He was just a bloke

JFK Assassination
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He was just a bloke

Post by katisha »

JFK was just a bloke doing his job.Feel free to ignore me (or stick a virtual rocket up me ) if you think this is getting all girly and irrelevant, and that this kind of post doesn't belong in a serious forum about the JFK assassination.Just sometimes I reflect on the whole biz and think: WTH would John F Kennedy, a bloke who was just doing his job - the most important job in the world at that time - to the best of his considerable ability, think about all this palaver still going on 46 years after his death?Would he prefer to be remembered for his work rather than his death? His courageous stand (or was it a cowardly retreat; or a stupid cock-up?) over the Bay of Pigs. His tentative efforts towards conciliation with Kruschev and Castro. His plans to withdraw American troops from Vietnam*. His vision of world peace. His brave (and ultimately unsuccessful, I guess) battles against the 'internal enemy': Big Oil; the CIA; the tosspot Hoover; those mad, roaring, foaming-at-the-mouth, military advisors. His magnificent oratorical skills.Or would he want us to keep cracking on at it; trying to nail the bastards who did that unspeakably awful thing to a bloke who was just doing his job? *My father served in Vietnam in the late sixties. At the time it was just part of life: Australia was going "All the way with LBJ", and Dad was in the army, so of course he served his term over there. He died 10 years ago. I wish I'd taken the opportunity to ask him about his perceptions of the Vietnam War, and any memories of the Kennedy administration.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by neab »

He wasn't really just a bloke , being president of united states is a bit more than just a bloke.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Bob »

JFK tried to do stop what Eisenhower warned the country about...the Military Industrial Complex. He also fought against the CIA, the mob, the Federal Reserve/BIG banking and BIG oil. JFK was a bloke who pushed the envelope and pissed people off like Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bu$h, Hunt and Murchinson. He was also surrounded by traitors (see LBJ) in his own administration, much like Caesar was. JFK was a bloke with faults like all of us have, but he truly was a President for ALL the people, not just one for the rich and powerful, which seems to be a characteristic for recent Presidents.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

If JFK was just an average president, why would they want to kill him and then kill the patsy, and then kill scores of witnesses and have people decades later who are spooks who actively put out disinformation about his death? Going against the Federal Reserve and the CIA is no small thing. He FIRED the head of the CIA (Allan Dulles) and the second banana there (Charles Cabel), and he went directly against the Federal Reserve system by starting to print U.S. currency that was actually backed by silver. He didn't support the Bay of Pigs because the CIA and the military industrial complex was trying to make Cuba into another Vietnam.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by Pennyworth »

katisha wrote:JFK was just a bloke doing his job.Feel free to ignore me (or stick a virtual rocket up me ) if you think this is getting all girly and irrelevant, and that this kind of post doesn't belong in a serious forum about the JFK assassination.Just sometimes I reflect on the whole biz and think: WTH would John F Kennedy, a bloke who was just doing his job - the most important job in the world at that time - to the best of his considerable ability, think about all this palaver still going on 46 years after his death?Would he prefer to be remembered for his work rather than his death? His courageous stand (or was it a cowardly retreat; or a stupid cock-up?) over the Bay of Pigs. His tentative efforts towards conciliation with Kruschev and Castro. His plans to withdraw American troops from Vietnam*. His vision of world peace. His brave (and ultimately unsuccessful, I guess) battles against the 'internal enemy': Big Oil; the CIA; the tosspot Hoover; those mad, roaring, foaming-at-the-mouth, military advisors. His magnificent oratorical skills.Or would he want us to keep cracking on at it; trying to nail the bastards who did that unspeakably awful thing to a bloke who was just doing his job? *My father served in Vietnam in the late sixties. At the time it was just part of life: Australia was going "All the way with LBJ", and Dad was in the army, so of course he served his term over there. He died 10 years ago. I wish I'd taken the opportunity to ask him about his perceptions of the Vietnam War, and any memories of the Kennedy administration. Hi Katy ,Tell sara to check her pm. I am going to send her something
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by ChristophMessner »

katisha wrote:JFK was just a bloke doing his job.... would he want us to keep cracking on at it; trying to nail the bastards who did that unspeakably awful thing to a bloke who was just doing his job? I think, JFK would want us to keep cracking on at it even more vigurously, so that we finally nail the bastards who did that unspeakably awful thing to a bloke who was just doing more than his job. JFK's murder is a memory monument to all of us: are we really doing enough in our lives, if we would only do our job? The guardians in the concentration camps just did their jobs, too, didn't they?
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by saracarter766 »

i cannot believe this paul pennyworth is treating katisha with respect and being all nice to her but when it comes to me he always feels the need to attack and accuse me of stupid ignorant bs this is discrimination at it's worst i have tried and tried and tried to convince him i've tried being kind and respectful to him i feel all of that was done in vain i have protested and proclaimed my innocence and yet mr pennyworth cannot let things die i have had enough with him and his paranoia i can't it anymore. and christopher i sure do miss talking to ya buddy o miss you alot.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by ChristophMessner »

Sara, I just started to miss you, too. But you could just not open Paul's PMs, if you don't like to read it. You both should just utter JFK-related things here. What do you think, Sara, Paul, would JFK want us to still try to solve his case? Chris
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by saracarter766 »

that is a definate yes christopher. i have tried to convince him and i just give up nothing is ever gonna change with him he just won't let it die. i have fought,have stood my ground,and try to be nice to a person i am so discouraged about this and i feel very sad and hurt when i feel everything i have tried to do was all in vain. you would think he would've gotten the message by now and by the way i have protested and proclaimed my innocence but he has'nt and i just give up i have no more hope. this whole with him has taken the fight right out of me and i just give up i just don't have it in me to fight anymore i just flat out give up. and at any rate paul pennyworth is the creepiest one person i have ever come acrossed i do not know what his obcession is with harassing me but he is one creepy S.O.B and that is all i'm saying about him. so so so sorry for this rant and for being off topic but yes i definately agree with what you just said.
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Re: He was just a bloke

Post by turtleman »

Geez Sara, quit your incessant "poor Sara" whining. You never have anything worth a damn to say. You can't spell, punctuate, or structure a sentence that resembles anything north of a second grader. If Paul is beating you up so bad put it up for all to see and we'll see how badly you are being abused.