9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

According to the documentary "911 Mysteries," the director of the company that provided electronic security for the World Trade Center and Dulles Airport (both involved in 9/11) was none other than Bush's younger brother Marvin P. Bush (Principal, SECURACOM/STRATESEC - 1993-2000). The CEO of this company from 1999-2002 was none other than a cousin of the Bushes, Wirt D. Walker. You can get a copy of the documentary "911 Mysteries" at this website. I recommend taking a look at it. http://www.911weknow.com/911-we-knowThis company was given an $8.3 million dollar contract to install a new "security system" for the WTC between 1996 and 2000. The documentary speculates whether they were also laying wiring for the explosives that would eventually bring the buildings down.Speaking of wiring, there was an "unprecedented" power-down in the towers the weekend prior to 9/11 for almost the entire weekend. Scott Forbes, (an IT specialist for Fiduciary Trust that had an office in the WTC) had to work that weekend as the power-down in the buildings would have affected the computers and databases in his office. They were notified three weeks prior of the power down, which was relatively short notice. During that weekend, he reported that there were strange workmen all over the building in overalls, carrying large tool boxes, and reels of cables. Tenants at the WTC were told that internet cables were being upgraded. Another result of the powerdown was that there was no security in the buildings...no video surveillance cameras were working that weekend and anybody could enter or leave. Scott Forbes didn't go to work on 9/11 as he had worked overtime with the computers in his office because of the power down. When the towers came down, he was convinced that the strange workmen had something to do with it, and he tried to report it to the authorities, including the 9/11 Commission, who promptly IGNORED him! Does anybody smell a rat?
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Jsnow915 »

Pasquale....after 911 happened there was alot of speculation about all of this being done on purpose...(Rosie O'Donnell was enough for me to think it wasn't true)....but after reading what Hitler did with the Reischstag(not sure of spelling....sorry)...and the more pieces of this puzzle keeps coming together....again,like the Warren commision,the 911 commision put something out they knew the public wouldn't read...and the more I keep seeing the Bush family,the Rockefellar family always seem to have some hand in it...like the Aaron Russo video I posted about how 911 and Micheal Rockefellar told him in advance about what would happen...as I think of it now...why was there a need to for the Discovery channel to have a show about Flight 800...with the head of the FBI explaining it all...where you had witnesses claiming they saw a missile headed toward the plane....sometimes I wish I was an idiot.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:Pasquale....after 911 happened there was alot of speculation about all of this being done on purpose...(Rosie O'Donnell was enough for me to think it wasn't true)....but after reading what Hitler did with the Reischstag(not sure of spelling....sorry)...and the more pieces of this puzzle keeps coming together....again,like the Warren commision,the 911 commision put something out they knew the public wouldn't read...and the more I keep seeing the Bush family,the Rockefellar family always seem to have some hand in it...like the Aaron Russo video I posted about how 911 and Micheal Rockefellar told him in advance about what would happen...as I think of it now...why was there a need to for the Discovery channel to have a show about Flight 800...with the head of the FBI explaining it all...where you had witnesses claiming they saw a missile headed toward the plane....sometimes I wish I was an idiot. Here are a couple of facts about 9/11 that a lot of people don't think about. The rate at which those buildings fell was virtually free-fall speed. If you took a billiard ball and dropped it off the top of one of those towers, it would take roughly 10 seconds to hit the ground. The towers fell in just about that time...like about 9 seconds to fall.That means that the upper floors ENCOUNTERED NO RESISTANCE on the way down, causing those buildings to fall as fast as a ball falls through air.Think about it. The lower floors would have had to give NO RESISTANCE as those upper floors of the buildings came down in order for those upper floors to fall at FREE FALL SPEED. That's how a controlled demolition works.According to the documentary that I saw, Larry Silverstein, the lease holder of the buildings, was supposed to have removed the asbestos from those buildings. He kept getting waivers, but it was coming that he had to have the asbestos removed. It would have cost $1 BILLION dollars to do it. After 9/11, he received $4 Billion in insurance money and then sued the insurance companies and doubled his money, arguing that those two planes constituted TWO terrorist attacks and not just one. He walked away with $8 BILLION dollars. He only relatively recently had them insured against terrorist attacks too.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Another couple of facts are that WTC building number 7 collapsed at 5:20pm that day, and it wasn't even hit by a plane. It was a 47 or 48 story building that pancaked in about 6.5 seconds.Also, jet fuel DOES NOT burn anywhere near hot enough to melt steel. That is why no steel framed building in history, before or after, has EVER collapsed due to fire. Steel doesn't burn. I can only be melted in a "controlled environment" like a furnace that is an enclosed space where oxygen is pumped in to raise the temperature. Thermite and thermate are explosives used in demolitions that can raise the temperature of steel to upwards of 4000 degrees.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

