Why isn't this getting out???

JFK Assassination
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Why isn't this getting out???

Post by dankbaar »

Regularly I receive emails like below. I thought this one was nice to put on the forum. Why isn't this getting out???I find this website absolutely amazing with its investigations and facts. I was born in 1969, well after the assassination, but I have never believed a word of the Warren Commission Report. I also wondered why Reagan/Bush got off so easily with the Iran/Contra deal. This site ties it all together all the way back past the Bay of Pigs and I have no doubt that these are the facts. My question is this, why is this not more widely reported to the public and pushed??? Why wasn’t all of this stuff put out there BEFORE Bush jr. took us to war under yet another lie and how did he even get into power without any of this coming out in the public during his campaign? I have many other questions, but most importantly I want to help any way I can to get this out in the more mainstream media. I read Sam Giancana’s book years ago and had no reason to believe it was fabricated. This fills in all of the gaps and them some. I was going to try and forward the site to CNN, FOXNews, or whoever, but it would go on deaf ears from me. How can I help to get this into the mainstream? I have hated the Bush’s since Iran/Contra. Now even more knowing that my gut feeling of their corruption was justified.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

We're trying, Wim.I know that Bob and others here, including myself, have written to Discovery Channel about their newest installment of that disinformation piece "Inside the Target Car."We've written others too.I think the reason it's not getting out like it should is because of corporate control of the media and their interests in keeping this stuff under the carpet. They're serving their cronies well by ignoring this stuff.Why else would History Channel or whoever owns the rights to The Men Who Killed Kennedy leave out the last three parts, parts 7-9? They are basically the best parts or the most incriminating. I actually have a copy of TMWKK, and I thought it was a complete copy. You can't even buy a complete copy on-line. Why?They don't want the public being informed.The only other way that I can see to get this out is to put it out there on the internet like we've been doing. Facts are facts, and the truth is on our side.
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by kenmurray »

I have posted this before but here is the link that Pasquale mentioned about the next Discovery Channel documentary coming in the future. Please voice your opinion: http://www.ctka.net/alerts.html
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Bob »

Pasquale summed it up very well. The MSM is in bed with the power elite that REALLY run the United States, and for that matter, the world. Just consider two things...Prescott Bu$h was one of the original founders of CBS news. No network tried to kiss up to the Warren Report more than they did. Plus, you have Operation Mockingbird, when Prescott's good friend CIA director Allen Dulles, put CIA operatives into the MSM. There are many examples of this...but an obvious one is Bob Woodward, of All the President's Men fame. Woodward was in Naval intelligence and somehow found a position with the Washington Post with no real resume and then became a Watergate reporter. Ironically, Woodward's partner for the book, Carl Bernstein wrote an article in Rolling Stone magazine in the late 70's talking about Operation Mockingbird. It was almost like he had inside knowledge. Bottom line, when events like the JFK assassination, 9/11 and anything that is negative about the Bu$h family happen, stooges in the news look away, and talk about ANYTHING else. That is what they do, as journalism has no real backbone anymore. That's why we have to use the internet to get out the truth...while we still have the chance.
tom jeffers
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by tom jeffers »

my wife often asks me "what are you going to do about it?" (referring to the 800 lb gorilla in the room) I have often thought to myself that I wished I had not opened that door. once you do there is no going back. it's ike losing your virginity. I have often wondered about guys like gary mack who start out as credible investigative journalists and the switch back. do they do so for their own sanity? what can i do? write a book...wim has done that and ask him how many copies he sold. part of the reason i have been a little absent lately is because my wife has made it an issue as to how much time i spend on the jfk/nwo/911 subject. there is no separation... they are all tied together. you cannot bite into one without uncovering the other. Later in the evening as you lie awake in bed,With the echo from the amplifiers ringing in your head,You smoke the days last cigarette, remembering what she said.sorry guys, got a little carried away.I know that there is a financial plunge that is going to happen this fall. I know the dollar is doomed. I suspect there are viruses and chemtrails being injected, inspected and deflected oops here i go again. you know what i mean. my wife has almost $100 k in a 401 k that will go bust. my government is no longer a democratic republic, it is socialistic and fascist. what can i do?
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Bob »

