out. I sincerely hope I am wrong. It is one thing to not be in the know. We sure have plenty of that. We also have those that simply do not care. What do you do with that?We need to continue trying to spread awareness. Once "critical mass" is achieved, people will start to demand the truth. The reason why they have disinformation people on discussion forums like Mythbusters, is because they are necessary to keep people disinformed and confused.Why do you think they don't allow any 9/11 discussions on the Mythbusters forum? It's because the evidence is over whelming that those buildings were brought down by military grade demolition explosives and specifically thermate and/or thermite. Those WTC towers were designed with the idea of a plane hitting them because the Empire State Building was already hit by a plane accidentally in, I believe, 1945. The WTC towers were designed to sustain an impact from the largest plane at the time, which was a Boeing 707...which is comparable to the planes that did hit them on 9/11...the Boeing 767. The jet fuel did not melt the steel as steel melts at a much higher temperature than jet fuel. Also, building 7, or WTC 7, also collapsed, and it wasn't even hit by a plane. Never before in history has a steel-framed building EVER collapsed due to fire. Anyway, there's much more evidence than that, but what is suspicious is that the Mythbusters forum doesn't allow 9/11 discussions. Then again, isn't the Discovery Channel the same channel that had that had that bogus JFK assassination documentary with Gary Mack. Go figure! Anyway, we need to keep on spreading awareness and consciousness.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.27.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.13.2009 - JDThomas, an Excellent JFKMS Forum Member, Posted this Vague Headline, followed withPowerful and Relevant Information.With Hillary Clinton playing in the Presidential Mud, JDThomas' material is even more relevant today.BCCI, Benghazi, Email Scandal, etc. Connect the dots.A discussion followed that covered some important facts and information that may also be of interest.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings onany aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by kenmurray »

Death of Vince Foster: What Really Happened.......
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Re: Off Topic ... but Spooky

Post by kenmurray »

An update of the Clinton Body Count: ... IES.phpThe creator of the above website appears on this radio show to discuss the death of Vince Foster: