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Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:08 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
I'm not exactly a fan of Rosie O'Donnel, but I don't dislike her either. I just don't really watch talk shows except for Letterman and Conan O'Brien. I guess if Rosie was on late night TV I'd probably watch her.Anyway, I can't help but wonder if this is why her career seemingly took a dive. In this video, she is essentially speaking out about 9/11. In the video she is interviewing William Rodriguez. He's is one of the last people, if not THE LAST PERSON, to exit the World Trade Center after saving dozens of lives by going back into the building. He and others have consistently told authorities that BEFORE the first plane hit, an explosion was felt BELOW the first floor...which is indicative of pre-collapse explosives that are commonly used in controlled demolitions to clear out the basement of a building. It's like pre-collapse weakening of the structure. Here is Rosie O'Donnel endorsing him and asking, at the end of the video clip, for any of the major networks to interview him and tell his story.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:04 am
by turtleman
She sure fell off the radar. It would make one think that if you go there you are done. It appears network execs are bought and paid for. So there is an appearance of corruption in our media. Ya think? And imagine what we don't know. Very sad indeed.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:34 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
turtleman wrote:She sure fell off the radar. It would make one think that if you go there you are done. It appears network execs are bought and paid for. So there is an appearance of corruption in our media. Ya think? And imagine what we don't know. Very sad indeed.Exactly my thoughts. I don't even watch Rosie O'Donnel, but I did notice her going off the radar. Then I found this information about her questioning 9/11. It SO makes suicide if they question.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:12 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Apparently Rosie O'Donnel has been at it for a while about 9/11. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if this is the reason why she's not quite so popular on TV anymore. ... llrant.htm

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:41 pm
by Bob
I heard Jim Marrs talking about 9/11 and he was saying it is a "given" in the MSM to NOT to talk about the events and WHY they happened and WHAT actually happened. Look at Bill Maher on HBO. Even he won't talk about it. He has even had 9/11 protesters in his audience, but he stays away from the subject with a 10 foot pole. Lots of "journalists" and entertainers know what REALLY happened on 9/11, but they know if they speak out, that it will be an end to their careers. That tells you how much the power elite run the MSM and the "news" that is told to the sheeple.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:22 pm
by ThomZajac
I gave in to my weaker side a few years ago and got a TV for the second time in the past 25 years. (Each time the 'experiment lasted a little over a year before I realized that I was an addict, and that- except for a few occasions- I did not enjoy it at all, and that my self esteem suffered greatly, but I digress-)Anyway, i couldn't stop myself at times from watching the O'Reilly Factor, and this was during the time that O'Donnell was on that Barbara Walters girly show (can't remember the name). Rosie was talking a lot about 9/11, and so were Martin Sheen and a few others, and Bill Nut Job was just going absolutely bonkers over it. Time and time again he'd repeat the following mantra with unwavering conviction: "Americans do not kill Americans." Well, I think native Americans might take issue with that. And black Americans might be able to conjure up a little history on that too. And then there's the fact that the US kills more of its own through the use of guns than any place else in the world. And Americans certainly have no problems sending Americans to DIE in far-off places such as Viet Nam and Iraq. And let us not forget the murders of JFK, MLK Jr,. RFK and many, many others.But that's BEFORE you get to what he was really referring to, which is the notion that American leadership is not so evil as to kill innocent Americans in order to further a larger agenda. Why is he so sure of this? Well, I'm not sure he is. But he knows what his job is, that is certain. And I think he's appealing to those who embrace American patriotism as religion: "No need to really look at the facts, WE KNOW AMERICA WOULD NEVER EVEN CONTEMPLATE SUCH A PREPOSTEROUS THING! And anyone who dares utter such nonsense is doing a great disservice to this country. It's an outrage!"I am so glad I don't torture myself by listening to him anymore.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:07 pm
by Bob
Bill O'Reilly was once a pretty good reporter, when he, like Gary Mack, Vincent Bugliosi and others, sold his soul for fame, fortune and a ride on the disinformation machine. Look at this...

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:30 pm
by tom jeffers ... 590918here is the last interview with aaron russo, a true american hero.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:27 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ThomZajac wrote:I gave in to my weaker side a few years ago and got a TV for the second time in the past 25 years. (Each time the 'experiment lasted a little over a year before I realized that I was an addict, and that- except for a few occasions- I did not enjoy it at all, and that my self esteem suffered greatly, but I digress-)Anyway, i couldn't stop myself at times from watching the O'Reilly Factor, and this was during the time that O'Donnell was on that Barbara Walters girly show (can't remember the name). Rosie was talking a lot about 9/11, and so were Martin Sheen and a few others, and Bill Nut Job was just going absolutely bonkers over it. Time and time again he'd repeat the following mantra with unwavering conviction: "Americans do not kill Americans." Well, I think native Americans might take issue with that. And black Americans might be able to conjure up a little history on that too. And then there's the fact that the US kills more of its own through the use of guns than any place else in the world. And Americans certainly have no problems sending Americans to DIE in far-off places such as Viet Nam and Iraq. And let us not forget the murders of JFK, MLK Jr,. RFK and many, many others.But that's BEFORE you get to what he was really referring to, which is the notion that American leadership is not so evil as to kill innocent Americans in order to further a larger agenda. Why is he so sure of this? Well, I'm not sure he is. But he knows what his job is, that is certain. And I think he's appealing to those who embrace American patriotism as religion: "No need to really look at the facts, WE KNOW AMERICA WOULD NEVER EVEN CONTEMPLATE SUCH A PREPOSTEROUS THING! And anyone who dares utter such nonsense is doing a great disservice to this country. It's an outrage!"I am so glad I don't torture myself by listening to him anymore. Amen.Right on. I'm convinced that Chris Mathews is an ass-kissing ass.

Re: Did speaking out about 9/11 affect Rosie O'Donnel's career?

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:34 am
by Bob
All of the people like Matthews in the MSM have an agenda, especially those on Fox News. People like O'Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. But Lou Dobbs has his agenda on CNN. As does Matthews and Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. I think Olbermann is the closest thing to the truth, but even Keith says things that trouble me or has on guests that trouble me. You have to leave the MSM to find real truth. In places like Alex Jones or sites like this one. Almost everyone on the list above makes at least 6 figures in terms of compensation. That is a lot of money and comfort to help hide the truth and to help continue the lies.