Nice rant Tom for many reasons...but it is also a truthful rant. I heard similar words from a guy in the know in March of 2008, who told me of the impending economic issues that the U.S. would face in the fall of 2008. You know what? It happened. We aren't out of this hole yet...in fact.. the hole might get deeper.
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Pennyworth »

tom jeffers wrote:my wife often asks me "what are you going to do about it?" (referring to the 800 lb gorilla in the room) I have often thought to myself that I wished I had not opened that door. once you do there is no going back. it's ike losing your virginity. I have often wondered about guys like gary mack who start out as credible investigative journalists and the switch back. do they do so for their own sanity? what can i do? write a book...wim has done that and ask him how many copies he sold. part of the reason i have been a little absent lately is because my wife has made it an issue as to how much time i spend on the jfk/nwo/911 subject. there is no separation... they are all tied together. you cannot bite into one without uncovering the other. Later in the evening as you lie awake in bed,With the echo from the amplifiers ringing in your head,You smoke the days last cigarette, remembering what she said.sorry guys, got a little carried away.I know that there is a financial plunge that is going to happen this fall. I know the dollar is doomed. I suspect there are viruses and chemtrails being injected, inspected and deflected oops here i go again. you know what i mean. my wife has almost $100 k in a 401 k that will go bust. my government is no longer a democratic republic, it is socialistic and fascist. what can i do?Think of converting some paper to precious metals....you can probably buy some silver and gold from one of our members who no doubt has an abundance...don't ask how I know but I do but being a greedy horder to the end I don't know if he is willing to sell
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Jsnow915 »

I totally agree Tom...I know I've raised this issue before...its a rude awakening to know that this is all in the name of greed...this isn't what I was taught in school...and like you said,this all ties together...what can I do,cover my own ass?...with what?...I don't have the money like the big boys do...I always think back to something I was taught in sunday school...the meek shall inherit the earth...now I'm hoping religion wasn't something that was made up to keep the masses in line...other wise I'm being good for nothing!...lol...(no jokes about being good for nothing)
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by turtleman »

Tom's rant sums it up with an economy of verbage. But it is so true. I have been somewhat resigned as of late after seeing Obama not doing any significant muscle flexing. It is obvious he is finding out what he is up against. The way our socio-economic structure has respositioned there will be more shoes to drop sooner rather than later and I do not see us avoiding some drastic changes. I really enjoyed the Greer presentation in Spain and will forward the link to anyone I come across. If I was Greer I would have a healthy life insurance policy. He is really putting himself out there. Tom is spot on when he remarked that you cannot open one door without opening up the whole can of worms. Although they have been somewhat sloppy about coverup the power elite have snuffed and quelled their way along for 5 plus decades now. If our apathetic asses could rise up and demand real change we might get the ship righted. But look at the health care battle going on. They have $$$, resources, and are the toughest kid on the block. They will stop at nothing to keep the status quo. If they can get the "Internets" censored and employ some of the Bush era "national security" policies they could lock us all up. It's hard to be an optimist the way things have ramped up. Talk me down Bob!
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Re: Why isn't this getting out???

Post by Bob »

turtleman wrote:Tom's rant sums it up with an economy of verbage. But it is so true. I have been somewhat resigned as of late after seeing Obama not doing any significant muscle flexing. It is obvious he is finding out what he is up against. The way our socio-economic structure has respositioned there will be more shoes to drop sooner rather than later and I do not see us avoiding some drastic changes. I really enjoyed the Greer presentation in Spain and will forward the link to anyone I come across. If I was Greer I would have a healthy life insurance policy. He is really putting himself out there. Tom is spot on when he remarked that you cannot open one door without opening up the whole can of worms. Although they have been somewhat sloppy about coverup the power elite have snuffed and quelled their way along for 5 plus decades now. If our apathetic asses could rise up and demand real change we might get the ship righted. But look at the health care battle going on. They have $$$, resources, and are the toughest kid on the block. They will stop at nothing to keep the status quo. If they can get the "Internets" censored and employ some of the Bush era "national security" policies they could lock us all up. It's hard to be an optimist the way things have ramped up. Talk me down Bob!I can't really talk you down my friend, because basically you are spot on. The healthcare battle is DEPRESSING! Both parties are bought and paid for. But alas, I will always be a partly sunny guy...a glass half full guy...and I'm not about to change now. Stay positive and just pass the word like you are. That is helping to win this war. At least until they control the "internets" too.