Obama is no JFK

JFK Assassination
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Obama is no JFK

Post by Bob »

Here's is just one reason...but it's a BIG one...http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090617/ap_ ... rhaulLet's see, Obama has kissed up to Wall Street and the CIA and is attempting to escalate things in Afghanistan, while no progress has been made in Iraq. The Military Industrial Complex and the war profiteers are smiling. Oh yeah, gas prices are creeping up as well. Obama's campaign had a message of change you can believe in. So far, I have seen nothing but some subtle changes. LOTS of talk, but NO action. Overall...VERY disappointing.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by ThomZajac »

Excuse the expression Bob, but, WELL,DUH.No one can be in position to become president unless they are acceptable to the ruling elite/military industrial corporate banking complex. The president still has some power, but knows his limits, and he obeys his masters.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by ChristophMessner »

But those masters are only masters as long as their sheeple is stupid and blind. Ron Paul shows the direction, not Obama. Obama is still the expression for the "masters" don't regard the people as having a capability for self-determination.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by JDThomas »

BBC today said that Obama is about to give the Federal Reserve major new powers I don't think any of us wanted yo hear that!dissappointing to say the leasthttp://johnmccarthy90066.tripod.com/id808.html
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Excuse the expression Bob, but, WELL,DUH.No one can be in position to become president unless they are acceptable to the ruling elite/military industrial corporate banking complex. The president still has some power, but knows his limits, and he obeys his masters.I know that my friend, but he is showing his true colors much sooner than I expected. My first inkling of his intentions, was when I heard that he met Hillary at the Bilderberger meeting in 2008, and then he makes her Secretary of State, after their broad disagreements about foreign policy in their campaigns. Then he made Tim Geithner (a REAL Wall Street enabler) as Secretary of the Treasury. Obama also kept on Bob Gates (Iran/Contra player, Poppy Bu$h CIA director) as Secretary of Defense. In addition, he named Leon Panetta as CIA director (a Clintonite again). There is no doubt that Obama is beholden to the real power brokers in the world now. I just didn't think he would be so obvious and so early about his intentions. Obama has obviously learned the lesson of what happens if you cross these folks...see 11/22/1963.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by ThomZajac »

I think I was a little surprised that you were a little surprised. Your take on things is right on the money (pun intended) as usual, Bob, and I hope you didn't mind me having a little fun at your expense.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by ChristophMessner »

JDThomas wrote:BBC today said that Obama is about to give the Federal Reserve major new powers I don't think any of us wanted yo hear that! dissappointing to say the least http://johnmccarthy90066.tripod.com/id808.html Yes, Thomas, frighteningly disappointing at least. I ask myself, why is the plan of the big bosses behind the scenes like this? Does the pope want to teach the world population that "money is nothing" as he said? Is there a good intention behind the thrive to push the world acceleratedly into crash and chaos, cause this would be the only way to make it learn? Is it really true that it would learn out of it? I often ask myself, inasmuch JFK was shot, because he refused to obey that plan. Obviously his vision, that every individual on this world might come to maximum autonomy is not envisaged by the big planners like Kissinger, Club of Rome, Vatican, Jesuits, World Council Chairmen, Bilderbergers, CFR, think tankers, superriches, ... they probable believe: the world population needs to be held in a permanent each-against-each to be kept short or what? Take care, Chris
bob franklin
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by bob franklin »

What I found most disappointing was his re-shuffling approach to the detainee (concentration) camps. He didn't close any thing, just moved them around. This is change?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

JDThomas wrote:BBC today said that Obama is about to give the Federal Reserve major new powers I don't think any of us wanted yo hear that!dissappointing to say the leasthttp://johnmccarthy90066.tripod.com/id808.htmlVery disappointing indeed.
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Re: Obama is no JFK

Post by Bob »

Two politicians that I respect immensely are Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Opposite sides of the aisle. But both refuse to sell out and they have both tried to expose the truth. Unfortunately, most of their colleagues are gutless. Here is Paul's take on the powers that Obama has given the Fed...http://www.prisonplanet.com/the-alex-jo ... -plan.html