Honduras the new Cuba?

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Honduras the new Cuba?

Post by nephew23 »

[JFK-related in a sense ... and again I apologize if this has already been brought up ... I simply don't have time to get on here as much as I'd like to.]Is it just me or do the current events in Honduras and PBO's stance on them remind anyone of the events in Cuba and JFK's stance on them 50 years ago? Cuba's government had been mostly democratic (free) and regardless of specific issues the US, without question, enjoyed the ocean front casino vacation just south of Florida. Castro took over, established his dictatorship, and shut down such US vacation places. The US government was highly worried, and rightfully so, about Communism so close to home. Not because they were worried about the Cuban people or army or even Castro, but because Cuba's biggest ally was now the USSR. So JFK, initially, gives the green light to the CIA's plans to take out Castro. More appropriately, he briefly continues DDE's plan of action. Until we were on the brink of WW3 ... a nuclear WW3 that could have destroyed much of mankind ... at which time JFK said no more---let them be. Then the Bay of Pigs and the firing of Dulles and the planned obliteration of the CIA ... and we all know the rest of that story.Now skip forward fifty years to today. Honduras, clearly a democratic (free) nation with a democratically elected president (Zelaya), has gone the opposite route. The military/government coup ousted Zelaya and inserted Micheletti. Now at first glance it would seem ridiculous and absurd that a democratic nation could be the victim of a coup in today's world (though, granted, this coup apparently replaced one free leader for another). But a closer look tells us the ousted Zelaya was not exactly democratic in thinking. His very close friendships with President Chavez of Venezuela, the Castro brothers of Cuba, and President of Ortega of Nicaragua, and their staunch, immediate, and emphatic denouncements of the coup make his true sentiments obvious. These other leaders have gone so far as threatening military action of their own. That speaks volumes. Some believe Zelaya was actually on the verge of transitioning Honduras into a dictatorship or that he was a pawn of the other dictators. At the very least, he was encouraging and pushing far left (socialist) policy and laws. Incidentally, the same is being done right here in the good old USofA! Which allows me to tie this entire essay/argument together...If word got out that Zelaya (with support from the other dictators) had grand plans for a dictatorship or the likes, then it is highly likely (at least for such a successful coup to have taken place) that the CIA was involved. So who cares, right? They've been doing it since their inception, right? Even when the stakes were at the highest levels, right? Two closing points:1. PBO has been all over the board with his foreign affairs "doctrine." Israel - "no more new settlements." Iran - (while people cry out for freedom and for the US to back them) "the US cannot interfere or meddle in the affairs of sovereign nations." Chinese Al Qaeda terrorists: "swim it up in Bermuda!" Not to mention the fact that he bowed to the Saudi King and apologized to the rest of the world for America's behavior. (He seems to have forgotten that we are responsible for most of them being free nations. Oh, and that we are always the first ones called when trouble comes.) So now when Honduras, a sovereign nation, takes care of its own business (via coup or otherwise) in order to apparently KEEP their democracy intact ... now PBO cares and its okay to interfere and meddle? It seems to me that he only cares when democracy is winning out! This is the same guy who mingles with the above mentioned dictators. Who will not go fully to bat for the Iranians crying out for out help. But he is quick to condemn the actions of a sovereign nation who wants to stay free. It also seems to me that his true colors are shining through more and more. 25+ years of close friendship with and mentoring from Rev. Wright and I really, really wonder . . .2. PBO appointed Leon Panetta as director of the CIA though he supposedly has zero experience in it, aside from Intelligence briefings. Now, considering what many of us believe about GHWB, the same must hold true for Panetta ... it is unlikely someone would be appointed to such a position without intimate knowledge of the "company." But let's assume, aside from Intelligence briefings, Panetta really has no experience at all with the CIA. We could then assume that PBO's feelings towards the CIA are similar to those of JFK's. We could also assume that IF the CIA backed the coup in Honduras, and PBO found out about it, then his reaction would be the very same as JFK's after the Bay of Pigs.Maybe it's just me but I'm very interested to see how all this plays out. Especially if news starts to trickle out about changes at the CIA. It is extremely similar to the events of fifty years ago.I like this quote from the newly appointed President Micheletti of Honduras and thought I'd sign off with it. The thought is inspiring and quite appropriate for the upcoming holiday. -------------- "Our army also consists of 7.5 million people prepared to defend freedom and liberty."
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Honduras the new Cuba?

Post by Bob »

Interesting assertion Nephew. I agree 100% about your comparison of Panetta & Bu$h as they became CIA director without an "intelligence background" type of resume. Of course the opposite is true in both cases. That area of the world has always been a fertile area for the CIA to do what they love to do. Plus, because of the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the situation sort of flies under the radar. Here is a story that came out today about the situation...http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= ... Zfs4rAnFl2