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plausible storyline

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 8:19 pm
by francois bertrand
If we start with the assumption Files is telling the truth (this is the belief of most of us isn't it) let's build a plausible storyline. All we have to do is to make each thing the simpliest. This is as anything... simple thing reveal to be exact.

With this in mind, we may say:

- Z313: shot from the grassy knoll.. it's obvious
- Z225: Kennedy shot in the back
- Z237: Connally shot
- Z? missed shot (James Tague) best location for this shot: Daltex Building
-LHO didn't shot because has been seen at the second floor 90 sec after the shots, very calm, drinking a coke !
- magic bullet found at the hospital: pristine condition = can't be the real bullet

all above are obvious and don't rely on lidicrous possibility.

anything else obvious in this case ?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:59 pm
by Guest
The motorcade was scheduled to pass the TSBD at 12:25. It stated that in the newspaper... BRW was on the 6th floor until 12:18-12:20. I believe that it is Mr. Jarmen's testimony that asserst Oswald was in the lunchroom at 12:23. So had Oswald been the lone assassin, and had to assemble his rifle, construct the snipers nest, and get ready to kill the president of the United States... he set a record for timing, accuracy, and speed. There is no possible way he could have known the motorcade was late. Had he been the assassin, he would of at least gone up at 12:20.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:01 pm
by francois bertrand
everybody on this forum MUST read that: a single answer by Richard Harris... amazing... you'll enjoy it.... it's stick to the Files'story very well...

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:56 pm
by dankbaar
Then advise him to have a look here.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:26 pm
by francois bertrand
extract from "A Single Answer"

I believe the most logical explanation for this is that the first shot was fired from a silenced weapon. What some of the witnesses actually heard,
was not the muzzle blast of a rifle at all, but only the sound of a bullet striking the pavement and exploding. This is why so many described it as a "firecracker".

a trajectory from the third floor (Daltex building) would have indeed, cleared the windshield and would have aligned with Kennedy and Connally's wounds, "perfectly".
Of all the people who were questioned in Dealey Plaza that day, there was only one known, professional criminal. His name was Eugene Brading
Brading was discovered on the third floor of the Daltex building, the one place in all of Dealey Plaza, where the alignment for the "Single bullet theoryâ€

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:45 pm
by francois bertrand
After reading "A Single Answer", i change my mind a little bit:

Zapruder - shot - elapsed time - difference with last shot

Z150 - firecracker - 0.00 sec - 0.00 sec
Z223 - JFK back - 3.99 sec - 3.99 sec
Z285 - miss - 7.38 sec - 3.39 sec
Z312 - head - 8.85 sec - 1.47 sec
Z323 - head - 9.45 sec - 0.6 sec

some questions to James Files:

a) did they had some silenced weapons ?

b) what kind of weapon used Nicolletti ? was it a bolt action riffle ? was it able to fire 2 rounds in 1.47 sec ?

c) how Nicolletti was dressed ? i mean, how can he managed to get in (and out) Daltex building with his riffle without anybody see it ? lot of people around at that hour...Had a trench coat hiding his weapon beneath ?

Re: plausible storyline

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:12 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.15.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.10.2006 - Mr. Francois Bertrand Posted this innovative Headline.A short discussion developed that raised a few stimulating facts, opinions,references, and theories.Does anybody have any more current analyses, interviews, investigations,reading, research, study, or writing to contribute to any points herein ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.