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Saul's confession?

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 11:42 am
by Kevin Staffen
Hello there just became a member of this forum..and I have 2 questions.

I've read the thread on the "Saul confession" and I instantly thought about Jim Garrisson's book ''On the trail of the assassins : my investigation and prosecution of the murder of President Kennedy''.

In the book there were a couple of witnesses who claimed that they saw 2 men in the TSBD windows.One with a bold spot on the top of his head,alongside with a guy who had a Latin appearance.
Could the one with the bold spot be ''Saul'' (Look at the bold spot on top of his head at the Saul 5 pic about the Mexico City LHO),and that the other one is the cuban gangster which i've read about in another thread??

Or am I just a real nitwit haha

Second Question:

Robert Groden would reveal the hiding place of the brains of JFK in his new book,does anyone know if there's more info on the whereabouts of the brains??And when's the book being published??

hope you guys can help me.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 12:27 pm
by john geraghty
Hi kevin,
Yours is a valid question. I finished reading Hugh McDonalds 'Appointment in Dallas' and found some of it to be convincing, apart from 'Saul's dexcription of the assassination and that he shot Kennedy in the head from behind.

I think we are of like minds. I am beginning to think Saul may have played a part, but alas this is only a hunch. some reports say that this 'Saul' was actually mario tauler Sague, a Bay of Pigs mercenary type.
They could be two seperate people.

Go to and look at the forum. In the top right hand corner do a forum search, the search only allows you to use one word when searching, so just type in 'Saugue' or 'Saul' and you will see quite a few interesting threads.

someone told me via email, i don't know who the person was that the Kennedy family was in possession of the brain and that it was at hyannisport. I await a reply from this person asking where they read this.

I hope this helps,

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:44 pm
by Kevin Staffen
Thanx for your help John,

but what I don't understand is if ''Saul'' really existed and participated that day,why didn't anyone investigate that matter and no-one ever found him..That sounds very strange to me,and did anyone ever heard something about the cuban gangster who was also seen at the TSBD at that day according to eye witnesses.

It souds very strange to me that several witnesses saw 2 men in the TSBD that day,and until this day no-one exactly knows who those 2 men are,they couldn't just have been made up could they??

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:23 am
by dankbaar
Kevin Staffen wrote:It souds very strange to me that several witnesses saw 2 men in the TSBD that day,and until this day no-one exactly knows who those 2 men are,they couldn't just have been made up could they??

My candidates are Richard Cain and David Morales


Re: Saul's confession?

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:42 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.15.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.16.2006 - Mr. Kevin Staffen Posted this intriguing Headline.A few interesting facts, opinions, and references were raised in this all too short discussion.Has anybody done any additional analysis, interviewing, investigating,reading, research, study, or writing on any points contained herein ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Saul's confession?

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:18 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
My guess is the dark complexion guy was David Morales .