Tippet & Kennedy body's switched???

JFK Assassination
Kevin Staffen
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Tippet & Kennedy body's switched???

Post by Kevin Staffen »

Hi guys,I just read this on the internet about tippet,did anyone knew about this?

Meanwhile, across town: Events across town in Cliff Park 40 minutes after the Kennedy ambush may provide valuable scientific clues. The first reports described Tippet's killer resembling Jack Ruby. The sole "reliable" witness later became unclear, then finally settled on Oswald months later, after beaten almost to death by unknown assailants. It does not really matter at this point which one of them killed Tippet. What matters is that Tippet looked so much like the President that people often commented about it. Fellow policeman would often kid him about it, calling him "Mister President".
The devil is in the details: Tippet was killed 40 minutes after the President and taken to the same hospital, with a bullet wound to his head being the cause of death. Eerily enough, Tippet's wounds were identical to those reported by the JFK autopsy. Tippet was buried the following day in Dallas in a closed casket. The burial occurred less than 20 hours after he was killed. He remains the only Texas peace officer shot on duty who was ever buried without an autopsy.
"It's not him": An examination of photos of Tippet and Kennedy shows the remarkable resemblance. Could he have been murdered so that his body could be used for x-rays and other forensics available at the time? Was J.D. Tippet ultimately buried at Arlington Cemetery?
As shocking as this may seem, consider the words of Senator Robert F. Kennedy as he viewed the body in the open casket. William Manchester reports that as RFK looked at his "brother" for the last time, he said: "It doesn't look like him at all". Manchester's news story continues, "His eyes full, the Attorney General turned to Bill Walton and whispered, 'Please look, I want to know what you think.' Walton looked as long as he could, with a growing sense of outrage. He said to Bob, 'You mustn't keep it open. It has no resemblance to the President.'" Arthur Schlesinger said: "It is appalling,...At first glance it seemed all right, but I am nearsighted. When I came closer it looked less and less like him." And Jackie said "That's not my husband. It's not Jack", and turned away sobbing. These people knew the President well.

Photo number 1 shows JD Tippet. Photo #2 is an official autopsy photo from the Warren Commission files. The final picture is President Kennedy, riding down Rice Ave. in Houston the day before his killing.
Standard 5 line profile: The length and geometric angles of the five lines used on all three photos are identical. In the first photo, lines were drawn from the ear center to the corner of the eye, tip of the nose, upper lip, and point of the chin. A fifth line from tip of nose to tip of chin was added. The same grid was placed over the second two photos. It matches closely photo number two, but fails to work on number three. This is because Tippet's chin was not as prominent as JFK's. (Also, notice the significant difference in the earlobes between #2 and #3. That just can't be Kennedy's ear.)
The computer agrees. The top photo (Tippet) is a 96.875 match for the autopsy photo. Kennedy (#3) is excluded, meaning that there is no possible way it could be him.Conclusions: Thus, even if the dead man is not JD Tippet, it is not President Kennedy. The newest science being deployed by the US Government has now proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the man whose body was photographed at Bethesda Naval Hospital for the Warren Commission was not President Kennedy.

Photo nr 1(Tippet)
Photo nr 2(Autopsy photo ''JFK'')
Photo nr 3(JFK)

Any comments on this matter??
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Post by dankbaar »

Any comments on this matter?


Yes, it's BS.

Could we please not waste time on this here?

john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

This stuff was put forward by R.D. Morningstar, it is complete tripe, don't waste any time on it, its about as ridiculous as the greer did it theory.
All the best,
Kevin Staffen
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Post by Kevin Staffen »

Sorry that I wasted your time mr Dankbaar,the only problem is that your main site isn't available due to maintenance,so I just asked the question if anyone could tell me a bit more about this matter,so I can get a better image of the whole JFK thing in my mind.

I don't see it as a waste of time,because I didn't knew anything about this article..If i knew that is was complete BS and I was writing that this stuff was 100% true according to me,then it would be a waste of time.
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Post by dankbaar »

Sorry Kevin, didn't mean to be rude.

But I think you can also conclude for yourself, that this is all really too far fetched.

I would like to spend time on the real issues. This issue is not discussed on my website, neither is the issue that Greer shot JFK.

Kevin Staffen
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Post by Kevin Staffen »

Mr Dankbaar,

I know you don't want to be rude and nor was my intention to waste your time,I know the story is very farfetched,but it was the very first time that I read this story,I never read it in any of the books I've read so I just wanted to know if anything in the produced story is true.

Because I'm just a student it's very tough to buy any books on the JFK matter,and I live in Amsterdam,and the public library only had a couple of books(jim garrison,jim bishop,William Manchester,David E Scheim)

Could you tell me which books are reliable books to read,because they even have a book which says that the mortal shot was fired by his own bodyguard..written by Bonar Menninger
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Post by Bob »

I agree that the Tippit/Kennedy body switching theory is not credible. However, Tippit wasn't just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I know Jimmy Files says that Tippit's killer was really looking to get Oswald and Tippit was the unfortunate victim. I still think there is room for more speculation here. Some witnesses saw two people at the Tippit murder scene. One of the two suspects was heavy set and resembled Jack Ruby. Also, Tippit was part of the Chicago connection to the JFK murder. Others with Chicago connections include Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Chuck Nicoletti, Jack Ruby, Roscoe White, Richard Cain and James Files.
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Post by dankbaar »

Kevin Staffen wrote:Mr Dankbaar,I know you don't want to be rude and nor was my intention to waste your time,I know the story is very farfetched,but it was the very first time that I read this story,I never read it in any of the books I've read so I just wanted to know if anything in the produced story is true. Because I'm just a student it's very tough to buy any books on the JFK matter,and I live in Amsterdam,and the public library only had a couple of books(jim garrison,jim bishop,William Manchester,David E Scheim)Could you tell me which books are reliable books to read,because they even have a book which says that the mortal shot was fired by his own bodyguard..written by Bonar Menninger

There is a lot of drivel, yes.

I did not read books of Jim Bishop and William Manchestors. So I can't have an opinion. The rest of the authors I can recommend. Add Gaeton Fonzi, Anthony Summers, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Walt Brown, John Davis, Peter Dale Scott, Fabian Escalante. No doubt this list is not complete. The last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi is my favourite. Avoid Dale Meyers, Edward Epstein, Gerald Posner, Gus Russo, Mel Ayton, unless you want to know how disinformation works.

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Hi M8

Post by bobwc »

Never stop asking questions. That is the key to wisdom. Welcome to the Forum and keep posting.
A good place for books is of course, Amazon.com. You can also buy used copies there at a great saving. Also check out this site: http://lasthurrahbookshop.com/

Also, as I am not that frequent a visitor to Adam, I do know that there is a huge bookstore there. It sells old and new books. It looks to have 3 or 4 floors to it. Maybe you can check it out.

Again, welcome to the Forum.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Tippet & Kennedy body's switched???

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.12.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.18.2006 - Mr. Kevin Staffen Posted this attention grabbing Headline.A short discussion followed that covered some interesting thought patterns.Some interesting facts, information, and reports were referenced that manyare not aware of today.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of the above subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.