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Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:49 pm
by steve manning
I was just wondering why or how James Files or even Lee Oswald were not included to be part of the "Abort Team?" Just because Rosselli was apparently scared to "go against the orders," doesn't mean it was genuine. Files and Oswald were probably in touch with the CIA that week; namely with David Phillips. Was the Abort Team real or phony? If it was phony, why did Rosselli back off? FYI: The link below is a great article I just found about the "Abort Team," something David Ferry told Judyth

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:22 pm
by ThomZajac
I'm glad you brought it up, Steve. The abort element of the assassination just doesn't ring true with me for many reasons; could the Tosh Plumlee team have possibly been more inept? I can believe that Plumlee is being truthful, but I think he was likely fed a bunch of lies- a cover story of some kind. As far as the story Files tells about Roselli, I just don't know.I do think it is a very interesting subject though, and I'm eager to see what this forum comes up with.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:38 pm
by ChristophMessner
Normally you would expect that as few as possible people get to know the real plotters and the real assassinators. But with Milteer, Conein, Hemmings, Bosch, Witt, apron man, firestairs man, Lansdale, Roselli, 3 tramps, Oswald imposters, rambler drivers, Sturgis, Alderisio, Diaz, McCain, Braden, ... on place in Dealey Plaza, it seems that the 22/11/63-Dallas-operation was a big loyalty test inside of the CIA. Separating the wheat from the chaff. So I think it's possible that many more CIA-connected people were called in and had to be present there. Actually, if the limo would have had a bubble top on while raining, it would have been a no-go and all those hitteams and helpers would have just gone away and waited for the next order for the next place.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:55 pm
by Bob
Yes...the abort team situation is certainly a cloudy one. Do I think there was actually an abort team? Yes...from what I understand that is standard in black ops. Bottom line, I think the actual assassination was a cluster----, except for the real result (the murder of JFK). If not for the government cover up and the MSM, there were several mistakes made that day that were very apparent and have come out since then. But as Chris said, there were several people involved in the operation that day, and most knew only their assignments and no one elses. Jimmy Files said that it was a CIA convention that day in Dealey Plaza. There were bound to be mistakes that day, especially with the number of people involved. Also, Ed Lansdale was making the rounds to make sure everyone was ready, based on what Jimmy said.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:38 am
by neab
Looking at the pictures I don't see lots of people, files listed of alot of names in his confession ,where are they in the photos? Does anyone have any evidence they were there apart from his word. I don't wanna cause a ruckus, but seems alot of threads being brought up bring confusion/discrepancy with files' confession. As to the abort team, maybe they wanted it to seem like they were pulling out, so that the CIA or whatever , would think someone else was in on the actual assassination. I'm just speculating, makes more sense that noyone actually knows he did pesci says in the film " even the shooters dont know " lol. I reckon even the people calling the abort team there knew it was going ahead, i think i recall tosh saying somewhere that everyone was lazy or slacking? Not in positions or quick enough? I dunno, but it didn't seem like they REALLY wanted to call it off imo.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:39 pm
by Bob
neab wrote:Looking at the pictures I don't see lots of people, files listed of alot of names in his confession ,where are they in the photos? Does anyone have any evidence they were there apart from his word. I don't wanna cause a ruckus, but seems alot of threads being brought up bring confusion/discrepancy with files' confession. As to the abort team, maybe they wanted it to seem like they were pulling out, so that the CIA or whatever , would think someone else was in on the actual assassination. I'm just speculating, makes more sense that noyone actually knows he did pesci says in the film " even the shooters dont know " lol. I reckon even the people calling the abort team there knew it was going ahead, i think i recall tosh saying somewhere that everyone was lazy or slacking? Not in positions or quick enough? I dunno, but it didn't seem like they REALLY wanted to call it off imo.Neab...I have posted photos of people that I certainly believe were folks like Orlando Bosch and E. Howard Hunt in Dealey Plaza. Plus, you have the testimony of many other people that were in the know in terms of CIA presence in Dealey Plaza.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:03 pm
by ThomZajac
Houston Street was particularly rich with shady characters.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:09 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
neab wrote:Looking at the pictures I don't see lots of people, files listed of alot of names in his confession ,where are they in the photos? Does anyone have any evidence they were there apart from his word. I don't wanna cause a ruckus, but seems alot of threads being brought up bring confusion/discrepancy with files' confession. As to the abort team, maybe they wanted it to seem like they were pulling out, so that the CIA or whatever , would think someone else was in on the actual assassination. I'm just speculating, makes more sense that noyone actually knows he did pesci says in the film " even the shooters dont know " lol. I reckon even the people calling the abort team there knew it was going ahead, i think i recall tosh saying somewhere that everyone was lazy or slacking? Not in positions or quick enough? I dunno, but it didn't seem like they REALLY wanted to call it off imo.Here's the picture comparison of the dark-skinned man next to "umbrella man." He resembles Bosch very closely. Look at the shap of the head, the skin-tone, the glasses. Files said he was there, and this guy looks just like him.In the picture below, the one on the left is "umbrella man's" companion, and the two next to it are Bosch. The man next to Umbrella Man even has thick rimmed glasses like Bosch wore.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:57 pm
by neab
yeah , I see resemblance for sure there.

Re: Abort Team or Abort Tease?

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:20 pm
by kenmurray
neab wrote:yeah , I see resemblance for sure there.Neab, no doubt in my mind that it is Bosch. Look at the resume of this career terrorist: