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Robert Groden

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:56 am
by Bob
Just a heads up for everyone wondering about Robert Groden's new book and when it will come out. Robert told me that he is hoping the book will be out by October. I can't wait! Also, as I mentioned in another thread, Robert also sees some similar features to David Atlee Phillips to the man in the Lee Harvey Oswald press conference photo. Here is what Robert said..."You may be right. There is a remarkable likeness especially the area of the eyebrows and the nose. It is very hard to tell for sure, but the possibility is certainly there." Robert also said that although it looks like Phillips, he would not state that is WAS Phillips, only that it might be him. That is enough for me to continue this investigation. Wayne Madsen also thinks the man in the photo IS Phillips.

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:12 pm
by kenmurray
If some of you didn't hear Robert Groden on Black OP Radio this past thursday, here is the archived show:

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:46 am
by kenmurray
Sonia Sotomayor while a Federal District Judge:

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:00 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Sonia Sotomayor while a Federal District Judge: there any honest and ethical judges around anymore? To be honest, I don't care for most of the Supreme Court Justices, but to me...without a doubt...the WORST is Antonin Scalia. What a pompous ass he is. He helped bring us Dumbya Bu$h as President in 2000 thanks to the Supreme Court's meddling into the Florida recount. He should have recused himself in any judgement as he had TWO sons working for the Bu$h legal team. Clarence Thomas' wife was also part of the Bu$h transition team, and he didn't recuse himself either.Bu$h won the Supreme Court Ruling by a 5-4 vote!

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:48 pm
by dankbaar
----- Original Message ----- From: Robert Groden To: Wim Dankbaar Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 5:18 AMSubject: Re: Hi Bob, how are you?Wim Dankbaar wrote: Any progress on your new book?It has been proof read and the corrections have been made.Next is a production review and then indexing and photo crediting.RGWimPS: ... =1352Death in Washington is an unknown gem. Do you know it?

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:14 pm
by mark ferguson
Bob,I think you have a legitimate question about ethical judges. I would take that a step further to this foolish bunch of congressmen and senators who are trashing our constitution daily. Being from Tennessee, the reason Al Gore lost in 2000 is he lost his home state. Florida would have been a non issue if he takes care of home base. He is one of the only candidates in US history to not carry his home state. Thanks for all your insight and information.Mark

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:42 am
by ChristophMessner
Unfortunately while courageous independant authors enlighten and solve the political murders of the past, the next generation of political murders is prepared or even done all over the world.

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:12 pm
by Bob
First off, there is NO doubt that all three components of the United States are tainted...executive, legislative and judicial. Plus, the "4th estate" in bed with the bad guys and couldn't grow a nut for a squirrel overall as a group. That's why we have to use the freedom we currently have via the "internets" and keep passing the word and educating as many people as we can. The bastards that killed JFK never figured there would be something like the internet. They figured that if they kept power within the government, the judicial system and the MSM, that ALL would be well. But some brave journalists and some folks on the internet (like us) have changed that (plus a FEW politicians), and that is why the disinformation machine is so apparent with evil servants like Fox News, the JFK assassination specials on Discovery, the 6th Floor Museum run by Larry Mack and folks like John McAdams and others of his ilk on the net. All we can do is keep reaching out to more and more people and hope they do the same. Personally, that approach has worked for me. Hopefully, at some point, we will have politicians and judges that are really ethical and patriotic in the real sense, and things will really change. That goes for the MSM as well. All I know, is I won't stop trying to get out the message.

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:02 am
by scottjfkmad
I look forward to reading Robert Grodens new book, he was one of the first people I started to take notice of when getting involved in the assassination research….It should make good reading

Re: Robert Groden

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:35 pm
by kenmurray
scottjfkmad wrote:I look forward to reading Robert Grodens new book, he was one of the first people I started to take notice of when getting involved in the assassination research….It should make good readingIf I'm not mistaken, Groden said that his new book will have over 900 plus photographs in his new book. Looking forward to it as well.