This is from an earlier post of mine awhile ago...Anybody that has visited this site for a couple of years knows that some will NEVER be convinced of the REAL truth. Some come with open eyes and ears and try and learn. Some come with an agenda and soon enough that will come out in a post. No matter. I have studied the JFK assassination for over 30 years. I have read a LOT of theories. But there is no doubt that this web site has the best information regarding the assassination of any out there. You don't have to believe anything, but study everything you can on this site. One of the areas on this site this interests me is the Bu$h factor. It is pretty obvious if you have ever read some of my posts. I was pretty oblivious to this factor for most of my adult life. But since I have researched the family history of the Bu$hes, I believe Wim has uncovered a huge factor in this assassination. The main stream media will NEVER touch this subject. There are too worried about money, just like the Bu$hes. Remember, Prescott Bu$h help found CBS. He was a man that had the world by the balls in the 1950's. He was a Senator that was rich because the media refused to mention that he made most of his fortune by investing in and profiting from the Hitler war machine in WWII. He was very tight with the director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, and he also know John Foster Dulles, he would be Eisenhower's Secretary of State. Bu$h also developed proteges, like Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Bu$h also convinced Eisenhower to run for the Presidency and to add Nixon to the ticket. Through all of these times, Bu$h made tons of money on Wall Street, where he got his start in business. Bu$h and his son George H.W. (Poppy) Bu$h also invested in the world of oil, while at the same time Poppy used it as a cover while he was in the CIA. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a threat to ALL of that when he was elected President. Wim tells that story in the George H.W. Bu$h section of this site. When the events of today keep getting bleaker, think about George W. Bu$h, and WHERE he came from. He comes from a family that now has FOUR generations of war profiteering. Who are the winners in the Iraq war? It certainly isn't the U.S. soldiers that die needlessly everyday. Or the countless number of Iraqis that have died. But the war profiteers are clear winners. And that is why Dumbya Bu$h doesn't want this war to stop. Here is some history on the Bu$h family legacy... http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/ ... _part_2The war in Iraq was based on lies. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. LIE!!! Saddam was connected to Al Quada and 9/11. LIE!!! Iraq was a looming threat of causing a "mushroom cloud". LIE!!! But the real reason there was a war in Iraq was 9/11. The Ameican public was TERRIFIED of another attack. Just like Germany in 1933. How did Hitler gain power in Germany? Because of the Reichstag fire. Read about it. http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/r ... /burns.htm Also PLEASE read about Operation Northwoods. http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/northwoods.html 9/11 was like a page that was taken from Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods was a plan hatched in the early 60's that Prescott Bu$h and Poppy Bu$h endorsed with many other neocons. Dumbya Bu$h made it happen for real. Some of us know that already. Others will eventually know the truth, just like we will eventually solve the JFK assassination. This web site proves that!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Right on, Bob!!!I couldn't have said it better!
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by ThomZajac »

I suspect you are all familiar with the following, but just in case you're not...www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwt_xKs2hFE
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Bob »

Yes, that was a very ironic and evil gesture by Poppy during Gerald Ford's funeral. Of course it was Ford who was mentored into politics, along with Richard Nixon, by Prescott Bu$h. Ford was on the Warren Commission where he was the eyes and ears for J. Edgar Hoover and the Bu$h's. It was Ford who altered JFK's back wound to make it plausible for the "magic bullet" theory to even be promoted. It was also Ford that Nixon made VP after Agnew's resignation. Ford then pardoned Nixon after he became President, thus stopping any investigation as to the true reasons for the Watergate affair. Ford also brought in a few interesting people into his administration. Ford make Dick Cheney his chief of staff. Ford made Donald Rumsfeld his Secretary of State. Plus Ford made Poppy Bu$h the director of the CIA, right when the HSCA was investigating the JFK assassination. Bu$h stopped ANY and ALL CIA cooperation with the HSCA, and key witnesses died (were murdered) in that time frame. People like Sam Giancana, Chuck Nicoletti, Johnny Roselli and George DeMohrenshildt. Poppy told Congress that he had NEVER been connected with intelligence before he accepted the position as CIA director. It was until a decade later that people found out about his CIA background and his connections to the JFK assassination thanks to the Freedom of Information act.
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by ChristophMessner »

Where is Larry Silverstein living now? Why does nobody sue or kill him?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: 9/11-Bush Connections And Suspicious Goings-on

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Where is Larry Silverstein living now? Why does nobody sue or kill him?Probably because they haven't seen the information.