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Mark Furball Furman

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 9:39 pm
by R Croxford
Has anyone see n this dirtball's new book or statements?
He is a lunatic! He say's there is no missed shot and that Oswald is a lone nut. He states that 3 shot fired and hit all thier targets. He claims that LHO made all the connections up on purpose. man someone tell this idiot hes outta his mind please!

Re: Mark Furball Furman

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 10:25 pm
by Pennyworth
R Croxford wrote:Has anyone see n this dirtball's new book or statements?He is a lunatic! He say's there is no missed shot and that Oswald is a lone nut. He states that 3 shot fired and hit all thier targets. He claims that LHO made all the connections up on purpose. man someone tell this idiot hes outta his mind please!

Haha many pages is it? I've asked around at some bookstores and one clerk looked at me real puzzled and said "What'? How do you spell the author's name? Sounds like its gonna be good for some comic relief.

He's way off if he doesn't mention Ruby (I heard Ruby's name or case wasn't brought up in the book.)

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 10:28 pm
by Pennyworth
Just adding have you seen the latest pictures of this pompous boor? Looks like he's coming down from something. Methinks he is a legend in his own mind