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How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:47 pm
by kenmurray
At the request from Bob, this deserves its' own thread:

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:32 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
kenmurray wrote:At the request from Bob, this deserves its' own thread: an interesting article. Gary Mack's real name is Larry Dunkel? Interesting.He should be ashamed of himself. What he's doing is very un-American. I'm being totally serious. When you're working to deceive the American public, you're helping to disinform them and perpetuate the BS that is going on. It's very, very un-American. Larry Dunkel, eh? I'm already thinking of a joke name. Okay, I'll stop and be more professional about it.

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:43 pm
by ChristophMessner
Dunkel in German means dark.

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:46 pm
by kenmurray
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:At the request from Bob, this deserves its' own thread: an interesting article. Gary Mack's real name is Larry Dunkel? Interesting.He should be ashamed of himself. What he's doing is very un-American. I'm being totally serious. When you're working to deceive the American public, you're helping to disinform them and perpetuate the BS that is going on. It's very, very un-American. Larry Dunkel, eh? I'm already thinking of a joke name. Okay, I'll stop and be more professional about it. Pasquale, your so right. I also found it interesting that Mack's partner in fraud Dave Perry is the webmaster of Hugh Aynesworth site.

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:12 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
kenmurray wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:kenmurray wrote:At the request from Bob, this deserves its' own thread: an interesting article. Gary Mack's real name is Larry Dunkel? Interesting.He should be ashamed of himself. What he's doing is very un-American. I'm being totally serious. When you're working to deceive the American public, you're helping to disinform them and perpetuate the BS that is going on. It's very, very un-American. Larry Dunkel, eh? I'm already thinking of a joke name. Okay, I'll stop and be more professional about it. Pasquale, your so right. I also found it interesting that Mack's partner in fraud Dave Perry is the webmaster of Hugh Aynesworth site. indeed.Birds of a feather...In the original article you posted, there are links to two other articles on Aynesworth and Russo as well. I just read them. Very interesting indeed. Remember this, just like the article pointed out. Movements (like forums or circuits like ours) are brought down from WITHIN. They infiltrate themselves into the community and wait to strike, with their disinformation. Once they start with their BS and lies, they obviously are not accepted by the community that they infiltrated. I've seen it here in the past. You know who I'm talking about, and I saw him coming a MILE away. How very interesting.I think we've seen some of that here in the past for sure. Very good information, Ken.

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:16 pm
by kenmurray
Thanks Pasquale.

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:39 pm
by Bob
This article needs to be sent out to friends, family and other forums. My dad and I watched another bullshit JFK assassination special yesterday on the History channel that I had seen a few times before. It was the debacle known as "The JFK Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy". I told my dad that it's the biggest crock of shit since the Warren Commission report. But that makes sense because this program supports the findings of the Warren Commission. A lot of the program centered on the character assassinations of Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone. They also mentioned that the "magic" bullet theory was viable (Dale Myers), but they NEVER mentioned that Jerry Ford had moved the JFK back wound up several inches. The program also said that David Ferrie died of natural causes. The show used Oswald's brother as a character witness against Lee, but he was bought off and/or threatened just like Marina Oswald was in my opinion. Just like this forum will attract disinformation agents from time to time, the MSM will also put out disinformation (Operation Mockingbird etc.) to keep the lies of those in power from becoming exposed. The History channel has put on some excellent programming from time to time regarding the JFK assassination, but this program was so blatantly bullshit, that one would have expected to see it on FOX News.I've posted this before, but every time I see another one of the bullshit JFK assassination specials on the History channel or Discovery, guess who always seems to be on there? Gerald Posner. The guy that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now he also has Vincent Bugliosi thinking with him. That's funny, because I saw Bugliosi several years ago at one of his speaking engagements, and he professed then that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. Certainly if you believe that the RFK murder was a conspiracy, you can't honestly believe that the JFK murder wasn't. Not with all the evidence that some of us know. But the disinformation machine will keep going. The MSM loves to keep playing this game, because they were part of the JFK assassination coverup. Same thing with 9/11. Anyway, here's one of the things Posner got wrong in his "investigation" of Oswald. I wonder how many other things he got "wrong"? Now take a look at Bugliosi's past comments about the RFK assassination and now the JFK assassination. Did you enjoy the 30 silver pieces from the disinformation machine that you got for your latest book Vince? It really pathetic, because Bugliosi's overall work as an attorney and author is very good. But somebody got to him. The same way somebody got to Gary Mack. Listen to Mack in TMWKK from 1988. Listen to him now. It appears a LOT has changed. Maybe being the curator of the museum that depicts the sniper's nest at the TSBD might have something to do with it. Look at Mack's discussion with Wim awhile ago. Things have changed a little, huh, sort of like Larry Dunkel's name?

