Jim Garrison Interview

JFK Assassination
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Jim Garrison Interview

Post by ThomZajac »

I just reread Playboy's (1967?) interview with Jim Garrison and it is nothing short of absolutely breathtaking. If you haven't read it in a while, or have never read it, I strongly suggest giving it a look. It's mind boggling to me how good a handle he had on the assassination, and he discusses in detail many of the things we've been posting about lately. It's fantastic reading-http://www.jfklancer.com/Garrison2.html
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by kenmurray »

Thom, yes it was a great interview by Garrison. Somebody higher up was afraid of him and his team of investigators to have his DA office bugged.
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by Bob »

Yes...great interview. Garrison and Mark Lane were certainly not fooled by the Warren Commission in the mid to late 60's. They were truly the pioneers of what we all are part of now.
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by saracarter766 »

god bless jim garrison he's a true patriot and a inspiration.
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by katisha »

Thanks for that link, ThomZajac. I've only read the first few pages of part 1 so far, but already Garrison comes across as a highly intelligent, articulate man, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by saracarter766 »

did anybody ever get a chance to meet the late great jim garrison?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:did anybody ever get a chance to meet the late great jim garrison? Not me. I DID meet Robert Groden in Dealy Plaza a few years ago. He's a really nice guy. He's smart and very down to earth. Did I mention smart too? LOL
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by katisha »

I've finished part 1 now (I'm an old bird, and reading on-line just doesn't come naturally to me, so I had to wait till I was back at work to print it out. Ah! luvly; some proper paper to read ).Have to agree with ThomZajac's comment: "It's mind boggling to me how good a handle he had on the assassination, and he discusses in detail many of the things we've been posting about lately. It's fantastic reading-" Yes! Garrison mentions in this interview things that I didn't think anyone knew, or even speculated on, until YEARS later: the CIA conspiracy for a start, and the stuff about the WC (which initials are a euphemism for 'toilet' in British English. Very appropriate! ) not doing their own research, but relying on reports from the FBI and the CIA .And this bit: PLAYBOY: Why do you believe the FBI report on Ferrie is classified?GARRISON: For the same reason the President's autopsy X rays and photos and other vital evidence in this case are classified - because they would indicate the existence of a conspiracy, involving former employees of the CIA, to kill the President But what I'm loving most is Garrison's understated, tongue-in-cheek humour:Talking about the lawyer Stephen Plotkin, who admitted his client Gordon Novel was a CIA agent: "You may have seen that story on page 96 of The New York Times, next to the ship departures."And again, when the WC asked to see "a secret CIA memo on Oswald's activities in Russia that had been attached to a State Department letter on Oswald's Russian stay, word came back that the Agency was terribly sorry, but the secret memo had been destroyed while being photocopied. This unfortunate accident took place on November 23, 1963, a day on which there must have occurred a great deal of spontaneous combustion around Washington". Looking forward to the rest.Having said all that, I have to ask; I've read/heard some pretty damning stuff about Garrison and his investigation; things like that at one stage he tried to solve the assassination mystery by numerology, and generally that he was a bit of a fruit loop. Anyone have any thoughts or info about these negative reports? All disinfo, or was he a bit 'strange'?
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by JDThomas »

Garrison's end quote is very telling ... and farsighted:Huey Long once said, "Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism." I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.How many times in recent years have the leaders of our countries quoted national security as reason without explanation for curbing free speech, curbing civil rights and increasing opression?
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Re: Jim Garrison Interview

Post by ThomZajac »

I think it is only from this perspective mentioned by Garrison and Thomas that we can properly see the breath and scope of the JFK conspiracy and continued coverup.The National Security Act of 1947 paved the way for the National Security State. For those who wish to further its objectives, there is no better enemy than perceived terrorism- an upgrade from Communism.