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For Wim & Bruce

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:56 am
by bobwc
Guys, to begin, allow me to make a public and personal apology for staements that I have made to both of you. This has been eating at me for a long time and even though I consider myself a straightforward and honest man, I do find that I have acted towards both of you in a very hypocritical manner. I supprt the conspiracy theory and admire JFK's memory but at the same time attempt to deny you the basic rights of having and expressing an opinion. For this I am truly ashamed and sorry and I offer my deepest and most heartfelt apologies.
As an American that now lives in Holland and remembers the 1000 days of the Kennedy era, I retain a great respect and admiration for the man. But it is not in keeping with his memory to lash out at people and insult them and call them names just because I am offended or do not believe the same exact way that they do. I shopuld be above this type of behavior but I can offer no exuses but apologies for my words.
Bruce, I do not know you. But I do know Wim and his opinion of you is more than good enough for me, even though what I think will not enhance your quality of life at all.:)
And Wim, as far as I am concerned, is the premier researcher of our times and a second Jim Garrison. As an American, I do find it somewhat embarassing that it takes a non-American to get this much truth and progress the investigation as far as Wim has.
I became involved in the assassination because I recognize a very deep and evil force in American politics and government since Nov of 63. And it keeps getting worse. And it does seem that most Americans are either misinformed, uninformed or simply do not care what has happened. Every day innocent people are dying in Iraq and other places due to the Wim's and fancies of a modern day Hitler named George Bush. This is a very dangerous man whom I believe will not stop.Finding out the truth about the assassination is one positive and definite step to unmasking these foxes that are killing all the chickens in the henhouse.
And secondly, my heart longs for the respect that Americans once had around the world. JFK died in 63 and I joined the military in 64 and traveeled most of the world as a soldier. I remember the treatment that I received as an American. How the dollar was valued and how American products were considered the best. That is all gone now.
So, once again my apologies to both of you.
And Wim, thank you for yesterday.


Bob Clemens

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 4:01 pm
by dankbaar
Hey Bob,

You don't have to overdo it, you slimeball

Here's our picture:

Mark, Paul, Wim, Bob:

He Scarfed All the BBQ!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:31 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:Hey Bob,You don't have to overdo it, you slimeball Here's our picture: Mark, Paul, Wim, Bob:

Hey Bob, in this picture it looks like the joke is that you ate all the BBQ & the 3 other starving skinnies were left out. Hope Jimmy doesn't hear about this. I say you should be banned from the forum for unfair & unethical misappropriation of BBQ.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:12 pm
by john geraghty
Its great to put a face to the names, as avatars are too small to get a real sense of what someone looks like. Wim looks totally different in this photo.

Mark I could recognise.

All the best folks,

For John

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:46 pm
by bobwc
John, to the best of my knowledge, Jackies dress is at the national Archives, but unavailable o the public. The dress,if I am not mistaken, was cleaned, but I have no knowledge to what extent. It does need to be analyzed for mercury traces and or other telltale signs.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 5:37 pm
by Jorgen Sjolen
dankbaar wrote:Hey Bob,You don't have to overdo it, you slimeball Here's our picture: Mark, Paul, Wim, Bob:

Always fun and intressting to se pictures of people you just talk to over the internet
Nice Picture

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:44 am
by Mark Johansson
The professional BBQ

There the fragrance from the grill got us to believe the spring has arrived and the summer's many BBQ´s loom.
The grilling master's ways to handle the raw materials is a delight to remember.
The thought of the perfect result makes my mouth watering
A pleasant company and good food are one of the life's climax.