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:51 pm
by kenmurray
Bob, there has already been disinfo LNers like Von Pein who has blasted this article and praising Gary Mack. Speaking of Von Pein, he gave a glowing review of Bugliosi's book before it was published and sent to the book stores

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:59 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Bob, there has already been disinfo LNers like Von Pein who has blasted this article and praising Gary Mack. Speaking of Von Pein, he gave a glowing review of Bugliosi's book before it was published and sent to the book stores Von sounds like a real "Pein in the ass".

Re: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:24 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:This article needs to be sent out to friends, family and other forums. My dad and I watched another bullshit JFK assassination special yesterday on the History channel that I had seen a few times before. It was the debacle known as "The JFK Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy". I told my dad that it's the biggest crock of shit since the Warren Commission report. But that makes sense because this program supports the findings of the Warren Commission. A lot of the program centered on the character assassinations of Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone. They also mentioned that the "magic" bullet theory was viable (Dale Myers), but they NEVER mentioned that Jerry Ford had moved the JFK back wound up several inches. The program also said that David Ferrie died of natural causes. The show used Oswald's brother as a character witness against Lee, but he was bought off and/or threatened just like Marina Oswald was in my opinion. Just like this forum will attract disinformation agents from time to time, the MSM will also put out disinformation (Operation Mockingbird etc.) to keep the lies of those in power from becoming exposed. The History channel has put on some excellent programming from time to time regarding the JFK assassination, but this program was so blatantly bullshit, that one would have expected to see it on FOX News.I've posted this before, but every time I see another one of the bullshit JFK assassination specials on the History channel or Discovery, guess who always seems to be on there? Gerald Posner. The guy that thinks Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Now he also has Vincent Bugliosi thinking with him. That's funny, because I saw Bugliosi several years ago at one of his speaking engagements, and he professed then that the RFK assassination was a conspiracy. Certainly if you believe that the RFK murder was a conspiracy, you can't honestly believe that the JFK murder wasn't. Not with all the evidence that some of us know. But the disinformation machine will keep going. The MSM loves to keep playing this game, because they were part of the JFK assassination coverup. Same thing with 9/11. Anyway, here's one of the things Posner got wrong in his "investigation" of Oswald. I wonder how many other things he got "wrong"? Now take a look at Bugliosi's past comments about the RFK assassination and now the JFK assassination. Did you enjoy the 30 silver pieces from the disinformation machine that you got for your latest book Vince? It really pathetic, because Bugliosi's overall work as an attorney and author is very good. But somebody got to him. The same way somebody got to Gary Mack. Listen to Mack in TMWKK from 1988. Listen to him now. It appears a LOT has changed. Maybe being the curator of the museum that depicts the sniper's nest at the TSBD might have something to do with it. Look at Mack's discussion with Wim awhile ago. Things have changed a little, huh, sort of like Larry Dunkel's name?I'm with you, guys. In my opinion, Gary Mack (Larry Dunkel) and Posner, Bugliosi, Myers, et al, are being very UN-American. They're traitors. I believe I first heard Sara say that, and she's right on the money. Think of the mentality it takes to do what they do (put out bogus information and bogus documentaries/books). They would rather perpetuate lies and keep the public uninformed. I hope you're reading this, Gary Mack. If we all did our part to inform people, the world would be a different place because the public would be informed. Lies like the official 9/11 story wouldn't stand a chance. Things like the Iraq war wouldn't be going on, or at least not going on half as much. In an indirect way, Mack, Posner, Bugliosi, Myers, et al., have all contributed indirectly to lives being lost. They have indirectly contributed to the death of people. Selling out and participating in disinformation and lies only helps the bad guys and helps to continue to make this world the way it is. Either they know this and do it anyway, or they're too stupid or ignorant to realize that they're being duped too. I have a suspicion I know what it is for some of these disinformation people. They were probably convinced that they would be disinforming people for a GOOD reason...closure, keep the public faith, etc. The lies do none of that. The lies keep the general public ignorant of the facts, and therefore unable to see what it really going on. They help perpetuate the bad stuff, like the Iraq war and 9/11. Selling out for whatever reason makes them cowards and criminals too.